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Makai Kite

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Everything posted by Makai Kite

  1. HyperShadow, that monster that you thought was Dark Necrophia was actually (if we're talking about the same one) Android Psycho Shocker (Eng. Jinzo...).
  2. Besides, DMG is only powered up by 300 pts. for every DM and Magician of Black Chaos (in the card game, anyway) in both Graveyards. Anyway (steering back on topic) the new opening was awesome, although I don't remember seeing Dark Necrophia while watching it. For some reason, it seems to evoke a darker, more menacing feel, very appropriate for this particular saga. I was also happy to see Ryou Bakura in the new opening. But this time I don't remember seeing Seto Kaiba but once or twice. Ah, well... I like it a lot better than the last opening.
  3. Crimson, 66 cards is way too much for a deck. You should take out a few of the higher-level monsters, because that seems to be way too many Tributes. Take out Thousand Eyes Idol. Since you don't have Relinquished to fuse it with, it doesn't need to be in there. Take out Salamandra and Forest, because you don't appear to have anything to use them with. Curse of Dragon's stats are low for a monster of its level, so I would take it out. I'll edit this later. Suggested High-Level Monsters to Leave in: Wingweaver Shadow Ghoul Summoned Skull Hyozanryu (Good defense, same with Millennium Shield (Japanese and McD's promo in US) Use cards that allow you to draw from your deck more, like Pot of Greed (restricted to 1).
  4. I've got a few to add... Princess Tutu (don't ask), Galaxy Angel, Naruto, Samurai Deeper Kyo, and the Rose of Versailles. Does Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran count, because I've seen numerous fansites for it and it seems quite popular even before it was announced that it was coming to the States (sometime in the first quarter of this year)?
  5. I haven't named very many. Here are the ones that have nicknames from my current game of Crystal... I restarted it recently... Me- Marika Totodile- Chino Poliwag- Mono Pidgey- Rinna
  6. My obsessions list is probably way too long, but here goes... Raven from Zoids Zero/Zoids Chaotic Century, Ken Ichijouji from Digimon 02, anything pink, Cowboy Bebop, .hack//SIGN (I haven't even seen this yet, but Tsukasa is cute), Inu-Yasha (the anime, not the character), anything Yu-Gi-Oh, Serial Experiments Lain, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, the Anne of Green Gables books, plushies of any kind, Boogiepop Phantom, and so many other things that relate to anime in some way that it's not even funny...
  7. Name: Caitlin Age: My lucky number DOB: It's in my profile, but you aren't getting a year! Location: The South One Word: Cheerful No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Unique... Occupation: Playing Video Games! Color: Pink and Black Food: Pocky! Dessert: None Beverage: Diet Cherry Coke Alter Ego: Raver Anzu Dream Job: Either a Musician or an Artist Ethnicity: I'm not quite sure... Extracurricular: Sleep Hobby: Writing Poetry and Stories, Playing DDR, Singing, Reading, Drawing, Surfing the Web Musician: Yoko Kanno Group: Daft Punk Mac or PC? PC Nics: Raver Anzu, Reija, Emi Blog: Yes... [URL=http://kitsunerain.blogspot.com] Dynamite Rave [/URL] Home Page: None Religion: None Book: Anne of Green Gables, Beast Collections: Cards, Kawaii Stuff, Mp3s, anime videos and other stuff, etc. Sport: Anything! Won't Eat: Plastic TV Show: Yu-Gi-Oh! Words to live by: To make it in life, you must be like water, always ready to adapt. Self-Proclaimed: DDR Queen Addicted to: Anime and Manga Comic: Comic- Lenore Manga- Utena Movie: Utena: Adolescence Rush
  8. I pronounced Mitth'raw'nuruodo's name right. I just can't spell it very well. Getting back to the topic at hand, I've never really had that problem with people's names. I basically only pay attention to them if they catch my eye or if I'm going to reply to someone in particular.
  9. I'm really interested in seeing this. The characters are especially intriguing. The animation looks wonderful, and I've sampled a few songs from it (I'm getting the soundtracks) and they sound great as well. For what it's worth, the first volume has a tentative release date of March 4th, and there will be two different versions made: a normal version and a version with the collector's box, a "grunty" plush, and a demo disc for the first PS2 game. The limited edition version appears to be going fast; on Animenation it's already on the best-seller list and there are over two months left. At this rate, it'll be sold out soon (it has a run of 15,000).
  10. There are 4 episodes of Pet Shop of Horrors total.
  11. Most of the music from Serial Experiments Lain is creepy, and the songs from the Cyberia Mix album are as well. The music from Boogiepop Phantom Volume 1: Portraits from Memory during the train scene is creepy to me for some reason. ...but these are my favorite songs.
  12. I really liked this poem. It gives off some kind of feeling, and I can almost sympathize with the narrator.
  13. Name: Marina M/F: F Color: Black and White Accessories: Black Bow Bio: She is a hamster who loves adventures and is friends with Hamtaro and Bijou. Owner Name: Marika
  14. Sorry I posted without signing up. Name: Marika Angelus Age: 16 Class: Sophomore Description: She has long black hair that goes down to her waist and brown eyes. She is about 6'2". She has only had one friend her entire life. She lives alone, as her mother is in a mental institution and her father died in a car accident. She is mostly content with being by herself and listening to CDs.
  15. Marika walked through her house. She grabbed her CD player and played one of her burned CDs. As she listened to the words, the phone rang. "Oh, what now?" she cried and went to answer it. Her eyes widened. It was her mother. She hadn't seen her mother for years. She was said to have gone insane and committed suicide, but nothing really made sense anymore. So Marika just shrugged it off. There was certainly something different about her, but Marika just couldn't put her finger on it. The two talked about how much they missed seeing each other and Marika tried not to cry as she had to say goodbye again... It was getting to be really late. Marika wasn't tired, though. She went to her favorite chatroom and talked about the shooting with her friend Chino for a few hours. She almost went to sleep at her computer desk. She managed to stay awake long enough to make it to her bed. When she woke up the next morning, she had already gotten a call from Chino. They were going to meet to go shopping for clothes at Hot Topic at noon. It was already 10AM. Marika got ready to go. She took a shower, brushed her long straight black hair, and came out wearing her favorite black Johnny the Homicidal Maniac T-shirt with a black leather jacket, boots, and skirt. She walked out the door and got into her black Volkswagen Beetle and drove to the mall. Chino was already there. She had short metallic red hair and brown eyes and was wearing a black tank top and pink capris with brown platforms. She and Marika went to Hot Topic. But when they got there... Marika saw a terrifying sight. She and Chino didn't walk another step. The security guards were already on the case. The maniac had returned! However, the efforts of the guards were in vain. The maniac got past them and advanced toward Marika and Chino. Marika tried to back away, but it was too late. A shot had already been fired. But when Marika opened her eyes, Chino was lying in a pool of blood. Her friend... her only friend... Marika's eyes filled with tears. Chino was taken to the hospital in case there was anything they could do. There was, in fact. Chino was back to normal in a few days, but she was suffering from amnesia. To Be Continued...
  16. Here's one... "Duel you? I'd have more of a challenge playing solitaire."
  17. My favorite villains would be the Rocket-Dan (Team Rocket) from Pokemon. They try to be good villains, but they're too unintelligent to realize that they aren't very good at it at all. This includes the various Dan-in, Yamato and Seibusaro (sp?) (Cassidy and Butch), Musashi and Kojiro (Jessie and James), Domino, Mondo, Sakaki (Giovanni), and Onna-Boss (Madame Boss).
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Well thanks for getting to all the stuff I had asked about. So now its up to me, and the others (look of dedication on my face) I should say here and now that I wish for discussion on the new stuff, specifically this "reign" For starters, I know its about alexander the great and his exploits, retold in the 21st century. the animation is by madhouse, who did vampire hunter d and trigun. It was thought up by the fella behind astro boy and metropolis, as well as the guy who brought us that oddity "aeon flux" and another dude who came up with card captor sakura. From the pic I saw of the actual action, unless its not a screen pic, its pretty obvious that the guy from aeon flux had a good bit of creative input. Its a style that is unique and deffiantly not the cliche anime style. Oh wait, Ive just found out that the pic I saw is not from the screen but its actually just a picture from the box cover. any way, the first couple of eps are about king phillip (alexanders pop) who is... well, lets just wait and see. Unless anyone else has seen it, let just see how it goes once its come on. But for now, Id just like to talk about the style of art, qaulity of story and anything else that the animeheads on the boards might know. thanks. [/B][/QUOTE] So it was thought up by Osamu Tezuka? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Cardcaptor Sakura was thought up by CLAMP... I don't know who thought up Aeon Flux, though... Well, from what you've said, it sounds like it's going to be a great anime! :)
  19. I like that fanfiction, chibi-chan. It was quite good.
  20. Well, on Wednesday and Thursday it snowed here and the roads were icy, so we had no school. But by Friday, the ice had melted and we had school again. Feh. So we had 2 snow days this week.
  21. My song that I can't help but love is Chumbawumba's Tubthumping (you can laugh now). It's basically just the same thing over and over except for what the backup singers sing, and at the end it gets way too repetitive, but what can I say? It gets stuck in my head a lot.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]I know whay we could discuss; it's been bugging me for a while. Why, exactly, are hordes of Otaku girls in love with Bakura? My friends says she is totally in love with him, above all the other Anime Chars she's in love with. (Beezlemon, Davis, James, etc.,,) What's up with that? [/B][/QUOTE] I think it's the accent and the innocence and the kawaii-ness and the softspokenness and the helpfulness and the fact that he's just plain fine! Did I say that... :worried: *runs away* Besides, he's mine, so I'm bound to be a little biased. :D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]The best part is in episode 7 or 8, i tink 8, when excel has eaten a ton of food and is really fat and lying on her back, and she's having trouble brething and then goes" I'm.. sexy".. [/B][/QUOTE] OMG, that must have been hilarious! It just shows how much of an idiot Excel truly is. Of course, because of the Laws of Anime, she will be back to normal weight in the next few minutes. :)
  24. I haven't dueled yet, but my favorite cards are Dark Magician, Relinquished, and Change of Heart. I also like Waboku because I am truly a peaceful person at heart. I can actually identify with some of these cards...
  25. I used the Missingno glitch in Red once and all it did was mess up the images of the Pokemon... like in my battle in Fuschia City, Kangaskhan (mine) and Weezing (Koga's) completely switched places on the battlefield, but they had their previous attacks! I was commanding a Weezing to use Comet Punch, LOL. Anyway... I don't use cheats on GameShark at all, because I think cheating on anything is evil. It's best to win at a game when you earn it. However, some cheats that I have come across are interesting... like the GS Ball sequence cheat and the Shiny Pokemon cheat.
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