Ohh, gee Son Goten sorry to bust your inflated arrogance bubble but i did check some peoples profiles, 80% of the people here do not respond to those profiles seriously. Thats why i created this thread. *Ahem*. Thank you for the support Justin.
[B]Age:[/B] 17
[B]Height:[/B] Beats me.
[B]Hair:[/B] Dirty Blonde.
[B]Eye color:[/B] Hazel
[B]Weight:[/B] I must have been joking...127.8
[B]Occupation:[/B] School kid.
[B]Fav anime:[/B] Love Hina, Hikago, Trigun....
[B]Intrests:[/B] Food, cooking, books, music.
[B]Other:[/B] Whats this blank for?....wheeeeee!