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Ballad of the Warriors


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Here goes nothin'
Ballad of the Warriors

The Red Warrior
I am the Red Warrior.
I cherish blood more
Than the water at my door.
My heart is pure and free
and as kind as it wants to be,
but truly I have a darkside.
It is as bad as bad just as my good is good.
It's the true me hidden under the hood,
but it is hidden good.
Is this who I am?

The Blue Warrior
I am the Blue Warrior.
I am as pure as the water you drink,
which might not be as clean as you think;
but I am also as clean as the air,
which is clean enough to share.
I am as soothing as the rain,
but eventually it goes down the drain.
I am as calm as a pond,
but I am the serpent that rest in its depts.
My rage is as dangerous as an ocean storm, just as dangerous as the sun is warm.
Is this who I am?

The Green Warrior
I am the Green Warrior
I love nature as much as I love my mother.
I like them both like none other.
I am as wild as a bobcat,
but this nature is under my hat.
I am as viscious as a tiger,
and as territorial as a lion,
but none of this is what you should be buyin'.
In truth, I am as shy as a mouse
who runs to hide in his house.
I am as gentle as a lamb, and I am as friendly as the dog.
Is this who I am?

The Yellow Warrior
I am the Yellow Warrior.
I am as bright as the Sun,
But I am as dangerous as a gun.
I am as calm as a hot spring,
And gentle with a few things.
I am as kind as a yearling
In the spring,
But I too have a dark side.
My temper burns like the Sun;
It makes me as dangerous as the gun.
I am a tiger that is cunning and sly;
You?ll never see me when I come by.
I have a burning ambition like the lion.
Is this who I am?

The Black Warrior
I am the Black Warrior.
I am stronger than all except God himself.
I am three feet tall,
Yet I am not that small.
My heart is grand and mighty;
It is great.
It is even greater than infinite times eight.
My soul is the purest of all warriors,
But even I have a dark side.
Is this who I am?

The White Warrior
I am the White Warrior.
I am one you wouldn?t expect to have a dark side.
Ah, but darkness is what I thrive.
There is little a chance you see the light in me,
But I don?t care my soul is free;
There is nothing any one can do to me.
Even so, when my light does shine
All darkness in me declines,
But it last no time.
I have a good heart, but I don?t know how to use it.
Is this who I am?
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