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The Nameless Girl...


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My first relitivly correct self portrait in a long time. My hair isn't quite that blue. I was listening to depressing music and just did it. It was all black and white at first, then I tweaked it and now it looks like crap. *shruggs* Photoshop and myself don't get along well.
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[size=1]Having a 56k modem makes things load slow. So, when I saw this much of the image:

(image has been scaled down)

I thought it was a nude woman from the back, sitting and huddling over her knees with her hair hanging messily down...


But then it turned out to be you, lol. It is pretty nice I suppose. fairly two dimensional, but good all the same. It could do without that cross chain thing, though. It just seems to interrupt the picture. It seems incoherant.[/size]
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