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Spirited Away


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[color=blue][size=1]I'm going to see Spirited Away this weekend. Heh, none of my friends wanted to go (they're all animephobic), so I'm dragging my sister along. Well, not so much dragging, she wants to see it too...hmm, to get back on topic, from what I've heard about it, it sounds like a good movie. Well, I'll just have to wait and see.[/size][/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR=blue]I thought this was done by the same person who did Princess Monoke. The drawings look very similiar. I've only seen very little of this movie in the form of two comic books, (there's more than two, there just not being sold yet where I live. It's a movie to book format by the way.) The story and drawings are great so far. It really reminds me of a Japanese ghost story or fairy tale. I can't wait until it comes out. Oh, that reminds me...I heard that Disney is going to be in charge of releasing the DVD. Is this true?[/COLOR]
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  • 2 months later...
Spirited Away just won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.... I don't know how many times Anime has won in that category here in the US, but do you peope think it's a big step for anime in the U.S.? Or not?

I don't know how it will effect the amount of people watching an ime, but I think it sort of shows how anime has grown in the U.S....

What do you people think?
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Actually this is history this is the first time an anime wins a USA oscar. However despite this acomplishment I doubt anime will gain a new found respect here in american mainly for the fact spirit away was licensed in the USA by Disney.

Until an anime wins an oscar, with a diversely Japanese license and one that is not tied to Disney it will never gain the true respect it does.

Though it is a nice step forward in acceptance of anime, doubt the academy though even knows what anime is.
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Well I think it is good news, especially after all the rumors that Disney wanted to downplay this film in the Oscar race so they could get a win for their own films. They quickly denied those though, so I'm not sure who to believe.

I didn't watch... but who got up on stage to accept the award? The Japanese involved, or Disney employees?

And I'm sure the academy knows what anime is personally. These people study film for a career.
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Indeed, this is a beg step, but it is sorta a step in the direction of catching up.

Indy films win awards all the time and have a similar loyal audience size.

So I would say this is more of a reflection of where anime has already gotten in America.

Almost all of the popular American aired cartoons have anime influence, so it is really just a cool thing to see that people are gonna get the chance to check out one of our loves. (our, being us at the otaku)

I just hope this brings the sort of popularity to the genre that other movies get when they recieve oscars or whatever this award was.

Glad to hear this happend and I hope it happens again...

Then again, this also could be the start of a major trend.

If Anime producers recognize that the American awards academies are willing to recognize anime as the art it is, this could result in an increase in the number of anime films being directed at american audiences and inturn would have a major affect on the market for anime.

It could also affect the "sub culture" of devoted otakus who could quite possibly be alienated by the growth. (as seen with any televising of less popular anime such as eva or kenshin, although we all knew those shows before cn aired them...)

Im just gonna sit back and watch to see what happens...

If nothing changes, fine, I will still be here.

But if the crap hits the fan and anime blows up... I will be here, only with a whole lot more newbies to pick on. lol.
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The people that need to pay attention to this didn't...The only people who even noticed it probably was people already into anime.

My friends knew about it, but the people not already intrested in anime had no idea what I was talking about. It might have been step, but we need a full fledged marathon for most people.
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I was actually watching when they awarded the oscar, and I was just thinking about how happy I was that an Anime movie had actually won. At the same time, however, when I think about it this is a big step for anime in America, but I don't think that it will necessarily gain a higher respect over this one show. First of all, as Rick Hunter points out, Disney played an important role in the production of this film, so not all the credit is going towards Japanese animation. I suppose that it shows that Anime has grown in the US, but it really hasn't reached it's high point by far. We'll have to wait and see for that one.

The movie I'm really interested to see in the way of public opinion is the upcoming Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door (April 4th) hitting theatres, dubbed. If Spirited Away made the oscar for 2002, it almost deffinitly secures Heaven's Door's spot, in my opinion. And plus, the film has no affiliation with american companies; it's a complete Japanese animation. I already have the Japanese version, and I can tell you, people are going to love it.
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I didn't catch the awards, but an acquaintance of mine did. He's into anime, but he had no idea what [i]Spirited Away[/i] was. I was shocked and surprised and disappointed (all at once) by him. I didn't see S.A. but I at least knew about it. Of course, I do anime news for a friend's website, so I have to know these things.

I think the award shows a lot of growth in terms of anime being shown in the U.S. At one time, anime was confused with American cartoons. And if you knew the difference, you were some kind of an underground fanboy. Now there's an anime winning an Oscar. Big step.

I saw a commercial for the Bebop movie on Cartoon Network once. Looks like "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" is getting more publicity than [i]Spirited Away[/i]. If all turns out well, [i]Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door[/i] could be one of the highest selling Japanese animated features to hit U.S. theatres since [i]Pokemon: The First Movie[/i]. (I never liked that title. It just screams "save up money for a lot more movies to come!")
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I'm really glad it won. ^_^
I really wanted it to win, since I saw it three times! ^^

Chihiro is so cute, and I absolutely loved the ending.

I'm curious, did Disney dub it? The dubbing was actually pretty good. ^_^' (Though I liked the Japanese version better...)[/color] [/size]
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Yes Indeed I do. It comes out in theaters this Friday where I live. That means tomorrow from this post now.

Since not a lot of people even know what anime is around here, I'm sure this is going to be a huge, and good, step. I'm going to go see it Sunday, with my mom.

I don't recall anytime when I have one to a movie theater to see an anime movie. Back to the Subject:

Like I said, yes I do believe this is a big step for Japanese Animmation in the USA. If I like it, I shall tell you. Since it won a reward, I'm sure it's going to be very good.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i]
[B]I know, I heard about that. My sister lives in LA and she's going to see what all the fuss is about by watching the movie. She and her husband are Anime fans.
I hope we get it out here in Houston, but we probably won't.... [/B][/QUOTE]

Since it won an Oscar, I'm sure they're going to ship it to many many states. Heck, people where I live don't even know that it won an Oscar, 'cept me, and they still shipped it here. If you live in Housten, then I bet you'll get it.
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I'm sure most of the larger cities in any state will be playing this movie... Here in Chicago, any theatrical release of an anime is generally played in the smaller art style theaters... the ones that tend to play odd and foreign films.

It's most likely the same in most other places... Just look around in the papers for the smaller theaters. Now that it won an Oscar, I think it might get a bit wider of a release. Disney seems to want to cash in on that.
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I was happy for that. The other other nominees were all really bad, but when I saw that Spirited Away was up for it, I wanted it to win. I've never actually seen the movie, but I want to. It looks good.

Anyway, I think this may be a step up for anime. Sure, it was licensed to Disney for American distirubution and crud, but it's still an anime. An oscar winning anime, none the less. Of course, if things continue on like this, OtakuBoards will probably become flooded with anime newbies....
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