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  1. If there is one thing that I enjoy, it would have to be traveling. When I lived in England, I used to take weekend trips to London all the time. I even went as far as Romania on a service trip. I've been to Gettysburg, Mexico, Canada, and several other places. I would love to go to the Amazon, China/Japan, and Vancouver, B.C. I wouldn't mind heading back to England again sometime as well. I've been thinking about traveling a lot lately with this being my last year of anime conventions. Instead of spending 400 dollars or so to go to Sakura con every year for the same old type thing, why not visit a new place I've never been to, ya'know? I hope to maybe go to Vancouver, B.C or Florida next year.   Do you guys like to travel? Where have you been? Are you considering a trip somewhere soon? Have any unforgettable stories from the said trips? Any travel advice?   From my experience, when you visit a third world country, do not, do NOT, label yourself a tourist or an American if you are an American. If you do, you will be targeted by pickpockets and what have you. You also want to set a good example of your country too. Example: France hates the USA. Don't add fuel to the fire if you intend to visit their country.   I have very many experiences in my travels but there are two that impacted my life heavily. These two were on my service trip to a Hungarian hospital and Romanian catholic orphanage when I was about 12 years of age. We were giving free medical supplies to the doctors and stuffed toys to the mentally disabled grown ups in their care in Hungary. I handed a tickle me elmo to one particular guy who couldn't really talk. He had the biggest grin on his face and made very happy squeals and grunts. He is a guy who had nothing going for him and yet he was the happiest man in the world! (A good lesson in there)   The other experience is at the Romanian orphanage. There was this girl who took a liking to me. She was very cute. She lead me into her bedroom to show me all her toys. There was a huge language barrier and yet here we are playing dolls and having a lot of fun. She didn't have much toys to be honest but again she was very happy.
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