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Omfg!! This Is Serious!!!

Guest Master O Beans

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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Wow, WTC Building 7 just collapsed as well...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

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Japan would not. They aren't like that. YES they had Kamikaze pilots, but they aren't like that. There are people in the middle east willing to die gloriously for the sake of god. WHICH IS STUPID! :flaming:Remember what I said? That nearly all common religions had the same common roots? WE WORSHIP THE SAME GOD! ARG!! STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE!:flaming:

Yes, Normandy was a whole lot deadlier, but remember; these are CIVILIANS. They MURDERED THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS! :Flaming:CIVILIANS! You DON'T HURT CIVILIANS! The military fights, you leave the civilians alone! :flaming:

This, in my mind means one thing; whoever planned this wanted only to cause as much death and destruction as he could. No military targets; just cause death and pain and suffering. :mad::flaming::mad:

I so want to go out there, and hurt those people..."Remember all the people he's hurt, all the pain that he's caused, make that your POWER!"...but I can't. It wouldn't do anything. It'd just cause me to die to. Then, more suffering.

Who ever did this is a monster, through and through. Murderer. Fiend. Villain.

I am very glad to hear they the two of you are okay. I had no idea you lived in NY, but I guess it's not too suprising.

The US will not let whoever did this get away. They will pay for this, one way or another.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i]
[B]Japan would not. They aren't like that. YES they had Kamikaze pilots, but they aren't like that. There are people in the middle east willing to die gloriously for the sake of god. WHICH IS STUPID! :flaming:Remember what I said? That nearly all common religions had the same common roots? WE WORSHIP THE SAME GOD! ARG!! STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE!:flaming:

Yes, Normandy was a whole lot deadlier, but remember; these are CIVILIANS. They MURDERED THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS! :Flaming:CIVILIANS! You DON'T HURT CIVILIANS! The military fights, you leave the civilians alone! :flaming:

This, in my mind means one thing; whoever planned this wanted only to cause as much death and destruction as he could. No military targets; just cause death and pain and suffering. :mad::flaming::mad:

I so want to go out there, and hurt those people..."Remember all the people he's hurt, all the pain that he's caused, make that your POWER!"...but I can't. It wouldn't do anything. It'd just cause me to die to. Then, more suffering.

Who ever did this is a monster, through and through. Murderer. Fiend. Villain.

I am very glad to hear they the two of you are okay. I had no idea you lived in NY, but I guess it's not too suprising.

The US will not let whoever did this get away. They will pay for this, one way or another. [/B][/QUOTE]
im guessing that u are referring this to me
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i]
[B]im tellin ya'
bush is gonna put the US to war
dam, i wish al gore was pres [/B][/QUOTE]

Do0de, you've been asking for War all day...
...and Bush won't do anything, it's the people that tell him what to do that will put us to war...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i]
[B]im tellin ya'
bush is gonna put the US to war
dam, i wish al gore was pres [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]We're not going to war. Think about it...how can we go to war against a country when a country is not yet behind this? It is a terrorist attack, I don't think any country would be stupid enough to do this to the US...[/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]

[color=deeppink]We're not going to war. Think about it...how can we go to war against a country when a country is not yet behind this? It is a terrorist attack, I don't think any country would be stupid enough to do this to the US...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, but once again, let me remind you of last year when the US Embassy got bombed in Afganistan...we had several bombing runs on them...so it's very possible that this could lead to something...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gillmon72 [/i]
[B]i don't want a war but if it is for peace i will [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]I believe it may have been Kamakazi's old sig...maybe...or Maximus'...but it said something like this "Fighting for peace is like making love for virginity." I loved that quote...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]This is beyond depressing....

It couldn't come at a worse time in my life.... and just hearing all of you talk about war and people you know that died... it's making it worse.. I think it's making everyone more depressed...

I really.... i dunno what more to say.... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Funny, I think that your view is the opposite of mine. When I first heard the news (and watched it for an hour) I was really kind of scared. It seemed incredibly real and as if something else could happen at any time.

Yet now...I'm more calm about it. Most likely because of the fact that the major stuff is over...now we must deal with the aftermath...

Um...that really didn't prove my point I guess...nevermind.[/color]
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It was absolutly horrible timing that we had to watch a video about what could have happened with the cold war...all those people, snuffed out in an instant. Dear LORD, I don't ever want one of those weapons to be unleashed on this earth again! The US alone has enough fire-power to destroy the earth *18* times! WHY! Why the hell do we need all those missiles! It's absolutely insane!
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Guest Master O Beans
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