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Everything posted by bra

  1. I got a couple of quotes! Here they are too! The first quote is my favorite one... "Never under estemate the power of stupid people in large groups..." The second one is kinda cool... "Wise men say... Forgiveness is devine... But never pay full price for a late pizza!!!!" That is all I can think of for right now... I'll get back with you guys with more of these words of the wise later. Cya! :laugh: :devil: :rolleyes: :eek: :cool: :D :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  2. Do you belive that what you did was honourable?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Shut up wimp. You can live your life being tortured by stupid skateboarders that listen to insane clown posse and swear that cops are evil, or you can take care of the problem and discipline them to make up for their parents failure. [/B][/QUOTE] You can just KISS MY ***!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM SO YOU SHOULDN'T BE TELLING ME THAT I'M THE WIMP! The way I see it is you like picking on peolpe smaller than you are so I just say... There will come your time, when you stand up to the BIG MANH!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]heh, while it's a bit funny when only hearing about it (mean me and all), it probably wasn't the best thing to do. I'm sure you could've thought up something equally as nasty but not as violent instead. police are not fun people to deal with. neither are biased parents who think their children are absolute angels.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE/] Exactly my point... people need to think before they act otherwise they whind up getting in MORE trouble.
  5. Maybe YOU should shut your mouth Magdalena, before someone does the same thing Harry did to those kids to YOU!
  6. Quite frankly, You shouldn't threaten people like that and believe me If you are older than eighteen, then you could get put in prison for that. If beating on kids smaller than you are is a way to make you feel good about yourself then you have some issues that you need worked out!!
  7. If you ask me, I only think of them as REALLY good friends. I will name off my list now. G/S/B Master JCBaggee Dark_Apocalyps Outlaw vegeta rocker Circeus and GotenksSSJ343 That is all for now there may be more to come very soon!!! :D
  8. Well if you take it from me, just say what you feel and all that fun stuff. If your friend feels the same way, that's great! If he doesn't, well, at least you got it off your mind. It's better to let it out then bottle it all up inside of you. If you do that then there will be some consequences later on. Take it from me... one of your buddies is still looking out for you!!!! :) :P
  9. bra

    otaku prom

    *Finally arrives at the prom and looks around for G/S/B Master* "Where is he? He should be here right now... Hmm?" *Decides to wait around the main door for him.* "Well he shouldn't come in any of the other entrances... I'll just wait here for a little bit." *Looks around the room and finds vicky and runs up to greet her*
  10. Well I spent my fourth of July at work. I worked all day and came home to my family at around eleven-thirty or something like that. I LOVE my work!!! Well I'd rather be at work than not have any job at all. I got to see some of the fireworks from the pediatrics ward windows. :)
  11. bra

    otaku prom

    Hey! this sounds really cool... But when is it going to be happening first of all?
  12. I don't really hide online. I usually tell you how I think and why I think that. It is hard for me to express myself online though, I don't really get some things that people say... I missenturprate somethings and I tend to get into trouble for doing it sometimes. All in all, I am pretty straight-foward with what I say online. I don't like trying to be something that I'm not and that is what I enturprate of what you are saying... :babble:
  13. Whenever I eat ice cream I get it either from the store OR from the ice cream store. I prefer it to be as an ice cream cone but sometimes I eat it right out of the box. I quite frankly like chocolate or strawberry. :D Mmmmm... Ice cream...! :D
  14. I'm the musical one. I love to sing, play the piano, guitar, violin, whatever you put infront of me, I will learn to play. I mainly like to sing though, it's a past time I had and everyone loves to hear me sing, especially my funny songs or the songs I sing en francais.
  15. I find myself to be either ether or water. I can be under control and when you give me a project that seems impossible, I will MAKE it possible. That is just how I describe myself... Anyone else says otherwise, well I would have to challenge them. :flaming:
  16. Well I graduated in 2001 and yeah it is hard to believe. I then went to college and, well, I still am in there however I CAN still work with the children at the hospital due to the training I had in my high school. I mainly missed my friends and all 'cause I didn't keep in touch with them... My advice is keep in touch with your friends, you don't know when you'll need them. :)
  17. Quite frankly, I'll stop whatching anime when they stop making them... In other words... NEVER! There will always be anime to watch and as long as I have a television, I will be glued to that TV watching anime...
  18. Everyone grieves in their own way. I quite frankly don't like to cry. It is hard to do what I do without grieving though. I deal with sickness and death as well. It is something that all doctors and nurses do. But getting back on the subject. I believe that people will grieve when someone is gone. Many people take for granted having people there and when they are gone, those people who take that for granted feel lost. At least that is what I hear from many of the people that I talk to. You never know how people RELLY feel about you until you are not there anymore. And that goes for everyone...
  19. My point exactly. I deal with it a lot of times while I work. It is nothing to take lightly, I mean, people's lives are at hand. It is a very serious mentle illness that one in seven people deal with in the United States, mind you. All in all, I think that there is no justice to taking your own life.
  20. I think that it is very selfish. There is no good reason for it. I deal with that every now and then at my job I don't like having to see it but people end up killing themselves because they don't think anyone loves them. My thoughts about this is suicide is pretty much a way to get out of life and it is a wussy way out.
  21. 1. It depends on the book and the movie. I don't really have time for the both of them but if you get me a good book that gets my attention from the start, then I won't be able to put it down until I finish it. 2. I would have to say that Harry Potter was better as the book than it was in the movie, it left a lot of very important things out. 3. I would definately have to say that Lord of the Rings so far is the best movie. It follows the books PRETTY close and all. 4. I have to say that I liked the Interview With the Vampire. I read that when I was about fifteen and I liked both the book and the movie equally. The author gets into great detail and all that fun stuff... :)
  22. Well if I were famouse in the way you all are saying, I would either be a singer or a writer. The reason why, is I love doing those two things all the time. I am already as famouse as I want to be with the children and people I work with so I can't ask for anything more than that. Yes all of the fame would be much fun, but it won't bring you the happiness you could get by just doing it at home or with a child.
  23. I am soo sorry about your loss. It reminds me of one of my good friends when we were going to school. It was really hard to get over because I was the one trying to talk him out of it. His girlfriend broke up with him on the 18th of this month and he called me up. I was on the phone trying to talk him out of it but he hung up on me and the next day, I found out he died pretty close to the time that he hung up on me... I feel for you and I will pray for your loss of a friend. If you need to talk, PM me and I will be here for ya. :) Cynthia...
  24. We made a club by ourselves. The teachers that we had really sucked, even the geometry teachers! So all the people who liked anime got together and formed our own little group. We had a leader who would tell all of the group when and where the meeting would take place and what we were going to be whatching and all. I was second in command and my boyfriend was first. But that was about five or six years ago... So just to give you a rough idea on how my life went while in school... :D
  25. I like the 80's. I basically grew up with 80's music playing in the house, some of it was french but I heard bands like Poison, Heart, Cyndi Lauper, Micheal Jackson... When he was good... Aand many more. All in all, I really somewhat miss the 80 style music. They really were the start of the music we listen too... I think I should stop typing, I am starting to repeat someone... :D
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