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Singing Contest!!!


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[b][color=deeppink]Ok, if you think you've got the talent, or just want to have fun (Or maybe you've had just a wee bit too much), then you could enter a singing contest! [/color]
[color=orange]e-mail me with your rendition of any song in the world that you know, and then I'll let ya know what the next stage is! It will be totally anonymous, I promise! Nobody will know it was you unless you give permission! [/color]
[color=violet]If ya dunno how to do that, you usually click "Start/programs/acessories/entertainment/sound recorder. Record ur song and then attatch it to an e-mail (e-mail to ). Simple![/color]
[color=palegreen]You have a week (Utill Saturday the 9th). Have Fun!!![/color][/b][EMAIL=atomicmuffin@hotmail.com]atomicmuffin@hotmail.com[/EMAIL]
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I'd rather skip the formalities and just post up a few songs I've done.


LUNA SEA | [url=]SHADE[/url]

Hyde | [url=]A DROP OF COLOUR[/url]

Hyde | [url=]Angel's tale[/url]

kuroyume | [url=]for dear[/url]

They're all in .mp3 format, but the recording quality isn't the best. Sorry, there's no music in any of these, just me.

Keep in mind I was mostly trying to mimic the actual vocalist's style... hence why I sound kinda off in "for dear" heh.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i]
[B]:eek:.......wow.......Wrist Cutter, that was awesome! I especially like the first song. ....man, I can't think of anything else to write...but great stuff, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference![/B][/QUOTE]

Hey, thanks... I put that song up top because I thought it came out the best too. Plus BUCK-TICK songs tend to karaoke well :D
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