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Who hates Camping!


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For the past week I have been camping with my family in a place called Bishop, California. I have been so bored during the trip and now I'm back. I can't stand camping and I want to know what everyone else thinks of it. Well?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mewtwo [/i]
[B]i like camping.
The evil smilie is back! [img]http://www.ffrepublic.com/forums/images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
Lol, I love this smilie [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] Please, don't remind meof that acursed smilie.....It's pure evil....The spirits of darkness are at work with it......AHHHHHH!!!!*runz and hides from the evil smilie*[/color]
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Hate is too strong a word. Dislike fits mine opinion nicely.

As for miquitoes, I bet I have the record for most killed this summer in wisconsin. I found a way that doen't hurt other bugs, AND uses no chemicals at all. That, and in a good week you can kill around 80 or so. Ahahaha! I have killed at least 350 misquitoes, and I touched only 2! Ahahaha!
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