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Everything posted by sydney

  1. sydney

    new ff games

    agreed, FFXI and origins should make me quite happy for a great deal of time.
  2. sydney


    this IS a great song, and I suggest all of you listen to it
  3. actuly it was an email sent to ME, and thanks for putting it with the right topic.
  4. From: SQUARESOFT To: Subject: FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS to be released April 8, 2003! Date: 11 Feb 2003 11:42:31 -0800 Ever wanted to know what started the FINAL FANTASY phenomenon? Now's your chance to play the original FINAL FANTASY (released in North America in 1990), as well as FINAL FANTASY II (never before released in North America) for the first time ever. The origins of the landmark FINAL FANTASY series will now be enhanced for the PlayStation(R) game console, taking advantage of technology not available at the time of their original release on one CD-ROM in FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS. This special remake of both titles contains new event scenes that add to the emotional impact of the originals. Players who have experienced the originals will be pleased to find enhanced graphics and sound throughout their journey. Without a doubt, FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS will be one collector's item that players will not want to miss. Here is what you can look forward to in FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS: * Enhanced graphics breathe life and detail into all game elements, from deep dungeons and vast worlds to menacing creatures and wandering heroes. * Brand new, high quality CG movies and stills visually enhance the storylines in dramatic fashion. * Original event scenes have been revamped and new event scenes added to intensify the emotional impact of story elements. * New opening theme songs and improved sound quality immerse the player even further into the game experience. * A new bestiary contains detailed descriptions of all monsters to assist players in battle. * Access to art galleries featuring beautiful illustrations by renowned artist Yoshitaka Amano. * "Memo File" function added for quick, convenient saves. * New game play modes allow players to choose the level of difficulty within the game. (FINAL FANTASY II - accessible after clearing the game) FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS will be available April 8, 2003 for the PlayStation at a suggested retail price of $30. Complete game information and screenshots will be available on this site in just a couple weeks! Visit the official FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS website here for more information about the game: [url]http://www.squaresoft.com/playonline/FFORIGINS[/url] Four young warriors, each possessing a Crystal are summoned to bring the world back to a harmonious balance. During their voyage, they discover a nefarious entity creating turmoil in the structure of time in an attempt to conquer the world. Unknowing of their destiny, the warriors begin their quest to restore order and travel to places they never imagined possible. A malevolent Emperor has called upon monsters from a demonic realm to take over the world, ending what seemed to be an eternal period of peace. Thousands of lives succumb to their attacks orphaning many children. From the destruction rise four young survivors who will take it upon themselves to stop the merciless ruler and avenge the death of their parents __________________________________________________________ The Facts Title Name: FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS Release Date: April 8, 2003 Format: Playstation Number of CDs: 1 Suggested Retail Price: $30 Website: [url]http://www.squaresoft.com/playonline/FFORIGINS[/url] __________________________________________________________ (C) 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2003 SQUARE CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. ILLUSTRATION: (C) 1987, 1988 YOSHITAKA AMANO. FINAL FANTASY and the SQUARESOFT logo are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS is a trademark of Square Co., Ltd. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]That is the most fightening thing that I have heard all day. Do you think we have nothing better to do than sit around and post all-- [i]..never mind.[/i] ;) -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] that IS really scary.....I just wet myself.:drunk:
  6. this game looks hawt! I hope there is a better story line that goes with this game tho
  7. sydney


    that movie is a really great movie! word
  8. I read what everyone said and I still am not sure on what happened. But I do have a solution! And to me it sounds like someone needs to get jacked in the face. Straighten them out.
  9. I go to Creighton University (currently ranked 19 or 20 depending on what poll you are reading) and it is awesome! I love my college ball. Hooraah!
  10. I know a man who had an argument with his wife so he decided to stay in a hotel for a night and try to sleep off his problems. A man broke into the hotel in the night and beat him to a bloody pulp. The man wanted his credit cards and all of the money he had on him. But the guy I knew left some 1000 dollers (in his wallet), in his fully loaded SUV. So he offered the guy his keys not to kill him. But the man kept beating him and beating him. The man had a gun and threatened to kill him many times if he didnt give him money, but he didnt have any money on him. It was all in the SUV, which the man refused to even think about. The man eventuly bound up the guy i know and put him in the bathroom all tied up. He somehow got to the phone and called 911. When the cops came the took down the description (what he could remember) and then the cops took pictures of all of the marks on his body. Then they left. When the ambulance came they refused to take him to a hospital because he didnt have his insurence(I believe thats what they refused him for). The put bandages on him, made a report and left. The man I know had to drive himself to the hospital, while severely bleeding, and barely conscience. He is the strongest man I know. This all happened about a year ago and he is still afraid to close his eyes. He is afraid of the dark like no one I have ever known.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]Villain: Zechs Marquis (AKA Milliardo Peacecraft/Lightning Count) Anime: Gundam Wing Information: Former member of the dreaded Oz and crafty leader of the White Fang. Why: Zechs has got to be one of the most intelligent villains that I've seen in any anime. He had everything planned out just right. If it wasnt for Heero, he more than likely would've destroyed the earth just like he had planned(to bad he under estimated Heero and Wing Zero). But Zechs is my favorite because with him, you combine 2 of the most dangerous attributes together(brutality and intelligence)and you have yourself the deadliest villian of all time. :D [/B][/QUOTE] I completly agree with Zechs being the best villain. But although he wanted to destroy the earth he did it to make everyone never think of war again. And he didnt really underestimate him in my opinion. But anyway Zechs was very inteligant and very brutal in GW. His military stratagies, technologies, and resources are unparalleled by any villain.
  12. Porn... that someone took a magic marker too. Yeah they drew black underwear on all of them so you couldnt see a thing.
  13. thats weird there are a bunch of places around where I live that are selling new PS1's for about 35 bucks and used ones for 35 plus controlers and one memory card. And all of the second hand game storys have at least 3 copies of every FF game. I must just be in heaven or something.
  14. Pain looks like a meaner version of Yuna. Serious! Just change the hair and what not. Just to throw the idea out there I am going to say that they are the same person. I know I am probobly wrong but FF has had weirder things in their storys. But anyway, since I am assuming that the FFX:Another Story goes hand in hand with the FFX-2 Another Lord...that would mean that wherever the party is going it is based on getting Tidus back. Without going into detail, that just isnt very possible. I have a sound theory about what FFX-2 is going to be, but I cant seem to explain it without spoilers! Gah!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B]I like school because I get to spend time with my friends,but on the other hand...somethings we learn are pointless. I mean I'm learning history when I'm becoming a vet!!!!!!Does that make sense? [/B][/QUOTE] It is in my opinion that history and politics go hand in hand. Political decisions make history. When you think about what I said you might realize it is true. So secretly when you learn history you learn about other peoples culture(so you can better understand other kinds of people) and politics(to a small extent this is true) So what else is so important about it? Many schools like to teach the "whole student" so the student has a good base education in case they decide to do whatever in life. So as soon as you get your general eds. out of the way you can go to almost all of the Vet. classes you want. But until then you and the rest of us will have to suffer with taking general education classes that are desigened to educate the "entire student". As a minor note, I love school. I dont love it in that nerdy way where I get all the good grades or have all the friends kind of way. I am becoming a teacher. And school in general is a very fun experiance. School all the way! Rise up!
  16. since I am not around this place all of the time and I am still a newbie I am going to make a judgement call on just one person. So the person I would want to meet would be Rain. I really dont know why, but I just would. No offense to all of you other nice and interesting people, but if I had to just pick one it would be Rain. Truth me told, I love meeting new people and I would like to meet every last one of you people on this board.
  17. I am not worried about anything on this board, but that might be because I dont post much and no one notices me.(I am stealthy like that!) But the one thing that bothers me in my life is....The cost of Creighton. It costs so much to go there! Oh well.
  18. Much of the Ben Folds Five earlyer music can be kinda goofy at times. So for all of you who would like to buy a Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five cd I would sugest: Ben Folds Five-Whatever and Ever Amen which has the song Brick on it which many people know and Ben Folds Live which has 17 songs on it. I was lucky enough to be at a Ben Folds concert where he explained the story behind Brick. In truth I didnt want him to play the song after he explained the story behind it. (for all of you who dont know) It is about his high school girlfriend whom had an abortion[his child], And all of the crazy feelings they had afterward. I seriously wanted to cry when he started playing the song. And I am not the kind of guy to cry that often...but....wow. Such a strong song.
  19. When I first read the question I thought "THAT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!" Then I realized I beat Mortal Kombat II at the arcade with just one quarter. But my friend beat the game faster than me. grrr
  20. I must agree some of those monsters in the calm land were quite hard, in fact I did think they were hard. And I must agree I still love playing Blitzball to this very day. And I personaly love the puzzels at the temples. And in my opinion, aside from the monsters in the calm lands those puzzels were the hardest part of the game. I also enjoyed them the most. But I still think that the game was too short. Maybe thats because there was no over world to travel around in. There were just places, and a map once you got the airship.
  21. The computer version of FFVII is buggy. They wernt thinking when they made it. Trust me, I had the real version and my computer would freeze everytime I beat Hojo. My computer also froze a couple of times in the temple. Go get a PSOne and then buy the game. That is the only way to make sure that you get to play FFVII. And anyway the experiance is just better on the PS. Trust me.
  22. When they were Ben Folds Five these guys were awesome to no extent, but a few years ago they broke up and I was sod. But one day out of the blue the lead singer Ben Folds came out with a solo album called Rocking the Suberbs. The album totaly rocked and I was very impressed with it. Then about 2 months ago he came out with a live album of 17 songs! Some of the songs were solo versions of origional Ben Folds Five songs, some were his newer stuff, some were covers (like tiny dancer by elton john), and there was of course some previously released stuff that he put on the album. The live album, called "Ben Folds Live", also comes with a DVD for some of his live preformances and contains about 6 songs and a bonus feature of shooting the cover(which is soooo funny). So now that I have educated you on Ben Folds I want to ask you people if you have heard of him, and what do you think about his music? He is by far my favorite artist and I like him now more than I used to when he was in Ben Folds Five.
  23. Thinking about Get Smart brings back all my youthfull memories..... That show is one of the best showes ever. If they still put it in regular rotation on one of the major networks then I would still watch it.
  24. Personally I hated the endless supply of fatalitys, brutalitys, and anermalitys, and gah friendships. Mortal Kombat is a fighter game, not a finishing move game.
  25. I was really disapointed in the ending bosses. I think my little brother could have beaten them by just mashing buttons! Although I really did like FFX(mostly because it was by far better than FFIX) it really did suffer from being too easy. When playing a final fantasy game I expect to get a game over at least 3 times the first time I play the game. I dont think I ever got a game over in FFX. So although I really liked the sphere grid, blitzball, cool weapons, cool graphics, cool sound, sweet movies, etc, etc... The game was still hurt by the fact that it was easy. I play final fantasy games for a couple of reasons(when you get right down to it), here they are in no particular order 1) they are long 2) RPGs 3) in worlds not of my own 4) the storys 5) hard games 6) they are entertaining Because of the character change out, the general easyness of the bosses, and the legendary weapons the game was just way too easy. Another point is that there just wasnt enough stuff to do. Sure there were side quests but...come on. There was a huge world and I felt like I didnt even play through a 4th of it all! GAH!
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