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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. even though its level 10 it still needs only 2 tributes?
  2. how many tributes does ultimate obedient fiend require?
  3. they are out, but the booster boxes arn't shipping yet =(
  4. The card Necrovalley says that any card having to do with graveyardes are negated when play while Necrovalley is on the field. Does that mean the card has to mention "graveyard" in its ability? or does it mean ANYTHING having to do with graveyards (ie discarding, fusions, rituals, etc)
  5. unless im reading this wrong (about halfway down the page) from [url]http://www.yugiohrealms.com/[/url] Asura, what does it do?
  6. how did your friend get a hold of a box?
  7. Your sure Altron Gundam? Cause you can't just tease me like that =)
  8. Over at Yugioh realms there is a screen of the MGF pack and three cards, Breaker the magic warrior, black paladin, and Dual Magic. I know the first two, but does anyone know what Dual Magic does?
  9. MoBC, BtMW, and BP are the ultra rares right? Do we know what the Secret rares are?
  10. Has anyone seen a site to preorder this set yet? and anyone know what cards will be in it? /still hopes for black luster soldier =)
  11. i think my rarest cards are tyrant dragon and gaia the dragon champion.
  12. Does anyone know when they will be coming out(i've heard end of august) and does anyone have a idea what cards will be in it? /hopes for black luster soldier =) thanks
  13. can the tokens created by jam breading machine be used as a tribute to summon monsters?
  14. what set are Lord of D. and flute of dragon summoning in?
  15. what is the name of the japanese booster they are in?
  16. does anyone know when magician of black chaos and black luster soldier will come out in english?
  17. Does anyone have any info on this game for GBA [U]Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined Duel [/U] i looked everywhere, and can't find anything thanks
  18. one of my friends did something stupid, (so long ago i forget what it was) and it really annoyed me. so when he asked me if FFVII was a good game i said yes (because it is) and i told him to build up Aeris because she is the best character =) i may have forgotton the thing he did to me, but i do remember the noise he made when Sephiroth stabbed her =) but when it happened to me i just brushed it off, cause i didn't use her all that much
  19. isn't it Giltia (sp) the Dark Knight?
  20. Sounds cool but i would rather get the Yu Gi Oh game for the PS2 instead.
  21. if they do come to English i would think they would limit to only one of the three cards per deck because of their power
  22. When are they going to show more then just one new episode during the week? (after the duelist kingdom) I get so happy when they throw on some new episode on a random weekday, but then for the rest of the week its back to duelist kingdom! i mean don't get me wrong there are some good episodes but i can pretty much say word for word the entire duelist kingdom episodes while watchen them. just curious when they will show more episodes pasted duelist kingdom.. thanks
  23. In a PSV booster i got a Thousand-eyes restrict, but i don't have a relinqueshed or a poly. would rather have gotten a buster blader...:(
  24. And how come it took till the middle of the 1st season for the gang to realize what was going on? I mean when yami takes over he grows 3 inchs (said above) and his voice is about 30x deeper...:D
  25. =( i think Demons would be cooler then fiends, and angles cooler then fairies...but oh well...
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