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Makai Kite

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Everything posted by Makai Kite

  1. I used to have Rocket Dan Yo Eien Ni on my system a while ago, but I lost it. I lost quite a few Pokemon songs... *shrugs* I don't know how, either.
  2. Is Harpy's Feather Duster out in PSV? Also, I've been looking everywhere for the card which is called, in the dub of the show, Negative Energy Generator. Does anyone know what it was called in Japanese and which booster set it was in? I couldn't even find it in the Kaiba structure deck (Japanese) under any name. Please help me! *kawaii mode*
  3. Poor Malik... his good name has been soiled! Wait a minute.. ignore that last part. Anyway, what's up with Pandora being named Arkana and Isis being named Ishizu? That's just wrong. Isis and Pandora are great names. Why should they change them?
  4. How did I know that you were going to come up with another deck? You poor thing... Ooh... how do you think a deck based entirely around Kuribohs and other furry monsters would do? Let's see... find some Multiply cards for Kuriboh... ^^; Sorry about that. That is my latest idea for a deck. I am demented. =P What about... an Elf deck? Ancient Elf scares me... LOL... OT: My mother and I were talking about the Elf monsters this morning and I came to Celtic Guardian. I describe his excellent swordsmanship skills and she says "And this is amazing because he's short, right?" I say that he really isn't that short and tell her how tall the Mystical Elf appears to be... she says that Mystical Elf isn't an elf! That brings me to my next point... does Ancient Elf's design scare anyone else? It scares my mom and me. LOL.
  5. *lunges at Domon* SETO KAIBA! EEK! ...ahem. Never transform into Seto Kaiba around me or you will have one very hyper Kaiba fangirl on your hands. *sweatdrops* As for the English structures, if they come out with Kaiba and Yugi ones at some points in the future, great. If they don't, I'll just go on eBay and buy the Japanese versions (which are now out-of-print, along with Japanese Premium Packs, apparently) of those two. But when the Joey one (not Pegasus, I hate him) comes out, I'm so at my local card shop on... *looks at date* sometime in March. ^^;;
  6. Well, here are some of mine... Y'all (yes, I live in the South) That's clean/that's tight/that's hot/sweet- That's cool, awesome, etc Aw, man, that's cold-blooded- That's harsh, etc Howdy- hello (actually, almost nobody says this anymore, but...) These are things I've heard at school. Not much slang to speak of.
  7. This is OT... but once our apartment flooded. We had to wear flip-flops around the house. I pretended mine were like those Japanese geta sandals. My mom knew the look I was trying to accomplish, LOL. Anyway... on-topic, as everyone else had said, be yourself. Everyone is a charming individual, pretty much, so if they just see your good side, they'll certainly like you. Some people have less charm than others, though, and have trouble keeping their bad side in check. *points to herself* I once threatened to use a voodoo doll on this one girl because she called me a freak. She just backed away slowly. O_o The only ones that aren't charming are the ones that yell at little kids chasing butterflies to keep off their lawn. How heartless is that? Butterflies are beautiful and should be admired.
  8. Well... since I'm usually too cheerful to be depressed (never been depressed clinically in my life and moping isn't my thing) and I've never felt that life wasn't worth living because I've learned to love it and everything in the world, and since I would hurt a ton of people if I ever killed myself, I've never really had a problem like this. But I shall give you my teenager-ey advice on the subject... Think of everything you have to live for. Listen t happy music if you so desire. Watch Comedy Central (it must work, particularly South Park). Talk to your friends about it. Dance to upbeat music to keep your spirits up. Write to let out your emotions. Those are just a few suggestions. Oh, yeah... don't let the little things bother you. Or the big things, either. Eventually, they'll come to pass.
  9. No store in my area sells the booster tins or the Joey starter decks in English. One day we went to Target. I got some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. I went back two days later, and the booster packs that had been there two days ago were all gone. All they had were starter decks for Yugi and Kaiba. I should really go back there and see if they have any Pharaoh's Servant boosters.
  10. Sorry I posted the answer a third time. I must not have been paying much attention. Gomen nasai!
  11. There's a Japanese version of Team Rocket's Rockin... Rocket Dan Yo Eien Ni/Rocket Team Forever. But the English version is completely different. Here are the translated lyrics for the Japanese version... If there is darkness at the end of the universe, Let us show you the light! Run! Sparkle! Show how you shine! (That's right!) Love is justice, justice is evil, A recurring trick of drama. Look! We are the stars of this play! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokémon! There is a light at the end of the universe. There you will find our faces. Musashi! Kojiro! And Nyasu! (Quiet, you!) (Ouch!) (Our song!) (What are you doing?) Dreams are reality? Reality will be a nightmare, Once we assume command. Watch! We open a flower! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokémon! (Meow!) Soil is the Earth. The Earth is Nya-su (nice). And we'd all eat some nasu (eggplant), were it up to Nyasu. From the bottom, To the bottom, The Earth is to turn. One time, two times, three times and, lots of whirling, Four times, five times, six times, and, steadily increasing, ii kanji! But before that, seven times thump, thud, cue! The usual thud! If there is darkness at the end of the universe, Let us show you the light! Run! Sparkle! Show how you shine! (That's right!) Love is justice, justice is evil, A recurring trick of drama. Look! We are the stars of this play! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokémon! There you will find our faces. Musashi! Kojiro! And Nyasu! (Quiet, you!) (Ouch!) (Our song!) (What are you doing?) Dreams are reality? Reality will be a nightmare, Once we assume command. Watch! We open a flower! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokemon! The Earth is Nya-su (nice). And we'd all eat some nasu (eggplant), were it up to Nyasu. From the bottom, To the bottom, The Earth is to turn. One time, two times, three times and, lots of whirling, Four times, five times, six times, and, steadily increasing, ii kanji! But before that, seven times thump, thud, cue! The usual thud! Ya na kanji! Kyuu kuu Tou tou Ya na kanji! But that won't stop us, we are dauntless! The sky's the limit! We'll prove it! How?! How?!?! How?!?!?! Answer. It's our duty. No, no.... Shall we do it? We'll give you this! Listen to us about this and that! The answer we give will be the universe's sympathy! To prevent the universe's destruction! To protect the universe's peace! To bring love and honesty's evils to light! We are the lovely, charming villians! Musashi! Kojiro! The couple from the Rocket Gang soars through the galaxy! A white hole...a white tomorrow is waiting for us! That's right! Hooray! This CD sounds pretty good! This is major, imperceivable! Conquest! Showdown! Musashi! Kojiro! With a barrier the size of an ocean gorge, And a gatekeeper Under the barrier What th' hell? If there is darkness at the end of the universe, Let us show you the light! Run! Sparkle! Show how you shine! (That's right....) Love is justice, justice is evil, A recurring trick of drama. Dreams are reality? Reality will be a nightmare, Once we assume command. Look! We are the stars of this play! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokémon! Tomorrow.... Tomorrow.... The sky's the limit! We'll prove it! How?! How?!?! How?!?!?! Answer. It's our duty. No, no.... Shall we do it? We'll give you this! Listen to us about this and that! The answer we give will be the universe's sympathy! To prevent the universe's destruction! To protect the universe's peace! To bring love and honesty's evils to light! We are the lovely, charming villians! Musashi! Kojiro! The couple from the Rocket Gang soars through the galaxy! A white hole...a white tomorrow is waiting for us! That's right! Hooray! This CD sounds pretty good! This is major, imperceivable! Conquest! Showdown! Musashi! Kojiro! With a barrier the size of an ocean gorge, And a gatekeeper Under the barrier What the heck? A recurring trick of drama. Dreams are reality? Reality will be a nightmare, Once we assume command. Look! We are the stars of this play! Tomorrow will be our day for Pokémon! Tomorrow.... Tomorrow....
  12. Sounds good so far... I need a copy! Don't they also serialize Yu Yu Hakusho and One Piece? I can't remember the other one.
  13. My weirdest catch was Suicune. I had been battling it for about 5 minutes and I ran out of every Pokeball except for... a Lure Ball. Thankfully I had saved my game beforehand. Its health was still at about 1/4th or something. On a whim (it was about 9 or 10 at night and I was tired) I threw my Lure Ball and it was caught. I just sat there for a second. My mom came in and I was still just sitting there. She asked what was up and I said, "What just happened?" She's like, "I don't know." Ironically, I'm once again at the point in my game where I can capture Suicune once again.
  14. There are some Rocket members in the radio drama for Mewtwo Strikes Back (in Japanese)... there are Madame Boss, Miyamoto (Jesse/Musashi's mother), and Domino (a younger member, about 13, probably).
  15. Here's mine: Corsola Umbreon Typhlosion Kadabra Dragonite Jynx
  16. I'm 13 and I've liked it for 4 years, ever since I got Red version for Gameboy on Christmas. I still watch the TV show. And collect the cards (looks at her copies of Erika's Clefairy, Corsola, Erika's Dratini, and Erika's Dragonair on her desk). I still think it is going strong.
  17. Hey! Are you saying I'm messed up because I have a crush on Yami Bakura, too?! Soul-Draining... how original... *snerk* I've got one... the Millennium Voodoo Doll! The world's greatest torture device that gives you a Yami side, takes you anywhere in time you want to go, and whenever you use it, you can obtain any Duel Monsters card you want, even if you're broke, and not get in trouble because of the awesome power of your Millennium Voodoo Doll!... mine...
  18. I think that 53 have aired so far, but the Yugi vs Weevil and Yugi vs Panik duels (2 episodes each) were combined into single episodes. I'm not sure why, though. Hope this helps.
  19. Hey, Hyper. I just realized that your avatar's different. I like this one better than the old one for some reason.
  20. I'm thinking of adding this to my sig... "I've gone to find myself. If I come back before I return, please keep me here." and "I live in my own little world, but it's OK... they know me here." My teachers loved the shirt that said this.
  21. Sere... "It's the hard knock life for us..." Anyway, I'm not changing my name! Since Kaiba has INCREDIBLE EYES (mine!) and he's my favorite character, I will forever be... Kaiba's Angel
  22. I've had Pocky, Yam-Yam, Hello Panda Cookies, and Botan Rice Candy!
  23. This sounds pretty funny. But it's not even 7AM here, and I'm not about to call a number that just (apparently) insults you.
  24. I'm always tired. My best friend is a culinary miracle known as coffee. I end up waking up at 5:15 in the morning every morning for school, but I drink a really caffienated cup of coffee (w00t!)each day.
  25. First of all, unless you could stop time when you got there and that girl could save just that one relative or everyone, and then get back with everyone. How are you going to fit all of those people in a time machine? It seems impossible and implausible to me. And about Wiccas: they sound even cooler than they did to me before. Thanks for the info, Lalaith Ril.
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