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Everything posted by Pastbyer

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]Tommorrow's b-day's!!! Seadra Reef's birthday (15) Lady Katana's birthday (15) goku2001's birthday (35) [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=3]35!!![/SIZE] :eek: :eek: Oh my gosh!!! *Ahem* Happy birthday!!! :o
  2. [color=skyblue]War or no war, it doesn't really matter. As long as you are peaceful inside the outside chaos doesn't really matter. That's what I think anyway.[/color] And that quote about the future is pretty weird too. Hm...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] To people bent on revenge for what they did to their familiy, yes.... to a person who thinks what they are doing and the possible consequences, no.... justice is finding these people and these people involved ONLY and putting them to death. thats the only true justice... anything else is revenge, and only revenge.... there is no such thing as Justice in war.... there is no honor in war... only death... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that. If there was war I will refuse to fight no matter what. Because I live only for the people I love even if they don't love back. And my hope of true peace is the only thing that stops me from dying right at this moment of a suffering soul. Oh, well what's the point in explaining anyway. No one will listen...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal Jehuty [/i] [B] true maybe it was a bad idea to make them lose their happiness, so yeah, i do understand so, no hard feelings :) [/B][/QUOTE] It's his birthday, and he's allowed to enjoy it. Even if it is abit tragic about the NYC thing and all... And if this happened on my birthday: don't worry, I have no happiness to loose.
  5. It's crazy, totally crazy. Everywhere people talk about fighting for peace, but do you even know what peace is?? Of course they don't, and I'm not going to bother telling you either. Because you can't see what I see, or feel what I feel. So just go on fighting, because one day you'll see that war is not a way of solving things. But then, why do I even bother? I'll probably get hatemail for this, but: STOP THINKING ABOUT WAR!! WAR AND FIGHTING NEVER SOLVES ANYTHING!! You are all crazy, not me. You've all forgotten the truth of peace. And I for one am grateful that I traded my true happiness for the ability to see the truth. See you at the end of the world, if you still remember.
  6. Amen and peace to you all. At least those who died are gone and don't have to see and feel what I can. All the pain, the greed, the emptiness, the torturing, the suffering and the wars. All the people fighting for peace and forgetting what peace really means. They don't see that peace means not fighting. But still they fight and fight and war and destroy. My wish in life is that one day someone will begin to understand what I see everyday and feel the pain of destruction. Someday, maybe at the end of the world they'll see. But then it would be too late....
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]MWAHAHAHAHAHA, it's the 11th, and it's Anna's birthday , mc12's birthday , and *drumrolls* MY BIRTHDAY, and I'm turning 14!!!!!!! Anna is turning 17, and mc12 is turning 12!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I was away for a few weeks and I missed everything! :mad: [SIZE=1]I'll never leave again....[/SIZE] Happy birthday to everyone in the above quote!! :babble: :wigout: .....Oh wait it's the 12th today..... Oh well.....
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *Dj-Joe* [/i] [B]dude iwas jkin,nice story.who says everything needs to be anime!-JOE [/B][/QUOTE] Ah... That's better. :) :D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *Dj-Joe* [/i] [B]u should make a porn anime lol im soo stoned -JOE [/B][/QUOTE] Now where is that "report this post to a Moderator" button...
  10. I just drew my best Anime pic ever!! If only I had a scanner...
  11. Ah.. this brings back memories... I used to draw like that until I read one of the Sailor Moon books! (no comments)
  12. I'd say in between. I think.... And to those of you who didn't reply: [FONT=century gothic]You might think that you are pretty, but you are NOT pretty inside!![/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=purple]It's the 30th today and it's...[/COLOR] *checks calender* [COLOR=seagreen]stormwings birthday!!![/COLOR] :cross: ;) :D :ball:
  14. Ok, Here goes: 1 The Beginning and the End Sundays were always bad news for her, Tina. It meant that tomorrow she would have to go back to school again ?something she never want to do again after the moving. It also meant that her mother would be trying to get her to go outside. Which is what happened this Sunday. This time Mum took Tina out for a picnic in a nearby park. It would have been ok if Mum didn?t call out ?hello? to some of her classmates. Now she can only sit under a tree and hope that those annoying kids won?t make her life a total misery the next day. She tried to ignore the yelling of children and her mother?s babbling by drawing a family picnic nearby. The sketching feeling was soothing ?as it always was- and she managed to add a few extra touches to make it look more interesting. Such as a running girl and some kites. The Chinese girl glanced up at the sky, thinking of a few clouds to lighten up the sketch. She blinked a few times. I know that I?m short sighted, she thought, but I?m wearing my special reading glasses and what the heck is that? She tried to see what that greyish dot in the sky was, but it was too far away and looked very faint. Maybe it?s a UFO, she thought hopefully, oh, well. I?ll just draw it. So she did. It was lucky too, because it was a UFO, and if she didn?t draw it she would have seen that it was flying this way and goten scared like some other kids in the park. Someone screamed nearby, Tina jerked out of her usual drawing trance and looked around. People everywhere were screaming, babies were crying and kids were pointing at the sky. She realised that something was wrong and quickly packed up her stuff. If it was a real problem, she wanted to always be with the things she loved -which was usually her Gamely, a few games, extra magical batteries, her laptop and some art things ?even if she had to die. A little girl pointed behind the tree Tina was under and screamed, hard, then ran off. That made her look behind the tree. What she saw made her breathless, it was a huge grey flying saucer that seem to have big black windows, preparing to land on the grass not far away from the tree she was behind. She took a deep breath and turned back around, this is too weird, she thought, I know I said that I don?t like this planet but this is ridiculous! Thoughts raced through her mind wildly for a few seconds as the saucer slowly closed in and broke some power lines. You still have a choice, her calm, adult-like self remarked, You can still run away if you don?t want to be caught by aliens in that UFO. But I can?t! The childish, fearful self replied What if they see me? I don?t want to die, right? Maybe, maybe not? The sound of breaking branches made her come back to reality. She looked again. The saucer, or whatever it is, is crashing into a tree not far away. A sudden laser like light flashed and the tree disappeared into ashes. She gulped as the UFO came closer to her hiding place. What was that? It didn?t really feel like laser at all. It felt more like magic! That reminded her something. She quickly shut her eyes and felt for that sea blue crystal inside her and drew it out into being. Daniel, her guardian angel had given her this crystal along with some powers and magical things. The crystal can be turned into pure power and hidden, but it?s always more powerful when it?s a solid. Then she carefully flew out of her body and through the air using magic. Wham! Her magical self hit something magically solid. It felt like a dome of some kind. She carefully backed up and looked, it was the UFO. So I?m right, she said magically to herself, this thing does have magic, and lots of it too! Now the girl tried to feel the powers inside the dome of magic, it was the first thing she learnt by herself after she got the crystal ?feeling magic and people?s feelings. There is a huge blaze of some kind ?probably the engine, some small powers moving that felt awkwardly human and the protective magic in the walls of the UFO. That?s weird, she thought as she went back to her body, They are supposed to be aliens, right? Then why did they feel human? She put that out of her mind for a moment, as there was a very loud crack as a few power lines snapped. She spun around just in time to see that the saucer was getting dangerously close to her tree. Run, or not to run? Her magical senses danced at something, something bad. So she quickly ran out of the safety of her tree and stumbled over her picnic. Picking up her bag as she got up, she ran. At least I got some practice with those so-called ?friends? of mine from school. She thought miserably to herself as the tree she hid under seconds ago burnt into ashes. Hope that wasn't too long.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]I would love to here the rest, but one question. Why a UFO? I guess I'm more into the supernatual and witches and stuff like monsters with magical staffs. Okay I'll stop now. It's great though. Love to here the rest. *Smiles* Luck all the way girl! :) [/B][/QUOTE] *Wicked grin* :devil: Ha! You'll see, you'll see... :laugh: :laugh:
  16. I'll only believe that you are the creator of Pokemon after you've proved yourself! [size=1]Sorry, but welcome anyway.[/size]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]Ever decided to send your story to movie makers, it might be made, and the movie might become the next E.T.! [/B][/QUOTE] You really think so? Maybe after I finished or something. (it's super long) :o
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]Yep another person's birthday its *~*Bulma*~* happy 12 years old birthday.:) [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: That reminds me! *runs back to profile and puts in birth year*
  19. Great poems everyone. And here's one I made up on the way home(when I was walking). I haven't got a appropiate title for it yet: Love is sweet, Just like honey. And the thing is, You can't buy it with money. Salt and pepper, Are pride, envy and greed. You can't live with them, Or without them in deed. Anger is energy, Powered by fear. So don't kill them, By cuddling a bear. The hot spicy chillies, Is the forbidden hate. A drop is an energizer, But too much might be too late. Hope and wishes, Are rays of light. But have them crushed, And you'll see that I was right. About the killer, True emotional pain. To tell the whole story, It would be too long to explain. So love is sweet, Just like honey, And the thing is, You can't buy it with money. [color=red][SIZE=3]Or can you?[/SIZE][/color] Um... yeah. It's not quite right yet. P.S. Part of it is always in my sig until I decide otherwise. :D :o
  20. Um, my name is Tina. I don't really like it that much, but then you wouldn't know my name unless you see me everyday for more than a week. And after a while I'm sure you'll forget it very quickly. That's why my screen name is Pastbyer. Get it? I wouldn't want to change my first name, but I want to change my full name to: Tina Pastbyer
  21. Great! It would be great to have my old count back especially since I don't post much. It was around 138 (from what I remember) or 148. Yeah, something like 1 X 8. And... [color=coral][SIZE=3]Stop laughing![/SIZE][/color]
  22. [color=seablue]Yeah. Happy birthday(s) to stardust and psycho![/color] :D ... Hm... They didn't seem to notice this thread... Oh well... :rolleyes: :)
  23. Pastbyer

    First here

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B] wow, you guys are behind then [/B][/QUOTE] I know. And didn't it seemed as though every time a new Pokemon shows up either Misty or Brock has heard about it? Kinda boring.
  24. Ok.... Say the magic word. [color=silver](please)[/color]:D
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]Neat, eh?:D [/B][/QUOTE] Isn't that a bit too big?
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