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Shining Gundam

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  1. Ya, i can't get in the school server without a University identification password and personal pin number, thanks though it was worth a try. I think i got this project handeled now, i found a good site for info.
  2. I would, but i kind of got really busy and put it off too long. Now i only got a couple of hours to finish it. *sigh* i need to get more organized.
  3. Ok, for my music piano class, my group is doing a report on Johann Sebastian Bach a famous piano composer. Well, i got the job to find out information about the major piano composers of that era or time. The only problem is that i only have the internet to find ther info. when i try to use searchs to get it,but it just comes up with no matches, music downlaods, or offering music classes. I need straightup info. can you help me. This will only be valid for today, after that don't worry about it. What i have to go on; Baroque era-classical era, 1600-1750. I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  4. I don't know about everyone else, but sorry i think that making DBZ into a real life movie is a joke. I laugh every time i think about real people trieing to do a lot of the moves they do in anima. IT'S ANIMA for crying out loud, and that's why people like it because it's not like real life. As for the action, unless they use really good computor effects, i think the fighting would just become like another martial arts movie, with some cool effects maybe like they did in THE ONE. But the way i see it, is that since it will be american made, and done by a cable channel i'm not getting my hopes up. One example i can think of is the reallife Street Fighter movie, which i didn't really like. Sorry to bust on your party with negativity, but these are my thoughts and feel free to disagree.
  5. I don't know if this has to do with what you are talking about, but did anyone see the episode of DBZ on toonami, after goten and trunks had fused into gotenks and disobeyed piccalo going after mojin buu, but get beat down by him. Well sometime in the next episode, it shows Chi-Chi spanking goten, and to my suprise it showed gotens butt as she was spanking him. That might not seem like a big deal to some, but that was a bit shocking to me , that they showed that on toonami. Am i alone on that one??
  6. I guess i can see some resemblance. Though it's true that when you watch any anima it seems to me, that you can see many elements used over and over again. To anwser your second part, G Gundam doesn't quite seem to have the feel of the other series, i'm not too sure how to put it into words but i agree that there is a difference. Ack, my brain is hurting trieng to figure out a explaination for it, maybe someone else has a idea. What i think is different: 1.the theme doesn't have to do with war. 2. It seems less violent then the other series because not that many people die.
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