[Sound_Nin] Posted April 4, 2003 Share Posted April 4, 2003 I hate it when they repeat the season. Why can't they do the Saiyan Saga all over again? I can't remember most of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinzouningen17 Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoldScorpion78 [/i] [B]I hate it when they repeat the season. Why can't they do the Saiyan Saga all over again? I can't remember most of it. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, rumor has it that they're gettin ready to redub that(that way we'll see the eps that they cut out in the first 2 seasons), thats why they're not gonna show it(the first 2 seasons wit Ocean Group) again. But who knows, maybe yall will get lucky(no need for me to see the Ocean seasons again since I have em all. And after Monday, I'll have EVERY SINGLE DBZ DUB!! *jumps for joy since my collection will FINALLY be complete. ^_^) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Holiday Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 Jinzouningen17, Do you really think they finally have the originals and will redub the first season of DBZ? If so do you think they will do the same for DB as well? IMHO the first seasons of both shows were the best and funniest and its always sucked that we couldn't get them in the US it'd be nice to finally see them (not that I haven't already seen them it would just be nice to get a hold of uncut and digitally remastered editions). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinzouningen17 Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 They're workin on it from what I heard. I heard they already purchased the first 2 seasons. Its whether or not they actually redub em, or just put em out on DVD without it bein redubbed is the question. And for the first 12 eps of DB, they already did redub it(uncut, and they got em on DVD now. They redubbed the first 12 eps of DB like 2 years ago.), so just go up to say...MusicLand/Sam Goody and buy you a copy of the first season of DB on DVD so you can see it uncut and redubbed. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Juunanagou Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 Well I have ins at FUNi and we did out purchase Pioneers contract to control the rights to Dragon Ball Z episode 1 to 48. We're making the episodes Ep 20. Ep 20b Ep 20c and so on, as not to confuse those who don't know the true number of Dragon Ball Z episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest MaRk Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 Why is there no more DBZ on tonami? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Holiday Posted April 5, 2003 Share Posted April 5, 2003 Well the only dvd's with the first 13 episodes I have been able to find is the two dvd set called The Saga Of Goku is there another besides this? Because that set is completely edited and only dubbed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo Posted April 6, 2003 Share Posted April 6, 2003 I only have one thing to say, it's about freaking time that Toonami gives other anime's a chance instead of running this 14 year old series into the ground anymore. Though I would of perferred for them to air something other then Classic Zoids. Umm Devilman are you sure they aren't going to air season 4 of Zoids? Instead of classic Zoids. I heard a rumor awhile back that the new zoids series was ready to go and perhaps they pushed it up from the fall time slot it was getting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fate Posted April 6, 2003 Share Posted April 6, 2003 [color=teal]American Dragonball Z gives you cancer. If you really want to get the feel of the actual-ness of it, watch it in Japanese or Spanish. Spanish dubs are the next best thing to Japanese originals, mainly because Spanish dubs are usually direct translations. Instead of Zoids, I prefer a showing of Gundam Wing. I await DBGT. Hopefully a rerun of the episodes currently showing will happen, because school and cramming made me miss most of them. Zoids causes cancer as well.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Juunanagou Posted April 6, 2003 Share Posted April 6, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fate [/i] [B][color=teal]American Dragonball Z gives you cancer. If you really want to get the feel of the actual-ness of it, watch it in Japanese or Spanish. Spanish dubs are the next best thing to Japanese originals, mainly because Spanish dubs are usually direct translations. Instead of Zoids, I prefer a showing of Gundam Wing. I await DBGT. Hopefully a rerun of the episodes currently showing will happen, because school and cramming made me miss most of them. Zoids causes cancer as well.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ignorance is bliss. You assume because you've watched subtitles episodes you're some kind of Dragon Ball Guru. I have news for you. [B]Manga > Original w/o Subs > Translated Manga > French version > Subtitled > Spanish version > English version.[/B] Fan Subtitles versions are just for people who has a false sense of security. [B]A lot[/B] of lines in Fan Subbed versions are incorrect, and the adding cursing is pathetic. Fan Subs are almost as bad as the dub, so don't sit there and think you're elite because you've watched fan subs. If you wanna think you're elite, go read all 42 volumes of the Manga. Then watch it without fan subs, or watch an official subtitled episodes. Now I don't like Dragon Ball in English, because it is butchered, but don't sit their and think subbed versions are so much better. And the Spanish dub is not the next best thing to the original. That would be the French version. So don't say uninformed stuff, because I can say that subtitled versions give you cancer, because it is obvious they have warped your mind. As for me, just so you don't think I'm some stuck up person I have seen every episode of Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball GT W/o subs, and with. Read all 42 mangas, and Neko Majin Z, as well as every episode of Z in English, and French, as well as Spanish Z to GT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestongraff Posted April 7, 2003 Share Posted April 7, 2003 pleeeeeease say they are putting dbgt on toonami. I tired of watching it in japenese Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo Posted April 11, 2003 Share Posted April 11, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juunanagou [/i] [B]Ignorance is bliss. You assume because you've watched subtitles episodes you're some kind of Dragon Ball Guru. I have news for you. [B]Manga > Original w/o Subs > Translated Manga > French version > Subtitled > Spanish version > English version.[/B] Fan Subtitles versions are just for people who has a false sense of security. [B]A lot[/B] of lines in Fan Subbed versions are incorrect, and the adding cursing is pathetic. Fan Subs are almost as bad as the dub, so don't sit there and think you're elite because you've watched fan subs. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm going to tell you like it is since obviously your newbieness makes you ignorant. For your information I own every single DB, DBZ, DBGT, manga thats been made. I have all the videos with subs, but I don't need that because I speak Japanese. If you have nothing to contribute to Otakuboards or to this discussion at all then please just leave. You haven't been around long enough to tell anyone off pal and as someone who can claim that he is "elite" and you can ask anyone on OtakuBoards about my reputation if you doubt me. I'm telling you to sit down and act civil and stop trying to pretend to be a know it all. Your only making yourself look dumb and you give people like me a bad name because of it. -__- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Juunanagou Posted April 11, 2003 Share Posted April 11, 2003 Rick Hunter. I've never liked you, and I definately don't now. In response to yout ignorant post; How about no? I don't care who you are, and fully doubt you speak Nihongo. I've seen you contradict yourself since I've been on this board, and even lie. You've read every DB, DBZ, and DBGT Manga, huh? Talk about the biggest lie ever. There is no Dragon Ball Z, nor Dragon Ball GT Manga. Please do not speak on matters that you obviously do not understand, nor pay attention to. I repeat, I don't care who you are. As far as I am concerned you are someone who is acting with an uneeded attitude. If someone sits there and says something so stupid as "American Dragon Ball Z causes Cancer", I will respond. No matter what. Please mind your business if you don't know what you're talking about. That is all I have to say. His comment was plain and simple, ignorant. He's trying to act as if watching Subtitled Dragon Ball gives you the [I]real[/I] feel of Dragon Ball. It doesn't. Subtitled Dragon Ball isn't always accurate. Half the subs out there have horrible name changes, horrible added lines, and horrible plot changes, such as "Kid Buu is the strongest Buu". Also lets not forget all the [B]extremely added[/B] cursing that is in Fan Subs. So what [B]real[/B] feel does subtitled Dragon Ball give you? So please mind your business, because you're truly ignorant. I'll stand by that comment until you stop posting false information, contradicting statements, and stop acting like someone you [B]obviously[/B] are not. You give people like yourself a bad name. An 18(19) year old, who cannot use correct grammar and sentence structure, who is ignorant, spreads false information, and ruins the anime experience for everyone. You give yourself a bad name. Do not blame your stupidity and ignorance on me. Moderators, look at what was going on, instead of post count, like I'll assume you do, and you'll see who is in the right here. Me, or the Liar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo Posted April 11, 2003 Share Posted April 11, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juunanagou [/i] [B]Rick Hunter. I've never liked you, and I definately don't nowTalk about the biggest lie ever. There is no Dragon Ball Z, nor Dragon Ball GT Manga. Please do not speak on matters that you obviously do not understand, nor pay attention to. [/B][/QUOTE] Once again I shall prove you are nothing more then a hot-aired arrogant person. You say there are no DBZ Mangas -__- what a misinformed person you are. For your viewing pleasure here are the scans. [img]http://members.lycos.co.uk/aeboards/end1.jpg[/img] [img]http://members.lycos.co.uk/aeboards/end3.jpg[/img] Well there's one scan if you still doubt me I can post many many more all disproving your theory.... -__- when you want to start a fight make sure you check your owns sources before trying to contradict someone Juunanagou. You're only helping me prove how ill informed you are about things. Now I ask everyone on the boards, whose the one misinformed him or me? I rest my case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Juunanagou Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 You're pathetic. There is no Dragon Ball [B]Z[/B] Manga. What a n00b. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Holiday Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 You're really being quite rude and I don't know what it's like in your own country but in America we have a DBZ manga. Seriously I'm looking at the first three editions while I'm typing this I purchased these about two years back so they've been around for awhile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juunanagou [/i] [B]You're pathetic. There is no Dragon Ball [B]Z[/B] Manga. What a n00b. Once again you prove that you are actually misinformed, this is an excerpt from the Akira Toriyama Biography, something you've probably never read. and I quote! [quote]Akira Toriyama's next series was DragonBall.The DragonBall series included DragonBall, DragonBall Z, and DragonBall GT. [B]This series (all except DragonBall GT) started out as a weekly manga series. [/B] [/quote] Are you done yet because so far you've only proven one thing that your very disrespectful and haven't read ob rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kazuma K. Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 [url]http://www.gojiita.net/manga/books25.gif[/url] [url]http://www.gojiita.net/manga/books21.gif[/url] Would you look at that? 2 Original Mangas from Japan, each with Son Gohan as a character on the cover. Any Basic Dragon Ball fan knows that Son Gohan doesn't shows up till "Z". But wait! There is no Z on top of the Manga. I hope that is enough proof for you. The only time the series has a Z, is when Toei, not Toho(more of your false information) adds the Z for the series seperation of Son Gokuu as a child/teen, and Son Gokuu as an adult. Viz has made a "Dragon Ball Z" manga recently, but the official Mangas/Tomes were always called "Dragon Ball" and still are, as they're all being re-released along with the episodes, with perfect covers. And they still say "Dragon Ball". No Z. Now you can go ahead and ban me. Because any board that wont ban someone in an argument because they're a "legend" there is messed up , unless you can give me a clear reason for my banishment, other then me calling him a n00b, in which case, why wasn't he banned as he insulted me in each on of his post, while still being wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinzouningen17 Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kazuma K. [/i] [B]Now you can go ahead and ban me. Because any board that wont ban someone in an argument because they're a "legend" there is messed up , unless you can give me a clear reason for my banishment, other then me calling him a n00b, in which case, why wasn't he banned as he insulted me in each on of his post, while still being wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] WHAT?! Legend?! Boy, look here. I have HAD IT with you. We banned you for a good bit of reasons. 1. Calling people ignorant. 2. Bashing someone for NO DAMN REASON! 3. All you do is start flame wars. Need I go any further? Man, you know what. Your *** needs your damn IP banned. You've pissed me off to no damn end. THIS THREAD IS CLOSED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted April 12, 2003 Share Posted April 12, 2003 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kazuma K. [/i] [B Now you can go ahead and ban me. Because any board that wont ban someone in an argument because they're a "legend" there is messed up , unless you can give me a clear reason for my banishment, other then me calling him a n00b, in which case, why wasn't he banned as he insulted me in each on of his post, while still being wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]Okay, I'll give you a reason. Regardless of who is right or wrong in this particular "debate", there is [i]no[/i] reason to begin insulting people. And I think it's pretty clear that you were the first to begin insulting people as soon as they tried to have a discussion with you. On OtakuBoards, that is a direct violation of the rules. And being the "informed" person you are, I'm [i]sure[/i] you've read them. Perhaps not. In any case, don't think that you're being unfairly treated. Anyone who wants to launch insults will be dealt with -- whether they are popular/unpopular/male/female etc...[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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