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Everything posted by Pastbyer

  1. Since no one likes to see the next [b]9[/b] chapters I think I'll just leave this. *Hums a small tune and walks off*:( :o
  2. A lot of my friends think Pokemon is boring because the show is boring. But what do they know about the Games? Absolutely [b]nothing[/b] (except for some names of course).
  3. [color=lilac]Sorry, Crystal isn't out here yet. But if it's like Silver... Never mind.[/color]
  4. Pastbyer

    First here

    [COLOR=blue]Yeah... In NZ they stopped playing Pokemon about 1 months ago. They'll probably start from the very beginning again soon. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]And they never got to Goldenrod City....[/COLOR] :(
  5. *looks at post count* Oh well... I'll have to make a mini copy of the pic I want first. And that'll take a little while. :(
  6. Pastbyer

    Something in plan

    Why don't you just post the ideas and let us see them? It would be a [b]LOT[/b] easier.
  7. I used this team to beat Ash: Espeon Typhlosion Ampharos Lugia Tentacruel Togetic (note: Espeon has bite and Typhlosion has Dig) It's not that good, but it worked at level 70.
  8. Aw... How nice. If only my birthday was nearer ([color=RED]April![/color]). Did you know that my mother's birthday is on the 25th of December? ([b][i]Christmas Day!![/i][/b]) I only give her one gift per year (and a big one too).
  9. Pastbyer

    Something in plan

    I had something in mind... But it screwed up when I got a PM. *meaningful look at firemac* So now it's really complicated. I'll post when I straighten it out again. :o
  10. Uh... sorry about me running out. I had something important to do. :o I'm not too sure about whether I should just post up the next bit or PM you's the next bit or email them. So please: PM me if you want it to be emailed or PM'ed Post if you want it to be posted. P.S. I live in NZ. ('Lol'! look at my location under my name!!)
  11. Uh... Actually I started to write this 3 months ago and now it's 8 chapters long with about 4 full pages in each chapter. And I don't live in the USA. Uh... gotta go. Byue!
  12. I've got a story, but it's not exactly anime related. Here's the Intro: It was just another normal Friday, the sun was shining, there were small puffs of clouds in the sky and a 14-year-old was walking down the street on her own. This was normal too, considering she has only been in this area for a short time. One week to be specific. Why did Mum have to move again? She thought. I was just starting to like my old school. If only my mother would stop worrying about money and better jobs and listen to me for once! She stopped to cross the road. The street was empty, Except for some birds, a barking dog and a cat lurking in some corner. As usual the girl began daydreaming. It was sort of her hobby, since she always did so. A breeze wiped at her brand new uniform as she hurriedly stepped onto the sidewalk. She walked on a bit more and reached her destination. The 14-year-old scanned the mailbox with troubled eyes, no mail today, she thought as she carried herself down the driveway. As soon as she got inside the big house, she changed out of her uniform. I hate these uniforms, she thought, If only they were less... well, red. She changed into khaki pants and a light grey jumper, her favourite set of clothes. Then settled down on the study table in front of the computer and began her history essay, well, at least I have the whole weekend to finish my homework, she began writing with a sigh. Little did she know; hundreds of miles away, a UFO is flying towards the Earth. Behind it?s many reflective windows, someone is looking for her. What do you think? :o
  13. I voted for [COLOR=skyblue]Articuno[/COLOR]. I like ice and bird types. [SIZE=1]Oooo... First post...[/SIZE]
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