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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]You don't have to be in magic, its your life. Just one flaw in that thing I saw. There is something you could call the Golden Rule. It is...[b]Harm None[/b]. You're allowed to do just about anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or thing. Also there is the 3-fold rule like someone has stated already If you do magic for good it comes back 3 fold to you... If you do magic for evil it comes back 3 fold to you... [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks, now i understand it more, at first it seemed very strange to me but now i know what it's all about....sorry if i sounded close-minded or arrogant ^^;
  2. The whole Michiru and Haruka thing was a given, besides i love yaoi/yuri. Anyway Salior Moon was tolerable but as it continued and got longer...and longer...and [i]longer[/i] i started getting real tired. The voices were a whole thing on their own, I couldnt stand them..at all...thats why i just read the manga after seeing the first season, it really discouraged me towards the series.
  3. Fruits Basket, at least from my knowledge, is quite popular...and also real funny XD. And i also know of Berserk too.
  4. Witchcraft is something i dont like making familiar with myself. I doubt many of it's properties because of something a Witchly friend of mine told me, she said when your a Witch your "free" from laws and rules of judgment. She told me that when your a Witch stuff is only right when you think it's right and it's wrong when you think it's wrong. What i mean unlike the Chistian Faith (which i follow) in Witchcraft there is no such thing as "the golden rule" you do things your way, you treat others with [i]your[/i] judgemnt and yet you are taught to expect equal treatment from others. To back her story up she even showed me her book, written by a heard of famous Witches. I'm sorry but that type of style dosent fly with me.
  5. Thats really a laugh. White kids trying to be black. First off, i'm both white 'n black, this kinda ******** never really bothers me because being both races hepls you alot...even when your not saying anything...which is exactly what i [i]DONT[/i] do -_-*. Just ignore the fags, once they see you really dont care they'll stop...either that or fight them if you think it's necessary. I try to avoid school faculty involvement with my problems, they normally make it worse and in most cases are terribly useless. If that dosent help you just always imagine them in their underwear.
  6. You and those hippies Gotenks..leave 'em alone. My old man was a hippie. Just like Endymion said there was some good in their, quite frankly strange ways. Being me, myself and I there are plenty of things I still dont get. I heard (more so read) in some article or something that when the stars were removed from the Flag it some sort of respectful way of preparing it to be burned (just like they have certain rules for displaying and folding the Flag). I dont really care if you wnat to burn the Flag, i dont really mind. It dosent bother me, but i do mind if your going to stomp around saying how much of a blasted country the U.S is and expect to live in it - happily. But it's all a matter of rights and self-government, thats the way i see it.
  7. Hey, anime has some pretty good supporting charecters. They dont have to be dragged on all the way through the anime to be liked.
  8. Dammit. I thought Hilda was [i]the[/i] coolest in the whole show. Sure Suzuka was cool but you 'dun get much credit if all ya do is sit there, stalk, kill and sit some more. I liked Hilda's outfit too, coolness. After Hilda was the Catgirl(Aisha)i'm a large Kittie-people fan o.O;;. Then Suzuka then Melfina. Melfina is the first english dubbed voice actor who sounded good singing...maybe it's just me..
  9. It's nothing to have a Turkey over. It looked like the artist jumped back and forth with the style. It didnt show that much in the actual show because it was always do dang dark, that only really appears in stills for the anime.
  10. Amiboshi: Yeah, His&Hers is what i was calling Kare Knao ^^;. Sorry if i imposed any confusion. Syk3: Hold it, Chii isnt an anime. Chii is the charecter from a Manga called Chobits o.O;; i think they have an anime but i doubt it's called Chii...or is it? I just finished Saint Seiya, another nice, old anime. I've also seen what everyone has named like Excel Saga(the shipping race? right?).
  11. Pepper


    Everyone (at least those who've never driven) think driving is this big joyride. Really? It sucks. I drive just fine, leave me with the car and it'll be okay...may smell like Strawaberry perfume but it'll be O.k. My biggest driving fears are giant shipping trucks, bridges and those really sharp corners on the edges of cliffs n' stuff. I fear the trucks 'coz one might just fall on me one day, the bridges 'cause they bust all the time and the cliff paths 'cuz i may drive off one o.O;;. I have credible fears. And as for you and that woman who didnt know what she was doing, there are more like her on the road. They're called drunk drivers.
  12. I'm normally liked because of my Schoolgirl style. I may fight with someone today ..and tomorrow? Well, i'll have erased that event already. Normally i'm the type that always runs my mouth just to occupy everyone else. I dont care if people hate me because normally those who hate eventually stop because i just dont even bother with them ^^; they get nothing from hating me...but i may hug them and smile at them just to kick em' up once in a while...(yes, i'm provoking) I'm normally very acceptable of almost everything and everyone but then i may lunge and say something that throws everything out of balance if felt i needed to.
  13. I havent the slightest clue what my name means - all i know is that it sounds like a broken guitar when said..Mandy Catherine Aberson....i was supposed to be a Kimberly but my mom didnt want another "Kimmie" in the family.
  14. I'm not really a prominent DBZ fan but i was 'hopin the movie would'nt be so stereo filled. All these people were what your were supposed to expect, i wanted new people...who could actually act...properly.
  15. It's obviously a nice series, i was quite obsessed with it also a while back. But now it's a Gravitation craze thats hit me ^ -. Compared to most romance anime i've seen i truly loved it. I'm sure Su generated most of your laughs, didnt she? If you havent read the Manga do so, it's even better. They include scenes they cut-off in the anime series itself.
  16. It's a nice series and one of th best when it comes to loner anime. I'll critize one thing, the ending could have been much firmer, much more exciting and certainly not so poorly tied up. It was a great series and next to Cowboy Bebop it's the only series where i bought [B]everything[/B] that went with it.
  17. It's a whole, big, darn tootin' circle. You turn some down, some turn you down. I have a steady now but i can predict this wont last forver. My true introspective on this is if you fail, cry then try again. But you see i'm just a kid. A perky, nutty kid. This stuff i dont really think about, but just because this isnt one of the things that i think about every 6 second dosent mean i havent had my ups n' downs. Most of the time if you start with soemone and it just dosent work out and you break up or you dont like them and turn em' down or vise-versa then it's probably for the best. You've now accumilated infromation and you'll be better at these things next time.
  18. I used to have a cat, Wobbles.She went out one day and i think she went over to this house which this old shrewy woman inhabited. The woman had a hen house in her back yard and Wobbles had a thing for Chicken(she would often attempt to sneak into the hen hut).So i think the lady shot her because when Wobbles returned that morning an' she was half dead. Tthe Pet Meds couldnt do anything so she died a while later.She's dead, she has her own flower memorial in the backyard and it was sad. The end.
  19. I'll answer why eveyone's after Tenchi in both the materiallistic ways and idealistic ways. ~Material~ Ayeka- If she marries him she gets to be queen, blah, blah, blah, also it's just because his kind of a filler for when she didnt get Yosho. Washu - The bodily fluids. Thats all i'll say. Ryoko - The freakin' gem, she wants that third gem so bad.... Sasami - Someone to take the place of Ayeka when she's bickering with Ryoko. Kyone - She dun care. As long as Mahoshi isnt in her hair she's happy. Mahoshi - Her love for Tenchi goes on and off, she really has nothing she wants from him. Ryo-Ohki - Meow!..... -Ideal- Ayeka - It's just the Yosho thing, also she was kinda lonely and Azuza kinda kicked her around much (Bleh, i actually felt for her >_>) Ryoko - I think she deserves him most, she was used as a toy, put in prison and hated by galaxies, she loves him alot cuz besides Wahsu he's the only one who cares for her. Washu - She lost her husband, her son and her social status, she's a broken woman who needs a man. Sasami - In large need of adoption of a big bro Mahoshi - Nothing really, as long as he has a couch to sleep on and food she's likes him. Kiyone - She kind of looked at him like a distant brother since he was really the only one who understood her besides Ryoko and her madly logic. Ryo-Ohki - She's booked. Keno-Ohki so i doubt she likes him that much. Sakuya - She's dead (yay!) she dun count.
  20. I agree Rick, old school anime were something, i have some real old series' but i'll have to go visit my basement o.O.I kinda preferred the old animation style look over the new CGed look that all anime comes out in now, it's kinda nice to see some more original/old stuff once in a while. Oii, i've seen Dragon Half, it was hilarious XD..in a doopey kind of way, it was so funny the way that girl persued her "love". Her outfits where also something else..Orange Road had the absolute worst casting of voices in it's english dubbed version...horrid...crap. It was better original style, Grave of The Fireflies..ehh, okay, it kinda bored me at times. And Stage Fantasy all i saw was like the first half ^^;.To Heart....depends on the stuff your in to.
  21. Since everyone put their names i'll put my first and middle....yes, i'm aware my names are horrid but theres very little in my certain state i can do >>;;...i already tried praising my moms cooking...i just got myself a second serving of peas..... Mandy Catherine A. I went to a Catholic school for 2 years, i almost died......but as they say, diffrent strokes for diffrent folks...
  22. The Salior Moon Magna was actually awesome, but something happended as soon as Salior Moon fell into the hands of Dic >_>;;I liked the first series of Digimon also, with the second series i only liked the movie and the series first half (they dragged the Ken thing too hard, dont ya' think?) and in the thir season i liked that Daiva Digimon that turned into Susie's partner and Retamon, the fourth series, no spoilers, i dont leak. Lets just say it's odd. In the whole Digimon saga i only had 5 favourite charecters which were, Sora, Tai, Rika, Willis and Ryou. Out of this latter i agree, Salior Moon was rather lovely, i'm a sole Manga fan, thats where my views on anime come from ^^;
  23. Cries+Gets Tenchi related Heart Attacks alot+Has associations with Jurai(criminal ones though)+Is minded by Washu+ Hold Tenchi's hand when unnecessary = Total Ayeka personality cameo.
  24. Tsk. Pokemon, Salior Moon, Digimon and Dragon Ball Z. Their all in the same league. Nones better, nones worse. Their just annnoying. Salior Moon has some real peeves. They repeat the whole save the world thing. Ex: Something shows up, hurts humans, Darien gets hurt in some fashion, Rini shows up during that time Serena's the heroine who shows up to save the world and we all (do not) love it. Bleh. I could die. Dragon Ball Z isnt that bad - if you dont mind a mutilated series that got changed from a tolerable anime series to some FUNimation crap, Toriyama or whatever his name was should a' stuck to his original story. He shouldnt have let these companies come around and shove him all over the place like a dead dog. I agree, Chi Chi rocked. So did 18, but when she was married to Krillin and turned into a house wife..yuck...she still had attitude though ^_-. With Digimon, the first ep of each series was cute then it got real stupid real fast. I could not stand Mimi in the 2 seasons she was in, i hated Mat, i hated the young T.K and why did i hate these people?, ohh no reason. Maybe it's because they had the worst english voices and had emotional brake-downs every ten minutes. Pokemon speaks for itself.[quote]"Ash!Pikachus missing!" "Are you sure Misty? he must be in the water.""No Ash he isnt there, i just looked."~"Your so pretty, i'm gonna make sure no one hurts you!""Why thats nice of you Brock but i'll be fine""No need to thank me, just being a gentleman to a lady"*Misty grabs Brocks ear*"Okay lover boy, lets go, Pikachus missing and we need you""Dont worry my love, we'll meet again!"~"We finally caught Pikachu!""Yes James, he's ours now""Meow, you got that right, and non of this would have been possible without Jessie's great idea""Yeah Jess, way to go"*Stupid Team Rocket laugh*~"Hey give Pikachu back""Ash be careful""I will Misty, Brock make sure they dont pull anything while i'm not looking"Go Noctowl!""Go Wheezing"*long dinky battle between Ash and James, Ash wins*[end quote] That sounds exciting but not for the next 154 episodes.
  25. Bleh. I've seen most anime listed here. Nothing new. I've noticed not too many people know about Love Hina, it's such a wonderful series but people dont know. 3x3 eyes is another great series. Sad to say but some of those anime titles, i checked and they didnt exist o.O;; maybe i was wrong, but there was like a post or two on anime that i could not find, maybe just me ;_;. Right now i'm watching a very unknown series (at least in my parts) called Hikago or Hikaru No Go and another called His&Hers and another called Gunsmith Cats. Some real old anime may not be known, like Candy Candy and such.
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