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About TheDarkOtaku

  • Birthday February 12

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  1. Hi everyone. I'm not sure if any of you remember me (this place seems so different now) but I just thought I'd say hello and such. I thought I'd bring up the issue of times once past (since I don't want to get into any trouble for just posting a reintroduction.) How have events that previously transpired lead to turning points in the present? Recently, I've been meeting many people that I've not spoken to since about six years ago. It made me feel as if I shoud return to places where I've enjoyed myself or try to reinvent those memories. I was wondering if anyone else felt like that recently, because a few of my friends have as well.
  2. Heh, another reason why Anime will NEVER be mainstream here (not that I'm complaining :D ). I think that this should show everyone that it's better to keep anime on small basis, not on billboards if you get what I mean.
  3. Hehe, I've seen clips and such already. It is great, plus Ichigo Morino and Mizuho Kazami make cameos almost every episode. What I can't understand is the main character, Maiku's personality. He's awfully mean at times to everyone. :(
  4. Just got it, and it seems to be the best installment yet. The graphics are MUCH improved since SH2, even the gameplay was altered here and there. I don't want to spoil too much, so go out and get it. It's worth it! ;)
  5. Knowing TokyoPop, they'll just change pop culture references native to Japan and make them into ones folks in other places will appreciate. I'm glad the manga will be released actually, for the series costs WAY too much on DVD. It is an excellent anime though, and it would be a shame if they alter anything crucial to it's storyline.
  6. I've seen all of Please Teacher. The only thing I can say is, wonderful. It will keep you addicted till the very end! And after viewing the series 7 more times after that, you will want to see Please Twins, currently airing in Japan right now. :D
  7. There are many EVA games. There is even a typing-based PS2 game in Japan. In fact, a new EVA sim game is soon to be released there. It will put you in the role of the mentor of Asuka or Rei and your job and point of the game is to correctly teach and guide them. It looks interesting, even though I heard it was a remake of an older EVA title.
  8. Yes, there are actually 2 Kenshin Games. An RPG, and a fighter. They are older Japanese imports, so there may not be much information or pics about them. I have seen photos a long time ago, and the games look average. They are not grounbreaking or special. It is worth a look if you are a hardcore Kenshin fan though.
  9. I love the fact you get to explore a mall and amusement park. It is creepy just thinking about it. :D I wonder how these areas fit into the story though.....
  10. Actually they said it was pretty good and presented nicely. The mechanics were also done well some websites said. I sure think it's going to be better than Gun Survivor 3: Dino Stalker (Which I thought was going to be truly amazing but it turned out mediocre). And yeah, I know what your saying about the Guncon and import version. I too have paid good money on imports and I hate when they turn out to be not worth the price. ;)
  11. Well it's that time again. You know what it is. Those insane two weeks before the next RE comes out. I'ts almost starting to feel like last year when the Rebirth was released. I was going insane wating for it. Now, the anticipation has hit me again. I swore to myself I wouldn't get the game until July, but I can't stand the waiting. :eek: It looks too awesome to be passed up. So, who else here is waiting for the release? What are some of your impressions of the game? I for one think it actually looks almost as fun as 4. We'll just have to wait and see. ;)
  12. When I was new here I posted a thread about Hina myself. To be honest, I can see why there is another. The series never gets old and has something for everybody. While I think Naru is very cruel at times, she is the perfect match for Keitaro. Although, I'm sure many would agree Motoko has got to be one of the greatest anime female characters ever created. Oh yeah and BTW, Akamatsu-sama rules! :D
  13. As many folks know, I am the biggest Al fan probably in my school and neighborhood. I have all of his albums, and I've seen him over 3 times in concert (I also just purchased tickets to the new tour :D ). Poddle Hat is one of his best, and its definitely one of the funniest. To all folks who are wondering if the album is worth it, IT IS! 100%! You won't be dissapointed. Especially with the new parodies of Avril Lavigne and Eminem ;) . So, who else here is an Al fanatic?
  14. The nice thing 'bout my family is that they are really pro-anime. My parents have grown to like it and even enjoy taking me to cons. The only people that are really anti-anime that I know are the jocks at my school. Then again, that's a story in itself. Oh and to a few guys and girls here who said watching anime could be considered childish, I know a person who is in her twenties that likes it. So to all of you, don't feel bad and keep on enjoying it. ;) There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a deep involvement in something you enjoy.
  15. Well here's what I have to say (if it matter's at this point in the thread... :confused: ), 4Kids is not evil. I have said things such as that many times before, but I've come to the conlcusion that you just have to like anime they way you do and have fun with it. Trust me, I love Shaman King myself, and I don't want to see it on the FoxBox, so I know what your going through and what your saying. Like others said though, try to watch it subbed. That's basically the only thing any of us can do (and read Shounen Jump of course ;) ). And as for James and Queen Asuka's debate, I hope you don't mind if I add my comment. I was just going to say that I agree with James in the aspect that Japanese parents care just as much for their kids as others. Yet I also agree with Queen Asuka on the fact that parents here should be monitoring their children a lot more. Both of you have some very interesting and good points.
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