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You thought 1000 was a lot of posts? I hope not...


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyco [/i]
[B](Yawn) your insults dont ever hert me. Just knowing they came from your mouth is proof enough to me that your just a little **** that needs to get a life , rather than insult me like this. And if your gonna insult me , give me some good crap , none of this "ohh you like to sleep with your sister". Cant your brain process some other insult???? Guess not :) [/B][/QUOTE]
You are one to talk about getting a life. You thought people respected you for your post count..hardly..you say you earned your posts...bullshit...you think I wasn't watching. I saw you post in the test forums like crazy. You weren't tasting you were spamming under the disguise of testing. Now you think you can come here and talk your **** like you own this place..ha what a laugh..pack your bags and leave because I'm waiting to see if you will stay gone...

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That is an insane number of posts. The only way I could hope to do that would be to set up a tent right by the computer and live on it, which some people already do, which is kinda' pathetic but hey it's their decision. And Ulitmia and Mystic Gohan. Jus' shut the f*** up. You guys only make yourselves look like dumba**es when you argue anyway. I know it may be impossible for some people to look intelligent... But at least you could try!
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