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Makai Kite

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Everything posted by Makai Kite

  1. Well, I saw a commercial for the premiere once during Pokemon, and then I caught the Yugi vs. Weevil/Insector duel. However, I wasn't very interested. By the time Cartoon Network aired the first episode (it was a one-shot thing), I was interested and I watched it. After that, I was trying to figure out when it aired on the WB and I started watching more of the episodes. When the weekday airings started, I got all caught up, and I haven't missed an episode since.
  2. Makai Kite


    I personally give the T.A.T.U girls kudos for dealing with issues such as dealing with one's sexuality in their music and videos. It's unlike any video I've ever seen, and I personally thought the video was beautiful.
  3. [COLOR=crimson] Alter-ego, hmm? 1) Alice Mizuki from Serial Experiments Lain. 2) I'm always there for my friends to fall back on and I'm always encouraging them. I'm also pretty good with technology. 3) I don't really look much like Alice at all. [/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B][spoiler] Wait, Pegagasus can't come back; even though I love the guy, he's dead! They edited the dialogue in the US version, but in the manga and Japanese version, the shock of having his Eye ripped out kills him. What's up? [/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] Pegasus isn't dead. Isn't there a mention of him at the end of the Dungeon Dice Monsters 4-parter?
  5. [COLOR=crimson] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Miha went to her locker and her books fell on top of her. She was used to that, since it happened everyday. She apologized to her books and walked to class. [B] Miha: [/B] It says here that my first class is math. Oooh, yay! *trips over her own foot* Why me? When Miha finally got to her nuclear physics class in Room 417 (she was quite a few minutes late), she sat down in the last seat available... Miha looked up at the ceiling and started thinking. She had forgotten that she was holding a book, and she put her hands on top of her head, unclasped them, and she accidentally sent her heavy book flying across the room, and it hit Raifus in the face. [B] Miha: [/B] Sorry, Raifus! [B] Raifus: [/B] *in too much pain and shock to speak yet* The teacher gave a speech about how wonderful the new semester was going to be. Miha wasn't listening to him, though. She was drawing what she would look like if she were an anime character. When the teacher started the lesson, he called Miha to the blackboard to do a problem from her book. Miha did one in 3 seconds and then explained how she did it in 2. In that little time, half the class had fallen asleep. The teacher rapped his ruler on an empty desk and everyone woke up instantly. [B] Miha: [/B] Don't you know how rude it is to fall asleep when someone is talking? It makes them feel insignificant. *walks back to her seat* [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=crimson] This sounds like it could be quite fun... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Name: Miha Anime Stereotype: Smart Girl with a Knack for Getting into Trouble Bio: Miha is a smart girl that is always getting into trouble. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She has no coordination whatsoever, and it is funny to watch her trying to play Dance Dance Revolution at the local arcade. She studies very hard, but can find it hard to concentrate. She is very forgetful at times and tends to stare off into space, thinking abut various stuff. She has a pet fox named Mitsunai and spends most of her free time playing video games and having fun. Powers: Her Amazing Mind! Sworn Enemy: Basically Nobody Age: 15 [/COLOR]
  7. Tennessee is really cold right now. I woke up this morning and it was 41 degrees... but summer weather here is usually around 90... the weather always sucks here... ::sigh:: ...I'm hoping that it warms up soon and that it doesn't snow on Monday...
  8. Hyper, this is great! I hadn't seen all of Battle City (but I've read spoilers-- nothing for the end, though), but I pretty much suspected that Yugi would win. One question: is there more to ths? If so, I would like to read it.
  9. [COLOR=crimson] Child's Toy You pretended to care for me, Took me under your wing, But the truth of it is It was all an act. But I'm not going to give up, Let the tears fall down Like rain on my darkest day. I'm not going to give in And be your plaything. That's what I had said, But none of it was true. Today I stand at Death's door, A doll, a child's toy. Because of you, I crawl to the door, broken... [/COLOR]
  10. Here are some rare anime: Jungle wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu Master Keaton Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety Pretty Sammy Pretty Sammy TV Astro Boy Chance Pop Session Now keep in mind I haven't seen any of these, so I can't tell you what they're about.
  11. My school has pep rallies (stupid school spirit assemblies). Nobody ever pays attention. The girls just chat (well, most of them, I read or write something)and the guys just try to see up the cheerleaders' skirts. It's pretty pointless, really.
  12. Hmm... the stupid things I've done... where do I start? The other day I was on the Advertising Slogan Generator. I got something really weird, started laughing, leaned forward, and slammed my head into a contaienr of pens on my desk and they all fell on the floor. There was this other time where my mother and I were trying to figure out what we were doing wrong to get my new PS2 to work. It turns out we forgot to do one thing and wasted hours because of it... on a snow day! I once threw a tree branch on the ground and it came back up and hit me in the face. I accidentally made the guidance counselor believe I was suicidal. I hit a teacher. I'll edit this when I think of more.
  13. Is anybody else from Tennessee (other than my BFF that I dragged on here)?
  14. All I can say is... wow. Thank goodness I was listening to a cheery song while I read this or I would have cried. Keep up the great writing, CWB.
  15. I have more quotes! Quotes by Me Part 2 Happy Broken Heart Day!- said just today Dude, my room is actually *clean*. What happened?- said after I discovered that my mom had cleaned my room I'm totally broke... Again!- said after I spent all my money on a DDR Controller They *need* to clean that *points to pigeon poo* off the window! It's been there for a month!- complaining about the cleaning job on the school bus Kyle, the number one, all-around girly man. And then there's me... the number one all-around she-tiger! ROAR!- said in the crowded school hallway when I felt like picking on my friend "Kyra" ^_^;; Well, since the power's out, I can't listen to music. *eyes portable battery-powered CD player* Wait- yes, I can! *grooves*- said during a power outage we had on Monday
  16. Personally, I'd try to invent a time machine to go back in time and undo that moment from ever happening. Unfortunately, since that's impossible, I would just live my life and do everything differently than I was destined to. Maybe that would undo the curse (well, it's a curse, IMO).
  17. My school's computers block sites with seiyuu info but *don't* block sites with bad words in the titles unless they're porn. I've never tried to access OB there before... but it lets me access eBay... ^_^;;
  18. All right. I know this is a bit belated, but here's what I thought of the first 2 episodes. Episode 1: Role Play It was quite interesting. The visuals were flawless, music was beautiful and ethereal, and the dub was good (except Tsukasa's voice sounded a bit strange to me... not to say I don't like it, though). Unlike a few others here, I thought it was *cool* that they didn't give any back-story. That way, it does an even better job at making you want to see more. I basically understood what was going on (my best friend didn't ^_^;;). The only thing I need to rewatch is the conversation between the Crimson Knight Ginkan/Silver Knight and Subaru. Episode 2: Guardian Yes! Sora's first appearance! ^o^ *ahem* The visuals and music were, again, quite impressive. My only complaint is that there wasn't that much new BGM played in this episode, except for during Sora's appearance (very goofy song, anybody know the name of it?) and the conversation between Subaru and another Crimson Knight (I don't think it was Ginkan). Well, all in all, these episodes were interesting. I will definitely be buying the DVDs.
  19. I've heard of it. It ran on a late-night program in Japan, and with good reason. Little kids shouldn't be subjected to that many ecchi jokes in 15 (?) minutes. I've never watched it, though.
  20. What they mean by "designed after" is that Ed's peronality is quite similar to Yoko Kanno'. Also, I once read that their speech patterns are quite similar.
  21. All Said by Me (Kitsune-chan) The voices tell me to do BAD things...- first said while on the phone with my bestest friend I am NOT a reject Amazon!- said when another one of my friends told me that that was the reason I was so tall ... Am I awake?- said by me after I won the spelling bee I scare you? YAY!- practically my catchphrase Dude, you lost a duel to your mom? *tries to suppress laughter* *fails*- said by me after another one of my friends tells me that he lost a game of Yu-Gi-Oh! to his mom I like to eat food. Food is good for you! EAT FOOD!- said by me, and my friend recorded it- it will haunt me for all eternity Evil cheese demon.- Me while watching a Kraft Mac-N-Cheese commercial Aw, man! I lost at solitaire AGAIN!- Me when I lose at solitaire When I go back to the psychiatrist's office, I am going to hug my pet pillow, Pete.- Me (yells at TV) You just WANT me to miss my favorite show, don't you? (throws evil unicorn plushie of doom at the TV) Well, that didn't do any good.- said when the cable was out I'm going to watch the static on my TV screen.- said while the cable was out (goes over to cable modem and watches the lights come back on) IT LIVES!- me, happy about cable Internet being back after 2 hours My number? 1-800-GET-LOST.- what I say when annoying guys ask me for my number What are they laughing at? Oh, wait. I'm funny-looking, so they must be laughing at me. I am the holder of the Spear of Smartness and Shininess! Written in my American History notebook, Thought Up By Me My favorite number is gr33n. Well, it's got numbers in it! Embrace the darkness? I was born in darkness. Only you can prevent the Apocalypse.
  22. After I die, I want to be a fox or the cat on CWB's avatar! Foxes are my favorite animal, and that cat is just so darn cute!
  23. My favorite session would have to be Session 8: Waltz for Venus. The music was beautiful (especially Stella by Moor, which I'm listening to right now), Rocco was a great one-shot character, I loved the conversation between Stella and Spike ("You both have something special inside of you."- Stella), and the scene at the end was beautiful. Stella looking out the window as the Venus spores fell, but she couldn't see them. That one moment is one of the most powerful moments from the sessions I've seen so far. Well, that's why I like Waltz for Venus. BTW, the first session I saw was Session 16: Black Dog Serenade.
  24. Gokents, I understand where you're coming from entirely. I'm just saying that I hope we get to see it with the great music and as much of the content intact as possible. Of course, I'm using the episodes that are broadcast as a basis for whether or not I'm buying the DVDs. But you are right. Something is better than nothing. BandWidth, I'm sorry to hear that you can't buy the game. Which game was it? There are at least 3. More details regarding releases: The game .hack//Infection is being released in early February. Each DVD volume of .hack//SIGN is going to be released as a DVD-only version and a limited edition version. Each limited edition version will come with a soundtrack and a DVD box for the entire set. The entire set will run about $260 for limited edition. The standard DVD set will run you about $180. There will be 6 DVD volumes total. Well, that's everything I've heard so far.
  25. While watching G-Gundam, I saw a commercial for .hack//SIGN. Apparently, it starts airing February 1 on Toonami. Let's hope they don't ruin it by chopping it to pieces or changing the music.
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