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You thought 1000 was a lot of posts? I hope not...


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I know it's uncommon to post up a post count from another board, but... This guy make thimoc look like an amateur! A beginner, even!


ack! Just thought I'd let ya know - Hey, it's an [i]insane[/i] number of posts!! INSANE!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i]
[B]The amount of posts those people have, it's a...posters dream. Incredible, sensational. There's one thing I'm sure about, there must be an incredible amount of spam there... [/B][/QUOTE]

112 posts a day? Jeez... Hey! I can do that!!

/me starts posting...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark [/i]
[B]TPM....iz very popular. I have heard dat u can't advertize a board either on your sig or in a forum. Someone sayz dat the guy at the top had 1.000.000 posts. The bad thing iz dat they re very strict there. [/B][/QUOTE]

Just to let the Mods and Admins know - I ain't advertising this forum! I'm just showin' ya the insane post count! :cross:
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]yes kevin did force his post count up a little... to be admin and have that many posts... is impossible... and still be doing any admin things... cheaters... what fun!!! lol... that and he has a ton of spam im sure....[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nemesis [/i]
[B]thats alot, the highest person ive seen before had 6300sumthin

how long has this board been around cuz the post counts aint that high here [/B][/QUOTE]

Hmm... before the boards were redone, thimoc had somewhere between 4200-4500. I was close enough... I was almost at 3000! :( Eh, people have to much times on their hands if they get up to 65,000. It's amazing how.... eh, I am not going to even say anything bad today.
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(sigh) People will belieave anything , the board doesnt even have that many posts! Plus he just raised it varey high , if he wanted to he could could make 1,000,000 posts is he wanted to. If your an admin you can do that. Its sad that you people belieave that looser! He cant post worth beans! Becides the best poster Ive ever seen makes me an Thimoc look like little punks! [url]http://animeboards.com/memberlist.php?s=[/url] all of thoes posts are [COLOR=red][SIZE=4]ACTUALLY[/SIZE] [/COLOR] earned! They make OB look like some little kitty board , with it currently is. But it wont be for long if we keep posting like this. And I bet that he doesnt even have as much as me and Thimoc. Oops I mean had , no thanks to that scum bag Shinji! Why was I the first to be deleted???? Why??? If I ever meat him I would give him a good kick in the ***! Rite where he needs it!
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some people just care too much about posts....

I don't care if you have 3 or 30000000 posts, I won't respect you anymore or anyless

I still don't see why posts matter to you all... sure you can get a Custom Avatar at 500, but then what.... post don't matter people.... at least not to me...

But yes, if he really had 65,000 whatever posts, I would have to laugh at him... and then continue to laugh somemore....
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WOW! My dear god im sooooooooo insulted by your "youse of language".Ow thoes hert! Im so sad because someone on the net said something about me!!! My dear god I think im gonna fait because little words from an idoit punk came up on my screen!! Listen punk I dont take crap from anyone Mystic , I dont what the heck your problem is , but get the heck over it!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyco [/i]
[B]WOW! My dear god im sooooooooo insulted by your "youse of language". Listen punk I dont crap from anyone any more Mystic , I dont what the heck your problem is , but get the heck over it! [/B][/QUOTE]

First off son, learn how to spell. ****, grammer school didn't teach you anything. You can't even make a simple sentence. That's sad for a big mouth biatch like you. Hah, "heck", never heard that word in a while. " Mystic, why don't you get the heck over it", you sound like a little *****. Well, you should, you is my ***** man. :)

Well, I can't get over the fact that you and your sister got it on. It's amazing to see how low people can go to get "some". - In that fact, did you even get ANY? Heh, I am just playing about the sister thing. It's just too funny... :)

Well, you need to quit smack talking man. You should get a serious *** whoooping from your mommy. Oh and tell your mom she left her panties at my house. I can't believe she forgot 'em.

I was playing about that again. That's horrible, well, with that said, I think I am going to go rest and eat my cereal. ****, cereal is awesome! :)

Take care now Ultima. And please don't feel bad because I said all thoughs things about you. I am just playing man... just playing. I love you and all of the members here. I never want to hurt any of them!
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(Yawn) your insults dont ever hert me. Just knowing they came from your mouth is proof enough to me that your just a little **** that needs to get a life , rather than insult me like this. And if your gonna insult me , give me some good crap , none of this "ohh you like to sleep with your sister". Cant your brain process some other insult???? Guess not :)
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What do you mean there was no reason to retaliate? Wtf am I supposed to do? Let the idoit do what he does best and make crappy insults about my sister???? Ohh yeah thats rite im supposed to.
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Heh, Ultima, you seem to make me laugh everytime you try to be "smart". It's quite funny acutally, you can't make a correct sentence. Well, it's no fun cussing anymore. They are all censored ( which sucks ). I can't even say **** ( d/amn ) Eh, and if I did use some different, my likely of getting banned would go pretty high.

I got some words I haven't used. Which if I did, I would probably get : Banned in a matter of seconds, get bitched at from most of the members here, and ect. You see, I don't hate you man. It's just that you're just a bit too annoying and I don't like that. Someday, we'll set our differences aside, and we can be friends.

* looks at the last sentence........ hell no *

I'll always have a taste of dislike for you my friend. But it's okay. You're probably one of the several people I dislike on the boards. When I say several, I mean 5-10. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyco [/i]
[B]WOW! My dear god im sooooooooo insulted by your "youse of language".Ow thoes hert! Im so sad because someone on the net said something about me!!! My dear god I think im gonna fait because little words from an idoit punk came up on my screen!! Listen punk I dont take crap from anyone Mystic , I dont what the heck your problem is , but get the heck over it! [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Whoa whoa whoa, slow your roll...both of yas.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i]

I got some words I haven't used. Which if I did, I would probably get : Banned in a matter of seconds, get bitched at from most of the members here, and ect. You see, I don't hate you man. It's just that you're just a bit too annoying and I don't like that. Someday, we'll set our differences aside, and we can be friends.


You mean it??? *sniff*
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nemesis [/i]
[B]thats alot, the highest person ive seen before had 6300sumthin

how long has this board been around cuz the post counts aint that high here [/B][/QUOTE]
It has been around for a loong time. But we just moved from UBB to vBB so thats why the post counts aren't that high. I myself have been with Otaku since January....

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