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Everything posted by SSJ_WILLIE

  1. 1. Where are you from? I'M FROM THE SMALL HICK TOWN OF LEXINGTON NEBRASKA (right now everybody is going "huh? Nebraska, what's that")
  2. The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo. The first game I ever beat was Metal Gear Solid for the playstation, it is the only game that I found that was good enough to keep my interest long enough to beat it. Now I've beaten it an uncountable number of times and it is still fun.
  3. Yeah, it is a really cool game, but I play it for a while on a game that I borrowed from a friend and he wanted it back, now I have the game and just don't have the motivation to go through it all again. Or it might just be that I don't have the time.
  4. I must be a little behind, I didn't even know that they had a pokemon game out for the gba, not that I can afford it anyways. How long has it been out?
  5. Hey everybody, Where is everybody from? I'm just a little curious to see if there are any people even remotely close to where I am from. I bet that there aren't any people from here, if anybody has even heard of it. Nebraska?
  6. As I go through the different forums, I see newbies, moderators...etc and I am just wondering what do all of the different titles mean?
  7. I was just browsing throw today and I notice a bunch of post about the new movie and I got to think about who I would want to play in it. Here they are: Goku: Robin Shou (Mortal Kombat, Beverly Hills Ninja) Gohan: Mark Ducoscus (*sp) (Double Dragon, The Crow series) Vegita: Jet Li (Leathal Weapon 4, Romeo Must Die) Piccolo: Jean Claude-Van Damme (Street Fighter, Replicant) Krillin: Couldn't think of somebody Bulma: Sandra Bullock (The Net, forces of nature) Chi-Chi: I'm not sure what her name is but she played in Resident Evil and the Fifth Element Cell: I had somebody in mind but I completely forgot Frieza: Vin Deisil (Pitch Black, XXX)
  8. It's not that Gokou couldn't handle ssj-3 it's that he couldn't sustain the power for a long time yet. Kind of like how gohan couldn't stay super saiya-jin when he first transformed in the hyperbolic time chamber. Plus, GT changes a few things, as mentioned before.
  9. Yeah, I mean to say that garlic jr was after frieze but I messed up. That was my bad.
  10. The only one on the team that I didn't think was that good is the pickachu. It is always a good idea to take an electric pokemon but pickachu's defense and attack is not very high.
  11. When I was playing Pokemon, no matter which version, I always had a dream team that I was basically unbeatable with. It was: Zaptos Mewtwo Entei Alakazam Blastoise What was your dream team?
  12. I am a huge godsmack fan. I was wondering if anybody else here was?
  13. I got into DBZ about 2 years ago and I have seen the Frieza Saga, Cell, and Majin buu saga. And I have a couple of questions. 1. I have seen up to the episode were everybody finds out that Gokou is alive and refuses to come back to earth after he defeats Frieza. The question is, Where is he? 2. What sagas are between the frieza and android sagas? I know the one after the cell saga is the Garlic JR saga isn't it? Any help would be appreiciated.
  14. Exactly, There wouldn't be an enemy that could touch him. I watched the video when the old kai finish awaking his power and he did say that gohan could go super saiyan.
  15. Are you sure that Mystic Gohan isn't stronger than SSJ-3 Gokou, because Gokou was barely damaging fat buu and Mystic Gohan was destroying evil buu who was stronger than fat but
  16. The people always get mad at me because whenever I get a new video I make them watch it in the lobby of my dorm on the big screen tv. That would by my ritual. DBZ on the big screen.
  17. I used to watch the show alot but I haven't been able to keep up with it since I started school. Favorite character would have to be chandler because he is a smarta** like me.
  18. Hey everyone. I was wondering if there were any other people that are my age or older that still watch DBZ relegeously(sp*) because I don't really know any. By the way I'm 19.
  19. I don't even remember hearing that Mystic Gohan couldn't go super-saiyan but that does explain why he didn't transform against buu. I was watching him fight buu and thinking that he should transform but he never did. I never knew why till now. I thought that old kai told him to do that super saiyan thing he does and he will be able to defeat gohan. I even have the video were he says that. Or maybe I'm just crazy.
  20. I wish I could get the silence you get, I am in college and everybody gives me alot of grief because I still watch "cartoons". I cannot get them to shut up.
  21. Fat buu was the original form of buu but then buu is osorbed by evil buu and it increases his power. Next he obsrbes Gotenks and piccolo and gains there power to become even stronger. Then he obsorbes spirit gohan to become even more powerful, and I think that is the most powerful form we get to see. I'm not exactly sure because I haven't seen all of the episodes yet. And I honestly don't know why buu is so strong.
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