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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. Ohh, gee Son Goten sorry to bust your inflated arrogance bubble but i did check some peoples profiles, 80% of the people here do not respond to those profiles seriously. Thats why i created this thread. *Ahem*. Thank you for the support Justin. [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Height:[/B] Beats me. [B]Hair:[/B] Dirty Blonde. [B]Eye color:[/B] Hazel [B]Weight:[/B] I must have been joking...127.8 [B]Occupation:[/B] School kid. [B]Fav anime:[/B] Love Hina, Hikago, Trigun.... [B]Intrests:[/B] Food, cooking, books, music. [B]Other:[/B] Whats this blank for?....wheeeeee!
  2. She's no Ryoko. She's an Ayeka. Shes a shadow, a tool, an idiot. Unlike Ryoko who actually exists and has a soul shes merely a reflection Yugi. She, apparently caused so much pain and destruction throughout the Shin Tokyo series for everyone that i just came to hate her. She treats Tenchi like he's married to her yet he already seems to be swaying in Ryoko's direction (
  3. Knives and Vash -(Trigun)A double whammy, two cuties in one show. Hikaru,Sai and everone else from Hikago - (Hikaru No Go) I thought almost everyone in that show who was a guy was cute. Heero and Duo - (Gundam Wing) No real qualities...just looked cute shooting people. The cross dressin' gang - (Fushigi Yuugi) The guys were awesome...despite their love for female clothing. Gene - (Outlaw Star) The Lady's Man. Spike - (Cowboy Bebop) *Spoiler* His depletion was what made him kind of loveable. Zero - (Sorcerer Hunters) Ehh, the stupid type, gotta' love em' all!
  4. Only one word. Crap. It was the most hopeless thing i've seen so far. The so called "villians" seemed like something even a 2yr old could fight off. The charecters werent even that well built into the story, they kidn of just started being there. The ending was just about as strong as the amount of upper body strenght i have which for all of you is zero.They left 6 million things hanging and unlike Eva which unfolded with it's secrets this show just dropped everything and moved on like nothing happened. The voices were tolerable but i think a Moose could have done better. Thanks but no thanks.
  5. Pepper


    Beyblade is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. The charecter seemed to have been made overweight by a large margin - on purpose. Their battles required no real skill, it was slapping a blade on the cement and screaming you lungs out. They had the worst possible names in association to Japanese in anyway and poorly represented China in every possible way. The so called "Bit-Beasts" looked like creatures of the Chinese Calender (wont be supri- sed if they used a Rooster). Their voices were poor and "Coach" had a hint of gayness to him due to his over touchiness to Tyson. All they were trying to do was get Spinning Tops back into fashion.
  6. Since this is such a massive place it would be nice to know what people look like and what they ar like. Heres a demo to what were doing: Age: (age here) Height: (height) Eyes: (eye color) Hair: (hair color) Weight: (how much you weigh) Occupation: (what do you do) Intrests: (intrests) Fav Anime: (fav anime here) Other: (other info on you) Tah dah!Post, go as indepth as you might want to, i'll post later.
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