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Pretty Sammy

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be leaving the otaku boards for a long time... I'm sorry! School and everything is all in the way... plus I'm a busy webmistress... Anyone who saw it coming... you were right. I haven't posted in a while. I won't be leaving [i]forever[/i]... just until next summer. It might be sooner, I'm not going to make any promises. Well, before I go, I want to say goodbye to some close friends here...

~*Anime Girl*~- You introduced me to the boards so long ago! I'll never forget you!

*GaLxY-GiRl*- I'll never forget you! Thanks for always being there for me!

Matt.D- Thanks for helping me aroung when I was new again!

Yoshi- Thanks for always talking to me on hard times...

Treble- Thanks for being so nice to me! =D

Ash Ketchum- I always enjoyed reading your private messages!

Renee- Thanks for being so kind and sincere!

Lady Saiya-jin- It was great to have you as a friend! You go gurl! ^_~

If you're not here, don't worry. It probably means I really didn't get to know you! But overall, I'll miss you all! When I return, everyone will have like 10,000 posts or something... :rolleyes:

So it's until next summer... so long... farewell!

Sasami I.

PS- E-mail me at [email]PrettySammy112@yahoo.com[/email] to keep in contact...
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When you return..many things will have changed...until then...goodbye...and for you a prayer....
[b][i] I pray that you have many adventures, all filled with wonder and excitment, and, that by the end of your journey, you will have become a great and famous warrior...[/i][/b]

-Justin..forever KAMAKAZI..
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pretty Sammy [/i]
[B]I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be leaving the otaku boards for a long time... I'm sorry! School and everything is all in the way... plus I'm a busy webmistress... Anyone who saw it coming... you were right. I haven't posted in a while. I won't be leaving [i]forever[/i]... just until next summer. It might be sooner, I'm not going to make any promises. Well, before I go, I want to say goodbye to some close friends here...

~*Anime Girl*~- You introduced me to the boards so long ago! I'll never forget you!

*GaLxY-GiRl*- I'll never forget you! Thanks for always being there for me!

Matt.D- Thanks for helping me aroung when I was new again!

Yoshi- Thanks for always talking to me on hard times...

Treble- Thanks for being so nice to me! =D

Ash Ketchum- I always enjoyed reading your private messages!

Renee- Thanks for being so kind and sincere!

Lady Saiya-jin- It was great to have you as a friend! You go gurl! ^_~

If you're not here, don't worry. It probably means I really didn't get to know you! But overall, I'll miss you all! When I return, everyone will have like 10,000 posts or something... :rolleyes:

So it's until next summer... so long... farewell!

Sasami I.

PS- E-mail me at [email]PrettySammy112@yahoo.com[/email] to keep in contact... [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, I didn't really get to know you, but.... I'll miss ya' anyways... WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! *starts crying*

Why are so many people leaving....:(
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