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USC Agent Training{PLAY}


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As Kwaz watched the fight, he couldn't seem to stop twitching with content, he took out a piece of paper and started doodling, not sure what he was doodling. As he finally looked down to his paper, he almost flew out of his chair.

Kwaz: GAH!

The entire time, he had written Bremma's name every time, he felt horrible embaressed, he quickly shoved the paper into his bag and buried it under all his binders and papers. He then continued to watch the demonstration, trying not to think of Bremma 'At least not on class time' 'WHAT?'
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Bremma watch the training, having haflway master the art of hand to hand combat, she went over her duel with Kwaz earlier. As she looked over at him,s he saw him bury a peice of paper into his bag. 'Hm... I wonder what that was...' she thougt, looking back up at the lesson.
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OOC: Sorry for not posting for a while, but just pretend I've been in the class when the training started.

IC:[COLOR=blue] Intently watching the fight being presented, Alkora studied every move. His attention was then distubed when he saw people throughout the class involved in their own activities.

Alkora-[I] "Great. We've been here for a few moments in our very first lesson and already people couldn't give a damn. And where the hell is my partner?[/I]

Searching the classroom, he could not find Rae anywhere. She said she was going to the training area half an hour ago. Where was she?[/COLOR]
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[color=blue]Athena's attention drifted from the two at the front to the others in the room. This was the first time she'd seen most of them. Some of them seemed like serious fighters, and she found herself worrying once again that she may not be good enough. [i]Stop putting yourself down like that[/i], she told herself, [i]They wouldn't have chosen you if they didn't think you were a good fighter[/i]. All of a sudden, her attention focused on her partner, Jason. He was slouching in his chair with a miserable look on his face. Athena watched him, remembering his sudden change of mood before when she was talking to him. He turned then and looked over at her. She quickly looked away, hoping he didn't know she'd been staring at him. He turned away, and she looked back over at him once more before concentrating on the lesson again.[/color]
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[I]After looking at Athena, Jason reminded himself that it is no longer just about him his ability to fight and focus was also in Athena's best interest. He had mustard the courage to accept the UCS training knowing that he'd have a partner and he wasn't going to let her down. He sat back up in his sit trying to calm himself down and think about the objective he started writing notes.[/I]

Jason: << To Himself >> I'll train with the simulator after every lesson just to be sure I know the lessons.

[I]The class continued.[/I]
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[color=teal][i]Without Setsuna noticing, john had slipped away to somewhere else. However, after a half an hour, he walked into the classroom, his cheeks still streaked with tears. As he walked in, Rev noticed he was carrying a bottle of alcohol. Rev cleared his throat to stop Katiya's latest attack and to ask John about the bottle.[/i]

[b]Rev:[/b]What is that for? I assume to dull the pain in your mutilated hand.

[i]John nodded and proved himself a terrible liar when he then downed the entire bottle instead of applying a small amount to the bandage on his hand. Rev looked down at the records on John and noticed that it said John had never downed a single drop of any even remotely alcoholic beverage. He turned to Ariadne and whispered into her ear. Ariadne then got up and walked over to Setsuna, removing herself and Setsuna to a remote corner of the room where they would not be overheard as Rev announced aloud.[/i]

[b]Rev:[/b] "Partner battles, now. John, as your partner is busy, you will spar with me again. I hope your...drunk condition will not deteriorate your skills. Fight to your utmost, students!

[i]Setsuna looked up as Aridne showed her John's record.[/i]

[b]Ariadne:[/b]He must love you if you hurt him so much that he engaged in drinking a whole bottle of whiskey in one gulp when, in nineteen years, he never downed a single drop before.

[i]Setsuna choked back a stab of emotion when she read the record, deciding that she would not cry. Ariadne continued, turning her attention the the sparring Rev and John.[/i]

[b]Ariadne:[/b]He isn't even TRYING to fight back. Rev is fighting to the fullest and may well KILL John, as the risks do state, yet John does nothing to fight back. Now what do you think of that?

[i]Setsuna couldn't hold it back anymore. First, he'd nearly given his life to save hers and she still turned him down. Then he fought himself to get out of bed and into his usual schedule of aerobics so he'd recover for her. And now, she turned away from him only to make him drink a deadly amount of alcohol and to take a beating that would kill even the most pain-resistant person. She sobbed.[/i][/color]
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[i]Rev faught against John and began being angry. He easily dodged John's punch and kicked him in the side of the head. John stumbled and fell down. Rev lifted his leg and dropped it down towards John, he stopped two inches from his head. He backed up angry. He let the sweat trickle down his face.[/i]

"Get up..."

[i]John stumbled up slowly.[/i]

"If I catch you drinking one more time, just one I'll make sure you never see the battle field. Got it?"

[i]Rev turned and walked away he then went to the front of the class and studied the fighters for a couple minutes. He then cleared his throat.[/i]

"Alright! Go to your rooms, get something to eat, rest and come back. Instructor Ariadne will begin teaching you the basics on weaponry when you get back. Be back here in 0200 hours! Dismissed!"

[i]Rev glared at John's back as he walked out. He then turned and complemented the trainees as they walked out. Katiya walked past him.[/i]


[i]She turned around slowly.[/i]

"Good job. Keep working at it, you'll be a top student.."

[i]She nodded and walked away. Rev walked over to Ariadne.[/i]

"I don't like this. John's being a fool."
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[color=teal][i]John stumbled into his room, where his butler had prepared a universal cure for drinking: beef broth with plenty of pepper, Sicilian spices, and Tony's (R) chacheres. John downed the steaming beverage, the spices acting on his stimulation levels and sobering him up. He then stood up, nodding to Jameson and sending him out. He cleaned and renewed his bandage, cleaned himself up, and finally stood alone. he stared at his good fist before jamming it into his own stomach as hard as he could for his idiocy at drinking. He began to cry, however, and couldn't stop. He didn't notice Setsuna in the corner of the room.[/i][/color]
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Bremma and Kwaz walk back to their room. Bremma flops ont he bed once they enter, looking over at Kwaz. "Hey, I saw you stuff a apaer into your bag what was it?"

"Oh, erm.. nothing.." he said embarassedly.

"Come on, what is it?" she snatches his bag and starts digging, getting the paper. He opens it, Kwaz looking scared as she looks at it, seeing her name. "You.. you wrote this?"

He nodded shyly. "Y-yes.." he admitted, fearing she sould get mad, or think he was a freak.

She blushed and looked at him. "I didnt know you were this interetsed in me.."

Edit: beefed up per Juuthena's request! (Juu, it was no prob)
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Katiya decided not to go back to her room, she didn't feel to grat after class. Not even the garden would make her happy today. SO she decide to rest in the pool. She walked into the pool area and changed into a bathing suit, she dove into the pool and just floated. Remeber her home on neptune and relaxing untill further notice.
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[i]Rev sighed and rubbed the back of his head. He walked around the room and picked up the trash that was now on the floor. It was a disaster. He'd done terrible. These kids had alot of potential, he didn't want to ruin this. He sighed, and crumpled up the paper. He walked to the trash can and threw it away. He decided he would rest in his room for 30 minutes. He began walking out when Ariadne spoke.[/i]

Ariadne: "Good job.."

[i]Rev continued looking forward. The with a soft voice said.[/i]


[i]He then walked off towards his room.[/i]
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]OOC: lol Bremma. Your posts were all great! ^_^
And btw, John... I don't think Ariadne would be encouraging someone to love because of drinking... she's a princess, remember that please. - .-'

Sighing as she sat down, Ariadne looked up at the celing, and back down at the floor. She wondered if the training really would be hard, and there would be more and more problems...

John didn't want Setsuna... he needed her now, he was in pain, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Ariadne knew how it felt to love... but not be loved in return, and she understood. Although, he also needed to understand. Class wasn't the time to have this kind of problem.

Ariadne sighed once again, and rose from her seat, uncrumpling her skirt. She walked to the door, and turned off the lights. Class wasn't going as smooth, but perhaps a break would give the recruits to settle down, and Katiya just might be able to give Rev a little beating...

Ariadne chuckles softly, as she fixed her coat in place. As she walked outside, she realized something... Perhaps class was going smoothly. She wanted to get to know her recruits better. Most of the recruits were doing well, even for a first day... perhaps it couldn't get better... for a first day that is.[/color] [/size]
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[color=blue]Jason was already in the room when Athena got there.

"Interesting class, wasn't it?" Athena said, trying to make conversation.

"Yea...um, Athena?" Jason asked.


"Uh...oh, nothing"

There was an uncomfortable silence, until Athena spoke.

"Well, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in time for class" she said, pulling on a coat.

"Ok...see you later"


Athena walked towards the door, paused for a moment and then left the room.[/color]
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]Ariadne sighed as she opened the door to her room, and flopped down onto her bed. She shivered as she lay... it was cold. It was raining outside now, and she had been outside without a coat or umbrella. It was already five o' clock, and still one and a half hours left until class. Ariadne walked to her counter, and fixed herself some tea that was left from the morning before.

Ariadne took a deep breath, smelling the essence of jasmine tea always seemed to calm her down. She felt unusually tired, and didn't want anything else but to sleep. Maybe a nap would make her feel better by the next class.

She took a sip, as a drop of the tea drippled down her lips. Ariande wiped it from her lips, the drop had cooled by then. She placed the cup at a small table by her pillow, and layed down on her bed, looking up at the celing. She hummed a song while closing her eyes, and drifted to sleep...

She awoke, and saw her mother and father. Her mother approached her, with open arms, and held her in her arms, and whispered to her. her mother had welcomed her home, and told her how much they had missed her. Her father smiled as well, and nodded. Her parents were alive! She backed away from her mother, and stared in bewilderment.

Something wasn't right... her parents had died two years ago... Ariadne suddenly watched the azure sky glow into a crimson red, as the ground suddenly began to tremble beneath her feet. She turned to her parents, and saw their images disappear, the last image of her mother, sobbing. Her mother had her arms toward her, gasping her name...

Ariadne's eyes shot open, her face pale. She rose from bed, and looked in the mirror. She was lightly sweating, and her skin was a ghostly white. It was all a dream. Her parents were dead, the had been killed so long ago. After two years, why were these dreams still chasing her? Why were they haunting her? She just couldn't understand...[/color] [/size]
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[color=teal]OOC:Panny Chan, you there? You haven't posted in a while....and Juu, John hasn't had a single drop of alcohol up until then, so imagine how much it must hurt him. And everybody, my C is named after myself, if any of you are wondering why one of my characters FINALLY has a real name.
[i]John arose from where he was, passing Setsuna without realizing she was there, and began to talk to himself, or rather, to a picture of Setsuna he'd gotten months ago when he'd first met her.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Damnit, Setsuna, why do you do this to me? I've given you everything I can, and I almost died for you. Yet still you go on acting as if I'm nothing to you! Why can't I just shake my head, wipe my hands clean of you, and leave it as it would be? Because I love you, love you enough to drink alcohol when you do this to me. I love you more than anything, yet still you hurt me. I must be insane....

[i]Setsuna, standing in a shadowed corner, heard every word as John spoke to the picture. She saw as once again, John collapsed into a heavy, uneasy sleep. She looked at the clock. It was twelve-fifteen.[/i][/color]
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[color=red]OOC: Sorry about that, had a few things to take care of...

Setsuna sighed heavily, looking at John. [i]Look at him...he's totally destroyed...by me. Poor, little old me...I can't say that I don't like him, I do...ever since we met on that day, at my parent's gettogether...[/i]


"Well, hello there, Lord Valentyne." a soft woman's voice spoke. "Nice to see that you decided to come to this event...oh, you see to have brought a guest."

"Ah, yes, my son..." he replied, as John smiled at her in response.

"Well, I have a daughter that should be of his age...Setsuna!" She walked over to her mother, standing at her side. "Well, I suggest that we attend our business, Lord Valentyne. Let's leave the children alone." she spoke as they left.

"Hello." John spoke, bowing lightly. "My name is John, how are you?"

Setsuna smiled lightly, "I'm quite fine, say, you wanna leave? We can watch tv upstairs."

"Umm..." looking nervously, "Well, if it's ok with them."

"Aw, don't worry about my mother...she won't say anything..." Setsuna spoke, running off upstairs with him.


[i]I forgot how much fun we had together that day...[/i] she thought, sitting on her bed with a pen and a writing pad. [i]I'll write him a letter...[/i]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~

"Finished." she spoke out loud, folding the letter up and placing it by John. She looked at him once, then left, walking towards the ballroom. When she reached the ballroom, she saw the piano and started to play...[/color]

OOC: Uh oh...gotta go...class is over! Eek! ;)
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DeMario had his pack slung over his shoulder. He couldn't believe the instructers got mad at that John guy for drinking...he was used to people drinking. Maybe it was against the Training policy or something. He sighed and looked at his katana.

'You need a good cleaning,' he thought. DeMario walked to the Weapons room and found the materials he needed. He started off by cleaning the handle...which was actual redwood with an oaken center wrapped in leather. When he was finished with that he took the mineral oil and scrubbed the leather clean. He continued until his katana shined like new.

DeMario decided to practice on his skills. He took off his uniform and put on his ninja suit. He felt at ease in this. Bowing down he started to do some easy arcs until he was going at a blinding speed.

Sweat dripping off his brow, DeMario decided to go take a shower. Now if he could only find it...
OOc: class is over...sorry
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Katiya's eyes shot open in terror, she did it again. She watched someone elses dream. She dived under the water and screamed, so no one could hear her. She swam towards the stairs dried off, and put on her uniform.

Katiya: I need some serious help.

All she could think of to do was go get her sketch book ago to the roses. She walked and opened her door, to see DeMario.

Katiya: um...hi...

DeMario: Hello, Where's the shower.

She pointed to the door on the opposite side of them room.

DeMario: Thanks.

He walked over and closed the door. Then she grabed her book, and ran to the garden. When she got to the roses she slumped over and cried.
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As Bremma and Kwaz walked into the room, Kwaz kept jabbering some sort of explination for the paper.

Kwaz: Well, its ok, i know you don't like me and all, you cna just forget all about that dumb o'l paper.

Bremma: what makes you think I don't like you?

Kwaz: Well, erm, your good looking and I'm not and such. Ummm, I'm gonna take a shower now!

Kwaz quickly rushed to the second bathroom and started the show. Bremma just sat there with a confused look.

Bremma: but its 3:16 P.M.......
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[color=teal][i]John woke up at 3:17 and unfolded the sheet of paper at his side. He read it on his way to training, then met Rev and had to put it in his pocket.[/i]

[b]Rev:[/b]Hey, kid. Training's postponed until six. I forgot about your dad's strict rules. It's-

[b]John:[/b]Yeah, I know. Tea-time in an hour. No activity for two hours before.

[i]With that, Rev walked away. John then unfolded his letter, reading it while in the lounge, not noticing who was playing the piano.[/i]

[b]Letter:[/b]Dearest John,
I am sorry about what I've done, and I want to make it up to you. I remeber that day we first met....how much fun we had. And that kiss....my first and yours. It's....just surprising to find out that I'm loved....by someone who was loved by servants and peasants, but not his own parents. It amazes me to think that you are such a kind person, and such a remarkable figure to your servants to where they'd give their lives for yours. I was never like that. I thought it was impossible for me to love...but your proved me wrong, John. Meet me in your room tonight at eight after training.

[i]John smiled to himself. He walked over to the piano, where Setsuna has stopped playing when she'd seen him with the letter. He sat down and played his old favorite piano song, the Reqiuem of Illusion. Setsuna smiled as he played, remembering the tune from when he wrote it just for her so long ago...[/i][/color]
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Katyia had fallen asleep on the bench in the garden holding open her sketch book with a drawing of 3 people, one was herself but the other two were not finished. She felt peaceful, and started to dream.


Katyia stood on the beach next to her black stallion looking out into the aqua ocean, watching the light glimmer off of it. She smiled and her horse snorted.

(Female): Hey Katyia! Lets run.

Katyia nodded and got up on her horse and looked over at the girl, but she couldn't see her face. They gallopped down the beach, with each stride, the scene darkened. and then she and her horse were the only ones there, there were sounds coming from all around her. Nonw of them were friendly her horse started to shift under her it reared and she fell to strike something hard, she could taste the blood.

Katyia: mommy...

She blacked out.


Katyia had fallen off the bench and curled up on the floor.
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[COLOR=blue]Kicking a bottle down the corridor, Alkora trudged up and down the hallway, bored out of his mind. He raised his arm and looked at his watch.

[I]"3:23! Geez, there's ages before training begins again. I can't think of anything to do around here. Maybe I'll just go for a swim."[/I]

He walked to where his room was and threw his bag onto his bed and began searching through it. He found his towel and his other belongings and began to find the way down.[/COLOR]
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[i]Rev flopped onto his bed and sighed. It had been a bad first lesson in his mind. The students were too distracted. They all had problems. Maybe he could finally forget about his own. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled, the day was going to get better. He brushed off his uniform then walked out of his room. He began walking to his normal destination. The garden. He loved the garden. He entered the garden quietly and sighed. IT felt great to be away from it all. He walked around brushing his hand against the flowers. He was walking when he saw a small piece of metal glint in the sun. He looked towards the direction and saw Katiya lying asleep on the ground with her sketch-book still open.[/i]

"Probably should wake her up..."

[i]Rev walked towards her. As he got closer he saw the picture. One person was obviously her, but who were the others. This made Rev alittle un-easy, she normally only drew scenery from what he knew. But he didn't know that much about these people . He shruged. It didn't matter. He looked down at Katiya and sighed. She was peaceful, it wouldn't be good to wake her. He looked at the sketch-book again and sat there for a moment. He was interested in seeing what was in it, but knew that would be rude. He sighed and walked a couple feet from her and began looking at flowers again.[/i]
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]Ariadne sighed as the warm water of the shower soothed her, and calmed her down. She couldn't tell if she was still crying, or it was just the water from the shower. She didn't care. She didn't want to cry anymore.

Ariadne stepped out, and wrapped a towel around her, and stood in front of the mirror. As she looked at her reflection, she saw the clock's reflection as well, and gasped. She hurried to the closet, and slipped on a tan, thin strapped, flair dress, and a black sweater, with flair sleeves over it. She tried her best to quickly dry her hair, and comb/brush it. It was almost time for class to start again.

She grabbed a pair of black, high boots, and slipped them on her feet before heading outside. As she closed the door, she opened the door again, and pulled out an umbrella. Ariadne opened her umbrella, and began walking to the other recruits rooms.[/color] [/size]
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