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Devil Hunter Yohko

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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I'm going to make this very brief....(I hope I spelled that right)
Ok, has anyone heard of this Anime?
My friend rented the first episode (or first movie, whatever part it was) and we watched it....VERY mature....
I knew that Anime was like that, but I'd never actually watched THAT kind of Anime....and all I'm saying is...GROSS.
I'll talk more about it later when I have LESS homework....><;
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Devil Hunter Yohko is another name for it, and what's on the old ADV tape I have (back when they mostly put out anime with nudity all over it). I forget just exactly which tape it was though.

Personally, I think it's rather stupid. There is nothing all that impressive about in any respect... although I like Yohko's character design (there is some beautiful art of her around), but that's about it. It seems to improve in the tapes afterwards... (I saw it so long ago that I don't remember if it's an OVA series or what).

It's not that gross. You could do far worse than this anime, and still not even get close to the goriness/sexuality of many other anime that still aren't considered hentai.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I rented it at block buster. And come on yuske it wasnt that bad.Just to let people now i am that friend .Its a good movie over all the nudity and atempted sex. It wasnt that bad i wish i chold see more episodes but hey hew ever gets what they want.
one eye sees the future the other hte past and the third the present.

[color=teal]Please do NOT double post. If you think of something else to say, edit your post to say such. But since your other post had no relevance, I deleted it altogether. -Syk3[/color]
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Demon Hunter Yoko is an ok anime...it has it's Anime 18ish elements but overall it's not too bad it's not like you were watching Legend of the Overfiend or something.

Animation wise this is a real Gem, however after that if falls rather short and becomes another average anime that is buffyish. If you seen a demon anime before you've pretty much seen them all. Though still to many anime fans this is a classic since it was one of the first animes to be fan subbed back in the 80's. So you may want to watch it just for the sake of saying you've seen it, though don't expect much from this anime it's not very groundbreaking like an Evangelion or Macross.
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  • 1 year later...
I would like a synopsis on Devil Hunter Yohko. Ive heard many different things about it,but I dont really know what its about. I cant get the manga or DVDs. But I have heard it was like Sailor Moon from one and kinda like Inyasha from the next. I have also heard I was quite popular, so please help me out.
My e-mail is [email]Darktigerpack177@yahoo.com[/email].
Thank you.
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