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Everything posted by Pastbyer

  1. Pastbyer

    I Need help

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]No idea. I'd say that your game has a glitch in it, and it's playing up on you. That never happened to me. :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen]I don't think it's a glitch Squashed Snail. I think he's stuck in Morty's gym (you know, the Ghost type gym?). Oh, and also you have to battle everyone in that gym so you have to walk in front of everyone. When you are in front of the first guy, walk right, but don't go all the way. Then go up and battle, and then go left, and then up... and so on. Hope I didn't confuse you...[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]funny! :D :rolleyes: make another, or err, copy another from your computer to put on otaku:p :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen]Yeah! Post another one![/color]:rotflmao:
  3. [color=seagreen]That sounds great. If only...[/color]:(
  4. [color=seagreen]Well, all I can say is... [SIZE=3]Happy Birthday!![/SIZE][/color]
  5. Let's see Pokémon ... Pokèmon... Cool!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Well, about an hour ago I found out that my Worthless Excuse for a Man Stepfather has been cheating on my Mother. And I feel like murdering him. Ever since I met him, we've hated each other to the point of almost being at each others throats. I've always despised him, constantly saying to my Mother what a complete and utter loser he is... But she always defended him, saying that he really wasn't such a bad guy... About a year ago, although they remained married, he moved out,. He had to. It was impossible for us to live under the same roof... When he did come over, to visit my Mother and my baby Brother, there was always a feeling of hatred looming over us. Just tonight, he admitted to my Mother that he had been sleeping with someone else. She already had an idea that something was going on, but she wasn't sure until now... They were at his house, and she just walked out. Being the ****wit that he is, he began to try and Justify his actions. What a ****ing Joke. This isn't fair... My Mother was already cheated on, by my pathetic excuse for a Father... 3 long years, he cheated on her... And now, it's happened again... But why? My Mother is the sweetest person I know. She's Kind hearted, generous, loving... She doesn't deserve this. When I first heard about it, I felt depressed... Then, I immediatley felt anger... Now I want to Murder that bastard... I hated him before, and now... He's lower than dirt... Although in saying this, i should probably feel the same way about my Father... But, seeing as he is my Dad and all... I suppose I still feel some small kind of Paternal love.. So I'm crankin' up my Stereo to Max. tonight. Lots of Speed Metal and Punk Rock for me. And if he steps foot in this house again... Let's just say... They better call the police to come and restrain me... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]That sounds a bit like me & my Mum about 2 years or so ago. Even though she didn't get married with that other guy. I used to get really upset everyday cause I kept on arguing with that guy. :mad: Then Mum left him and.. yeah... Just try to calm down and comfort your Mom. She probably feels a lot worse than you. (sorry to repeat all these messages but I guess everyone feels the same way somethimes)[/color]
  7. [color=green]1. Ice 2. ... Dark 3. ...... Ghost Enough said.[/color]
  8. ACK! The person who would most likely to be my friend is Heero Yuy!!! Hey, that might help my fanfic a bit...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Has anyone seen it??? :huh: :huh: :huh: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Yeah... It's... kinda strange...[/color]
  10. [color=green]Well... I always get my Christmas presents early. And I got some money from my Dad in China, some other junk and some more money... I like to buy my own stuff so my parents just gives me money.[/color]
  11. [color=green]Ah! Luckily for me I'm an only child! :laugh: But that's only because of these rather strange Chinese law-thingys. :haha: Ooo... Smilies...[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]It's kinda helpful when it evolves [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]What do you mean by that?[/color]
  13. Ok! ... Oh wait if I just post 1 word it'd be spam too... Oh... Great...
  14. [color=blue]Well I'll just grab my Gameboy & my Pokemon Silver game (which is usually in the Gameboy). And then I'd sit outside and play. I don't mind losing other stuff. But if I had time I'd probably grab some other stuff that I collect. Even though I don't really need to worry about the tiny bit of silver in that tiny tube......[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B]Seriously thank you for that worthless pointless annoying piece of information I have known for the past two bloody years! Sorry I went overboard. This is just sorta spam. Please Altron close it.... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh well who cares if it's spam. It's the first day of the holidays anyway...
  16. Well... My first Silver game was something around 128 something... My Silver game now (the one I restarted) is... *runs to get Gameboy* ...... 65:31 I know, it's not a lot, but I'm still training to beat Red/Ash.
  17. I like the birds better because... Well the same reason as Matt. D. Anyway, my favourite Pokemon is Articuno, which is one of the legendary birds.
  18. [color=blue]Did you know that in Gold & Silver (and probably Crystal too) there's a place called Ruins of Alph? And wait, don't leave yet! The "Alph" part comes from the word "Alphabet". As in Unown, the Pokemon that resembles the 26 letters of the alphabet. Now here's a bit of meaningless info for ya...[/color]
  19. [color=blue]To me Jigglepuff is cute. I sometimes use it for fun against other Pokemon. But I like Pokemon with Metronome (sp?) better. It's fun... Also it's really funny how Jigglypuff draws funny faces everytime. :purplelau But I really like Jigglypuff in the Manga series 'cause you can use it as a hot-air balloon and fly![/color] Grrr... Stupid purple laugh...
  20. Lately I've been having some even stranger dreams. Like 2 days ago I dreamt that I was in another world and the two guys there said that I was too tired so they told me to go to sleep, which I already am. Then everything goes black and I go into a REALLY deep sleep. And then after a while I wake up in that other world and I see the two guys asleep. Boy they looked so cute! :bellylaug: Then I woke up in my bed. Anyone had dreams like that?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy [/i] [B] I have psychic dream too, the bad dream come true, not the good one. [/B][/QUOTE] Really? All of mine are small things like work at school or something like that. They are not exactly bad or good. Although this time I dreamt I was at school in normal clothes (we always have uniforms at school). And I was sitting in my seat starring at a pencil or something on the table. And it started to float and spin really fast. Then everything went black and I went back to my usual dream about the two guys I was talking to. But that dream never came true. [edit]ok... I think I should go now... I've been on the net for long enough...[/edit]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valkyrie [/i] [B]I had a dream where i look at the window and i watch these beautiful pieces of paper drift down.. and the wierd thing is theyre burning... I lean out and look up at the source, and see this kid on my roof. Then somehow he gets behind me in my room and starts speaking. I turn around. I have the impression we talk for hours and that i know him.. but everything but the burning paper is blurry.[/B][/QUOTE] I have that kind of dreams too. Except that I was in this crystal palace in the middle of a lake with lots of flowers around it. And I'm always talking to these two people. I think they're my Guardians or something. Maybe you were talking to your Guardian too. You're supposed to know them and they are supposed to follow you around or something.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy [/i] [B]I guesss dull and excitement each has a good and bad point [/B][/QUOTE] Ha... True... I always have psychic dreams.
  24. I'm not really Christian or Athetic (sp?). But I do believe in reincarnation. I think that not everyone is reincarnated after they die, only those who has depts to pay or has not fufiled their destinies are reincarnated. Sometimes I think I was reincarnated from another world, but I'm not quite sure because all my memories are quite messed up. I don't know why I believe in these things but they just popped out of my head. Ever since my parents split up I began to question science. And one day I just suddenly began to see science and religion as two parallel lines. They bend and erode eachother until they become one. And that one line is what I believe in... I must seem really weird now. :blush: But it's what I believe in and well... you can think what you want. I don't care. Oh yeah I almost forgot. Ever since I first learned the word "glasses" (in my first language which is Chinese) I knew that when I got older I was going to wear them someday. And guess what? I was right! I'm wearing glasses right now!
  25. [size=1]Let me just say how weird this is because I had two different dreams last night. The first one I dreamt I was on the Otaku Boards (like I am now) and I clicked on a thread called "Weird Dreams". And yes, that's actually real. I must be psychic or something...... The second dream is the one I usually have about me being in this giant violet crytal palace kind of place. And I was talking to two people and sometimes we would run around and play stuff. Then I get this really dizzy feeling and sort of fall over. And then I would wake up about 5min later. A few month ago I used to have this nightmare. It always started with me walking along the road or through a field of grass. Then suddenly something would grab me from behind and it's kinda like the Shadow card from CCS. Then I'd see all my friends and family standing in front of me while I struggle against the dark thing-whatever it is (it feels like suffocating). And they just turn and dissapear as though they haven't seen me at all. Then I ususally wake up. I think it means that not all my friends and family like me the way I like them or something...[/size]
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