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Everything posted by Pastbyer

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]i am mexican, indian, and black, so with the history in my blood i can say White People did alot to my blood anscestors, but i am part white also.... weird blood mix.... alot of minorities... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, true, it is a weird blood mix. I'm 100% Chinese and I can speak fluent English (not that it matters). I don't care about insults or jokes or anything like that, everyone is different, right? I mean you have some Americans who are afraid of middle-east people and others who are friends with them. It just depends on who you are (as in how you think and how you behave).
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B]I used to, consecutively, have this dream where i was running down a narrow trail in a forest.... at first, i had no idea why i was running.... but then i looked back and saw the most disturbing thing... i saw a row of bloody heads on sticks on both sides of the trail... then at the very end of the trail, i see Death. I'v had this dream for bout a month... until i finally read bout wierd dreams and what they meant... it said to "confront" my nightmare... so on the very last night i had this nightmare, instead of runnin' from him.. i stopped.. then i began runnin' like hell again... :D wat would u of done if Death told you he wanted you dead? then, the next day, i died... in a dream that is... isn't it irratatin' how whenever you're bout to do somethin' u really like in a dream, somethin' wakes you up? the dream didn't mean nothing.. i had another wierd dream where me and my friend went to a shack full of hollywood monsters havin' a party and tryna kill us at the same time! :laugh: :laugh:........ *hides under desk* [/B][/QUOTE] If Death told me he wanted me dead I'd stay and let him kill me. But he keeps on telling me that he wants me to live. Weird huh? And I hate it when I suddenly wake up when there's something nice in my dream for once. But I don't do that anymore, my dream usually stops about 5 minutes before I wake up. That's kinda weird too...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]something i don't get navi..you said americans stole hawaii..but you also said ya were 'americans' who doesn't accept white foreigners..:confused: the purpose of being an american is..well..americans are the foreigners. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh thanks a lot there's another thing for me to wonder about... *blinks* O... K... I think I'll just leave now... I'm starting to feel really... cold... So cold... so lonely...........
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]hey. didn't mean it that way. sorry for trying to change your view and offended you..i was gonna say something to those atheist ppl too..^_^;; i was just responding to your view cause it was interesting. that's all. [/B][/QUOTE] *shrug* Whatever. It doesn't really matter anyway. I forgive you, if that's what you want to hear. I don't get hurt by people, it's just what they say, so I don't remember anything afterwards. It's just a feeling of the moment. I don't really like to get involved in anything at all. eg arguments, teams, groups. I just like to stay back and watch and try to figure out a way to explain what I feel. It's really weird, but it's normal for me. It's like I can see this really beautiful moment where all is revealed. But I can't explain it. It's every single emotion in the Universe mixed together into one, but yet it has no feeling to it all. It's true peace, but yet it's not... Do you get what I mean? I don't really either cause I can't explain it with words. You have to see it yourself.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]And there are lots of things in life that prove that sentence wrong. if we all thought hitler was doing good job getting rid of 6 million jews, then he must have. that doesn't make any sense. [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* You so called people just don't get it. I give up now, it's not like anyone will care if I'm hurt or not. When I share my feelings here I could at least get some support instead of the pain I'm getting now... Anyway, I'm not angry at anyone or meaning any offence to anyone. I just want someone to actually see the beauty I see but they keep on saying I'm crazy.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]America built it's system on the foundation of freedom and the fact that we can all live together as one regardless of color, religion, whatnot... I mean, it states that in the Constitution.... or we wouldn't have freedom of religion.... The fact is America was founded by white people and thus some white people have this feeling it's theirs to keep and no one else..... which is entirely contradicting.... They go against all they stood and fought for..... it's stupid.... Also, people fear what is different... they don't give it a chance anymore they just automatically think "middle east = terrorist".... people don't think anymore... kinda like Osama Bin Laden saying all Americans are evil.. he'd be killing thousands of his own people if he killed all Americans.... does he think about that? no..... we are different, he fears us.... it's the same thing inside the states.... people don't understand gay people, thus they fear them.... people don't understand Asians or Spanish, Whites, or Blacks or whatever.... People need to think before they act... but thats doesn't happen in America..... what kinda of American fool would think??and it's not just Americans.... It's stupid... thats why the world is full of stupidity.... if they would think.... we wouldn't have these problems.... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that. Anyway I don't really care if there is war it's not like they'll attack NZ anyway, it's too far away. I just want to get on with this torturous thing you people call life and die being proud of my believes.... Sorry but that thread on believes is making me all weird....
  7. My (English) name is in my signature. Guess! (c'mon, it's not that hard!)
  8. I'm so confused now... I once heard that "Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens." And I think that's true cause I don't talk much but I listen with extreme care (most of the time). Unlike some religous people I don't make other people believe what I believe in. I don't care if I live or die, or if I exist or not, or if death is the end. That's all part of someone else. You've got to be your own person you see. I'm probably confusing some people, but when you get to the point where you realise that life or death doesn't matter you'll start seeing what I see. I can't explain it though, it's too... complicated (for the lack of a better word). Just remember: "There are no differences between good or bad, there's only what you think and what others think." ~Me And there are lots of things in life that prove that sentence true, just think about it.
  9. There are times when I get flashes of pictures when I sleep and then they really happen. Like last night I had a vision of myself drawing this chart in my Science book, and today the teacher made us do a chart on the rocks on Earth. It's kinda weird. And lately I kept on dreaming of Zackery (a character from my story) and him flying away into the moon. Dunno why...
  10. *Gasp* What!? I was away for 4 days and everything happens! I hate school now... :( :o
  11. Series: Um, right now it's Cardcaptors (yes the Nelvana series, it's the only kind I can get). But it changes every now and then. Movie: Um... Something... (no that is not a movie)
  12. Ah.. yes.. Yue is my favourite charactor in CCS :blush:, Eriol is second, then it's um... I don't know yet... And right now I'm trying to get through my cousin's virus infected computer to find out how to buy a set of Clow cards. (She has a set of Sakura cards) So... yeah... [size=1]*Zackery pops up and slaps her into the keyboard* Me: Hey! I'm busy here so get back to whichever dimension you came from! Zack: Ok. *Vanishes*[/size] *Ahem* Excuse me.
  13. We are talking, just not to you. (no offence)
  14. I would say something about the good old days... Only I can't remember anything... I think I'm getting amnesia...
  15. Hahahahahaha!!! I'm laughing so hard that... I can't even think!! Oh wait, I couldn't do that before... Oh well. *L.O.L.*
  16. "It's that way!" ~Ash and his gang (I happen to be watching Pokemon right now) "Well if the sun is at 3 o'clock and we are here on the map... I'd say that... We're lost." ~Brock "He can't loose it, he never had it!" ~Misty
  17. Hey Adam why didn't you tell us earlier, I could have sent them a virus... :p Well, who cares... :laugh: :cross:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Prince [/i] [B]When I was little (7 Years Old) I used to be a sailor moon fanatic.... But then they canceled the show in new zealand. That is my sad story of how sailor moon saild from my life. *tear* Lol:blush: Dark Prince:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Dark Prince! New Zealand! :eek: :eek: [size=1]*muttering* ok... calm down... there's no way that he could be the guy you made up... It's too... coincidental...[/size] :o
  19. Ah... I'm so happy I'm not in the USA... We have Cartoon Network here in NZ too, same with Toonami. And in Toonami it has: Card Captor Sakura (and it's shown in the right order) Gundam Wing DBZ Yeah....
  20. [COLOR=teal]Hahaha... I just love quotes and taglines... I think I've given up on copying them down now...[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I don't know! My g/f needs to figure that out!! Yeah you know who you are!! [/B][/QUOTE] No we don't... Nah just kidding...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]Yeah its true! me and the otaku have been married for six months! this is sooo kool! ive been with it for the best and through the worse! so.... wheres all the other seniors? yeah im lookin for them too... so... TO THE BOARDS! now... lets have a PARTAY! BTW> how did any of you find this board? [/B][/QUOTE] *raises eyebrow* Married? O....K.... And for the question go and look in the "How did you find TheOtaku" thread.
  23. I don't usually piss people off. It's usually like this: [list=1] Someone tries to piss me off, I didn't pay attention and didn't hear it. 10 seconds later they start apoligising and I get really confused. They keep on apoligising for a few hours and I tell them to shut up. [/list]
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