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Everything posted by SSJ_WILLIE

  1. Personally I would choose Charizard because he looks a lot meaner. He may be weaker but he is definately intimidating.
  2. Hey, I'm 19 and still play the pokemon games for GBC. And I plan on getting the new one for GBA when it comes out and I have the money. So no, I don't think that it is childish at all
  3. 1. Ryu (Street Fighter) 2. Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) 3. Squall (Final Fanasty IIIV) (I think) That is my top three for the moment.
  4. I know This may seem like a dumb question to those of you who have been on alot of forum and message boards but how do I put a picture in my signature?
  5. I've never played that final fanasy but my friends tell me that it is like the best one ever made. Both of my friends said that it was a game that they couldn't put down.
  6. I would have to say that the auron is the coolest of the ones up there. I had the wisdom and the experience.
  7. I always wanted to get the game but I could never come up with the money for it. It always looked like an awsome game. I wish I wasn't broke.
  8. I've caught red garados, and with the help of my trusty gameshark, I have a red, blue, and black Mewtwo.
  9. Mine are a toss up between Alakazam, Zapdos, and Mewtwo. But I would have to say mewtwo. [color=indigo]Remember, people, write [i]why[/i] you like a particular Pokémon, not just the name of the one you like. Otherwise, it's just spam, and I'll end up having to close the thread. - Desbreko[/color]
  10. I am rather disappointed. I want to get with my gf to see it tonight because she is going with some friends but I cant
  11. I finally got to see Coolers Revenge and the Return of Cooler the other day. I thought that Coolers Revenge was Awsome, It was a little short but it had an awsome soundtrack and everything. I was rather disappointed in The Return of Cooler. I'm not saying that it was bad but I think that it could have been alot better.
  12. Matt is right. Since Chi-Chi, Bulma, and Videl were eaten, they are dead. However, Gohan, Piccolo, Gotenks and Vegeto were absorbed by buu's body making them apart of him.
  13. Bought it, Played it, Beat it. It only took a couple of hours if even that. I thought that it was ok. I think that it could have been alot better.
  14. [QUOTE]I think his hair is a light-greyish-purple.[/QUOTE] That's what I think too.
  15. It's all good. So do you think I'm color blind too?
  16. [QUOTE]it's deffinitly purple. Ask your friend if she's taken an eye test recently.[/QUOTE] First of all, HE is the one who thinks it is purple, I think that It looks grey sometimes and other times it looks purple.
  17. What ever happened to simple colors. Red, black, blue, green. Now you get colors like "lavender", and "Fuchsia" (sp?)?
  18. I was wondering the same thing. My friend was showing me some clips of DBGT and he didn't know if pan could go SSJ. Personally I think it would be cool if she could.
  19. Maybe domebody can help settle a dispute between my best friend and I. It is about the color of Trunk's hair. We have been argueing about wether trunk's hair is purple or grey. I have people say that it is both ways.
  20. Vegeta thought that if he did an attack so powerful that he couldn't even survive, then there would be no way that Buu could survive. Vegeta sacrificed himself because he thought that he was the strongest fighter in the world because he had just defeated Gokou.
  21. [QUOTE]Regular people didn't sense Goku's energy. Goku's power-up alone caused Earthquakes throughout the entire planet. Nobody "sensed" Super Saiya-Jin 3 Goku's power. They just felt the quakes that he caused.[/QUOTE] I would have to agree with this. I don't think that the people could sense the energy because they didn't know how. Is all they new was that the ground was shaking becuase of Goku's energy.
  22. I thought that the fusion voices were done very well. I personally like the sound of having gokus higher voice more dominate but still having the snarl in Vegeta's voice. I thought it was good. Or maybe I'm just crazy. As far as the Japanese version, I've never heard it so I can't comment on that. I'm very deprived. I'm limited to the Cartoon Network versions of DBZ due to a lack of funds.
  23. I heard that the reason vegeto is so strong is because when you fuse not only does it combine the two's power but it also doubles it after that. That is what I've heard tho.
  24. I heard that Gokou learned to fly at the end of db. I was told that he new how to fly but he didn't have the enough energy to do it until he is killed by piccolo and goes to king ki's planet. But that is just what I've heard so I don't know if it is true or not.
  25. [QUOTE]Yes, I like Godsmack. I have not heard their newer stuff yet. I listen to Voodoo and Keep Away just about everyday. I porbably should look into their newer stuff[/QUOTE] The second cd Awake was awsome til it hit about song 6 and then is just goes awful. Awake has going down, bad Majik, alive which are really awsome songs. [QUOTE]What album is Voodoo on? I can't seem to extract the information willingly or unwillingly from my friends.[/QUOTE] Voodoo is on there first cd. It is possibly the best song on that cd but that is just my opinion.
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