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Everything posted by Pastbyer
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]I wish they would just solve their problems...Without using guns. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yeah, if only the world that mankind has made was that simple.[/color]:(
[color=indigo]Round of applause for Lady M! That was one of the most inspirational things I've read since... I can't remember. It must be all the books you read. That and on hand experience. I could discuss the essay but I'll just write another one discussing it if I start. (?!) So, yeah. Someday you'll be a rich writer - if you work at it enough. P.S. I'm an outcast too (like that's a surprise). :cross: And I happen to be proud of it.[/color] :excited:
[color=indigo]Well I live in a different country with a different time zone so when the attacks happened it was around 2 or 3 am on the 12th. When I woke up everything was so normal since we didn't watch the news or anything. Then my Mum & I got into the car to go to school/work. My Mum likes to listen to the news so we heard it then. I thought I was still asleep or something and since it was so far away from where I lived I didn't take much notice. That's until about 2 pm when my teacher came in with a TV and showed us a taped news report from the USA showing the towers collapsing and everyone screaming. That's when it really clicked in my head that it was real. After that we spent about a week at school just studying on the attacks and all the stuff. And note that I live in New Zealand.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i would have to say that pastbyers has a point. i think the attitude of letting history take its course is a good one. but i also believe that war is not simply human nature. we are far too complex to sum up in such a simple statement. i believe war is really the product of a conflict between 2 types of people. there are those who know what can be acheived with strength and violence, and use that to gain power, material goods, etc. by "evil" means. the other kind of person is the kind that reacts to the other, this later kind can not allow the violence and horror to continue and must act. in every conflict there are atleast two sides and more times than not, one of them is legitimatly fighting to rid the world of "evil". [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I didn't mean that war is human nature. I meant that the instinct to fight back to things is human nature. And not just physically fighting either. Isn't campaigning and protesting fighting back? It's not necessarily a bad thing. If we didn't have this instinct then we wouldn't have come this far in history. There are so many examples of this that I don't really need to give any. But then, you must realise. There are always exceptions to rules and laws. Except for this one... Or... Um... Never mind. Back to the topic, I don't think that America should fight Iraq [i]this way[/i]. I don't know much about how these law systems work but I feel that there should be better ways to solve these problems. Evil or not evil it doesn't matter. I mean doesn't Afghanistan people believe that the USA is evil? Anyway, like I said, it's not for me to decide. But this thing my Mum said really got me thinking. She said that (quote) "America should stop being the world police and do something more helpful..." There's more to that quote but the first bit really stuffed this into a pea. (No offence to any Americans, she meant the USA government, not the common people.)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] I think destiny is there, but only leads us into different directions, reasserting our position in life. It doesn't [i]control[/i] how this or that will turn out, it only defines it. Defines it in that it shows you a path, if you take it, that's your choice, if you don't, that's also your choice. So yes we all have a destiny to an extent, but eventually we break from our set roads and go into something different, something else than the path chose for us. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I couldn't have put it any better. Fate shows us the choices, but we get to choose. Destiny really has no meaning because it's too broad. Kinda like the word 'random'. But coincidences... Well, they're part of destiny too. They show us things we never noticed before. So maybe sailor stardust's coincidence is meant to mean something... I'm confused now. (Don't worry it's quite normal.)[/color]
[color=indigo]Conformity huh? I'd say that it's definitely alive and well today. I'm one of those people who don't really mind about 'fitting-in' or 'standing out'. I just be myself. And if there happens to be someone like me (which I really doubt) or me being like someone then so be it. I don't care. To Lady Macaiodh, show us the essay, please? It must be good if it made people cry (which I can't do).[/color]:whoops:
[color=indigo]Suicide? I've never really thought about it that much. Even if I am unhappy with life I've learned to live with it and accept the fact that life is not fair and it'll never be. I don't like to stereotype and condemn people but I sort of know why some people would want to kill themselves. You have good days and you have bad days, but for some people the bad days are always there and they can't seem to get out of it. It's a horrible feeling of pressure that drives you mad (believe me, I know). But the people who kill themselves just to be noticed are selfish (no offence to anyone). Because, one, you're hurting the ones that you love and care about. And two, how can you receive the attention if you're dead? It's a simple concept really. Like I said before, some people commit suicide because they are really upset, they're the ones that we should look out for and try to help. So, that's my opinion anyway.[/color]
[color=indigo]I'm not a supporter of war, but I don't get to decide what happens. If you look carefully at history you'll notice that almost everything (with a few exceptions) are achieved through war and fighting. It's a human nature thing I guess. Humans are designed to fight when they want something. Even if it isn't that much of a good idea. So, since we can't really do that much as individuals, might as well just let history run it's course... Unless you're some powerful leader of course, then it's different. ...That's what I think anyway. Sorry if it's off-topic, I didn't have time to read through everything.[/color]:D
[color=indigo]Yeah, um.. It seems alright now. Most of the graphics are working. Only the avatars and some of the banners have problems. So, yeah.[/color]:sleep:
[color=indigo]I can't seem to remember much right now, but here's some that I made up: ~Prefix has a prefix in it. ~Abbreviation can be abbreviated. If you can get these two quotes then you are very accademically smart.[/color] :D :toothy:
[color=indigo]I can't say that I'm a book-worm, but I find that if I get a really good book I can read it very quickly. Normally I don't have time to read that much. And I pretty much only read stuff that grabs my attention and school books. Um, I'd say that my favourite genre would be fantasy. Cause they tend to be more exciting. But if I want I can read encyclopedias (sp?) from cover to cover (if I'm bored that is). And for some strange reason I can read VERY fast if I wanted to, which is weird since English isn't my first language...[/color]
[COLOR=indigo]Ok, I've just got back to the OB after a 2 months break. I noticed the whole OBv6 thing and decided to surf for a bit. Now I can't get into my Profile! And a lot of graphics don't seem to work on my computer either. I'm not sure where to put this thread so if I made a mistake please tell me. And.. um... Help? :confused: [edit]Oh and I just noticed the forum jump thing so I might try to get in my Profile that way. Hopefully things will go back to normal soon...[/edit][/COLOR]
[color=indigo]Well, I guess it's probably just up to luck. But there was once when I was trying to catch Lugia (L40) on Silver. I caught it with a Heavy Ball. My Pokémon were around L30ish. All I did was put it to sleep (which was REALLY luck in my sense) and then slowly wear it down to red. Then I threw a Ultra Ball (or 2) and threw 2 Heavy Balls and then caught it. I think that it's just really up to luck.[/color]
[color=indigo]You know, this is weird and ironic but it's true: My friend Alex who came over today has never played Silver or Gold. And she figured out the answer! (By accident of course, but still.) What you have to do is walk to the super Mart and go through the basement and enter the dungeon place from there. And you switch on the Emergency switch which opens the doors for getting out. Then you go and switch off switch 3 & 2 (the left one and the middle one. Then voila! You can get to the item! Which is a Smoke Ball. Thanks for all your help. Even though it wasn't much.... help. Right.[/color]:box:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]O.k. I thought you want to get through the maze. Do this 2,1,3.If that doesn't work try 3,1,2.That should work.If that doesn't work then I don't know what to do.Intil I get another combo in my head. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Nope, still doesn't work.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tenx [/i] [B]the order is from the left to the right [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I know that.:rolleyes: That's the way out. But that doesn't get me to the item. Anyway, I'll try all your suggestions. Edit: Sorry, none of them work. I still can't get the item.[/color]
[color=indigo]Um... Yes. In the Underground Team Rocket place where you have to press the 3 switches, there are a few items there. There is one item in a closed space with 2 doors on the bottom left of the screen that I can never seem to get to. I've already defeated the whole game and now I'm just kind of stuck on that item. :confused: So, help? Anyone?[/color]:D
I start Summer School tomorrow on my BIRTHDAY!
Pastbyer replied to Krillen's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Summer school? Well, that's nasty. Especially on your birthday. So, good luck! PS. You people are LUCKY, I only get a 2 week break with tonnes of homework because it's winter here.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] [color=royalblue] And DBZ is very old to me too. It used to be cool, but I have moved on, and I am almost to the point of disliking it because it is so overrated, and lacks plot SO much, that it's almost the same exact thing over and over again. Example: There is always a new enemy, more feared than the last one. Every saga, someone goes up in power (drastically) The moves get even moooore boring. Last, but not least (well maybe it is): They always somehow manage to overcome the enemy by sacrifice, or becoming a new SSJ level. I don't dislike DBZ yet, and it is still fun to watch every now and then. But come on... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]My thoughts exactly.[/color]
[color=indigo]Here's a tip. In R/B/Y, if there is a tree or rock in the middle of a bit of flat land, there usually is a hidden item... most of the time.[/color]
[color=indigo]To me life is just... life. You live, you feel stuff, then you die and do whatever you do when you're gone. Or maybe you even reincarnate. I don't know, and I don't suppose it's for me to decide. But hey, I'm just living. And like TN said, the meaning of life is what you make it. And yeah..... That's all I can think of now. PS. Personally I think that we all evolve by discovering ourselves... whatever that is. And if you don't do that in one lifetime, you reincarnate. If you succeed... well... You succeed. And oh yeah. If you reincarnate, you don't always look the same. Because the whole point of reincarnation is to let you experience a different environment... Something like that. Sorry if I confused anyone, I tend to do that a lot.[/color]
[color=indigo]Ok... On my birthday (at 6am that day) I had one of the strangest and funniest dreams ever. I dreamt that I suddenly woke up. And by habit I turn and look at the clock and it says 7:36. And I suddenly realise that I'm late for school (which I'm not because it's the holidays)because I'm usually supposed to get up at 7am. I thought I forgot to set the alarm or something. So I rush out of bed and opens my closet to get my uniform out. And I also heard sounds of my Mum walking around the kitchen. Then I start to get dressed when I suddenly realised: Wait a sec, it's my birthday today, which means it's still the holidays! Then everything goes swirly and I wake up. And guess what? It's 6:30 and my Mum was actually walking around the kitchen. But the weird thing was, everything was absolutely realistic. I mean I could actually feel the carpet under my feet and the closet door and everything. That was strange... I think someone up there was trying to joke with me on my b-day.[/color]
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
Pastbyer replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Woah... You're really good. (The green smilie at the end of my last post was not put there on purpose. My friend "Myname" was here and she clicked the smilie!)[/color]:mad: :o :D -
[color=indigo]Nice. It sounds great so far. Hope you'll update this.[/color]
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
Pastbyer replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]:ball: Mmmmmmmm Cookie........ Please post up something else... please? (It's my b-day today!)[/color]:therock: