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Lilac oranges

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is anyone out there buddist or studying buddhism? i would like to learn more about this religon but due to a conservitive home town and some very Catholic parents and school, i can't get much info. i'm partically intrested in Theravacla and zen.

so if anyone has any info or mantra's or anything like that please post them.

Sentinent beings are numberless. i vow to save them.
desires are endless. i vow to put an end to them.
the dharmas are boundless.i vow to master them.
the buddha way is unattainable. i vow to attain it.
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i know a lot.. im a fusion of buddhist, christian, and taoist(0_o)... buddhism is a very.. er, it's hard to put it in words.. strong... or something...

try searching google, for zen buddhism, tibetan buddhism, whatever else you are interested in.....

im lazy, but i guess i could find domer good sites for you in my spare time.. which isnt mine.. ill PM you if i find anything iteresting.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lilac oranges [/i]
[B]Sentinent beings are numberless. i vow to save them.[/B][/QUOTE]

I have that same thought all the time.. but my definition of "save" is most likely different from yours *points to avatar*

Still, I respect everyone's opinions, even if I do not necessarily hold them.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai[/i]
[B]im a fusion of buddhist, christian, and taoist[/B][/QUOTE]

I don't quite see how that is. I have no idea what a taoist is, but buddhism and christianity are quite fundamentally different. Buddhism looks into the self to find enlightenment, and Christianity looks to Jesus Christ to find salvation, and acknowledges that the 'self' is helpless on it's own. Are you [i]really[/i] a fusion of the three, or just more of a pick and mix, choosing to believe certain parts of each?
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Good point.. Yeah, it's the latter.. Which really can be a fusion..

Fusing the belief in christ and the elements of buddhism really isnt that strange.

By looking into yourself for enlgightenment, you can still trust Jesus to guide you...

I wont really go into taoism..

So I guess im a fusion and a pick and choose person..O_o
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by May [/i]
Can you be more speciffic on what you want to know? [/B][/QUOTE]

yeah i'm intrested in finding out more mantras (thanks for the one in your post) i find alot of the buddhist mantras pretty [I]deep[/I] *for want of a better word* i'd also like to learn more about the dharams because i can't find any real clear definations of them.

all the ppl. talking about taiosim....what's that? whats it belive in?
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Well, even though I dont really like to run my mouth about it, taoism is a great philosophy in my opinion.

Its a religious belief to most, but thats all in a matter of the way you personally take it.

Any way, about "the tao."

It would be hard to explain it and get the points across properly, but I will try to put it in super simple, laymans terms.

Only there is one catch, you have to contact me privatly. You can reach me with an instant message. My aol screen name is kentahoggatt, or you can email me at [email]kentahoggatt@aol.com[/email].

I really do want to explain, but not for a bunch of people on the boards. Just those who are really intrested.

I look forward to your contacting me, so please hurry about it, Im dying to try and explain.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i]
[B]I don't quite see how that is. I have no idea what a taoist is, but buddhism and christianity are quite fundamentally different. Buddhism looks into the self to find enlightenment, and Christianity looks to Jesus Christ to find salvation, and acknowledges that the 'self' is helpless on it's own. Are you [i]really[/i] a fusion of the three, or just more of a pick and mix, choosing to believe certain parts of each? [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm sure the Taoist thing was a joke(talkin about Tao from DB. ^_^. But if it really does exist, then I'm sorry to those that are Taoist. I never heard of the thing until now.). But as far as the Fusion thing, I think he means one of his parents is a Christian and the other is buddhist. I'm I correct?

And as to find stuff on Buddhism, I just searched on google.com and found this site for ya. [url]http://www.buddhanet.net/[/url] and [url]http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Buddhism/Buddhism.htm[/url] You can search of google.com to find some more stuff if you want.
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No actually, taoism is real, and an intresting thing. Go do a search. Youll find it.

Also if your really intrested, just hit my email link above. I could explain a little.

But dont worry about insults, not knowing it exist isnt an insult.
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Yes, the Tao is very real.. There's some good books to introduce you to Taoism, and some bad ones... I personally do NOT suggest reading "The Tao of Pooh" or "The Te of Piglet". They're sweet books, but a bad intro to the tao... But you don't have to jump for the Tao Te Ching right away or anything...

hmm.. well, the fastest and cheapest and easiest.......get in touch with kent!!! lol.

well, yeah, we're getting a bit of the buddhism subject, lol... next post, i'll PROMISE to be back on topic ^^'
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