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Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements


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Guest AnimeGirl85
Does anyone have a channel, G4? Im wondering, cuz they also have good Anime to watch. They are putting up colorful, thats a Anime(funny as hell) :catgirl: they are also putting on some others but I cant think of them right now. but they do video games. let me know, thanks, marie
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Guest Eat Snow.
Ya I know G4. I know they're playing Last Exile, and I'm pretty sure they're gonna play [or already are] RahXephon, methinks. I don't get to catch Anime Unleashed much anymore, so I don't know all of em, but you can go to their website, think it's [url]www.g4tv.com[/url], hope that helps..... ;)
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[quote name='xxMissAsukaxx']I don't understand why they are starting a new premier show on Thursday. I'm talking about Evangelion.. IT seems a bit odd for it to start on that day, dont' u think??[/quote]

Maybe they're showing it on Thursday because that's the night with the best ratings. Family Guy and American Dad premieres air on that night, and Robot Chicken's encore does better than it's Sunday premieres (I assume the same with FMA, given how the Saturday ratings were steadily increasing and I doubt a show as continuity-driven as FMA could suddenly gain and keep 200,000+ new viewers halfway through a season, and I can hope that Paranoia Agent at least gets ratings on Thursday as it deserves them and seems to be a bomb on Saturdays). I'm guessing AS is trying to shoot for at least Inu-Yasha level ratings for EVA, given they could have aired it for years and only decided to air it probably to get EVA a fairly household name before the movie comes out, so Thursday is actually a pretty good choice, especially with Sunday packed with FMA, GitS:SaC, IY, Scryed, and soon Perfect Hair Forever and the rest of Samurai Champloo.
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Guest fire+soldier
err..new here *waves* :animeblus ....*cough*..anyway I heard that they were going to bring naruto to toonami on cartoon network..am I the only one whose worried?..*sigh*..wonder how much there going to censor..they should have at least aired it durring the midnight lineup
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[quote name='fire+soldier']err..new here *waves* :animeblus ....*cough*..anyway I heard that they were going to bring naruto to toonami on cartoon network..am I the only one whose worried?..*sigh*..wonder how much there going to censor..they should have at least aired it durring the midnight lineup[/quote]

They're going to be editting out most of the blood and avoid dubbing cursing entirely (duh), but they'll keep the Sexy no Jitsu and keep some violent scenes that are vital to the plot such as Naruto stabbing his hand and a slightly cut version of the Haku fight (and Toonami has delt with similar-level intensity fights before in Kenshin and YYH, so I'm guessing they'll slip a lot of stuff in). Viz said it would be TV-PG, but Toonami said TV-Y7FV. You could never know. Basically expect JLU-level violence: TV-PG content put under a TV-Y7FV label to sell toys s in a later timeslot just to be safe.and then when the complaints come in make certain repeats TV-PG and keep the show in the later timeslots just to be safe.
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Hi everyone! I'm here with another huge announcement about AdultSwim. This HAS NOT been Officially announced by the people at AdultSwim, at least not at the website. But The animenewsnetwork.com has announced it. It's not final yet.

From [url]www.animenewsnetwork.com[/url] :

[quote]Subtitled Anime on Adult Swim? (2005-09-04 11:48:28)
According to reports from the Adult Swim panel at Dragon*Con, Adult Swim announced that they expect to air one new anime series soon and that it will probably be subtitled. They did not specify what series. Also, new episodes of Inu Yasha will stop at episode 126, episodes 127+ will not air before 2006. [/quote]

Soo, yeah. Take this news with a grain of salt until AdultSwim posts something.
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If this is true, I am going to be [i]shocked[/i]. I mean, totally blown away. The most realistic thing I can think of is that perhaps they'll be airing uncut, subbed Naruto while Toonami goes with the sliced-and-diced version... but even that seems like a rather big stretch.

It would certainly be an excellent litmus test of whether casual viewers are willing to put up with subtitles, at any rate. Assuming it's true, there are a couple of possibilities, mainly: 1) a series that has been brought over already and does have a dub, but the network deemed the subtitled version better (for whatever reason), and 2) a new or previously unlicensed series that's being rushed straight to TV without time for dubbing, or because it's judged interesting enough to attract mainstream viewers even without a dub.

Bleach, maybe? Rumors like this just make me quiver with anticipation. :animesmil

As a side note, Magical DoReMi and Naruto are featured on the cover of the most recent TV Week. They say DoReMi's target audience is 3 to 7-year-olds; Naruto's target audience is apparently 9 to 14.

EDIT: Oh, it could be Beck. That would make a lot of sense, although I'm not sure if it's Adult Swim's type of show.

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Yeah, this is huge news if it's true. AdultSwim has said before that they COULDN'T do subtitles because they didn't have the equipment for it. It is even in their FAQ on Adultswim.com that they can't do it. But imagine if they can, and people like it!! Imagine the possibiltes for AdultSwim then! It would be an amazing step foward for AdultSwim.
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Mm... I'm enthusiastic about it personally, but I can't imagine your average AS viewer being too thrilled about having to read subs. I just hope they know what they're doing, because it's been said time and again that subs would totally kill the already poor anime ratings, haha. But still--how exciting! :animesmil

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[QUOTE=Dagger]If this is true, I am going to be [i]shocked[/i]. I mean, totally blown away. The most realistic thing I can think of is that perhaps they'll be airing uncut, subbed Naruto while Toonami goes with the sliced-and-diced version... but even that seems like a rather big stretch.

Bleach, maybe? Rumors like this just make me quiver with anticipation. :animesmil

EDIT: Oh, it could be Beck. That would make a lot of sense, although I'm not sure if it's Adult Swim's type of show.


If they were going to do Naruto, they'd have to start airing it this Saturday if they wanted to do the Gundam Wing synchronized edit-uncut airing. Airing it without the synchronization would make no sense, unless Naruto was a total flop on Toonami, which seems frankly impossible (then again, SEED was almost guarenteed to be the next big thing, but since CN is actually advertising Naruto well unlike what they did with SEED the minimal chance of Naruto bombing has sufficiently decreased).

If AS gets Bleach, they'd want it to be the next FMA AKA a top recognized title in the world of anime fandom and a somewhat recognized entity in the mainstream media, and that couldn't happen if they aired it subbed.

All signs point to BECK. It's nothing like what AS has aired before, but FUNi is the master of purchasing shows out of left-field and FUNi also happens to be able to push anything they want onto CN (except for their shojo titles, which is a pity because had Miguzi purchased Kodocha they likely wouldn't have their current awful line-up and chances are that if Miguzi took itself seriously then Toonami would as well and we wouldn't be getting One Piece of Crap on the line-up, SEED, YYH, MEGAS, and JLU would still be here, and Naruto would be airing at a TV-PG). Plus it seems that AS just might dig the quirkiness and music refferences of BECK and the show would be painful to dub without messing up the dynamic plus the show could be able to gather some cult following even with half of it in Japanese (perhaps because of it) so it seems BECK would be the best choice for AS's subtitled anime.
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If that's the case, I hope they at least dub in some of the Engrish... the excessive Engrish-ness turned me off the show almost immediately when I first gave it a look. This is probably the one time I would want a dub (half-dub?) script toned down; in the part I saw, some characters were dropping the f-bomb all over the place and it was painfully obvious that the scriptwriters had no clue about the word's real impact. :animesigh

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[QUOTE=Dagger]If that's the case, I hope they at least dub in some of the Engrish... the excessive Engrish-ness turned me off the show almost immediately when I first gave it a look. This is probably the one time I would want a dub (half-dub?) script toned down; in the part I saw, some characters were dropping the f-bomb all over the place and it was painfully obvious that the scriptwriters had no clue about the word's real impact. :animesigh


It would be a good idea to dub the Engrish into proper Engrish (most of the characters are American anyway). As long as the Japanese is kept and the Engrish songs aren't dubbed (FUNi always does good jobs with the vocals for song dubs, but having to replace the awesome instrumentals from some of BECK's songs with a synthesized track would be dissappointing). As for the F-Bombs, AS couldn't air those anyway, and with what would be a 13+/TV-PG show without them, I'm guessing they wouldn't be in the dub.

Also, for the Naruto fans out there, CN has a clip on their website of the Naruto dub. Debate all you can about the voices and pronounciations, but I think we can agree that I don't think we'll see much (if any) editting when the show premieres this Saturday at 9.0:

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Hello! dposse here again with two more anime on tv announcements. The first one is about Toonami:

[url]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com[/url] :

[quote]Bobobo, IGPX premiere dates announced (2005-09-06 20:28:41)
According to GATV, the English premiere of the comedy anime Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo will be at 10:30pm on October 1, in the Toonami block. Additionally, IGPX will bow on November 5th at 10:00 pm, also on Toonami. Source: GATV[/quote]

And this is about Showtime:

[quote]Peacemaker On Showtime (2005-09-06 15:14:12)
ADV's Peacemaker is now airing on Showtime Beyond on Sunday nights at Midnight. The schedule can be seen here. Thanks to Manda for this item. [/quote]

Showtime schedule: [url]http://www.sho.com/site/schedules/search_results.do?term=peacemaker[/url]

Wow! Two very nice announcements. Bobobo in october, and IGPX in november!! Yay!!!!!!! Thats really awesome. :) Too bad i don't have showtime anymore. :animecry: I really wanna see Peacemaker. Oh well. :animesigh


[quote]Anime deuts on Encore Action channel (2005-09-07 12:30:51)
Encore Action began broadcasting Texhnolyze last night at 12:05am; the first three episodes will repeat Friday, September 9th, at midnight; no new episodes will be shown following. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth will broadcast on September 20th and 23rd at midnight, while The End of Evangelion will appear on the 27th and the 30th at the same time. Submarine 707 will air October 4th, with an encore on the 7th. [/quote]

Yay!!!!!!!!!! Too bad its coming on WEEKS before AdultSwim shows the series. :animecry:
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I think [b]Texhnolyze[/b] is more deserving of excitement than Eva.

That aside, it's nice to learn that [b]Peacemaker[/b] has managed to worm its way onto a channel which is (at the least, I suppose) more mainstream than The Anime Network.

At any rate, may both series see heightened success. :animesmil

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[QUOTE=Dagger]I think [b]Texhnolyze[/b] is more deserving of excitement than Eva.

That aside, it's nice to learn that [b]Peacemaker[/b] has managed to worm its way onto a channel which is (at the least, I suppose) more mainstream than The Anime Network.

At any rate, may both series see heightened success. :animesmil


One problem: how can a channel be mainstream if I don't even have it? Because if I have Boomerang and Anime Network (albiet the On-Demand), I have a lot more channels than the average TV viewer.

Damn, and I was actually very interested in seeing Technolyze but not certain enough to get the DVD! It could have been at least G4... :mad:
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Haha, well, I wasn't too certain about that. The only thing I'm sure about is that it reaches more households than TAN. I can't remember if I knew about Showtime before it started sprinkling anime into its line-up, or if it only seems familiar to me now because I've seen it referenced at sites like ANN. :animeswea

[off-topic]Texhnolyze is worth watching if you're into the arty side of anime; it's got this avant-garde, independent film type of feel that doesn't really have many parallels, at least when it comes to other recent series.

The main potential strikes against it are its pace and its tone. It can be slow and moody at times (though not as slow as, say, Lain), leaving the viewer to just sort of soak up the atmosphere. Additionally, it's easily one of the darkest, most serious shows I've ever seen, and the melancholy is unrelenting. No comic relief, no camaraderie, virtually nothing to lighten things. It's a fascinating watch, but too many episodes at once can be kind of oppressive.

Geneon's main site has a slightly misrepresentative trailer and a link to their Tex page, which (ugly design aside) hosts four clips from the show. I haven't had any luck with actually viewing said clips, but you might fare better.[/off-topic]

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News on Naruto's ratings:


[QUOTE]Naruto (Saturdays, 9 p.m.)

Tweens 9-14 delivery (572,000) increased by 20% and ratings (2.3) by 21%.
Kids 6-11 delivery (575,000) expanded by 15% and ratings (2.4) by 14%.
Tween boys 9-14 delivery (443,000) and ratings (3.5) both surged by 25%.
Boys 6-11 delivery (432,000) jumped by 16% and ratings (3.5) by 17%.
The Saturday night replay of Naruto (10 p.m.) was the highest-rated program of the week on Cartoon Network with tweens 9-14 (2.8/700,000) and tween boys 9-14 (4.7/594,000).[/QUOTE]

Good news that Naruto is a big hit! Does anyone know what DBZ's premiere ratings were? If they were close to this, that could mean good things in the future.
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Let's hope it keeps delivering those ratings. :animesmil

In other [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=17483][u]news[/u][/url], some site has posted an interview with CN's programming manager. I didn't bother watching/listening to it myself, but you can pretty much get the gist of the content from skimming the ANN thread to which I linked (the sixth post down is especially helpful).

It's nice to know that there are Paranoia Agent fans over at AS.

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I didn't care much for the interviewer. He didn't know how to pry (squeezing information is his job as an interviewer), and he laughed at nothing way too much.

As for the news, I've been saying from the beginning that Evangelion isn't going to require much in the way of editing. The only scenes that I see being edited are the scene is Rei's bedroom in episode five and the fight with the sphere-shaped angel. The rest of it should be able to get past the censors with no problems. And who knows, maybe the AS staff will be able to convince the top brass to let those scenes slide too.

As for Eva's timeslot, I'm a little worried that it might kill what could be a huge AS fan favorite on par with Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist. I've been hearing people say that they can't stay up until 12:30 in the morning on weeknight to watch Evangelion. Granted, at least 1/4 of those people are going to record Evangelion in one way or another, but those without a DVR or a user-friendly VCR might not feel like setting up their VCRs to record Evangelion. But maybe I'm worrying over nothing. AS did get big before they aquired Saturdays, so maybe Eva will still gain a huge fan following amongst cable-only anime viewers.
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Mm... I don't know that Eva could ever gain the more mainstream following of an Inuchemist-type show (I feel almost guilty putting those two series in the same category, haha). I mean, I hope it goes over well, but we'll see.

As for potential editing, I think [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/columns/edit-list.php?id=308][u]this[/u][/url] bodes well, too.

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Now, I'm sorry if I break everybody's hearts, but this is the answer you didn't want to hear to the question you wanted to know the answer to:

As confirmed at Anime Weekend Atlanta, Yuyu Hakusho is not coming back. Ever. Why? "Ratings." For some reason, despite often tieing with Dragonball GT in terms of tween viewership, CN canceled it due to "ratings."

That's the last straw. Even if I like some of their shows, I now officially hate Cartoon Network (oddly enough, I love Adult Swim even though their new comedies have becoming increasingly crappy). They're the reason Hacked Piece is surviving, why every American action show they have of any quality is on the verge of cancelation, and now why I'll have to spend over $100 just to get 1 1/2 seasons of YYH. They are at new levels of suckiness now, and if they don't give Akins scheduling over Toonami in the next year, consider me a DVD-only dude.
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What!? :animecry:

Nice work, CN. Well, whatever--I was going to get it on DVD anyway, I guess. But I can't believe they just got rid of it... especially since the last arc is reported to be as good as, if not better than, the preceding sagas.

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