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SSJ5 Vegeta

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i]
[B]I'm one. (Damm! 320 bicep curls! Where they all in one set?) [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah 320 bicep curls all in one set, I did them in a row I lifted once about every second to half second and didn't stop till I got that far. Then I rested for 5 minutes then did 120 pushups.
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i started to life weights(seriously) when i didn't make the basketball team in 7th grade. i don't weigh much..i'm **** skinny if you ask me..but i'm pretty buff looking. ppl tell me i look buff and stuff so yeah. i do 6 sets of 6 repetitions.

i did what you did also..trying to lift many as possible..it feels like aerobic lifting..so i stopped and buy some books and studied more about it..i'm slacking off my work outs these days, but i don't stop..i probably never stop lifting weighs because it's part of my life for 5-6 years.
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Awesome. Keep on weight lifting! I do it on a regular bases because ..... eh, I need to. If you're in football, i suggest that you weight lift at your school everyday. It'll give you some great help. Last year, I didn't weigh lift at a regular bases, and I did 195 lbs 3 times and ran the 40 yrd dash in 4.6. This year, I ran it in 4.3 and benched 268 7 times! That's a big different. And if you look at me, I look like a lil' chump. :) Keep on weight lifting.

If you want to do some leg work, run long distances for a week or two... and then suddenly, run explosive sprints. That helps ALOT! :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i]
[B]Any weight-lifters out there? I stopped for a while then started back up again. The other day I pumped 320 bicep curls in a row with 20 pound dumbells and man are my arms sore, I also did something like 120 something pushups. Phew... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue]Yeah..working out is great. It's a good way of getting rid of anger and tension...and making your body feel good.

Right now I don't work out like I used to. These days I only do some curls and situps...and occasionally a little aerobics. But that's about it.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]
[B]...Right now me is eating a Little Debby Oatmeal Creame Cookie.
...and me thinks you all suck. :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue]Doesn't mean I eat healthily...lol

I just exercise it off. :)[/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
Heh, exercise is for the skinny, I try and avoid all that. The only exercise I get is walking my fat @ss ALL OVER CAMPUS! ...and wheeling my chair from one side of the room to the other...and the occasional getting up to get a pop from the mini-fridge.

...ah yes, 'tis the life :rolleyes:
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Guest Voodookanaka
20pounds..thats like 10kg right? u gotta loooong way to go.....

I used to be obsessive bout weights, only recently my neck has kinda disapeered.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]
[B] The only exercise I get is walking my fat @ss ALL OVER CAMPUS! [/B][/QUOTE]

I know! If that isn't enough exercise... I mean... wooo... It's tough walking that far every day you go to school... I'm whiped out by my second class....

But I'm just losing weight... thats all I care about right now... I don't want to be stronger.. i could care less about being stronger.... the strenght i posses lies mentally... not physically
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Last night I hit 374 reps in one set with 20 pound weights. Then I did another set of 50 after that. I really need to run though. I need to increase my speed, as well as strength. If I don't balance out my strength with speed, I will never become the fighter I want to be. I probably could've lifted twice that much if I would've used that little trick Gavin taught me. But I didn't feel like wasting energy using it.
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Guest Twisted Face
i lift sometimes.im twelve,13 on november 13.i can bench 65 10x.i can lift like 180. i have trouble gaining wieght though. if my brother ever lets me get around to letting me use his scanner,and i find a decent picture or myself,then ill post it.
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

I know! If that isn't enough exercise... I mean... wooo... It's tough walking that far every day you go to school... I'm whiped out by my second class....

But I'm just losing weight... thats all I care about right now... I don't want to be stronger.. i could care less about being stronger.... the strenght i posses lies mentally... not physically [/B][/QUOTE]

...exactly. on [I]all[/I] points you made.
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