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Everything posted by ssj3gotenks2003

  1. The style i play the most in is with official rules but sometimes i play in these styles: 3 way free for all 2 against 1 Tag Team the funnest is the Tag Team but the 3 way free for all seems to get my mind thinking more stragetically. (sp?)
  2. I know the deck is kinda big but I'm still working on it. I really was trying to make a mixed theme deck but it eventually turned into a deck destruction/stall deck with some life gainers thrown in. Dont worry about the deck size, it works out for me. 66 card total 66-Card Total: Tribute Monsters: (5) BEWD Sanga Of The Thunder Summoned Skull x3 Non-Tribute Monsters: (8) 7 Colored Fish La Jinn Harpie's Brother x3 Giant Soldier of Stone Spirit of the Harp Island Turtle Effect Monsters: (20) Man-Eater Bug x2 Trap Master x3 Nimble Momonga x3 Princess of Tsurugi Wall of Illusion x3 Spear Cretin x2 Witch of the Black Forest Morphing Jar #2 Morphing Jar Hane-Hane x2 White Magical Hat Magic Cards: (17) Fissure x3 Ground Collapse x3 Gravekeeper?s Servant x2 Change of Heart Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Nobleman of Crossout Nobleman of Extermination Dark Hole Malovent Nuzzler x2 Heavy Storm Trap Cards: (16) Trap Hole x3 Shadow of Eyes x3 Enchanted Javelin Call of the Haunted Waboku Michizure Magic Drain Solemn Wishes Mirror Force Robbin Goblin Time Seal x2 Let me just explain why I put in what just so you can get an idea of how this deck works. Tribute Monsters: I use Sanga b/c of its effect, most people seem afraid of this card more than BEWD. The 3 SS is b/c i wasnt drawing them when I had 2. I now draw them alot more often even when i had a smaller deck Non- Tribute Monsters: Self explantory. The 1800 atkers and some defense monsters. Effect Monsters: Morphing Jar #1 and 2 and White Magical Hats are for the deck destruction part. Witch is for one of the jars or WMH depending on the situation. Spear Cretin is to bring back the Jars. Hane-Hane and MEB are to clear the field. Nimble Momonga is for defense and life gaining. WOI is to clear the field also. Trap Master is to clear the m/t field. Princess is just for some dd. Magic: Ground Collapse is for stalling. I dont use GB b/c i dont have the cards to make a GB deck. Plus in my area i felt GB decks were overplayed so i wanted something original. GS is for making my opponent think twice before attacking. Even worse when two are on the field. NoE and NoC are also part of the deck destruction even if it means destroying part of my own. The two MN are for WMH but when the need arises i sometimes put it on my 1800 atkers. Everything else should be self explantory. Trap: Shadow of Eyes is for those pesky flip monsters. Time Seal is to restrict my opponent's options. Everything else should be self explantory. In conclusion, I already have a want list for LON and will be getting one of each of the Joey and Pegasus Starter Deck so expect this deck to see major changes:cool:
  3. I actually have a combo of cards that I like to use, its: DM with Book of Secret Arts, Sword of Dark Destruction and then Yami. Book of Secret Art increases Spellcasters ATK by i think 300. Sword of Dark Destruction increases Dark Types' Atl by 200. Yami increases Spellcasters/Fiends ATK by 200 and Decreases fairy by 200. I may have the numbers wrong. I dont have my deck on my right now. (And no i dont run a feind/spellcaster beatdown deck. :mad: )
  4. This is my new list. I took out some of the weaker monsters. I basically am trying to create a beatdown deck since thats what i basically have: Lord of D 4 stars High Tide Gyojin(x2) 4 stars Destroyer Golem 4 stars Blackland Fire Dragon 4 stars Prevent Rat 4 stars Crawling Dragon 5 stars Summoned Skull 6 stars Stone Ogre Grotto 5 stars Bottom Dweller 5 stars Dream Clown 3 stars Protector of the Throne 4 stars Sanga of Thunder 7 stars Guardian of Labyrinth 4 stars Harpie Lady 4 stars Hard Armor 3 stars Kumootoko 3 stars Steel Ogre Grotto #1 5 stars The 13th Grave 3 stars Trail of Nightmare 4 stars Doma Angel of Silence 5 Stars Silver Fang 3 stars Electric Lizard 3 stars Lesser Dragon 4 stars Armored Zombie 3 stars 7 Colored Fish 4 stars Hyosube 4 stars Armored Starfish 4 stars Ryu-Kishin Powered(x2) 4 stars Sand Stone 5 stars Big Eye 4 stars Frenzied Panda 4 stars Battle Steer 5 stars Mystic Horseman 4 stars Princess of Tsurugi 3 stars Ancient Lizard Warrior 4 stars Illusionist Faceless Mage 5 Stars Flame Cerebrus 6 stars Masaki Swordsman 4 stars Magic Cards: Chain Energy Block Attack Forest Remove Trap Sparks Wasteland Electro-Whip Hinotama Two-Pronged Attack Mountain Germ Infection Pot of Greed Graceful Dice Skull Dice
  5. I dunno if you guys know but you could go to some website that has a program thats called yu-gi-oh desktop and you could play online and actually see the cards on the screen. I tried downloading it yesterday but the website didn't want to load. I'll try to get the exact website address later.
  6. Tendai that all sounds good but the thing is all the cards I listed are all the cards I have. And i'm also strapped for cash so these are what i can get for now. I've changed my deck a bit. I took out some of the weaker monsters. I kept most of the monsters/effects cards. I think i got it down to maybe around 55. I know still alot but I think in the end it should help. I'll look at them again and see if theres any weakness in my deck. I'll post my revised deck and get another opinion.
  7. I just started this whole card thing and want to creat a deck but dont know what theme. Here are the cards I have Monsters: Lord of D 4 stars High Tide Gyojin(x2) 4 stars Boar Soldier(x2) 4 stars Spear Cretin(x2) 2 stars Weather Report(x2) 4 stars Jirai Gumo 4 stars Destroyer Golem 4 stars Blackland Fire Dragon 4 stars Prevent Rat 4 stars Star Boy 2 stars Crawling Dragon 5 stars Summoned Skull 6 stars Stone Ogre Grotto 5 stars Immortal of Thunder 4 stars Mega Thunderball 2 stars Bottom Dweller 5 stars Dream Clown 3 stars Protector of the Throne 4 stars Sanga of Thunder 7 stars Guardian of Labyrinth 4 stars Tainted Wisdom 3 stars Harpie Lady 4 stars Yado Karu 4 stars Hard Armor 3 stars Kumootoko 3 stars Skull Servant 1 star Man Eater 2 stars Steel Ogre Grotto #1 5 stars Monster Egg 3 stars Hinotama Soul 2 stars Armaill 3 stars The 13th Grave 3 stars M-Warrior #2 3 stars Trail of Nightmare 4 stars Dissolverock(x2) 3 stars Doma Angel of Silence 5 Stars Silver Fang 3 stars Electric Lizard 3 stars Dragon Piper 3 stars Lesser Dragon 4 stars King Fog 3 stars Armored Zombie 3 stars 7 Colored Fish 4 stars Hyosube 4 stars Rainbow Flower 2 stars Armored Starfish 4 stars M-Warrior #1 3 stars Ryu-Kishin Powered(x2) 4 stars Meda Bat 2 stars Larvas 3 stars Basic Insect 2 stars Sand Stone 5 stars Big Eye 4 stars Little Chimera 2 stars Frenzied Panda 4 stars Battle Steer 5 stars Mystic Horseman 4 stars Princess of Tsurugi 3 stars Ancient Lizard Warrior 4 stars Illusionist Faceless Mage 5 Stars Flame Cerebrus 6 stars Masaki Swordsman 4 stars Magic Cards: Chain Energy(x2) Painful Choice The Reliable Guardian(x2) Upstart Goblin(x2) Block Attack Forest Remove Trap Umi Sparks Wasteland Electro-Whip Hinotama Two-Pronged Attack Mountain Germ Infection Pot of Greed Tailor of The Fickle I also have these cards but can't use: Metal Dragon,Flame Swordsman, Musician King, Manga Ryu-Ran
  8. cool. i also live in brooklyn. Where is the place that your talking about? I checked out one of the duelist centers in manhattan. theres a tourney there on the 26th starting at 3PM. Give me your AIM if you have one. Mine is NuGotenks2003
  9. When I sacrifice a monster for a tribute that monster goes where? the graveyard or out of play or back into my hand or what? Do I lose life points for sacrificing a monster?
  10. I signed up for it. I dunno. I didnt see any other way to get to know other yu-gi-oh players in real life. I live in New York so I have a decent share of places to go. I'm going to check out one of these centers and see how it is. I don't know how you can dis upper deck. B/c as far as i know there the only company in the US making yu-gi-oh cards. Yeah the website may not be the best but at least there trying. If it wasn't for them we'll be buying the japanese versions of the cards at ridiclous prices and need a japanese to english dictionary with us when we duel somebody. just my 2 cents
  11. These questions are about the cards in general: 1. How does the types of the monsters affect them in battle? 2. Also can someone explain to me what the stars above the pic on the card represent? I read about them but still don't understand. 2a. I know this is related to it but what is a tribute? 3. Is a flip summon when you put a card on the field face down then flip during the game? 4. Can zombie cards be destroyed through normal means (ie. just by opponent attacking it) since they have no defense points or does that make them a weak card? This is about some specific cards: 4.The Boar Soldier has this description: "This card can only be summoned by a flip summon. If summoned by a normal summon, the card is destroyed. [B]If your opponent has 1 or more monsters under his/her control, the ATK of the card is decreased by 1,000 points"[/B] Does this mean if my opponent has more than 1 monster on the field or in his hand or what? 5.Does Dragon Piper also put my own dragons into attack position if there in defensive mode? 6.Lord of D. Does his effect only effect my dragons or mine and my opponent's dragons? 7.Does Illusionist Faceless Mage have any effect like in the cartoon or is he a normal monster card? 8.Pot of Greed. If i have 5 cards in my hand and draw this card and use it. Do i get to keep the 2 cards in my hand if i decide not to use them? 9.Princess of Tsurugi. Does its effect also include magic and trap cards that are face down? 10.Germ Infection. Can I equip this to an opponent's monster? If yes then how? 11.Little CHimera. Does its effect effect mine and my opponents fire and water type monsters on the field? 12. Two pronged attack. If I use this will I lose life points if i decide to get rid of two monsters? These are all the questions I have right now. Thanks for everyone who answers. :D
  12. Really? Because the store I went to had about half a dozen of these tins and all of them include 2 packs each of LOBD and they had 3 or 4 selling indivdiually but those were the japanese versions. I did not see one pack of yugioh or kaiba starter decks.
  13. I have seen most of the American version of Yu-Gi-Oh and just bought some cards. I wanna join too. I hope to duel eventually in some way shape or form before the end of the year. My AIM handle is: NuGotenks2003
  14. Hey everyone. I just started on this whole yu-gi-oh trading card thing this week and have some questions. Well first off i signed up for that yu-gi-oh card thing run by upper deck the day before yesterday. And then today i bought a booster pack trading tin which included 2 Legend of BEWD booster packs, 2 Metal Raider Packs, 1 Magic Ruler Booster pack. and something called a variant card. The Variant Card was a Lord of D. But according to what the tin says this card has not come out in any of the booster packs out in America. So I was wondering if anyone that knows the Japanese version knows which card this belongs to. If it helps it has the code BPT-004. Also the website said something about A Yugioh starter deck and a Kaiba starter deck. The question i have with that is that all the cards in both those decks can be found in the Legend of BEWD starter deck including 24 other cards not included in the other two decks. SO which decks, currently are easier to find: the Legend of BEWD or the other two decks? Also does anyone know where in the New York City area there is a tournament store. I tried using the locator but it really didnt give me much choices. TIA
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