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About BlueEyesToon

  • Birthday 11/14/1989

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    I LOVE YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  1. The is a card call 'Unite We Satnd', that it says in the instruction booklete is limited. Does anyone have this card? I've been trying to findit. I've beaten the rest of the game, and have all of the cards except that one. What's funny is that even though there is only suppose to be one of each god card, I have 10 Slifers and 6 Ras, but only 1 Obelisk.
  2. I got a Suijin in the only Metal Raiders Pack that I've ver gotten, and I've only gotten 2 packs of LOB, but I have a Raikegi adn a Dark Magician
  3. Actuall, if you care to pay attention, Seto notices in the very first episode. When Yugi transforms into Yami, he says, and I quote, "What the..."
  4. Actually, it's "Me? Duel you? I'd have more of a challenge playing solitaire." I've memorized most of the Kaiba quotes. My fav would have to be Kaiba:Looks like I broken the heart of your cards. or Kaiba:I understand that the heart of the crads is a powerful philosophy, and that it works well for you. But, I need to duel my own way. I can't risk trying something new, and maybe, Joey shouldn't either, unless he likes life as a dog. Scrounging on the scraps of past victories and pleading for mercy from true duelists.
  5. No, your getting starters confused with structures. There's gonna be a Joey, Pegasus, Mai, Weevil, Rex, Yugi, and Kaiba. Y\Joey's has the red eyes, Pegasus's has all the toons and toom world, and Kaiba's had three BEWDs and a BEUD, oh yeah, and the Kaiba structure blue eyes, one is in Japanese, one is in Chinese, and one is in English. Sorry, I wish I knew more.
  6. I have a millennium item!!! It's the millennium jack, I know is sounds kinda corny, but it's lucky. It's a solid gold jack that I had on my desk in social studies and math when I had tests, and I got perfect scoress on both of them.
  7. Does anyone acctually know if battle city starts tomarrow? I thought that it was gonna start last weekend, but instead they showed an hour long way of saying somebody else is after the millennium puzzle:flaming: I really hope that they start, all I know is that Isis gives Kaiab the god gard Obelisk. I also saw in the comercials that Pre Seto meets Seto Kaiba. I really hope that they show it tomarrow!!!!!!!!
  8. Peagsus is kinda cool, i mean the power of his millennium eye and all. I will NEVER forgive him for what he did to my poor Seto :(. Not only did he steal his soul and his brothers soul, but he made him accept help from that puny, stupid midget*shivers*.
  9. They're all 15! I know, Kaiba seens a few years older, and Yugi seems a few years younger, but they're all the same age. They are all freshman in highschool, in they're first year. At first i though Yugi was in like 5th grade, and that Kaiba was a senior.
  10. Mine would have to be: Kaiba:We'll duel using this*holds up bereifcase* Joey:Looks like a regular old breifcaes to me Kaiba:It's IN the breifcase you moron!
  11. They do have them!!!! One of my freinds went to Japan and got one, it's a bit wierd though, the monsters are really small, the blue eyes ultimate doesn't roar, it squeaks. they're cool though, bigger and better ones are gonna come out soon.
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