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Everything posted by Mischief_Maker
It probobly would make a great anime becouse most anime shows have great graphics but try telling that to the creators
[I]Meanwhile,at the State Drag race Championship...[/I] Announcer: Next Up For The Final Match Up Here He Is From Bridgeport Connecticut, And Two-Time Word Drag Race Champion...SCOTT MCREIGN!!! [I]*Crowd Go's Wild*[/I] Announcer:And His Challanger Tom Witt From Dallas Texas [I]*Crowd Boo's*[/I] Scott: Lets Get This Party Started! Tom:You Got It, But First Lets Make A Wager...I Bet $50,000 Ill Beat You... Scott: Ya And Ill Bet My Car,That You'll Eat My Dust! Tom: Your Toast! Announcer: Gentlemen Start Your Engines... [I]Scott Revs The Engine Hard, As Tom Revs His Small T-Bird With No Adjustments[/I] 3-2-1 GO!! [I]Tom gets out in the lead... But Scott has a smirk on his face...[/I] Scott: Oh Please! [I]Scott then hits the NOS button and zooms forward to the finish line[/I] Announcer: Lady's And Gentlemen We Have A New State Champion [I]The Audiance Applouds Scott To His Victory And Scott Makes A Speech[/I] Scott:Thank You, I Just Wanted To Say That Im Thrilled To Be A Champ And Couldnt Have Done It Without my Car... [I]Cameras Zoomed In On Scott[/I] Scott: For All U Racers Out There... PARTY AT MY PLACE! [I]Scott Walks Away With $100,000 From The Prize Money ANd Tom's Bet Money[/I]
Sign Up The Fast and the Furious: 50 Cars and 50 Races!
Mischief_Maker replied to Nate's topic in Theater
Name:Scott McReign Age:23 Bio:Scott was born for racing,Ever since he was sixteen he felt the need for speed.He spent endless hours making modifications to his car,To make it the fastest car around.But it was no use.So now he drag races for money,to get around in life...Ill add more later Appearance:tall, brown hair, brown eyes, always has on a bandana and sunglasses. Attitude: Always in a good mood,and gets into mischief Other:2 time world drag champion The Car- Brand: 2002 Bugatti Model: 16/4 Veyron Color:See Atachment Other: Major Ajustments, Go's from 0-60 in 3seconds -
Sign Up Dungeons And Dragons: Lost Realms
Mischief_Maker replied to Mischief_Maker's topic in Theater
Ok we need about 6 more people at least to get this thing started... Oh ya vicky u need to have a description for your sword: it makes the story more intresting. all u others, great posts i hope this will set for other DnD Rpg's -
The year is 1214 AD. Many years have past since the great battle of the kingdom Talwar. Many brave warriors have lost there lives to protect the lives of the people. Men, women, and children were slaughtered by chaotic demons from the Lost Realms of the Abyss. The demons were forced to retreat back to the Abyss though a gate. The gate was then sealed, and can only be reopened by spilling live human blood onto the gate. As there blood splattered on the doors the locks would finaly be unlocked, and the gate would slowly open, releasing hundreds of demonic creatures. The only downside to these demons is that they were not capable of travaling in daylight. These demons could only be destroyed in there own realm, the Abyss. I will leave the rest to you... Ok people heres what u need: Name of your character: Race: (elf, half-elf, human, dwarf, orc, gnome, or halfling) Place of birth: (the character's, not yours) Bio: Apperance: Weapon(s): (only midevil weapons, that means no guns and stuff) Class: (Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Mage, or Thief,) Some can be mixed with others, ill state those below. Date of Birth: (Character) Alignment: (see below) Heres The Races elf half-elf human dwarf orc gnome halfling Heres The Classes Warrior types: Fighter Ranger Paladin priest types: Cleric Druid wisard types: Mage Specialist rouge types: Thief Assassin Bard Mixed types: Fighter/Cleric Fighter/Mage Fighter/Theif Ranger/Theif Cleric/Mage Cleric/Theif* Mage/Theif Fighter/Cleric/Mage* Fighter/Cleric/Theif Cleric/Mage/Theif *: i have to check to be sure. dont use until i take this symbol off. Heres the Alignments: Lawful Good Lawful Neutral Lawful Evil Neutral Good True Neutral Neutral Evil Chaotic Good Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Evil Races and sub races: Human elf Half-elf Dwarf Gnome Halfling Orc ok heres mine: Name: Reign Race: Elf Place of birth: Helm's Deep Bio: Reign has no memory of his past, and was raised by a pac of wolves which gives him outstanding speed and power...Ill Add more later Apperances:looks as if he fought a great battle in the past, yet he doesnt know about his urge to avenge. Weapons:Mystical Demon Slayer Blade able to steal souls of his enemys,making him stronger every battle Class:Ranger/Thief DoB:Unknown, looks in his twenties Alignment: Chaotic Neutral P.S: I Bent The DnD Rules Slightly. Also, the classes, races, alignments and all i will add detail to later on in the game. Have Fun...
Character name:Luigi Mario(Thats Wierd) Reason for choosing character:Ive always been a big fan of the mario brothers game saga and Luigi is the best My Knowledge of this character:Luigi is Marios younger brother and is in love with princess Daisy.Hes got speed and great jumping distance.He can shoot fireballs from his hand when he gets the fire flower and he can fly when he gets the feather power up. Side:Good Guy Thats pretty much it for now. god i cant wait to start!
[I]Shadow awakend from a deep sleep out of the darkness, he was awoken by nonother than Dr. Robotnik himself[/I] Robotnik: Hello Shadow,Enjoy your concushin? [I]Shadow not remembering anything,gets up and rubs his head...[/I] Shadow: Who am I?, Where am I?, What Am I? Robotnik: You are Shadow, You ar in my lab, and you are a hedgehog Shadow: Who are you? Robotnik: I am Dr. Robotnik, and that is all you need to know. Shadow: What do you need with me? [I]Robotnik explains to Shadow about the Chaos F emeralds...[/I] Shadow: I see... And you need me to help out by?... Robonik: Fusion!, You and another creature made into one... Shadow: Well what do I have to lose.. I cant be important if anyone I knew hasnt came to my aide... ROBOTNIK I ACCEPT! Robotnik: Excellent! [I]Robotnik laughs in an evil way[/I]
Class: Good Name: Michael Age: 36 character: Watcher Personality: Very intelligent, quite Bio: Knows alot about creatures and vampires, Trains the slayer to kill vampires and deamons (Much like Giles) Appearance:Tall, Brown eyes, black hair, glasses
Name: Shadow Race of Animal: Hedgehog Description: See Attachment Bio/Specialty: Shadow is everything Sonic isn't: cold, focused, and really cranky. He brags that he is the "Ultimate Life Form" created by the legendary Professor Gerald Robotnik, a claim that seems to have some credence considering he can match Sonic's every move. The big ace up Shadow's sleeve is Chaos Control, a move that allows him to manipulate time and space using Chaos Emerald power, which essentially gives him the ability to teleport anywhere. Shadow is hell-bent on avenging the death of Maria Robotnik, whom he has many fond memories of from his peaceful days aboard the space colony ARK. Unbeknownst to Shadow, however, is that everything he knows about himself is a lie. He was created by the legendary Professor Gerald Robotnik -- but Shadow never lived aboard the ARK and never knew Maria. These were false memories embued into him by Gerald, who created Shadow to act as a "vengeance from the grave." When Gerald's research on the Ultimate Life Form was halted by the military and his granddaughter killed in the raid, the Professor went insane and spent his final days plotting revenge. Shadow was created as a tool with which to extract that revenge. In the end, Shadow ended up having to face the truth of his existence, but still refused to let go of his memories of Maria. By absorbing the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds and teaming up with Super Sonic, Super Shadow was able to halt the procession of Gerald's revenge upon humanity -- at the cost of his own life.[IMG]http://www.emulationzone.org/fanfare/ghz/sonic/p_shadow.jpg[/IMG]
Name: Xero (Good Guy) Age: 20 Gender: Male race: Saiyan description:Long spiked silvr hair like Vegeta,Blue eyes,has clothes like Vegeta when Vegeta was Majin,Long silver tail bio: Xero was born on a small planet called Kredion,by his mother Sheeva,and his father Zero,who were both full Saiyan.They died when there planet was destroyed by an evil creature called Yami Kami. Luckly before the planet was destroyed Sheeva and Zero, put Xero in a pod and sent him to a blue panet called Earth, where he trained for many years to unlock his potential. There is one thing on his mind rid Earth of all evil and get reveng on Yami Kami for killig his parents. planet:Kredion
[I]After training with 18 for awile Krillan started getting concerned....[/I] Krillan: 18 I think we should go see Goku... Im sensing somthing, though its brief it doesnt feel friendly... 18: Fine, but we're training as soon as we get back... Oolong mind baby sitting for awile? Oolong: No i think ill pass, ive go thngs to do. [I]18 Gets irritated....[/I] 18: BACON!!!! Oolong: ALRIGHT ILL BABY SIT! [I]Krillan And 18 Fly Off Towards Capsule Corp[/I]
Sign Up DBZ: A New Fate, A New hope[sign-up] ...
Mischief_Maker replied to boothten's topic in Theater
Name: Krilin Appearance: Black Hair, Youve seen the show Bio: Youve seen the show Attacks: KaMeHaMeHa, Distructo Disc, Unlock Potential Weapons: None Other: A Fat Sack Of Senzu Beans -
[I]Mike was walking, when a small little boy walked up to him and asked to duel... Of course Mike excepted[/I] Mike: Lets duel! [I]Mike drew five cards... it was BEWD, Lord Of D., Flute of summoning dragon, Saint Dragon God Of Osirus, and Celtic Guardian[/I] Mike: You go first! Boy: Ok I play Mystic Elf ( 800/2000 )in Atk mode, and i end my turn. Mike: I play Lord Of D. in Def and I play the card Flute of summoning dragon, and I summon my BEWD in Atk mode. BEWD, white lightning attack! Mike/4000 Boy/3000 Mike: I end my turn. Boy: WOW! A BEWD... How can I beat that, I play My other Mystical Elf in Def and end my turn. Mike: I play Celtic Guardian in Atk mode, now I sacrifice my three monsters to summon... Saint Dragon God Of Osirus!, I now end my turn becouse I cant Atk same turn I summon that card. Boy: I simpley cant win... I forfiet, I have no cards that can posibly beat that card... Here is my puzzle card and my rarest card Gate Guardian Mike: I can not accept your Gate Guardian, you are a child and have much to learn about Duel Monsters... And I thank you for this puzzle card, and the duel. Boy: Thank You for not taking my Gate Guardian, for that I am thankful. [I]The boy runs of in a good mood[/I]
[I]Mike saw Ryo and wondered why he looked so shocked... So, Mike ran up to Ryo and asked what was wrong...[/I] Mike: Hey Ryo whats up? Ryo: I lost my god card, and I dont know what to do... Theres got to be a way to get my Ra back. Mike: Well you can use my Saint Dragon God Of Osirus card and win it back... [I]A Mischievious smirk fell apon Ryo's face[/I] Ryo: Great idea Mike... Well ill need to barrow your card and go get my Ra back... Mike: Here ya go... Be very careful with my card, I mean it. Ryo: Thanks, I owe you one! [I](Mike Thinking) " I sure hope he wins me an Exodia set"[/I]
Mike: Hello Ryo, I heard that you have a god card... Ryo: Yes, I do... Mike: Ive got something to show you... [I]Flashes his Saint Dragon-God of Oriris card in front of Ryo's face[/I] Ryo: Wow, youve got the Saint Dragon-God of Oriris card... Mike: I was wondering if I can be in your group... If thats ok with you... Ryo: Let me talk to my friends, and ill get back to you on that. Mike: Ok.
[I]After hearing Kaibas lame excuse to get out of the tournament, Mike points at a duelist and yells "Its Time To Duel!"[/I] Mike: You accept? Duelist: I do! Mike: Ok I go first... Draws Five Cards ... Ok, ive got my Red Eyes, my Summoned Skull, a Polymerization, my Black Skull Dragon, and a Lord Of D., plus since I go first I get to draw a card... Draws A Card ... Its The Flute Of Summoning Dragon... Mike: I play Lord Of D. in Def mode, I then use The Flute Of Summoning Dragon, and I summon my Red Eyes Black Dragon in Atk mode Duelist: I play Celtic Guardian in Def and end my turn Mike:... Draws A Card ... Yes just the card I need. I play Mystical Elf in def,I will sacrifice my Lord Of D. and Mystical Elf to summon Summoned Skull. I will now use my Polymerization and fuse my Red eyes and my Summoned skull to make... Black Skull Dragon. I also play Raigeki which destroys all monsters on the opponents field... Now, Black Skull Dragon Attack! Duelist: Nooooo!... Darn you Mischief: I end my turn. Duelist: Oh No im down to 800Lp's... I play another celtic guardian in atk mode... celtic guardian atk... Mike: You activated my trap card fake trap which destroys your monster... Duelist: My turn is over. Mike: BSD atk his Lp's. Its over I won now hand over your puzzle peace and your rarest card... Mike recieves puzzle peace card and a Blue eyes Toon Dragon [I]Mike watches the duelist walk of in shame an Mike sits down on a bench looking at his cards[/I]
Name: Mike Age: 15 Height: 5'7" Hair: Short and spikey Eyes: Blue Signature Card:Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon Millenium Item: None Rarest Card: Saint Dragon-God of Oriris Side:Good Clothes: Dresses like joey Info on rarest card: Saint Dragon-God of Oriris: 10 Stars, X000 Attack, X000 Defense, Effect:Whenever an oppoenent summons, or special summons a monster to the field that monster takes 2000 damage as long as Osiris is on the field. Osiris' Attack and defense are 1000 x the number of cards in your hand. So if you have 6 cards, its attack and defense are 6000!!
[I]Mischief stared at the Beastly Bird and noticed something in its grasp...[/I] Mischief: Charlie!!!... No I wont let this happen, not this time. [I]Mischief bursted into rage as he watched Charlie dangling from the beasts talons... Mischief super speed levitated and sped forth to grab Charlie...[/I] Mischief: Got ya!... Theres gotta be a way to beat this thing without harming it... But we have to get more time some how, some way. [I]Mischief thought to himsel "Maybe I can make it get dizzy by running around its head a few times"... Mischief then does exactly that but it wasnt working, the creature with one quick swipe knocked Mischief out cold.[/I]
[I]Mischief was waiting for charlie to return, when a loud dark shriek cought his ear...[/I] Mischief: What was that!? [I]Mischief cast a small spell to keep the fire going for three days and three nights. Mischief left a note for Fli to watch after everyone, then he left to find what was making that noise.[/I] Mischief: I better change into a fire raven so I can see better in the storm. [I]Mischief bursted into a huge fire raven and flew off.[/I] Mischief: Thats Karina down there... But were is Charlie? [I]Mischief swooped down and transformed back to human form...[/I] Mischief: Karina why are you standing here all alone? Karina: Get down! [I]A giant creature swooped down and tryed to snatch Karina and Mischief.[/I] Mischief: What the hell is that thing!? Karina: I have no idea!
[I]Mischief watches as Charlie walks off, thinking to himself "Well im in charge till Charlie returns, I better get some snow and make it into water so we dont die of dehydration."[/I] Mischief: Hey im gonna scoop up some snow to make water, Fli mind giving me a hand. Fli: Sure. [I]Mischief and Fli quickly run outside scoop up snow and back in to the cave[/I] Mischief: Thanks for the help. Fli: No problem. [I]Mischief then melts the snow into water and boils it more to kill any parasites in it. he then puts it into a crater in the cave and lets in cool a little.[/I] Mischief: Ok if anyone is thirsty just come over and cup your hands then drink. [I]Fifteen minutes later everyone was fast asleep, but Mischief stayed awake so the fire would'nt go out. He thinks to himself "Im taking care of friends dad just like you took care of me."[/I]
[I]Mischief runs back and tells Charlie that he found some shelter[/I] Charlie: This is great news Mischief, I will go inform the others. [I]Charlie tells mischief to come along just incase he got cold... Go figure Mischief has fire power.[/I] :drunk: [I]As they walk on the storm kept getting worst and worst, intill they found everyone crowded next to each other, to keep warm.[/I] Mischief: Hey guys I found a cave and its nice and warm. Lets get going... Inless you would rather stay here and freeze. [I]Everyone jumps up and follows Mischief and charlie... 5 Minutes later ...[/I] Mischief: Ok were here..... [I]Everyone tramples over Mischief just to get inside[/I]
Im sith i had to change my name becouse i couldnt post just dont know why [I]Mischief looks back and sees Charlie following him...[/I] Mischief: Why are you following me, Ill be back in two minutes im gonna super speed. Duh... Charlie: In that case hurry back or will all freeze to death. [I]Mischief nods, then he speeds of to find shelter...[/I] Mischief: Hey this cave might do. Hello? Anyone in here? ???: RRRRROOOOOAAAARRRRR [I]A giant snow white Beast with one eye and razor sharp teeth emerged from the cave...[/I] Mischief: Oh crap!. Well here goes nothing... [I]Mischief heated up his fire power and released a huge blast totaly destroying the beast.[/I] Mischief: That was easy, I guess im getting better with my stone power... Well this place is perfect for the group, I better inform Charlie that ive found shelter