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DragonLance: The New Age


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[COLOR=green]Once they had ushered Siren and Ykonis out of the room....

Elsyn: We must have a very popular room


Elsyn: What is the matter? You are very pale

Riona: Can you beleive her just come and snatch other people's hoods off, why don't she? I only let people I completly trust see me!*practically yelling now*

Elsyn: *smiles, Riona completly trusts her* That was kind'a rude... I guess

Riona: *growls* Oh well, as long she don't blab I'm fine, about Hunter's letter now, what are you going to say? *smiles*

Elsyn: I still have to think

Riona: Well, I'll just leave you to thinking then. I need some freash air.

Pulls hood up and opens the door walking into Ykonis...

Ykonis: Hey! Watch it!

Riona: Sorry! Twomoons come on! *Twomoons runs to her heels*

Ykonis: That's O.K. I'm fine, hey I have a hybrid half canine-wolf see, Rowan *Rowan comes to Ykonis, then sees Twomoons and they start playing together*

Ykonis: What do ya' know they're friends already!

Riona leaves them be and walks out into the night air, taking deep breaths, then she couldn't stand it, she had to let out a nice long howl. She felt much better. She swung down from the platform, landing silently, and started out on a much needed walk.[/COLOR]
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[color=teal][i]Hunter crept up the stairs of the inn, whispering for Challis and Artos to stay so that no unnecessary attenion was brought to him. In his delirium, he accidentally entered Siren's room rather than his own, but his transformation had already begun. The wounds were slowly healing as his body began its transformation into its Draconic-human state. His silver, scaled wings unfurled from his back as he climbed out of the window, transforming completely into a silver dragon. He flapped his wings, finding that his transformation had not gone unseen by Elysan, Riona, or Siren. He bowed his head slightly, telepathically explaining to them.[/i]

[b]Hunter:[/b][i]I am sorry, Elysan. I still do hope for your answer, though I doubt now that it will be "yes". I am a half-elf. My mother, Paladine rest her soul, was a silver dragon. My father fell in love with her elven form, and they had me. Now, I hold the ability to transform into a half-draconic being and a silver dragon. But my natural form is a Silvanesti elf. I am sorry Elysan...[/i][/color]
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Siren had sprung up as soon as soon and the elf stumbled into her room... At once she knew something was wrong... She followed him warily to the window as he completed his transformation... Her eyes widened and she crouched on the windowsill... The Inn of the Last Home was suspended in the trees, just like every other sensible home in Solace... She threw herself from her window, calmly watching the ground approach her... Swiftly she transformed into a dragon, her sinuous body twisting for impact... Siren landed then launched herself back into the air... She arrived at the same altitude as Hunter, her eyes blazing...

Siren: What sorcery is this? I was under the impression that only five... Four... Dragons remained on Krynn... One gold, one silver, one green, and a blue... There were rumors of a white far to the north and a red in the volcanic region of the south... But... I had no knowledge of another Silver....

She alighted on one of the immense branches of the tree that was supporting the inn... She fixed him with a critical eye...

Siren: You are of another clan... The spawn of The Demon Queen killed my brethren? I am the sole survivor? But? I belived that all the silver dragons left or were killed around the time that the gods left?.
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[color=teal][b]Hunter:[/b]My existence has been kept secret from Takhisis by my father, who said my blood would change me to my true form when the time was right. My mother died defending me from ogres while I was just a nestling child. But as for the clan...my father always told me that my blood was the blood of the Skyfire's.

[i]Siren's eyes flashed with hope when she heard the word. She reared up and bellowed in joy.[/i]

[b]Siren:[/b]Then Takhisis failed, and there is one other who shall carry on the Skyfire blood!

[b]Hunter:[/b]Yes...and I wish I knew truly what to do. It seems that law forces me to you, and the promise I made to Elysan binds me to her. Oh, great Majere, what shall I do?!?!

[i]He raised a tearful eye to the sky, bellowing mournfully in his quiveringly beautiful, melodious voice. Siren answered his bellow with her own dragonsong. As she sang, he took up the sad sonata of a dragon's tragedy-turned-happiness at finding one she thought was lost. Hunter continued to mourn his choices, wondering if he should kill himself and end this trouble.[/i][/color]
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[color=009966][b]OOC: Raiye, I'm curious as to why you continue to spell my name as "Elsyn." It's "[u]Elsyan.[/u]" Also, I'm currently grounded, and I can only sneak on occasionally, so this post will have to be short (really short). ¬_¬ Sorry for the inconvieniance.

IC: [i]Now that Elsyan was alone in the room, she could think about all this. She sat down on the bed and read the note again. She had known Hunter for only a few hours, and he was already asking her to marry him! It was just too sudden. However, she had a strange feeling inside her every time she thought of him, like she had butterflies in her stomach. What could that mean? she asked herself. Was this....love?[/i][/color][/b]
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[color=teal][i]Hunter stopped his mourning when he saw Elsyan walk inside. He looked up to Siren and bellowed aloud, his happiness at finding someone like him knowing no bounds. He leapt into the air on his wings, bursting through the treetops. He hovered in the air, shifting into his hybrid form and flying in place, his scaly torso catching the suns rays and augmenting them to the people below. He then floated down and took out his spear, practicing with it on the rooftop of the Inn of the Last Home. He wanted to know what Elsyan would say, but he also wanted to know what Siren wanted...[/i][/color]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[color=009966][i]It was after several hours of thinking when Elsyan had decided. She left the room, closing the door behind her quietly. Someone had told her that he had seen Hunter outside, so that was the first place she looked. She walked onto the wooden walkway that was just outside the inn.[/i]

Elsyan: "Hunter, where are you? I really need to talk to you."

[i]Just as she said this, Hunter jumped down from the roof to land behind her. Elsyan seemed a bit startled, but she quickly recovered and smiled at him.[/i]

Hunter: "What is it?"

Elsyan: "I was thinking...I don't know how I can explain my feelings, but I love you, Hunter."

[i]Hunter smiled at her, but his face seemed to show relief and anxiety at the same time.[/i]

Elsyan: "What's wrong?"[/color]
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[color=teal][i]Hunter blinked away the tears in his eyes as he looked into Elsyan's.[/i]

[b]Hunter:[/b]Nothing. Just....just anxious about what you think of me now. I'm....not truly elven....

[i]He realized that Elsyan was looking at his body and face, the gleaming scales, the iridescent wings, and his fiery serpentine eyes. He was indeed a dragon-elf, but a handsome one. As he shifted into his original form, Elsyan stopped him.[/i]

[b]Elsyan:[/b]No. Show me in your real form. Your natural form.

[i]Hunter looked to her and sighed, stepping up onto a ledge and diving backwards from it, hearing Elsyan scream. Elsyan rushed to the edge to see if he was alright, but was greeted by the sight of a huge dragon, flapping his great wings and rising in the air to a thick platform in the trees. As he settled, Elsyan found herself on the same platform and sat nuzzled againt a hollow in his mighty breast, looking at the blazing sunset as he crooned a lullaby to the world, setting many of the inhabitants of the world into their sleep patterns as the great orbs of Lunitari and Solinari hovered above the horizon, the mighty sun setting over the opposite end of their view. Hunter barely noticed that Siren, too, had joined them on the platform and was crooning with him, resting one of her wings on his back. Hunter was at home in that moment as he, Elsyan, and Siren all drifted to sleep, Hunter the only one suffering from his chaotic dreams....[/i]

[center][b][u]Hunter's Dream[/b][/center]

[i]Hunter stood at a crossroads leading down two paths. At the ends of both paths lay Siren and Elsyan respectively, yet both were besieged by hordes of monsters that only Hunter's blade could kill. Hunter had to choose between one of them, yet he could not. He loved them both. He shifted to his hybrid form, flying into the air and bugling in agony as he saw both Elsyan and Siren injured by the creatures. Yet as he flew, another creature that had lurked behind him fired a ballista bolt, piercing him as though he were paper to a falling brick. He fell, and the creatures all dissipated, leaving only Siren and Elsyan to weep over his dead body....yet the creature that had killed him also remained. Takhisis, the owner of the ballista, smiled grimly as she raised her crossbow.[/i]

[b]Takhisis:[/b]To end all threats to my rule!


[center][/i]End Dream[/center][/u][/b]

[i]Hunter continually stirred in his sleep, unable to rest, until finally he was shaken awake by his own dreams....[/i][/color]
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[COLOR=green]Finally... I can post

Riona was walking through the woods back to Solace, as she got closer she heard some straange music in the distance, she begin to very drowsy all of the sudden, but kept walking towards Solace it got louder she got sleepier and sleepier, suddenly it stopped.

Riona: Huh? *looks around* What happened?

She continued to walk, soon she wasn't tired any more. She reached Solace and went to the Inn. Once inside she saw Twomoons and Rowan sleeping beside each other. Too cute! she thought. She stared at them a little while before going to her room. Inside her room she went to bed but couldn't sleep, so she got up and started to make a fire, she had always loved fire for some reason even though she liked dark, but not forever. Once she had the fire going she stared into it, she began to see shapes in it, animals, birds, wolves, dragons,....
then she saw a group of people...running towards a dragon of some sort held down by something... she couldn't see it all... the people were trying to free the dragon, then a mass of something came up behind them... Riona snapped out of it she shook her head, that had happened to her three times before she had seen stories in fire, and all of them had come true or had happened already, she began to think as she stared at the fire, if this had already happened or if it was going to. Later she stopped thinking and was just staring into the fire without blinking, no outside noises could snap her out of her trance...[/COLOR]
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[color=009966]OOC: lol Am I Deedlit, or am I Elsyan, John? You keep calling me both! :p
IC: "Hunter? Hunter! Are you alright?"

[i]Hunter woke with a start. He looked around wildly as he tried to seperate his dreams from reality. It was before dawn, but the sun's rays were already shining along the horizon, lighting the sky to a light-purple color.[/i]

Hunter: "What...."

Elsyan: "You were having a nightmare, and by the way you were shaking it must have been an awful one. Are you alright?"

Hunter: "Yeah....I'm fine...."

[i]Elsyan looked at Hunter with concern. Even though he said he was fine, he still looked a bit shaken from the dream. His face was very pale, and his eyes seemed to drift out of focus as if thinking back over the dream. She was about to ask what the dream was about, but she thought better of it. By the look on his face, it was one he didn't want to speak of. Elsyan laid her hand on his arm reasurringly. He came back from his dark thoughts and smiled at her, his face peaceful once more. Elsyan returned the warm smile as they watched the sun rise together.[/i][/color]
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[i][color=teal]Hunter smiled as the brilliant new sunlight gleamed against his draconic scales, forgetting most of the dream. He flew into the air, bugling a wake-up call for all of Solace as he dove deftly through the sky. He saw Elsyan walk back into the Inn, smiling brilliantly to herself as she watched her lover fly off into the air. She didn't see the net the orcs had set snare him up. He couldn't bugle or roar as the net wound around his maw, and again he found himself in trouble. He was put to sleep by some kind of drug...

Hunter woke up hours later, somewhere on a plain. The orcs were nowhere around, and he was still tied up. Hunter tried to get up as the birds, wolves, and other animals darted around him. He saw a mob of humans out in the distance, running towards him from Solace. As he looked on, his eyes grew thin with shock. A giant shadow was looming over them from behind....they never saw the ogre coming.[/color][/i]
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Siren exploded into the sky, her sharp eyes scanning for the evil she knew was there... She could smell the evil sent of it... Along with the unwashed dirty scent that classified the threat as ogre... She sneezed then glided just above the trees...

Siren(Telepahicly): Hunter... Where are you? There's an paticularly smelly ogre around and I can't seem to find it... You haven't seen it have you?

She landed out on the plain, back to Solace and the general direction of Hunter and the others... She eyed a herd of deer hungrily before transforming back to human form
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[COLOR=green]This is what happened while Hunter was captured and drugged....
Riona was still sitting infront of the embers of the fire, just then Elsyan walked in,

Elsyan: Were you up all night?

Riona heard her but didn't answer she was still in subconciousness(sp?) Elsyan walked over and touched her shoulder,

Elsyan: What the matter with you?

Riona snapped back to reality, her eyes were dry, and it stung as she blinked.

Riona: Huh? What are you doing?

Elsyan: Asking you that same question

Riona: I came in here late at night, but couldn't sleep, so I lit a fire, then *suddenly she remembered what she saw in the fire* I saw something in fire! It was a like this.... There was a some sort of dragon held down by something, then a group of people came running up trying to free it, but then something big came up behind them... I couldn't see what it was!!! Last time this happened it came true, do you know anything?

Elsyan:*pale* Follow me!

They ran through the Inn, bumping into Ykonis and Rowan, who followed them through the Inn asking what is wrong? Twomoons followed Riona, then they reached the door of the Inn, Elsyan ran out

Elsyan: Hunter! Hunter! Come here! Please come here!*Riona joined her*

It was no use he was not comeing Elsyan was distrought, on the verge of tears when...

Ykonis: Let's go find him! I mean we can track him we have got Rowan and Twomoons.

Riona: Yes! Let us go find him!

Soon they were travelling out of Solace...[/COLOR]
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[color=teal][i]Hunter struggled uselessly against the binds as the ogre brought his giant warhammer down upon a group of Solamnic knights that had joined the liberation group. Fortunately, no knights were killed, yet two were critically wounded in the leg and chest. Hunter bellowed drowsily, the drugs only just beginning to wear off. The effects were instantly banished completely as the beast raised his hammer against Elsyan and Siren, both in the same group, having guessed where he was from Raiye's vision.[/i]


[i]Hunter, with an almighty heave, burst through his bonds, breathing flames into the air. He leapt forward as the ogre brought his mighty warhammer down. Elsyan and Siren, both safe from the crushing blow under Hunter's carapace, watched in horror as the mighty dragon shuddered under the hefty blow. Elsyan screamed as the saw the silvery blood drip from his back, the spiked side of the hammer having cracked through his scales. Hunter fell, his back bleeding and broken, breathing harshly. He was dying yet again, for his body was shifting from dragon to human....[/i][/color]
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[color=009966]Elsyan: "Hunter! Hunter, no!"

[i]Elsyan leaned over Hunter as he slowly changed back to his elven form. All thoughts of the ogre disappeared from her mind as she thought frantically for a spell that would heal Hunter. Finally she found one. The spell was extremely complicated and would require almost all of her energy, but it was the only one that would heal him completely. Spreading her hands over Hunter's body, she closed her eyes in concentration and recited the necessary words for the spell, entering into a trance-like state.[/i]

Elsyan: [i]"Ath-nen celesion han to mitheltral. Camlion rah-hon olasti. Telstrai!"[/i]

[i]A pale, blue light emitted forth from her hands as Elsyan focussed her energy. Slowly, the blood from Hunter's wound stopped flowing, and his backbone started mending. Hunter's eyes suddenly popped open as Elsyan lowered her hands once the spell was complete. She looked at Hunter and smiled weakly seeing that he was alright. Suddenly she swayed dizzily and collasped due to the lack of energy.[/i][/color]
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Siren snarled and silver wings exploded from her back, tearing through her clothes... In seconds she had made the transformation to dragon... Her eyes had changed to red and she flew at the ogre, the blood rage upon her... She deftly avoided the clumsy swings, the only wound she recived being a slight tear in the wing... She plummeted down the the ogre, hitting it full force in the chest... Her claws tore large rents in it's body and her weight bore it to the ground... With one forepaw she pinned it then proceeded to rip out it's throat, scilenceing it's startled and agonized cries... A gush of blood coated the enraged silver dragons scales, making her appear as a small red... She tore open the chest of the ogre, tore out the still warm heart... The hearts blood dripped from her teeth , giving her an evil demonic look... Siren lifted her head and let out an unearthly howl, Her blood stained muzzle lifted to the darkening sky... She beat her wings, hissing at the Solamnic Knights who approached her... Siren lifted into the sky, and with another earsplitting shriek, vanished...

~*Some time later*~

Siren groaned and pushed herself up, the cold water of a mountian stream numbing her lower body... She brushed a strand of hair from her face then looked at her hands... She cried out as the blood shone red in the moon light... She hurridedly dunked herself and scrubbed her body, realising distantly that she only wore her necklace and a ring... She lost track of time as she lay there, shivering in the icy waters of the stream... But finally the sun rose, creating a cold, gray, misty dawn...
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[color=teal][i]Hunter awakened in his room, bandages on his body. He realized Elsyan's spell was merely temporary. Wounds as mortal as his could not be healed by magic alone. He tried to move his legs and arms, but his condition would not allow him any movement at all. He began to cry softly. No warrior could suffer a crueler fate than to be unable to move, yet still alive. It was five times worse for a warrior whose true form was a dragon. In the back of his mind, he heard Siren gently calling to him. He tried all the more to get up, forcing his regenerative abilities to work faster. His back realigned with a resounding crack that could be heard thirty yards away, through a brick wall. Elsyan, now awake, rushed in the room to see him standing up, putting his armor on gingerly as it brushed over his head, scraping against his wounds.[/i][/color]
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[COLOR=green]Are you alright Etarah's Maverick? First you call Elsyan, Deedlit, now you are calling me Raiye...make up ya' mind! J/K :rolleyes:

Riona was sitting in a corner of the Inn with Twomoons layng in her lap, she was thinking about the ogre and her vision, so that was what the dark shadow was....it's a good thing Elsyan was there she saved Hunter from almost certain death....then that dragon that killed the ogre, I was useless, I'm no help, I didn't do anything except help bandage Hunter, When will I be able to show what I can do? The dragon that killed the ogre seemed to know Elsyan and Hunter, but I've never seen her.....and where did she go? Suddenly her legs started to tingle...

Riona: Hey! Twomoons get off you cutting of my circulation! *pushes off Twomoons* Darn it!

It was to late to stop it, her legs were numb and tingled when she stood up. Riona glares at Twomoons as she tries to walk off the numbness. Suddenly she hears a earsplitting crack

Riona: Huh?

It sounded as if it were coming from Hunter's room above, Riona heard hurried footsteps that stopped where she thought Hunter's room would be. Riona ran upstairs and through the doorway leading to Hunter's room, she ran beside Elsyan. Hunter was standing....[/COLOR]
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[color=009966]OOC: I want to say right now that this is Deedlit. Something's wrong with the cookies on this computer, so I can't get Amibasuki to log off. =_=;;;

The reason why John keeps calling me Deedlit is because I'm also Deedlit in another RPG, and that's my screen name. But you even called yourself Raiye. :p It's in the post above. [/color]

[quote][color=green][b]Raiye was sitting in a corner of the Inn with Twomoons layng in her lap...[/color][/b][/quote]

IC: [i]Elsyan's eyes opened in amazement as she saw Hunter standing, then they filled with worry and concern.[/i]

Elsyan: "Hunter! You shouldn't be moving yet! You're wounds--"

Hunter: "They're alright. I have regenerative abilities."

Elsyan: "I still wish that you would rest a bit longer so I know you'll be alright."

Riona: "She's right, you know. You're injuries were awful!"

[i]Hunter smiled at them reasurringly.[/i]

Hunter: "Don't worry. I'm fine! I promise."
OOC: Sorry it's short, but we're about to go see LOTR2 (^^), and I gotta go.[/color]
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[COLOR=green]GAAARRGGGHHH! EVeryone is seeing that movie before me it's no fair Trev and Thomas, and Greer went and saw it today also!!! Your evil Deed, first you take my beloved camra then you go see LOTR2 before me!!! The nerve!!! Oh well, and thanks for pointing that out, you people are confusing me with all the name switching....

Riona couldn't believe Hunter.... he was standing, with those wounds...seriously he was going to hurt himself more, then she stopped and thought how would I like it if I could barely move bandaged heavily, with nothing to do....why I'd go crazey!!!

Riona: He'll be alright Elsyan, trust him.... I mean he's not a four year old

Elsyan: Oh.. alright I guess... but don't ever scare me like that again....I mean I thought you had broken something when I heard that crack

Riona: You can say that again, Goshers that was scarey!

Hunter smiled and started taking little steps[/COLOR]
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[color=teal][i]As he took his first step. his mind swam from the pain, his leg caving underneath him. Elsyan bent down, her eyes wide with fear as she felt his back, using her elven blood to search for abnormalities. She screamed when she realized his reason for falling.[/i]

[b]Elsyan:[/b]Oh, God, NO!!!!


[b]Elsyan:[/b]It's....his back is broken.... one of his vertebrae is shattered.... he needs help.... it won't regenerate.

[i]Hunter, now unconscious, groaned loudly. He began shifting to his dragon form as Elsyan and Riona carefully carried him out to a clearing so that he would do no damage. As he shifted, the bones of his spine stuck out against his scales, showing indeed that he had a severely fractured backbone. Hunter, without knowing it, called to Siren in his sleep. He cried for her, his unconscious state allowing tears to flow unhindered...[/i][/color]
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Siren's back arched, her human mind exploding with the intensity of Hunters mindcall... She fell to he knees, trasforming to dragon and launching into the air, speeding to the place where she felt
Hunter lay... She skidded to the ground beside him, reverting to human form... She raced to his side and collapsed, sobbing beside him... Hunter opened his eyes once, then expelled his breath, lapseing back into unconciousness and into his half elf half dragon form... Siren places both hands on him and a coo, blue silver light surrounded them... It faded and a tear slid down her cheek...

Siren: ... Not enough.... It's not enough.....

She lays aginst him, and as she cries into his chest she gets an idea... Laying the length of her body aginst his the glow begins again, stronger and brighter, her entire lifes energy going into healing him...
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[color=teal][i]Elsyan and Riona looked on on amazement as his back began to repair itself, Siren's spell combining with his regeneration. His wings unfolded as Siren poured more of her strength into her, his body becoming more and more strong. He awakened, his breath no longer coming in ragged gasps as he stood up, shaking. He smiled as Siren finished her spell, falling against him. He smiled at all three of the young women, picking Siren up and carrying her into their rooms. He lay Siren down on a bed, where she turned to him and practically accused him.[/i]

[b]Siren:[/b]THIS time, you're staying in bed! And if I have to hold you down, so be it.

[b]Elysan:[/b]Hunter, don't you ever do that again. Just please don't worry me like that.

[b]Riona:[/b]Umm.....bad moment.... think I'll go look for Twomoons.

[i]Riona left all of them alone, carefully stepping out the door as she heard both Elsyan and Siren explode into a deft berating at Hunter's stubborn pride.[/i][/color]
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[COLOR=green]Riona stepped out just as they began.... thank goodness I left before that started, Riona walked out and sat out in the hall...Amazing I can still hear them....she walked down the stairs and sat....Oh my goshers I can still hear them, good thing nobody is in here during this time of day. She whistled and Twomoons came up and fell asleep at her feet, soon she was asleep too. She had a dream...

There was a cave out in same forest, it looked familiar, she heard something inside it sounded like a fight, but faintly, she heard Elsyan's voice from behind her, she looked back to see nothing but she could smell her, Elsyan whispered, "Go in," Riona walked towards the opening of the cave... she walked in the voices getting louder, soon they were clear it was either orcs orcs or something of that sort.
orc:We had him captured and guarded by an ogre too, but another one killed it
another orc:That's right then an elf healed him, and they carried him away into Solace.
Human of some sort: Good did you get where they went?
Orc1:yes it was the Inn of the last home in Solace
Human:Good, now about the other one I want you to capture them both along with anybody else with them.
Orc2:we will
Human: Now here is the plan...

Riona woke up at that moment they had stopped shouting upstairs so she went back up to find that they were all asleep. So Riona decided to go for a walk in the night.[/COLOR]
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[color=teal][i]Hunter woke up hours after Riona walked off, this time with a barbed arrow in his shoulder.[/i]

[b]Hunter:[/b]What the Hell?

[b]Orc:[/b]Haw! You ain't gettin' away agin, bludder!

[i]Hunter struggled where he was, some sort of paralyzing poison keeping him where he was. He saw Siren under the same conditions, the same arrow embedded in her side. Elsyan was trapped in a web of rope and wire. Hunter decided he wasn't in a very good position, wondering how the Hell he'd managed to get captured again. The last thing he could remember was the verbal abusing he received from Elsyan and Sire, then a loud noise and blackness. He'd awakened in this state. He growled to himself, finding that he could move his right wing. He let his body recover from the poison as his half-draconic form's healing took effect, silently sprouting blades on his right wing to cut through his restraints. He silently decided it was HIS turn to do the saving.....[/color][/i]
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