Well, it should just so happen someone brings this up after a little "predicament" that happened to me. I've been called a freak, geek, loser, outcast, and basically every other name in the book for my love of anime. For these 6 years that just past, the road to Otakudom was hard. Even now that I'm in a local anime club, I'm still made fun of. However, this doesn't discourage me. It makes me PROUDER to be an otaku. Just because I'm not "Mister DanceKing/Jock/GirlObsessed Cool Dude" doesn't mean I'm a reason for discussion whenever I walk by. All in all, I'm only starting to meet people like me. I have 2 true friends who stick by my side, and that's all I need. So, for all you guys who are persecuted because of your likes/dislikes and beliefs, HANG IN THERE. I have found my place, and so will you. ;)