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In the year 2525


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[Size=1][Color=royalblue]Some of the most idiotic things I have ever heard or read in this case in my life I have just done so in this very topic.

I agree with James 100% [b]the world is becoming a cleaner more environmentally friendly place because people actually care what will happen to following generations after ours[/b].

Mankind realises that what we do has an effect on the very Earth itself and as pointed out the hole in the Ozone layer is repairing and only time stands in it's way.

If I read another post about how in 5,000,000,000 years the Earth will be swallowed up by an enlarged Sun I will choke on my own rage. People realise that the Sun is expanding and that eventually it will consume the Earth however as it gets closer and closer within the next billion years it will become more increasingly hot until all life will die that has not moved off the planet.

Human space technology is still within its infancy and will eventually prove the key to our existence in the next few thousand years to pass. I believe that within 2,000 years human will not all live within the confines of the Milky Way but will have established colonies of beyond our own Galaxy but that is just my own beliefs.

Humans have so much of potential as a people that we by the year 2525 there will be no hunger, no oppression, no dictatorships and all peoples will be free to exhibit their own thoughts. However it could all go terribly wrong because of our current governing systems where some people even though democratically elected can become power hungry and cause death and destruction in their wake i.e. [b]Adolf Hitler, and now in my opinion George W. Bush[/b] because they hold all the power of their nation.[/color][/size]
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[quote] If you made hydrogen cars then their would be no more need for oil and then, you take the power right out of saddams hands, this is a decision that would obviously better the world in more ways than one. [/quote]

Oil is used for MANY other things than petrol, you know. Say you build a hydrogen car. What roads will it use? These tarmac ones? The ones made from oil? What will the dashboard be made out of? This plastic stuff? That we make from oil? What will the seatbelts be made from? Nylon? The polymer we fashion from the hydrocarbon chains in oil?

Life is an incredible thing. Virtually impossible to wipe out. Lets take any example you care to name. Landfill site? Rats, seagulls, bacteria, all thriving! Flood? Quite apart from marine life, alluvial deposits and silt mean that plant life will thrive!Meteor strike, kicking up such a huge dust-cloud the sun is blocked out? Well yes, the dinosaurs died, but the birds, fish, lizards, mammals, eukaryotic organisms, marine life, plants and so on managed just fine.

We are not killing the world. We are only killing ourselves.

I don't even think we could kill the world, even if we tried.

So the sun will rise on Jan 1st 2525, and I would be totally shocked if it didn't shine down on a world thriving, and covered with blossoming, vibrant life. Whether or not Homo Sapiens will be among it, I don't know. Sometimes I doubt it. But who knows? We are the most inventive, fast evolving species around. Although we don't evolve in the Darwinian sense any more, at least, not quickly, due to society caring for the weak (which is a good thing of course) we can evolve ourselves.

Put an animal in a colder environment, it will eventually evolve a thicker coat. Put man in a colder environment, it will MAKE itself a thicker coat. Probably by stealing it from an animal, but that's irrelevant. If any one species can survive, it's probably us. (although our chances would be improved if we didn't work AGAINST ourselves so much, by attacking our own kind!)
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