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Makai Kite

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Everything posted by Makai Kite

  1. Well, if you go to a funeral, you're bound to see dead people! :) Well, anyway... I get deja vu (doesn't everyone?), I can create things that you wouldn't believe (well, Nefertimon could believe it), such as poetry on the spur of the moment that I'm not expecting anyone to like (but they do anyway), sometimes I wake up right before my alarm goes off (and sometimes 15 minutes before that), I can tell if a TV is on even if the volume is muted, I can predict which episodes of TV shows are going to air before they air just by thinking of the title card music in my head and then a minute later, I hear that music in real life, and sometimes I can grasp the deeper meaning of something. Ignore that last one. That's not really a sixth sense. Sere, I don't think that your house being haunted is weird. I want to live in a house that's haunted! And whoever called us weirdos: no need for jealousy. I know you want to be one of us.
  2. Oh! I forgot to reply to this one. For something you wrote while you had a headache... well, I can't think very well when I have a headache, so that's a darn good poem. The only problem I can see with is the spellings. That and around Line 19, the rhyme scheme is interrupted. That may be all right, seeing as how it explains what the whole poem is about, but it just kind of threw me off. But all in all, it's pretty good. Forgive me if this makes no sense. I just woke up at 5:15 for school. I am very tired. The last line is pretty funny. I've been a fan of dark humor for quite some time. Well, that's what I think. Keep in mind that I'm not very good at C&C for poetry, but I am pretty well off when it comes to the skills to write it well.
  3. It wasn't supposed to make sense. I just felt like writing. In stories like that, I almost never name the characters, except for in the title (which is not the case here). I personally think it could have been better, but that's just me. I'm the perfectionist extraordinaire (TM)! Well, personally I think my writing style is improving and making it seem like I am even more disturbed than I truly am. Oh, and I like your sig lines. I've been debating whether to get those shirts myself. But you should know that it is: Can't sleep, clowns will eat me... over and over (about 5 times)
  4. That is wonderful... *sniff* Why can't I write a poem like that? Oh, well... Could you check out a thread entitled "A Banquet of Marionettes" when you get the time? It's a poem by me.
  5. Seriously. I'm all for seeing Pegasus return so Kaiba can actually beat him this time, but when you make fun of Yugi... think about it. If Yugi didn't exist, would Kaiba be the same person he is today? Well... probably. But then he wouldn't have a rival as great as Yugi. Besides, little Yugi is so cute! ^^P But please, Ya)\/(I-YuGI, lay off on the caps. Capital letters on a computer screen hurt my eyes.
  6. The gold monster looks to be God of Osiris to me. Does anyone have confirmation? And the grey (looks blue to me) monster that you see looks like the God Card Obelisk. I'm not really sure though. It looks to be God of Osiris vs. God of Obelisk. I hope Kureboh is in there. Kureboh wa CHOU KAWAII (Kureboh is super-cute)!!
  7. Those cards are banned in the actual card game and they probably didn't exist when that video game came out in Japan. They probably never will here. But in Japanese Duel Monsters 7, I read that the God Cards can be used. *shrugs and wanders off* Hope this helped! *crashes into a bookcase, it topples over and pins me down* Help me!
  8. Yeah, my friends and I all watch Yu-Gi-Oh! We have our own little clique... Total Membership: 6. LOL
  9. When she walked through the dark corridors Of her very heart and soul, Her eyes met with a gruesome sight-- Lifeless figures suspended by strings That glittered like so many silver spiderwebs, And a sorceress with raven hair and piercing red eyes. As soon as the girl saw this sorceress, She started for the door. But the sorceress released strings from her hand And trapped the girl in her web. And so the girl became a marionette, And the famished sorceress devoured her soon after, So that she could never tell the world of the sight her eyes had met. Responses, C&C, etc? Puh-LEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASEEEE?
  10. My problem is that I have soooooo MANY. Help! I don't have the cards to complete any of my ten planned decks. Wait... it's probably closer to 16. Or 42, the meaning of life.
  11. I'm in Deck Limbo, too! I think up a new idea for a deck at least twice a week. Somebody HELP ME! Wait a second... I found some other people like me... We'll be best buddiez! XD
  12. Iggy, you finally changed the "coming soon" thingie in your siggie... now it just has... ELLIPSES! Sorry... I just lost my voice yesterday and I'm hyper now that I've gotten it back.
  13. Oh... your decks are so much... BETTER than mine! ALL OF YOU! *cries and bangs fists on computer desk, breaks pinky* OWIE! *cries some more*
  14. I'm glad you've cheered up, egyptgirl. Because I am a member of the Duke Devlon Fan Club. Yes, I know. I'm a freak.
  15. Wait a second, though... with Goblin Strike Team, since you have to put it in defense mode after an attack for a turn, if your opponent decides to attack that monster, you're in trouble since it has 0 defense, right? Wouldn't you inevitably have to send it to the Graveyard? Sorry if I'm not making much sense. I'm fairly new at this.
  16. Me four. This is the post of the newbies! I like that quote. Which episode is it from?
  17. OMG, those Pokemon and Digimon are CHOU KAWAII!
  18. I liked it. I've only been here for this version, though. So I can't speak on behalf of the others.
  19. I thought The Great Saiyaman was perfect! XD
  20. Don't cry, Rae... I'll give you... A COMMENT! (Dun dun DUNN!) What the heck was that? Well, anyway, I really liked this piece. When I first read it, I almost started crying. Just a curious question from a curious person... Why do the characters have no names? I do the same thing, but not in all of my works. Some of my works are sort of like this as well. Well, I hope to read more of your work, Rae.
  21. You're like me... You can never decide on what type of deck to use! I'm currently working on a Light, Dark, and Bishoujo theme deck all at once. And I can't buy all of those cards at once!
  22. So there's no other way to get them unless you buy them off eBay, right? They have at least 100 related items most of the time. Is that okay to do?
  23. I'd choose the Millennium Key because I want to see what people are really like.
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