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Makai Kite

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Everything posted by Makai Kite

  1. I have a poem to share with everyone. Could you guys give me some C&C and tell me why you did or did not like my poem? Thanks! To show my appreciation, I will give everyone who helps me Kaiba plushies! How's that for incentive? Love What is love? Love is a bond between two people. What is life without love? Life is a horrible nightmare. Why does love treat me so badly? Love has not come to find me yet. Love is a beautiful thing to behold. But when that love is gone... Nothing matters anymore. The body is just an empty shell, waiting to die in a world That binds you to your bed with the chains known only as Meaningless existence. Without love, life has no meaning. You simply sit at home, waiting for the end to come, Which is a true privilege for those who cannot experience love, the robots of this world. Love is waiting for most if Destiny has dealt them a good hand of cards. But most are not this fortunate. Most have meaningless lives and are banished to oblivion early on Because of a simple thing called Destiny.
  2. I'm currently designing a Spellcaster deck with plenty of the more common power-ups... I'll let you know how it turns out when I get all the cards. ~_~ Every store near me is sold out of everything except for the starter decks and Magic Ruler boosters! This happened in 2 days' time.
  3. Age: 13 Favorite Monster: Feral Imp Favorite Card: Change of Heart or Mystical Elf Favorite Character(s): Yugi/Yami, Bakura/Yami, Seto Kaiba, Malik/Yami, Mai, Tea, Mokuba (everyone except Pegasus, basically) Favorite Episode: Shining Friendship Card Relation: Rogue Doll (if anyone would like to know why, PM me...)
  4. Somebody needs to teach that little brat some manners! Me: *snaps fingers* Seto-chan! Kaiba: Don't call me that! Me: Seto-chan, bring Rebecca Hawkins here and duel with her! Kaiba: Why should I? Me: *looks as much like Mai as she possibly can* I'll give you a kiss. Kaiba: Okay... Later... Kaiba: That little brat put up quite a fight. But I got her. Blue-Eyes, take care of her. *BEWD defeats Rebecca* Kaiba: The deed is done... *nutzoid grin*
  5. That's such a sweet poem, although I have no clue what it was about. I guess I have a vague clue, vague enough to appreciate the true beauty of the poem itself.
  6. I'm new here. I read this fic and it really moved me. I've only known one person who has ever even thought about committing suicide in my life. She had thought of ways to do it and places to do it. But I got her the help she needed in time... Thank goodness for that. I read this despite your warning, and I'm glad I did. Thanks for the great fic.
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