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Everything posted by TheDarkOtaku

  1. TheDarkOtaku


    She's a disgrace to all rockers, goths, and punks everywhere. She gives us a bad name, like we are "teeny boppers" or something. :flaming: Nuff' said.
  2. I have an Italian ethnic background and...Italians don't act that way at all...My family and I find it disgustingly offensive. Italians aren't pizza obsessed, violent, mob crazed druggies... This show I really think needs to be toned down, simply for the fact of its vulgarity towards people with certain heritages. As far as the story goes, its okay. It could be [I]slightly[/I] deeper but its pretty good, as far as character development goes. That's what I look for in shows and movies becuase I'm aiming to be a screenplay writer/novelist. The only program I watch religiously on HBO is Six Feet Under. I think it's brilliantly done. Anyways, the point I'm trying to say is, good show, bad outlook on Italians.
  3. Anyone here obsessed with this series like I am? It's just so....funny. I mean, I sit there and laugh like I'm nuts or something when I watch it. I've already sat through the series 2 times...both for that matter, and it keeps getting better and better! So who here is a romance comedy junkie like me? :)
  4. Well, it should just so happen someone brings this up after a little "predicament" that happened to me. I've been called a freak, geek, loser, outcast, and basically every other name in the book for my love of anime. For these 6 years that just past, the road to Otakudom was hard. Even now that I'm in a local anime club, I'm still made fun of. However, this doesn't discourage me. It makes me PROUDER to be an otaku. Just because I'm not "Mister DanceKing/Jock/GirlObsessed Cool Dude" doesn't mean I'm a reason for discussion whenever I walk by. All in all, I'm only starting to meet people like me. I have 2 true friends who stick by my side, and that's all I need. So, for all you guys who are persecuted because of your likes/dislikes and beliefs, HANG IN THERE. I have found my place, and so will you. ;)
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