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Everything posted by Pastbyer

  1. [color=indigo]Ok I just tried some other links to theotaku. It seems that with the new layout every other page works [i]except[/i] the home page... Must be a glitch or something.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Um... For those of you who knew me, hi. For most of you who don't know me, hi anyway. I just took a little break for a few weeks and then I went back to the TheOtaku site to check out some stuff and [b]it's blank!!!!!![/b] I mean it loaded and everything but when it finished loading it is completely white! I don't know if there are any other threads around that explains this or stuff like that but would someone [i]please[/i] tell me what happened to [url]www.theotaku.com[/url]????[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]These sort of stuff depends on how you define psychic. Personally I have two thoughts on this subject. One, I am not psychic. Intuitive, yes, but psychic, no. Two, if you believe you're psychic, then to you you are psychic. Because everyone has the ability to see, hear and feel what they believe (if that even makes sense). Anyway, I think that in your dreams you do occasionally drift away from your body (not always or you'll be too tired). About the dream Juuthena had, I think it's because you saw the number plate but you only remembered it subconsiously. It wasn't in your consious memory, so you couldn't remember it. But when you sleep your mind went back to the memory of that particular moment and showed you the number plate because you really wanted to know what it is. So... yeah. Sorry if I babbled a bit, it's a habit cause I like philosophy....[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]School on Christmas day? :eek: That's a first. I mean it's ok if it's here (in China) 'cause they don't celebrate Christmas but in America? It's just mean (full stop). Are you sure he's not kidding? I rather like Defcon5's idea. The media will make sure this guy feels reeeaaaal bad (that, and annoyed).[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]When I'm online I tend to "say" more (or at least I think I do, I don't log on enough to notice). I guess I'm only talkative around people I'm comfortable with. But if I'm in a room filled with strangers I'll go really quiet. When I'm online however I can just say anything and act crazier than usual. But at least I'm still nice like in real life (hopefully). I can't really tell these stuff, I mean how others perceive you is always different from how you see yourself. Other than that I don't think I'm that different at all... Except maybe the fact that online I can type lots of dots (...) and in real life the dots will be substituted with silence... Yeah... :bluesweat: And also when you're online you can edit what you say and display your emotions differently (eg. through smilies).[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Oh, you people live in the big US of A right? I thought so. Here (in this country) today was my last (half) day at school. Now I have 7 and a half weeks of summer holidays in which I'm going to China. Which means that I'll get winter again.:eek: Ah well, never mind. I love this country...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]The first time I got The Harlequin. The second time I got Sere Tuscumbia. And the third time I got Cera. ...You should have made it so that you can choose more than one answer, Mnemolth. It's a lot more hassle-free and there's just one question that I can't answer truthfully without selecting more than one answer.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I think that it's not really a 'sixth' sense. I mean, how do we know that the first five senses really work all the time anyway? (Sorry it doesn't sound as good as it did in my head.) I get dejavu a lot. I mean a few nights ago I was thinking about posting a thread about coincidences, then decided not to for some reason (other than the fact that my Mum won't let me go on-line). And then voila, here is a thread on something similar! Other times I'd suddenly see something and think that I've seen it before, it's just a few flashes of stuff, but I don't remember anything. One really strange thing is that I tend to randomly come up with stuff. Like bits of music with harmony that sound good even though I have no idea what the chords are. And inspirational and ranty passages (as evident by my sig). Scary, really. Also I get a lot of coincidences. So much that it's scary (that's why I was thinking about posting a thread on it). eg. Last week at school my maths teacher said that he'll buy us (our class) all a peanut slab (chocolate) each if our class average was above 74% in a test. Of course we didn't get that high so we got no chocolate. The day we got our results, I came home, and when my Mum came home she had bought some peanut slabs & other chocolaty stuff. The thing is, she didn't plan to go shopping and she doesn't even normally buy chocolate unless I specifically asked her to buy some! AND she didn't even know about the promise of my maths teacher. It's all really getting scary now. But I don't think I have a sixth sense even though I don't scare easily.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I'm someone who usually gets good grades for no apparent reason. I don't exactly work that hard - I mean I do all the homework and everything but I don't study hard out for tests. Yet I usually get around 80-90 something % in tests. Strange. This year my English teacher got pregnant so we got a substitute who used to teach 6 year old kids English. She talks super slow and uses 'sign language' and asks us if we know what a puddle is (no, seriously, she did). Most likely half of my class is not going to pass English this year... Oh well... Not our fault.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Sometimes you suddenly look back and you realise how much you've changed. How much you've grown and how much more you know. It's normal I guess. After I moved with my Mum here to NZ from China (which is a long way) and left my Dad I was forced to grow up fast. Forced to do house work and deal with kids who laugh at me because my English wasn't so good then. And I learnt from that. Change is normal, it's part of life. If you don't change then you'll be left behind. Even though in some ways it's better that way. But in this sort of world you can either fit in somewhere or go to hell. There's so second chances. It's the world humans have built for themselves. (Sorry if I'm all philosophical. It's 10:30pm and I'm sleepy)[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]My name just sort of popped into my head for no particular reason. A lot of random stuff tends to do that in my head. Why, just yesterday I wrote a spooky piece of music (it's true I tell you!). But nothing ever rhymes much... But I think I got this name because I am the quiet sort of person who don't really belong in any group. So to most people I'm like a 'passer-by'. Thus the 'Past-by-er'. I figured that out about 2 months after I first signed up. Talk about random...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Secrets? Well... There are just too many at the moment. Most of the secrets I keep is from my mother. Because if I told her about all these philosophical stuff I know she'll start yelling at me and get angry because I'm not using every last second of my time studying. :rolleyes: It's true really. One of the secrets I can tell however is the fact that I'm writting this rather strange story. I can't tell you more than vaguely what it's about, as it will confuse people. But I'm sure most people can guess... I think. I don't talk about some things (like anime) unless asked at school. It's not like I don't want to admit something. It's just that I don't like to say certain things to people I don't know well. They tend to take it wrong and tell me to grow up etc (eg. they think anime is about Pokemon). Plus they wouldn't be interested so there's no point. When you have friends you should only worry about stuff you have in common. Otherwise it's unrelated... OK, getting off-topic here...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]From or live in? I think I'll write about both if possible... gah... 1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) I currently live in Auckland, NZ (biggest city of New Zealand). I'm from Beijing, (capital of) China. 2. Tell us something we should know about it Auckland has nice (if unpredictable) weather. It's called the City of Sails and currently they're having the Louis Vuitton Cup here (some sailing competition). Beijing... Well, it's dry, dusty and very much crowded with around... is it 10 million people?? (I'm not sure). Sometimes I think even the snow is grey not white. And the name means "Northern Capital" in Chinese. 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" You can come to Auckland if you like... If you don't mind the strange weather we've been having. But I must warn you to NOT go to any big cities in China unless you're willing to be dusty all over and potentially die of asthma. I know someone who did. 4. discuss about it! Um... No thanks.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]These things go in circles (or waves if you like). If things are bad they'll always get better, sooner or later. Life is just like that, it's a test of how strong you are.[/color] :)
  15. [color=indigo]That's so sad... But dogs are very loyal, if you keep showing Lita that you love her then she'll know that it was an accident. Though I must say that sometimes dogs do tend to get themselves hurt for no particular reason other than wanting to play.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Emotions are part of us being who we are. No one can not feel emotion but no one can fully express it (in words) either. It's one of those things that us as humans forgot to make words for in our languages, since most people used to think of emotions as weaknesses. But actually they make us stronger, they give us light and courage and lots of other stuff when we don't have any. They are one of those things that stand between humans and artificial intelligence. I mean you can get a robot to walk, run and think, but can you get it to actually feel true emotion? Not yet anyway. ...So... Yeah...[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]A very easy riddle here: There are seven days in a week. Person A lies on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays, and tells the truth on all other days. Person B lies on Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays, and tells the truth on all other days. On one particular day of the week, both of them said: "Yesterday was one of my lying days." What day was that? This riddle only deals with the days of the week, not the actual months or dates. It should be quite easy for MathGuy2, or anyone who doesn't get confused a lot.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Water's chemical formula is H[size=1]2[/size]O. The chemical make-up is not changed when water boils. It's only a phase change--liquid to gas. If O[size=1]2[/size] were given off, you'd end up with a great...lack of water. It would be chemically different, and no longer H[size=1]2[/size]O [size=1]Elsewise, I'm failing Chemistry...:whoops: [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Oh... But it still tastes different... (What? I'm only 13! I don't take chemistry! Well, not yet anyway.):blah:[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Once upon a time when theOtaku didn't exist I was searching for Pokémon cheats and I landed on the Pokécheat site (that was about 2 or 3 years ago). I didn't think much of it and kept revisiting for updates and stuff. After about a year it changed into theOtaku and some time later I saw the link for the forums and I just thought 'what the heck' and signed up. I think it was something like the end of v2. Then when v3 started I had to re-register so I lost all my post counts. So, believe it or not, I've been here for a while.:p Though I don't get much time on-line, that's why my post count is so low.[/color] :D
  20. [color=indigo]Mmmm... Japanese snacks... They're nice. They're right up there in my ratings along with some of my favourite Chinese snacks. Such as prawn flavoured chips and stuff like that...[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Boiling water is a physical change, not a chemical one.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Thank you ever so much Cera for making me even more confused than usual today....[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Dance? Don't even mention it. I'm not a dancer. I prefer making the music rather than dancing to it.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]... So how can water taste less oxygenated? Is it slightly bitter? Or what? :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Um... There is a difference, I can taste it, but I can't describe it since I'm not the master of examples. You can try for yourself, but it takes some scrutinising. I think it tastes less fresh... I really need to read the dictionary and find more adjectives (just kidding)...[/color]:wigout:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]... Water doesn't have a flavor to begin with, lol. If it did, then we wouldn't have 'flavored water' (the kind that is carbonated and tastes like different fruits and stuff). Drinking water is like breathing air, unless there's something altered about it, it shouldn't really have a taste.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Actually boiled water has less oxygen. That's all the bubbles that come out when you boil it... I think. Where I live now I've never heard of anything about virus strains in the water. But earlier this week this truck with pink coloured paint or poison or something like that crashed into the river so they've stopped taking water from there for about 2 weeks. It's a good thing I live in NZ now... Before in China (where I was born) you wouldn't dare drink any form of water that was not boiled first. And after you boil it there's all these dirty stains on the kettle/pot/thing. It's all the heavy dissolveable metals. It's even worse around the Yellow River where there's all this sand and dirt in the water as well (that's why it's yellow). Consider yourselves lucky. (Hey! You wrote in indigo too!)[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]And yes what Wrist Cutter said is true, there is no such thing as a complete non-comformist. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]After calming down a bit... Yes, that's [i]very[/i] true. It's impossible to be non-comformist cause you'll just fit into another group. (Why can't whoever invented the English language just leave me alone?) And I agree with Mnemolth that teachers should stop encouraging opinions that are so ignorant they're probably made by someone in a padded room all their life (in a bad way). And um.. I know I'm probably just babbling on here... Also, it's impossible to be completely the same as everyone else because everyone is so different. That's why instead of people all fitting in to a group, each person can fit into several groups at once. That's what makes us unique. Humans are the same (as in species and conformity) and very different (races, personality etc) at the same time...:therock: So I guess when you like something you really have to ask yourself: Do I really like this or am I just trying to be like everyone else? Sometimes it's not that easy to find friends that like you no matter what. So people shouldn't be blamed to try and fit in. Like someone said earlier, conformity helps us to feel secure... Um... Ok I'll shut up now.[/color]
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