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Dragon Ball AE: Buu's Animus


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[i]Everyone thought that the evil had ended. It was all over. hundreds of years ago, the Legend Goku, with the help of the child Ubuu defeated all the Evil in the Universe. Goku did it, along with what was thought to be the reincarnation of Buu. Goku was wrong. He had prayed for buu to return one day in the future, so they could fight again. Buu would return, but not as soon as Goku thought. Ubuu was not the reincarnation of Buu, just a regular boy with extreme powers. Goku's wish would come true, but he would not see it...[/i]

Welcome to the future, welcome to the year 1987ae. 1987 years after the death of Goku and the demise of evil. Buu has now been reincarnated, and is alive. He soon will begin his reign of terror on the Planet Earth, and the universe around it. Someone must stop him...
[b][End Forward][/b]

Nick took a step forward, into the land his father once owned. He had just entered the World Martial Arts Colisium, where he wanted to ascend his father, and bring the championship back into the family. He walked towards the sign in table and began waiting on a long line. Nick looked at every man that walked by him, scanning the crowd for 'Raw', the man that killed his father.

A few moments later Nick was at the fron of the line, being asked questions about himself.

[b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Excuse me son, Your name please?"
[b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Umm Nick Zionson..."
[b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Zionson! Your...."
[b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Yes, My father was Champion a few years ago, but i would not sppreciate it if I was viewed in his shadow."
[b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Yes Sure Nick, Im sorry, Your age?"
[b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "19"
[b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Ok, please preceed to the breifing room on your right."
[b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Ok, thank you."

The worker pointed to the open door on Nick's right. He turned and began slowley walking towards the room as he swung his bag over his shoulder. He pushed his way through the crowd and entered the room, which began immediatly fillign with fighters.

ok guys, here we go, have your characters enter the breifing room, we'll go one from there.....[/size]
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Tali slowly entered the World Martial Arts Colissium with a smile on her face.

(Thinking) "Well here goes my first good deed. I'll enter and of course win the competition and donate the money to the homeless.

Tournament Worker: "Excuse me miss, Your name please?"

"My name is Tali."

Tournament Worker: "Your age?


Tournament Worker: "Please preceed to the breifing room right over there miss."

Tali walked into the room to see many big buff men along with one familiar looking girl.
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Bugo stepped out from a crowed bus filled with people coming to see the tournement. Bugo the silent warrior walks towards the registration desk,
Tournement worker: "Name?"
bugo:- "Bugo" in a deep voice, cold yet, rational
Tournement worker: " Age?"
Bugo:- 20
Tournement worker:- "please follow the other fighters"

Bugo walked away pushing through the crowds, and intoa room. There he saw many fighters, but fighter caught his eye. He was a tall man 6 ft. with brown hair and a slight tan.
Bugo thought to himself:- "Ummm this might be a worthy opponent, better watch him closely"
He then started scaning the other so called 'competition'
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[size=1] Nick walks through the crowd still searching for 'Raw'. he eventually made his way to the front of the room where the preliminary competition would start in about an hour(([i]not in real time, ill wait til everyone has posted before i begen that...[/i])). He asked a few questions to the man behind the desk and then turned around, bumping into a strange looking young man.
[b]Nick:[/b]"Watch it buddy..."

[b]Bugo: [/b]Sorry man, Im Bugo.

Bugo put his hand out to try and shake Nick's hand, but Nick pushed him away.

[b]Nick: [/b]"Yeah, watch it kid."

Nick walked through the crowd some more, still looking for Raw, the man he would try to kill if he had the luck to get a match with him. Eventually a man came running up to Nick with a clipboard.

[b]Worker: [/b]"Umm Excuse me sir, Your Nick Zionson, am I correct?"

[b]Nick: [/b]"Yes, you are correct..."

[b]Worker: [/b]"Well then your an official member of the WMA Alumni, please ocme with me."

Nick followed the man into a side room filled with preaty boys sitting on couches drinking sodas.

[b]Worker: [/b]"Nick Zionson, welcome to the WMA Alumni room, this is the room for an fighters whose Fathers or Grandfathers were champions.

Nick looked around the room at the poor excuse for fighters who were sitting in the room socializing. he turned around and began laughing as he walked out of the room[/size]
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Bugo irritated and yet puzzled by Nicks manners continued to walk through the room. Tired of walking he sat in an corner and meditated. His ki grew as sparks flew from his body. But Bugo wasnt ready, he didnt want to expose his true power yet.
Bugo:- "Hey worker..when is this damn fight gonna start"
Worker:- in a nervous tone "innn a minute sir, i am extremely sorry for the delay"

Bugo walked away from the worker scaring the other fighters to the side.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]A man of a handsome genre stepped off of the bus and grasped for air as the crowds swarmed the entrance to the stadium. Pushing through eventually, Kojin scanned for desk that was free, but to no evail. Upon finding a desk that he followed behind bold men, and fit women, Kojin managed to have the patience to wait for himself to move along to the desk.

Once he had made it to the warden by the desk, the warden wavered his hand to a beautiful woman at the desk...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Woman:[/B] Welcome to the annual tournament, and your name is?

[B]Kojin:[/B] Erm, Kojin Naba.

[B]Woman:[/B] Naba? Ahem, and your age sir?

[B]Kojin:[/B] *Embarrassed* Erm, erm, 21.

[B]Woman:[/B] Aww, don't be nervous sir, you'll do fine. Could you please step into the briefing room, it's to your right, don't let the bigger guys aggrovate you.

[B]Kojin:[/B] But, but, it's not that, it's just...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Before Kojin was able to bring back his confidence, a Tournament Warden pushed him onto the briefing room. In shock and embarrassment, Kojin began to look back at the woman but just was forced into the briefing room.

A large room with leather seating fixtured into walls stood befor Kojin. Men and women of different styles were socialising in the room, or were concentrating onto the fight about to arrive. Kojin noticed a a strange man medidating who seemed to be nearly 'floating' but he ignored this and shrugged his bag off his shoulder and sat on one of the only seats that was free.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]This is turning out to be great and very enjoyable, good job Schratn.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Amber walked into the Martial Arts Collisium and squinted around looking for the registration tables.She found one and walked up to it.

Worker:Excuse me miss.Your name please??
Amber:I'm Amber
Worker:And age??
Worker:Okay,Just follow all the other contestants.

Amber walked over to where all of the other fighters were going into the breifing room.Amber looked around and saw the room was packed.She walked up to a warden and asked if there were private rooms.He directed her to a small room with not much space.He said he would call her when she was needed.Amber walked to the middle if the room and put down her backpack.She took her double ended glaive and started doing moves that her mother had taught her for meditation.After a while Amber put down her glaive and unsheathed the sword.Amber stood in fighting stance.Light on her feet incase she had to move suddenly.Amber swiped and slashed at imaginary enemies around her,then sat down and rested.She picked up her stuff and went back to the main room and took a seat.
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[I]Kotan stood in front of the mirror brushing his teeth. He and Aegeta should have left 20 minutes ago but Kotan was still in bed.[/I]

[b]Ageta:[/b] You better hurry your *** up! We?re late enough as it is.

[b]Kotan:[/b] There?s nothing wrong with being relaxed Ageta.

[B]Ageta:[/b] You?re problem is you?re too relaxed!

[B]Mom:[/B] Will you to stop arguing and get a move on.

[b]Ageta:[/B] I?m leaving now, catch me up!

[I]Ageta ran out of the house and shot off into the air. Kotan not far behind grabbed his bag, ran outside and leapt into the air, his electric blue aura engulfing him. He could see a small speck far off into the distance, which was Ageta. He flew on at full speed until he caught up with his brother then they both flew as fast as they could to the arena.

They landed down just outside the arena and ran towards the entrance to sign-up. As the guy standing on the sign-up booth saw them approaching he smiled. He knew them well. Their father was three-time champion and they had both been previous champions of the kiddy tournament twice each.[/I]

[B]Sign-up guy[/B]: Well if it isn?t the twins. You just go on through I?ll sign you in. Your 17 now right?

[B]Kotan:[/B] Yep, seems like a while back that we were here huh Ageta?

[I]Ageta had already walked into the briefing room. He stood there examining each fighter carefully he knew that there was only three or four that could stand up to him and Kotan. He smiled. He expected it to be easier than this, he liked a challenge. Kotan rushed in behind him accidentally running into the biggest guy he?d ever seen.[/I]

[B]Big Guy[/B] Watch it kid!

[B]Kotan:[/B] Well sorry buddy, it?s just hard to get around you!

[B]Big Guy[/B] That arrogance of yours is what will be the end of you.

[B]Kotan:[/B] We?ll see.

[I]The big guy walked off and Kotan walked the other way to join Ageta, with a cocky grin on his face.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] You causing trouble already?

[I]Kotan just smiled at his brother and eyed up each individual in the room just looking for a good challenge.[/I]
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Bugo who is still bored suddenly felt a power of value enter this crowed room. There he saw twins Ageta and Kotan.. ..
Bugo:- "Umm...these chara. have some mystical powers. They are def. on a higher plateau than these pittiful humans...."

Bugo believed that he was the reincarnation of all the gr8 animals combined thus refering to humans as humans.

Bugo slowly made his way trough the room and bumped into Ageta to get a better feel for his power

Bugo:- "Sorry...." in a cold tone
Ageta:- " ?????"
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Following a large man that had been meditating, Kojin stepped into the room to find two twins staring at eachother. Trying to make conversation to the large man that stood in front of him, Kojin began to get infuriated...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Kojin:[/B]Hey you!

[B]Large man[/B]: Yes?

[B]Kojin:[/B] May I ask, what is your name?

[B]Large man:[/B]Well look who's the pushy one. My name is Bugo, but don't take advantage of this, I'm just telling you to get you away from me

[B]Kojin:[/B]What the hell? I just asked for your name. My name is Kojin, Kojin Naba, nice to actually see one of a high stature.

[B]Bugo:[/B]Yeah sorry, my Ki is flaring my inner strenth again.

[I]Kojin stared at the twins who seemed to be quite shocked, but Kojin began to feel comfortable around them.[/I]

[B]Kojin:[/B]And you guys? What are your names?

[B]Twin #1:[/B] Oh, the name's Aegeta.

[B]Twin #2:[/B] And mine's Kotan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] From what Kojin could tell, the people he had just spoken to, were going to be a tough challenge if he ever faced them.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[I]Ageta looked at Bugo with a strange look on his face. He backed himself to the nearest wall, folded his arms and put one foot on the wall grinning to himself.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] Bugo right? I sense that you are searching me for my energy.

[B]Bugo:[/B] correct my young friend.

[B]Kotan:[/B] Don?t worry, you?ll know soon enough the powers that myself and my brother possess when the preliminary?s begin.

[I]Kotan smirked at his brother yet Ageta didn?t share what Kotan was thinking, he looked more angry than amoused.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] Dammit! Can?t you let me have one moment? Just because you?re older by three minutes you think you run this place.

[I]Kotan looked at his brother still with a look of pleasure over his face. Ageta lowered his head slightly so that he was looking at Kotan from behind his eyebrows. The pair commenced in a somewhat childish but clearly serious fistfight. Neither was able to land a blow on the other just the continuos sound of flesh clashing with flesh. After a few seconds they stopped and stood still.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] A short sample of my power!

[I]Everyone except Kotan and Ageta fell over in classic anime style. Ageta held out his closed fist to his brother and Kotan did the same and they proceeded in smashing them together in some strange way, then they resumed their stances grinning at each other.

Ageta?s gaze wondered back to the arena and then back to Kotan, his grin even more extended along his face.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] We better watch ourselves here bro...

[B]Kotan:[/B] What!? You actually think there?s someone here who can content with us?

[B]Ageta:[/B] Well, maybe a few people but that?s not what I?m talking about.

[B]Kotan:[/B] Then what are you talking about little brother?

[B]Ageta:[/B] Those girls over there are eyeing us up! *points somewhere across the room*

[I]Again in classic anime style the group fall over once more leaving Ageta and Kotan starring over at the girls.[/I]
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[size=1]Just as all the fighters begin becoming anxious, the Tournament announcer begins pushing his way through the crowd to the front poudioum. Once in the front of the room, he begins speaking into a mic.

[b]Announcer:[/b][i]Hello everyone and welcome to the annual World Martial Arts Tournament. I know all of you are very anxious to get into the fighting, so were going to start as soon as possible. This is how its going to work. Each of you will come up here and test your strength and agility in two different competitiions, which will be explained to you once you are up here. After we get all the results in here, were going to tell the top ten and then they will face of infront of all the fans. Good luck to everyone who makes it into the next round. Now please form a straight line...[/i]

Everyoen rushes to the front of the room, but are immediatly forced into the line by tourney workers. Eventually everyone checks in including Nick.

Nick pushed his way to the front of the line and was one of the first fighters to hear the instructions of the two machines. teh first was a simple punching machine, which tested brute strength. teh other was a modified treadmile, which once the fighter ran at top speed, clocked the amount of time which it took you to reach that time. nick did the best he could on both machines, hoping he would enter the top ten fighters.[/size]
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Amber did well in both.She was close to Nick.
She prayed that she would make it in.She didn't come all this way for nothing!She watched the other contestants,sensing their power levels.Quite a lot were normal.But some were very strong.
She continued to watch the contestants go through the tests.
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Stryder stood atop the Guardians tower, looking out over the edge, onto the world below, of which he was the protector. There was a heavy wind, but hs Guardian cloak blew only slightly, a sure sign that it was weighted. His assistant, a half-dog/half-man creature named Lock, was, as usual, tending to his flower-bed. Stryder turned to him.

[B]Stryder:[/B] You know, I can sense something strange.

[B]Lock:[/B] Well, the World Tournament is on now, maybe it's all that combined power you feel.

[B]Stryder:[/B] No... it's not that. A shadow of a threat has been growing in my mind for some time. Something draws near...

So, Stryder turned and went back to his watch, paying particular attention to the World Tournament. He wanted to see how good Earth's warriors were shaping up.
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Bugo who wanted to keep a low profile did not want to over use his gr8 ability......as bugo performs his events he performed better than Nick, but did not over do it...hoping to get into the top 10 bugo started to walk away...as he walked past Nick...

Nick:- well...i know you are strong...but for your sake i hope thats not all you got...

bugo tensed up his fist ready to push Nick but soon realized that this would blow his cover...
He just walked away...
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[I]Ageta and Kotan stood side by side at the very end of the line. Neither of them had any doubt that they would be in the top ten, there was only about 5 decent fighters out of the bunch.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] Ok, i know how you like to show off, and those girls checking us out didn't help. Just do enough to get into the top ten, don't go giving it your all becuase there's no need.

[B]Kotan:[/B] Relax Bro, you worry too much.

[B]Ageta:[/B] You give me a damn good reason to!
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[color=royalblue][size=1][I]Priest was sitting in his garden admiring it's beauty and serenity, he took hold of his scrolls and began to study them, something evil was coming he could sense it and he was going to find out what it was. After looking over them for about an hour Priest realised that he would be late for the tournament if he did not leave now.

He rose up off his feet and glided into the air, he proceeded to speed up and to gain height and within a matter of moments was flying high above the ground on his way to the tournament. After a half hour he landed just outside the main entrance and heard the guard at the gate calling.[/I]

[b]Man[/b]: Contenders you have only five more minutes before submissions are closed for the competitions, if you wish to sign up please hurry.

[I]Priest began to walk slowly his cloak leapt in the wind and his sword flashed from it's sheath on his back. Priest was no stranger to the area, he had come in second in this very competition last year and was hungry for victory this time. He walked forward calmly to the booth and was greeted by the man behind.[/I]

[b]Man in booth[/b]: Priest, nice to see your still competing in these competitions I have all your data from last year so I'll just change the age to what 26 and that'll do. Good luck in the tournament.

[B]Priest[/b]: Thanks

[I]Priest went on into the changing rooms and got himself ready for the competition. He removed the white cloak, which covered him and now revealed his fighting gear. He wore a pair of grey boots and fingerless gloves. Over his body he wore a white fighting gi which had flames of grey running up his back and chest and the same design of the pants running from his feet to his knees.

He clasped his sword in his right hand and put it back into the sheath , gathered up all his remaining clothes put them into a bag he had with him and left everything in a lock provided. He now went on to the Brief room where he saw many of the other competitors one was very large and there were a pair of twins also, he went over and introduced himself to them.[/I]

[b]Priest[/b]: Hey there I'm Priest

[b]Ageta[/b]: I'm Ageta and this is my brother Kotan, Kotan just stayed looking at the girls and merely nodded in Priest general direction

[b]Priest[/b]: Can't keep his eyes off them can he, oh well at least it's healthy.

[I]The announcement for the competition's start was heard and Priest made his way with Ageta and a slightly grumpy Kotan to the line for testing. They were all checked and Priest got on the strength tester. He pulled back his arm and with a roar let a punch loose. An eyebrow or two raised at his score which was quite a bit higher than his previous one last year, evidently he had been doing a lot of training in the last year.

He now mounted the treadmill machine and began to jog then after a few seconds he picked up speed and his legs began to move their fastest. He got off slightly breathless and went to see his scores being registered. After a few minutes Kotan and Ageta joined him both looking pleased with themsleves[/I][/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]As Kojin was persevering with his waiting in line, he noticed the negative energy flying through the room from all the contestants hoping that only a few were to make it into the second round.
Within half an hour, Kojin was able to finally put his practice into purpose and hence, he gave the machinery all he could...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B] Tournament Attendant:[/B] Kojin, take aim, and swing![/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With that, a groan was released from Kojin onto what seemed like a punching bag. The movement of the bag somersaulted on a fixed position at a high speed. With that, the crowd cheered wildly as what they did with the other contestants. Kojin grasping his arm to regain strength watched the board of results to see how he did in the first test. It seemed that he had cleared the first stage.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Tournament Attendant:[/B] A nice hit there Kojin Naba. Are you prepared for the next stage that will determine your entrance into the second championship?

[B]Kojin:[/B] Of course, hehe.

[B]Tournament Attendant:[/B] Well then. You seem confident, can you support your confidence with this next challenge though? We'll just have to see.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]The attendant wavered his hand to direct Kojin to a treadmill that seemed to be the stiffest of the sort. Kojin stepped onto the treadmill and focused his hardest onto his legs. Pumping away at the pedals, Kojin finally reached the time limit. After finishing with the crowd cheering, Kojin wiped some sweat off his forehead and headed over to the Score registration desk.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[size=1] The line grew smallier and smallier. Eventually everyone had taken the two tests and thw workers began tallying up the scores to see who would compete in the finals of the tournament. After about ten minutes of waiting the announcer again took to the mic and began speaking...

[b]Announcer:[/b] [i]Alright everyone, here in my hand is the final ten fighters who will compete in this years tournaments. I will ask all of you to hold your applause til all ten names have been called out. Ok, first fighter moving on into the finals is...Kojin Naba. Then, we have...Koten and Ageta, congradulations boys, mom iwll be very happy, heh! Then We have no stranger to the tournament, Nick "Z" Zionson, your dad would be very proud. Next we have a fighter by the name of Priest, congrats on making it again! Next we have two girls making it into the finals, Tali and Amber. Then we have a man by the name of, Habbitsu. Then, Last years champions son, Tradit. And his father, Ditisin. Those who have made it into the top ten, congradulations, you have one hour to get ready for your battles. meet me in the bracket room in fifteen minutes with all of your fighting gear. Thank you all...[/i]

The announcer waved to all the fighters as the competitors who didnt make it walked out of the room and filled the stands of the arena, along with the 1000s of fans who were already in their seats.

The competitiors who did make it into the finals scattered among the breifing room, all getting their bags and following the Tournament announcer into the bracket room, Nick was one of them. He grabbed his black gym bag and immediatly walked into the room which was filled with ten chairs. Infront of the chairs as a large computerized wall with spots for ten fighters. Nick sat down int he first row and placed his bag on his lap...[/size]
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As Tali and the other fighters went into the bracket room she looked at the group of fighters that did not make it and she saw that familiar looking girl agian who looked back at her.

(thinking)"I know I've seen her somewhere before. Well I guess it really doesn't matter now."

Tali grabbed her bag and sat down in the bracket room.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Feeling very certain of himself, Kojin changed into his father's traditional uniform. However, the unusual technique used to create the uniform stood out amongst many others. Kojin packed his belongings into his backpack, and headed into a room that situated 10 chairs, one being taken by another contestant named 'Nick'. Sitting next to Nick, Kojin began to make conversation.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Kojin:[/B] Hey, my name's Kojin.

[B]Nick:[/B]And mine's Nick, I'd like to congratulate you on your first arrival into the finals. You seem worthy enough to me.

[B]Kojin:[/B]Heh, thanks. Believe me, I may have skills, but I believe you are the worthier one. I'm only here to try and make my father proud of me.

[B]Nick:[/B]Oh? Your father is here?

[B]Kojin:[/B]... No. He passed away recently. I'm just trying to live up to his name.

[B]Nick:[/B]Hmm, we have something in common. We both do not have fathers to stand by us.

[B]Kojin:[/B]I apologise if this is so sudden and rude, but may I know how your father died?

[B]Nick:[/B]My father was swarmed in flames in this yearly tournament. A man who was a mere opponent, took my father's life away by using a technique that is unheard of. Hence, that is why I am here.

[B]Kojin:[/B]I... I am very sorry. My father witnessed a man, however, he did not die straight away. The figure was said to place a technique onto my father, a slow, draining technique.

[B]Nick:[/B]What!? This, this cannot be! How can a figure simply do that?

[B]Kojin:[/B]If I knew, then I'd hunt him down Nick...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]In shock as both the men were, they could both sense a connection between them. A very unclear connection, but there was a feeling from the depth of their minds. Kojin began to focus into reality and heard the voice of the attendant who read the results to the spectators. He stood up and made himself more comfortable by placing his bags down and sitting casually and relaxed in the chair next to Nick...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B] Guys, I have an announcement to make. As of today (Being Monday) until the Thursday of this week, I am going to be in Los Angeles on a vacation. So don't think of me being inactive, but I just thought I'd let you all know.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[I]Ageta began to walk towards the bracket room, with a huge smug grin along his face. He stopped suddenly realising he was leaving something behind. Ageta turned around and headed back towards Kotan and gripped him by the back of his collar.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] Come on! We?ve got a room to get to!

[B]Kotan:[/B] But those girls...

[B]Ageta:[/B] You can find girls anywhere now come on!

[B]Kotan:[/B] But that ones looking at you.

[I]Ageta stopped pulling and began to look in the direction his brother was staring. He then promptly shock his head and continued pulling Kotan behind him.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] Girls!

[B]Kotan:[/B] Can?t live with them?

[I]Once again Ageta was unhappy with Kotan?s remark but continued to pull him along.[/I]

[B]Ageta:[/B] I don?t know where you?d be without me!

[B]Kotan:[/B] With beautiful girls!
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[size=1]With the remaining two fnalists in the bracket room, one of the workers slamed the door shut and turned the overhead lights off, signaling the spot lights to be turned on and focused on the board. The tournament announcer walked over to the boards and typed in a few words on the computer panal next to the board...

[b]Announcer:[/b] Ok everyone, just so you know the computer is randomly placing you in the ten brackets you see on this board. It should take a few moments before you are placed into the correct bracket.

Everyone waited tensly to see who they would be facing in the first round, a few moments later a bell rung and and the announcer began speaking again...

[b]Announcer:[/b] Ok, the first round is complete. The First match will be Ageta facing Kojin. Then Kotan vs. Nick. Then Priest vs. Tali.
Habbitsu will face Tradit. And Amber will face Ditisin. Uo will have a half an hour to change into your fighting gear and stretch out. And then you will face off in the first round...

Nick picked up his bags as did Kojin. They walked out of the room together and proceeded to the changing area, where they went into there own rooms, and changed into their fighting gear. Nick walked out of the room a few moments later, wearing Black pants, A white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and Balck gloves. He walked over to a bench and began tieing up his boats, while he waited for Kojin...[/size]
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As Tali changed and prepared for battle she observed her opponent. Tali could tell that Priest wasn't like any fighter she had ever met. He had a purity which she had never seen in a fighter, only in people she killed. Tali tried to calm herself by meditating but all she could think about was the people she killed.

(Thinking)"Man being good is so hard."

Tali heard the announcer talking meaning it was time for the first match.
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