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Everything posted by TheDarkOtaku

  1. Your welcome K's Angel! :) Hey Ben, I'm glad you decided to try it out. Although I find it a little strange only a few people have heard of it here....Maybe not that many people have read the post yet. ::shrugs::
  2. Well thanks for your help guys. :) Just as you said, I did notice how much of a diverse array of traps there are. And, my brain is spinning from them. LOL :laugh: I think I'll go back and read them over again because I'm confused with their effects. Your right Domon, these were made to make you think. Maybe to think too much.... :eek:
  3. Alright, here's an amusing ( or strange you could say) anecdote: I went to buy some boosters the other day because one of our pass-times at the anime club I belong to is playing Yu-Gi-Oh! when we are done watching videos and video games. I decided to try the "Phaoroh's Servant" cards. Big mistake! :eek: This new expansion seems to be a little too strategic for me. The cards don't live up to the "Legend of Blue Eyes" and "Metal Raiders" expansions that were equaled out with strategic and powerful monsters and magic cards. Am I missing the whole point with this new expansion or is it another scrap thrown at us to keep us content until the structure decks?
  4. The assault rifle is really cool, especially with that little nifty flashlight! :D I think the Covenant plasma pistols are really neat looking too, but I'm not big on the technical part of the game. My opinion may be not as long as some other people. Anyways, it's still one of the best games out there. :)
  5. Kaiba's Angel, you summed it up excellently. And Ben, sorry for not responding for so long. I was away for a few days. Anyways, go pick it up 'cause this is one anime you don't wanna' miss! Trust me! :)
  6. Yeah I saw parts of it too! It was the lamest thing I've ever seen. Well, maybe not that bad but definitely stupid. :eek:
  7. Hmmmm...Let's see: Morrigan - Darkstalkers (My first anime crush :D ) Mai - Fatal Fury ( No explanation needed :naughty: ) Rei Ayanami - EVA (My personal favorite anime girl next to Asuka :love: ) Asuka - EVA (Had to put her too! :love: ) Motoko - Love Hina ( Another personal favorite :love: :love: :drool: ) Naru - Love Hina ( I had to, my list would be incomplete without :D ) Hyatt- ExcelSaga ( :drool: :drool: :love: ) And I guess that may be it....and despite what you may think from this reply, I am NOT a fanservice freak. I just think anime women have great characters, more than most male anime characters I've seen( Although there are many exceptions) . That's one of the reasons I admire Rei and Asuka. Their character is superb. :)
  8. For some reason I can't edit or delete this one post I made a mistake on... So uh, I'm not breaking any laws if I can't control it right?
  9. This trully unique comedy has something for everybody. I picked up the first two volumes the other day, and I must admit, they pick on Bebop and many other popular animes pretty well. For anyone who has seen it, I think Nabeshin is the hippest, most comedic, "afro-haired" , karate hero ever. :D And the whole "Quack Expiremental Anime" logo is a great joke on Lain. It's just great. Period. :) Any opinions?
  10. TheDarkOtaku

    YOUR music!!

    I'm a rocker, if anyone hasn't noticed by now, so primarily all the music I listen to is rock. It really doesn't matter what kind, except for punk. It's just not loud enough for me :demon: Some bands in punk could be okay, like New Found Glory, but mostly I like metal and even some classic stuff. Oh yeah and I can't forget how I listen to anime/game soundtracks. They're the greatest as we all know, especially the work of Miss Yoko Kanno! She's a genius in my book.
  11. Gee, I didn't know Aika had a plot like that! :eek: That's bizarre (In a cool sort of way...) ! Maybe I should look into renting it or something....I'm not a promoter of fanservice, but...wacked out storyline....It reminds me of the Twilight Zone or something :laugh: .
  12. When they announced this game, I freaked out...literally... I can't wait 'till its release! :D The first was brilliant...extremly well done...it was the Matrix/Castlevania/and Resident Evil all together in one spiffy package! The second one looks even better! Who here is going nuts from the anticipation like I am? :wigout:
  13. Yeah Rick, I'm another sucker for that romance stuff. Believe it or not, I came so close to crying out of happiness at the end of the Ah! Megami-sama (Oh! My Goddess) the Movie...Okay maybe I said alittle to much info.....:wow: LOL :laugh:
  14. You guys are right about the music...makes me wanna puke....:sick: Seriously though, Harmony of Dissonance not only has good graphics, but awesome areas too like "The Heretic's Grave" "Moss Grown Cave" and "Chapel of the Heretic". They are the best rooms for the castle that Konami has put in since SotN...I mean, Circle of the Moon had 1 cool room I thought, the "Audience Chamber"...but that's it. I think Konami should make a remake of SotN for PS2 and have Alucard look anime-style and make the castle and puzzles totally different...maybe even tweak the storyline here or there...That's my dream game! :D
  15. You guys ever think that in one of the new RE games coming out (4,0) that we are gonna' explore Wesker's or Birkin's houses? Those areas with the mansion-type looking place really intrigued me in 0....What do you think?
  16. Who here as played it? I feel it's the second best to date..but nothing beats my favorite of all time..Symphony of the Night! That is trully an excellent game. Anways, any opinions, thoughts, etc.? :)
  17. This is a little short story, or small screenplay, I wrote 'cause being home sick makes you bored...Here it is: (WARNING May cause fits of insanity! :wigout: ) (The scene opens with Krillin holding a microphone in front of a red curtain..) Krillin: HELLO AND WELCOME!,to...::drumroll:: BATTLE MOMS!!! Crowd: WOOHOO! YEAH! ( Curtain opens onto a cheesy set that looks like a warzone) Krillin: Let's meet our first contestant Bulma! Bulma enjoys inventing, calculus, and being a loving parent! Bulma: I'm so pleased to be here! :) Krillin: Now let's meet, CHI CHI! Chi Chi: ::brings out metal bat:: I SHALL DESTROY ANYONE IN MY WAY! ::swings at Krillin:: Krillin: Calm down there miss..we don't need trouble here... Chi Chi : You want trouble, you found trouble! ::swings at Krillin and then runs backstage to her husband waiting for her:: GOKU YOU BAKA! HOW CAN YOU EAT AT A TIME LIKE THIS! YOU SHOULD BE CHEERING ME ON! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! Goku: Sorry Chi Chi I was hungry! :D Chi Chi: GRRRR.....THAT'S IT! ::swings at Goku:: Thou shall perish!!!! (standing out near the opening of the stage is Vegeta, yelling to his wife.) Vegeta: YOU BETTER WIN THIS! KAKARROTO'S WIFE BETTER LEAVE HERE THE LOSER OR ELSE I'LL NEVER LIVE IT DOWN! :mad: Bulma: Shut your trap Veggie-chan! I'll do my best, and that's enough. What's with you and "Kakarroto" anyway? (At this time, we see a dazed audience member wearing strange garments, who is extremely tall and has black hair...) Audience Member: Kakarroto..:flaming: grrr..grrrr....GRRRRRR.....KAKARROTO!!!! (Chairs go flying everywhere as the massive saya-jin destroys whatever is in his path...a mysterious red light glows around him...) Brolli: GRRRR!!!! :flaming: Goku: OH NO! IT'S BROLLI! ~~~~~~~~~~> INSERT CORNY MUSIC HERE MOVIE NUMBER 15 MILLION!!! THE WONDERFUL, HARD, LONG, AGGRESSIVE, VIOLENT, SUPER, DANGEROUS, VALIANT FIGHT!!!!! BATTLE AT CBS STUDIOS! BULMA AND CHI CHI JOIN FORCES AND BATTLE! So, what do you guys think? :) Think there should be a part two? Tell me, and if you want it, you got it! Thanks!
  18. UHF is my favorite comedy movie I think. I have seen and heard almost basically ANYTHING Weird Al, so if you guys have any questions , feel free to PM me. :) Btw, Livin' la Vida Yoda is not made by Weird Al, even though it's a pretty clever and funny song. Just thought I'd let ya' in on the info. ;)
  19. Anyone like his music? Personally, I'm obsessed with him....I've been to 4 of his concerts before and they're just too funny! I can't wait 'till his next album. He's the only artist I'll listen to when it comes to comedy, and a little of the Jerky Boys also.
  20. I've read all the manga out so far, and I've ordered some billingual ones also. Actually, Su did generate alot of my laughs, but Keitaro getting beat up by Naru and Motoko always made me laugh the most...I love Motoko. This is the best line: "URASHIMA! YOU B******!" LOL!:laugh: That always makes me luagh hysterically!
  21. LONG LIVE RETRO NICK!!!! I miss these shows the most: Nick Arcade Legends of the Hidden Temple You Can't do that on Television Salute Your Shorts (my personal favorite) Rocko's Modern Life All That (old school version, not the stupidity on now) and What Would You Do? And btw, anyone remember the show "Roundhouse"? It was so weird it's not funny..I remember watching it and saying..."I'll turn the tube off now I think....:eek: "
  22. I can't wait for RE0. Been waiting since it was announced for the N64....
  23. I enjoyed it alot...Probably my favorite survival horror game next to Resident Evil 1 Remake for the GC. :)
  24. Who here remembers Nickelodeon of the "good ol' days"? I mean, of course we all know how utterly nauseating the channel is now...but remember shows like "Salute Your Shorts" and "You Can't do that on Television"? Those were family television...not like "As told By Ginger" or "Jimmy Neutron, Boy Peanut Head" (:laugh: lol) I know some might think this topic is uh , " childish" but it just came to mind and I thought if others had any opinions on it. :)
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