Kaede-san Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 Our Digidestined: Chris&Patamon LEADER! David&Guilmon Kairi&Draguiymon Kevin&Bortaromon Kaci&Kitamon Josh&Shymon Rokas&Gobumon Frankie&Rraikmon Aidan&Metal Armadillomon LEADER! Ginny&Reakmon Uchada&???????? Well let the games begin! who's gonna start? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 I'm not sure how this is supposed to start buuuut.... ~~~~~~~~~~ [color=crimson]Raekomon swished his gilled tail and looked at Ginny sadly. She hadn't been herself lately--and this talk about a "doctor" (whatever that was) wasn't helping either. He looked over at his human friend. Blue eyes, auburn hair. He loved it when her eyes sparkled with innocent mischief and she would brush her shiny hair back in a motion of playful indifference. But now... "Ginny?" "...mmm?" Raekomon scooted up to her and rested his green head on one of her knees, his red eyes meeting her blue ones. "Please be happy?" Ginny's eyes shimmered and she turned to stare at the wall; Raekomon moved to be in her line of vision again, but she shut her eyes tightly. "Please?" Ginny looked at her friend--a Digimon. Raekomon was a water otter, green with purple gills. He was a fun loving sort, a perfect match for Ginny--when they had first met. It hadn't been much of a surprise for her when she found him lost inside her closet. Ginny had kept him fed and happy, and a secret from everyone as well; she was good at keeping secrets. Like what was bothering her. "What would make you happy, Ginny?" "I just don't want to be here anymore..." the girl sighed sadly. A high pitched squealing suddenly filled the air inside Ginny's closet. Startled, the two peered inside, and found a bright white portal of sorts shining from inside the closet. "Whooooa....shall we?" Ginny looked at Raekomon, then to the portal. With an indifferent shrug, she stepped toward the portal. Raekomon blinked, unsure if it was the best time to make such a dimension-hopping choice, but quickly followed Ginny. He would be darned if he let her out of his sight. As soon as the pair stepped through, the portal vanished after them without a trace.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaede-san Posted November 8, 2002 Author Share Posted November 8, 2002 As they stepped in to the portal they saw a light as if it was the end of a tunnel "Look Ginny! the end of this portal!"yelled Raekmon as he tugged her lightly. "Uhh huh...."Ginny said as she ignored him and passed him by. Finally they reached the end of the tunnel they walked thru but suddenly! they fell thruogh the sky! both screaming and yelling as they watched the clouds go right thru them finally they hit the flor with a loud thump! "where are we?" asked Ginny as she brushed herself off and got up slowly.Her digital companion at her side shrugged and looked up in front of them they could see a tall shadow standing before them it took the shape of a human but there was a strange figure standing next to it................................................they both looked up to see a most surprising thing.................................. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John2 Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 The wind blew gently in the night air. A Digimon slept in a giant tree, a boy on the ground below. The wind picked up, a high pitched siren passed through the air. The Digimon jump down to the ground and began to growl. The boy was already standing pulling his sack over his shoulder. "You heard it too?" "Yes." The Digimon took off into the maze of forest, the boy close behind. The Digimon and the boy stopped dead in their tracks. "What the..." A giant white portal was shining in a small clearing. The Digimon approached the portal. "Gyromon, wait." But the Digimon walked through the portal, it began to close. "You're not leaving me here!" The boy ran and jumped into the portal just intime. The Portal sealed and the boy and the Digimon were gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokas Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 that rainy night, i had no idea about digimons. it was just after my guitar lesson. i walked the wet road kicking little stone trying to remember the tunes that i just learned. when suddenly a rock hit bushes. OWwwww!-someone cried from the bush that i just hit. oh sorry, didn't see you there.-i dashed embarrassed, but still trying to see who was there in the bushes. sudenly a blue furboall walked out. i stared at it amassed it couldn't have been a dog it walked on two legs, and talked to me when i hit him. watch out-furboll cried out still running to me. i looked in front of my self. only then i noticed that i was in the middle of the road right next to the bushy turn.... ************************ Mell drove fast because she had to get home quick for her sisters birthday party. here's the last turn.... just then she saw a boy with guitar case on his back standing in the middle of the road! tires screeched boy covered himself. the something appeared in his hand some sort of three colour devise with a screen that shot out a light into Mells car. a see through white wall-a portal opened in between them. suddenly some animal pushed a boy into the white ring. finaly the car stopped. mell got out of the car and looked behind her. and there was no one there!... """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" i just got my digimon instead of having him all the time. i hope you dont mind :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo Tremaine Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 OOC: I was planning to do that too, if that's okay. --------------------------------------- Aidan sighed as rain dripped unrelentlessly down his window. It was early evening, and usually he enjoyed looking at the sunset. Bored, he decided to switch on his TV. Climbing over the bits of junk scattered on the floor in his room, he jabbed the 'on' switch lazily. A blurred picture came up of a sombre-looking newsreader. "...causing widespread damage to communications systems over the entire continent of Europe..." He switched it off, grunting in annoyance. A mirror hung next to his bed and showed his tired reflection. A thin, quite tall seventeen year old boy stared blearily back at him, his long white hair drooping damply over his wet bandanna. "Pfft," he snorted indignantly. "I hate mirrors." He sat on the chair next to his computer desk and looked out of the window again, staring at the clouds. It was a depressing feeling, looking out over Bristol from behind a pane of glass. He wanted to be free. He wanted adventure. He wanted his parents to stop bothering him about his schoolwork. He hadn't told them he'd been bunking for two weeks, sneaking around the city for want of something more interesting to do. "I wonder what the news was all about." he thought out loud, jabbing the 'Power' button on his computer. Suddenly, a huge bright light exploded from the monitor, making him jump from his seat. Shielding his eyes, he tried to work out what had happened. From behind him, his glass window imploded. As he jumped round in fright, something crashed into his back, sending him flying into the strange white ring, which suddenly disappeared without a trace, the rain beating gently on the carpet... A strange tingling sensation ran through his body- he felt sick. All around him, twisting walls of colour swirled around him. Something behind him moved. Turning around to see what it was, he saw the whole world spinning away from him. "What's going on?" he shouted. His voice sounded strangely distorted. From behind him, another distorted voice greeted him. "Hold on! We're almost through!" it whirred. Up ahead, he could see strange trees. Accelerating towards them at break-neck speed, he closed his eyes and hoped for the best... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigiFan Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 *Chris Is Sitting Alone At Home At His Computer Trying To Finish His Ten Page Final Due Tommarow When He Hears Something Crawling Around The House* Chris: Mom? (No Reply) *Walks To The Kitchen* Chris: Who There Show Yourself (Snekering Comes From The Computer Room) *Chris Picks Up A Bat And Runs Into The Room* Patamon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You Almost Pooped Your Pants *Sweatdrop Appears On Chris' Head* Chris: Patamon What Are You Doing Back In The Real World? Patamon: Somethings Up In The Digital World And We Need Your Help Chris: We? Patamon: Follow Me *A Ring Of Light Appears From Chris' Computer And They Both Jump In* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 [color=crimson]"Sooo..." Raekomon said as Ginny rubbed her head, a tad irritated, "who are you two?" The Digimon blew a raspberry like fanfare through his teeth, waving his umbrella about. "I am the WORLD REKNOWN [i]SHYMON!!![/i]....oh and he's Josh." "Hi," Josh waved. Raekomon smiled at the both of them. Ginny continued to sit quietly, staring at the ground. "And who are you two?" "I'm Raekomon!" the water otter piped up. "And you?" Josh turned to Ginny, who looked at him quickly, then lowered her eyes again. "Ginny," she mumbled. "Nice to meet ya!" And with that, Josh took Ginny's hand firmly in his own and shook it. Ginny looked startled, and stared at him wide eyed. "Can't stand to see anyone unhappy," Josh explained. "You don't look too happy here." "Anywhere that I have to go with you makes me unhappy," Shymon complained. Josh ignored his smart-butt Digimon and looked around to take stock of his surroundings. That's when he saw the human behind the tree. "Who's there?"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John2 Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 OOC: Sorry, I posted like 2 mintues after you, and then went to bed. And if this human isnt intended to be my character i'll delete this post. ______________________________________________________________________ "Who's there?" Josh repeated. "No one" said a voice from the tree. "Gyromon!" yelled another voice. "Oops, sorry." Crrrack! A branch fell off the tree sending a boy and a Digimon tumbling down. "Gyromon! you said this branch was sterdy enough to hold us!" "I didn't say how long..." "What am I going to do with you?" "I dont' know... lunch?" "Excuse me..." interrupted Josh. "What?" said the boy and Digimon. "...Who are you?" "Oh." The boy stood up and held out his hand. "My name is John and this little trouble maker is..." "Gyromon!" piped the Digimon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Digital Monster Posted November 8, 2002 Share Posted November 8, 2002 Kaci, after a long time sitting on her bed leaning over her atlas, finished her sketching. She held up her picture and took a good long look. It was basically a small lion cub, but had wings. [COLOR=red][i]"There, my little fantasy creature's complete! Now just to scan it in."[/i][/COLOR] She went into the room where the computer was kept, and quickly scanned the pic. Then she had an idea. [COLOR=red][i]"Uh, Mum, can I use that program you use for making pictures 3-D? I wanna see what this drawing I did looks like."[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Sure, Kaci, just don't mess around with it too much. It plays up from time to time."[/i] After some time trying to master the program, she eventually got it exactly how she'd imagined it. She sat back and considered what the little dude was gonna be called. [COLOR=red][i]"Leo's way too obvious, plus it looks like a girl, so... little lion... cat-like... Kita? Yeah, Kita."[/i][/COLOR] Suddenly the screen digitized and coloured squares covered the screen. A screechy noise seemed to come from nowhere and Kaci had to cover her ears. [COLOR=red][i]"Aw, no, I've so screwed this up big-time! Mum's gonna kill me!"[/i][/COLOR] As suddenly as the screen went funny, it stopped, but started to glow brightly. Kaci wasn't sure if she should cover her ears or eyes, and worrying frantically what would happen if her mum saw. A few seconds later, the light faded, and she felt a bundle in her lap. Looking down, she nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw the creature she'd just created sitting there, alive. She also had a strange device in her hand. [COLOR=sandybrown]"Heya, I'm Kitamon, what's your name?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red] [i]"Uh, Kay-celes, but everyone calls me Kaci. But I never called you that, just Kita."[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"I'm a Digimon, we all have 'mon' after our names."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][i]"What the feck's a Digimon when it's at home?"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Listen, it's a long story, but the reason I got created for real is because the Digital World wants you to help save it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][i]"Perdone?"[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Kaci, who are you talking to?"[/i] [COLOR=red][i]"Uh, voice chat on MSN, Mum."[/i] [/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Anyway, Kaci, the Digital World needs your help to save it. Make up some excuse to get away and come on. The portal's open."[/COLOR] She pointed to a small screen on the computer. Kaci's mind raced, and she came up with an idea. [COLOR=red][i]"Mum, Hamiko's asked me if I want to go camping with her family, but I gotta get to her house ASAP coz they're leaving soon, is that OK?"[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Sure, get your things together."[/i] As soon as she'd packed and put her laptop in its case, Kaci made sure here mum was in the kitchen, then pretended to leave, but went instead to the computer. [COLOR=red][i]"So how do we get there?"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Point your D-Tec at the portal, it'll do the rest."[/COLOR] Kaci duly did so, and she and Kitam were dragged through the screen, and landed in another world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokas Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 [i] I wish the car had hit me![/i] after dodging a car on top speed, floating through some tunel or other dimension or portal or how the heck you call it, he had to now listen to this furboall about saving the world from something. [I] what is your name anyway?[/i] gobumon-monster replyed.-and yours? [i]rock[/i] gobumon: you mean like a stone? [i] no, my real name is rokas but people call me rock becouse of my stile of music. you know "rock and roll". here i'll play you something[/i] . (i just got my guitar of my back when gobumon started looking around looking for something) gobumon: quiet. [i] what?[/i] gobumon: there should have been SOMENE to meat us here, but we are alone in the woods right now. [i] oh look here come "big bad wolf" to meat us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frankie Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 Frankie and Rraikmon walk around slowly in the dark shadows of a quiet street the white dog sniffed around slyly Rriakmon: well nothing around here... Frankie: well darn... we been looking for ever Rriakmon: ahh dont worry we will find it... it may take tiem but we will find it... Frankie: aww i guess your right lets get back to the hideout...dont want anyone to know we are out here... might get us in trouble Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imp Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 Ooc: I thought you said I was in the RPG too! :bawl: Ic: Chris2: Well, Gon, I can't seem to find... Gon: HUH? (a ring of blue light appears in the computer, and Chris2 enters it) CHRIS!!! Chris2: (he wakes up to find two girls with Digimon) Huh? Veronica: That's funny... who are you? Kimberly: And who is that behind you? Dreammon: It looks like a Tentomon! Chris2: Tentomon?! (he sees Gypsymon behind him) Gypsymon: I'm not Tentomon; I'm Gypsymon! Chris2: :blush: Psymon: Well, first of all, what are we doing here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo Tremaine Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 Aidan landed in some bushes with a thud. Upside down, his legs were caught on thorny branches. The thing behind him had disappeared. "Hey!" he called, trying in vain to pull his legs free. Something grabbed his arm. He looked up, and was staring straight into the face of a large metal creature. He froze as it looked back at him. "You look funny upside down." it said, smiling gleefully. "Thanks. Erm... can you get me out of here, please?" "Sure thing, Aidan." he drew his sharp metal claws and hacked away at the branches clinging to Aidan's trousers. He fell to the ground and rolled over. "How do you know my name?" he said, sitting up. "I've been watching you for a while. I'm MetalArmadillomon." "Hi, MetalArmadillomon... Wait a second. Watching me? What for?" MetalArmadillomon sighed. "It's hard to explain. Basically, we need your help." Aidan adjusted his bandanna. "With what? No, wait. First things first." he looked around at his surroundings. Lush, gree trees were everywhere. He seemed to be in a forest. "Where am I?" "The Digital World, my home. I'm a Digimon. That means digital monster." "But... they aren't... you... I mean..." Aidan looked very confused. MetalArmadillomon smiled nervously. "Don't worry about that now. We need to find the others. Then we can explain everything." "Others?" Aidan asked, standing up quickly. "Other kids?" The steel digimon nodded, his spines rattling. "Now where did we say to meet...?" he thought out lout. Aidan glanced behind him. As he did so, from behind a tree, he saw something move... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokas Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 gobumon:(whispered) hide [i] but can't you see that guy hanging in a tree? that big metal dinosaur is going to eat him[/i] gobumon:no that's metalarmadilomon he's also chosen for this mission [i]just don't start about that saving the world stuff[/i] we both lyed behind a bush watching how metalarmadilomon got aidan out of the tree. [i]so... why are we hiding?[/i] gobumon: there is "crimson pyramid" near by. it wouldn't be wise to come out in the open all together. woods are swarming with pyramid guards. [i] whoa ... did that tree just moved?[/i] gobumon: woodmon! we gonna have to fight! suddenly the trees around aidan and his digimon started moving [i] cool ... we're behind enemy lines.[/i] we all prepared to fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 FYI: if you want, I'm going to write as if we are in the real world still...either just in another time or place. We just don't know it yet. Sound cool? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=crimson]Ginny, Josh, and John all shook hands, while Raekomon, Shymon, and Gyromon did whatever it was Digimon did to introduce themselves. The group had started to chatter pretty good, like old friends, when Gyromon froze. Raekomon broke off a second later, his red eyes searching for something. Shymon followed suit, cocking his large ears. "What's with you guys?" Josh asked. "Shhhh!" Everything was still for a moment; Ginny could barely breathe for fear of her breathing being too noisy. After a few long moments, the Rookies seemed to relax, and Raekomon turned back to Ginny with a smile. "Hand of Asura!" Without warning, an Asuramon crashed through the bushes. The humans screamed and tumbled backwards, the Digimon crouched low, nervous but ready for their first battle. "You are too close to the Ebony Towers--you are enemies!" He swung his fist again, and a tree exploded on impact with his touch. That completely unnerved the Rookies and they scrambled backwards as well, partly to protect the childern, but mostly because they were scared out of their wits. "What IS that?!" John yelled. Something bright shone from each pocket of the humans, and they took out the source--digivices. Each one popped up a picture of Asuramon: [QUOTE]ASURAMON Ultimate/Wizard Vaccine His attacks are Hand of Asura and Multiple Face. Makes for a great lookout and sky, and an even better guard.[/QUOTE] "Ultimate?" Ginny spoke up in a slight panic. "What is that compared to you guys?" "Um," Shymon called over his shoulder, "that's two levels above us. You'd think they'd start us off with a little something easier, a Champ at least." Ginny groaned. "That's my kind of luck." "He's attacking!" Gyromon called out.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo Tremaine Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 OOC: Don't quite understand what you mean, Ginny. Do you want me to edit mine so's it doesn't say we're in the Digital World? ------------------------------------------------------------ Aidan jumped in shock. "Gah! The tree's moving!" MetalArmadillomon whirled round and growled. "That's a digimon- Woodmon! Get back!" Aidan backed away into another tree, trying to find something to hit it with. "What do they want?" "To kill us!" the digimon shouted, slashing the Woodmon's trunk. It collapsed backwards and disappeared. Suddenly, a vice-like grip tightened around Aidan's waist. An evil laugh boomed in his ears. Another Woodmon had appeared right behind him. He cried out in shock and tried to pull himself free. Just as MetalArmadillomon turned to save him, something large, blue and furry leapt out from the bushes, roaring furiosuly. Gabumon swiped an arm from the Woodmon, letting Aidan free. He stared in disbelief at the new digimon. From the bushes, Rokas appeared. "Come on, Gabumon. Let's give them a hand!" Mocking laughter echoed around the forest. More Woodmon sprang up, encircling them menacingly. Not waiting to find out what was going to happen, the two digimon leapt at their opposers and started attacking them furiously. "Blue Blaster!" Gabumon yelled, knocking out two Woodmon. "Blade Strike!" MetalArmadillomon shouted, hurtling into another. More began advancing on them. Rokas pointed to one to one lying dazed on the floor. "Grab his arm!" he shouted to Aidan. They took an arm each and threw the confused digimon straight into a group of advancing Woodmon, knocking them into a confused and disorientated heap of splitting wood. Gabumon, content with his destruction of three digimon, picked up an immobilised MetalArmadillomon, whose spines had stuck him into the ground. Before their attackers could recover, the four of them sprinted away into the trees. Behind them, the Chief Woodmon silenced the others. "Let them get away," he hissed. "They'll soon discover what else is hiding in this forest..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokas Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 [i] a little help here![/i] can't you tell the difference between ground and tar pudle?-gabumon was trying to get rokas out of tar into which he was still sinking deeper and deeper. [i] i thought it was some black asphalt [/i] in the middle of a jungle?-metal armadilomon passed his split tail for rokas to grab and dragged him out of the pit. anyway what was that about the piramid-aidan asked when rokas whas out and trying to clean the tar of his jeans. metal armadilamon: its an evil place gabumon: many monsters have been known to disappear in a mile radius from it. [i]so shouldn't we get out of here?[/i] Aidan: no. I don't expect that we were dragged here for no reason. we are probably meant to go to "crimson pyramid" and that's what we are going to do... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo Tremaine Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 "What about the others? Don't you think we should find them first?" MetalArmadillomon asked, clicking his claws. Aidan leaned against a tree. Everything had happened so fast. It was like he'd just stepped into a computer game. "Do we even know they're here yet?" Rokas asked, looking at his jeans in disgust. Gabumon hid a smirk. "If we wait too long then the reason why we came here might not matter any more. The sooner we can get there, the less chance there is of anything happening to anyone." Rokas scraped more tar from his jeans. "We don't even know where or what 'crimson pyramid' is yet, apart from the fact that it's evil." Gabumon scratched his head thoughtfully. "I don't like it. I've heard terrible things about that place. It's not somewhere you can just barge into." Rokas inspected his guitar for tar. Seeing it clean, he sighed with relief. Aidan closed his eyes to try and make a decision. He couldn't think straight. Why did they seem to be waiting for him to make a decision? '[I]Well, if I'm going to lead them[/I], he thought, '[I]I'd better do it well.[/I]' "Okay..." he began, swallowing hard. "If the pyramid is where we're meant to go, then we'll go there. But... if we need to find the others then it might be an idea to do that first. Teamwork's better than going it alone. Right, Rokas?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John2 Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 "Hand of Asura!" "Gyromon! Watchout!" Gyromon lept into the air barely dodging the attack. "Gyrosphere!" A ball of dark purple energy formed between Gyromon's claws and flew at Asuramon. The energy ball struck Asuramon's chest but he just laughed. "Hand of Asura!" This time the attack hit Gyromon flinging him into a tree. "Gyromon!" John cried out while running to tend to his Digimon. "Go Shymon!" "Umbrella Strike!" "Hand of Asura!" "Shymon!" Josh jumped up and caught Shymon. They landed and slid across the ground leaving a trail of upturned earth behind them. Asuramon turned to Raekmon. "Now for you..." "Raekmon!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 FYI, all--it's Raek[b]o[/b]mon, not Raekmon. :babble: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=crimson]Raekomon felt his usual good cheer seep away as the Ultimate lunged at him. In a panic, he leapt up as Asuramon pounded the ground, turned the spot where Raekomon had been but a moment into a dusty, dead area. Raekomon found himself on Asuramon's back--not a place he wanted to be. Infuriated, Asuramon roared, the flames on his body shooting out, chasing Raekomon off. The Ultimate stomped on the Rookie's tail, and clenched the unfortunate Digimon's neck in his strong grasp. "RAEKOMON!" "I sense much negative energy eminating from the girl," Asuramon snarled into Raekomon's face. "You must not be worthy." "Says you--[i]KAISUI!!![/i]" A massive stream of water shot up from beneath Asuramon, flinging him into the air, causing him to drop Raekomon. Ginny quickly ran to her partner, hugging him gently and rubbing his sore neck. "Oh my gosh, are you ok?" "Have had better days," Raekomon admitted. "It's not getting any better," Josh called, "LOOK!" Asuramon was back already, and flaming mad. Shymon and Gyromon sat up, groaning, and watching with sinking hearts as the seemingly unstoppable Ultimate stomped their way. "What a way to go..." Shymon groaned. [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imp Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 [I]Veronica, Kimberly, and Chris are trying to find the other Digidestined.[/I] Veronica: Where could they be? Psymon: I don't know, but... What was that? Kimberly: What was what? Psymon: I heard a little noise... Chris: :eek: Gypsymon: Who's there? (IceDevimon appears in front of them) Chris: Oh, it's just IceDevimon. IceDevimon: Hey there Chris. Guess what? Chris: Uhhh... IceDevimon: I'M YOUR PARTNER!!! Gypsymon: NO! I'M his partner!!! IceDevimon: What, a wimpy ladybug like you? A little boy like him needs a strong Digimon like me. Gypsymon: I just seem weak because I'm a Rookie. IceDevimon: A rookie?! Ha! You better not attack me... (a Bee Bomb hits him) Or I guess you will. Gypsymon: I need to Digivolve!!! (Chris's Digivice glows) GYPSYMON DIGIVOLVE TO... TARANTILLAMON!!! Tarantillamon: Now I'm a Champion, just like you. (IceDevimon freezes her) But a weak one at that... Dreammon: I'll help! DREAMMON DIGIVOLVE TO... UMBERMON!!! Umbermon: Psymon, you'll need to Digivolve too. Psymon: Right! PSYMON DIGIVOLVE TO... HERMON!!! Hermon: Now we got you. Umbermon and Hermon: PSYBLAST!!! (both attacks hit IceDevimon) Tarantillamon: Uhhh... PSYWAVE!!! (the attack hits IceDevimon) IceDevimon: :faint: (he turns into data) Umbermon: My data. Hermon: NO mine! (Umbermon start fighting) Veronica, Kimberly, and Chris: :bluesweat: Tarantillamon: My data. (she absorbs the data) Hermon and Umbermon: HEY! :therock: Chris: Great, now let's find those other Digidestined! Tarantillamon: If only I could Digivolve all the way to Mega, I would know where they are... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaede-san Posted November 9, 2002 Author Share Posted November 9, 2002 Ooc: I decided to change where I thought Kairi was at before she went digtal.......so this is what really happened............: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRASH! a loud sound of thunder was heard in the distance.................. "Sigh"....A young girl with short brown hair and purple goggles wearing a purple sweater and blue caprees lay back in her desk chair.....She sat there She then turned on the t.v. with no will power at all.................................the screen turned on with a flash of white light she stared at the screen and let out a large yawn of bordom she flipped the channel every two seconds with her remote control and watched to see if anything good was on.She watched until finally she just droped the remote she stood up looking for it but there was no sign of it............ "Pyro shere!"Said a voice from the t.v. "You can do it Guilmon!" yelled another. Kairi looked blankly at the television.She sat down more interested then ever she was wondering what this was..strange children with little monsters and strange divises what was this? was her question. "Who watches this junk anyways?"She asked turning off her t.v. she lay back in her chair once more thinking about the show she then sat up and began to draw she began to draw a strange creature like the fox she saw on t.v. Once she was finished she lay back in her chair looking at her drawing and sighed."Oh my gosh what did I just do!?" she got up and threw the picture away and walked in to the kitchen. The sounds of a Sarasa 0.7 gel pen was heard through out the house the sound was like the clicker at the end of the pen was what it mainly sounded like though........................... "Huh?" Kairi asked in confusion as she walked in to the kitchen she then saw a shadow in the living room like the shape of a fox tail Kairi jumped in to the clearing and let out a loud scream a blinding flash of light was seen through out the nieborhood.. AHHHHHH!" Kairi let out a loud scream as she was blinded by the tunnel of white light she could see a figure in front of her laughing with joy the two slid and slid until finally they landed with a huge.... THUMP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John2 Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 OOC: Sorry Ginny, my bad -------------------------- "Gyromon" John said as he kneeled over his hurt Digimon,"are you ok?" Gyromon jumped to his feet. "I'm ready for battle." "Good. Let's do this!" The digivice in John's pocket began to whistle. He pulled it up to his face, a bright light errupted(sp) from it. "Gyromon! Digivole!" Gyromon began to shine like the digivice... "Gyromon! Digivolved to... Barrimon!" John held out his digivice and pointed it at Barrimon, Ginny and Josh did likewise. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------- BARRIMON Champion/Warrior Data His attacks are Buster Blade and Pulse Cannon. A legendary warrior that serves to protect those in danger. -------------------------------------------------------------- John stood in disbelief looking up at the Digimon. "Gyromon..." "Let's do this!" Barrimon stood between Asuramon, John, Josh and Shymon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted November 9, 2002 Share Posted November 9, 2002 [color=crimson]"C'mon, Raekomon, let's join in!" [i]If that'll cheer you up, you got it,[/i] Raekomon thought to himself. "Reakomon, digivolve toooo..." He arced his back, and snarled. His head gills seemed to split and grew larger; more gills appeared at his wrists and halfway down his tail. A sapphire formed on his forehead, and his red eyes glittered dangerously. "...ENSYOMON!" [QUOTE]ENSYOMON Champion/Animal Data His attacks are LeviaSmash and Kairyu, which allows him to use his water controlling abilites to a much greater extent than Raekomon could.[/QUOTE] "Let's get this party started," Ensyomon growled.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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