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<<<Final Fantastic Survivor>>>


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Guest Zeh
[SIZE=1]OOC: I've been cut for time lately, hopefully my regular computer will be fixed soon.


Cloud, Rinoa, and Zack took off after Zell, in high spirits after their wins. Zell suddenly stopped jogging, turning around to face the group, his face mock seriousness. He chuckled, then turned around and started walking. The rest of the group caught up.[color=orangered]"Maybe i can teach these people a thing or two, at the theater?"[/color] Zell said, pondering the thought.
[color=black]"I don't think we'll be forgetting he won for quite some time..."[/color] Zack stated, rolling his eyes.
[color=indigo]"Or that he almost kissed Sephiroth..."[/color] added Cloud.

Rinoa had gotten ahead of the group, she stared at some signs ahead of her. [color=blue]"Hey, there's a weapon shop right over there! We should visit!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"But we gotta get to the theater!"[/color] Zell protested. They both looked over to Cloud.
[color=indigo]"Well, we'll still be going to the theater, but we gotta please everyone."[/color] shrugged Cloud

They walked off over to the weapons shop, and entered. From wall to wall, exotic weaponry reigned king. Zell was just generally looking around, he picked up a mace and tapped his hand a couple of times, shrugging, he put it back in it's holder. Rinoa was checking their selection of projectile weapons... nothing here was like hers. Zack and Cloud were were browsing over the swords, again none were anything like theirs. After a short while, Zell let out an impatient sign, so the group decided to leave.
[color=orangered]"Everything here's so different from my world..."[/color] observed Zell.
[color=indigo]"Tends to be like that, when you're not used to something."[/color] their leader said.
"Off to the Theater District we go..." Zack smiled.[/size]
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OOC: Cecil...drinking...they just don't match. I mean, he's a Paladin, a warrior of light. He's going to want to stay clear-minded...


[color=crimson]"So what was that you were drinking back there?"[/color] Auron asked as they walked away from the tavern. [color=crimson]"It looked clear. . . . Was it vodka?"[/color]
Cecil chuckled, and then said, [color=teal]"Water. Paladins don't drink much,"[/color] he said with a slight grin. [color=teal]"Clouds the mind, you know?"[/color]
The group walked up to a cable car station, which had a sign out front. It read "THEATER DISTRICT - BUSINESS DISTRICT - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT," with an arrow denoting their curent location in the Business District. Below that, it read, "LINDBLUM CASTLE: RESTRICTED ENTRY."
[color=orange]"Heheh, maybe we should sneak into the castle,"[/color] Zidane said. [color=orange]"Maybe we can catch a peek at what Cid is up to."[/color]
[color=purple]"I'm not sure that would be wise,"[/color] Sephiroth said catiously.
[color=teal]"Hmm, yeah, we don't want to get disqualified or anything."[/color]
[color=orange]"Aw, come on, guys! It'll be fun! He did tell us to explore."[/color]
[color=teal]"Well, I have my doubts about it. What do you think, Auron? You're the new captain, you decide."[/color]
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Auron raised an eyebrow in amusement. [color=crimson]"What is this? We can't make a decision on our own any more?"[/color]
Zidane watched a pretty girl go past and, droolingly, staggered after her. Auron grabbed him by the tail. [color=crimson]"Bad monkey."[/color]
Cecil snorted behind one hand. [color=teal]"Auron, that sounded, ah...dirty."[/color]
Auron and Zidane stared at him, and Cecil sweatdropped.
[color=purple]"Let us go to the Industrial District. We may find something there that can help us."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Good. And Zidane, you are going to be our tour guide, since this is your home world."[/color]
[color=orange]"Got it!"[/color] He saluted.
[color=teal]"But no leading us to hidden nudie bars,"[/color] Cecil warned.
[color=orange]"Ah [i]man[/i]!"[/color] Zidane kicked at a rock.
Auron and Sephiroth stared at Cecil.
[color=teal]"What, you think I was [i]always[/i]a Paladin? I mean...uh...ah...[size=1]oh man[/size]..."[/color]
Still chattering animatedly, the four hailed one of the taxis, and shot off toward the Industrial District.

...in the shadows, the figure watched them. Auron had gone to the Industrial District? She patted the giant stuffed animal and grinned. She hadn't forgotten.
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offgame: Okay, guys. Do you want to continue drinking and babe-watching, or do you want to move on? :smirk: Okay, that's what I thought too... :D

So, drinking and babe-watching it is!
... ...
Okay, nah. :p
ongame: [color=indigo]
Team Tantalus was enjoying itself in a bar, while Avalanche, lead by Zell, gazed the wonders of Theater District.

But unfortunately, just as mood was lifting up, an assistant of Cid's came running to both teams.
Assitant: "You must return to Prima Vista at once. Regent Cid has an important task for you!"
At the Prima Vista, the teams confronted the frog-shaped Cid again.

Cid: "Look now, teams. Ribbit, this game can't continue if I'm in this form. Now, I've done some, quack, research. Since the potions didn't work last time - Zidane, quack, nows all about it -, I've done a little research, and found out that a working, ribbit, potion contains three ingredients. So, I'm giving YOU the task to [u]change Cid back![/u]
This is a NON-eliminatory, quack, challenge, but the team that manages to change me back to HUMAN-form will receive a special prize, which may or may not help in future challenges, ribbit.

Now, the three ingredients of the shape-shifting potion are:
-1 Phoenix Pinion (you will find one in Madain Sari)
-Dead Peppers (found in Chocobo Paradise)
-Aquamarines (found in Daguerreo, change ore to aquamarines).

You must mix them, quack, in a [b]1:3:5[/b] way, but the problem is that I don't know how many Dead Peppers or Aquamarines you need, ribbit. So, you should decide if you will mix them in [u]1 Phoenix Pinion:3 Dead Peppers:5 Aquamarines[/u]-method, or [u]1 Phoenix Pinion:3 Aquamarines:5 Dead Peppers[/u]-method. Quack.

I've also summoned two of my friends here to help you. Vivi and Eiko, come in, ribbit!"

Zidane: "Hey guys! Over here!"
Vivi: "Hello, Zidane. It is nice to see you."
Eiko: "Zidane!!! D'you miss me?"
Zidane: "Errr..."

Cid: "Now, you can choose either Eiko or Vivi to aid you. Eiko already has a Phoenix Pinion, so the team that chooses her can skip Madain Sari, and Vivi has five Aquamarines, which queen Garnet gave him, so his team can skip Daguerreo, ribbit. These two will also guide you to the two other places you need to go. Now take a pick, quack."

Zidane leans to Auron.
Zidane: "Choose Vivi, choose Vivi!"
Eiko: "Can I make the pick? I want to go with my mushy-lushy monkey boy here!!"
Zidane: "Gaah!!!"

Cid: "So it is decided then, ribbit. Eiko will go with Tantalus, and Vivi with Avalanche. The team that first gathers all the ingredients, mixes them in a RIGHT formula and manages to change back to human - not an oglop, a moogle or a gimme cat, quack!, will get the special, ribbit, prize! Understood? Good! Survivors ready? GO, RIBBIT!!!"

Eiko *waves at camera*: "Whee! I'm on Survivor!!! Look, aunt Hilda, I'm on telly!!! Whee! Garnet, I've got your BOYFRIEND here! Nanny-nanny-nah-nah!!!"
Zidane: "Oh merciful death, come to me!"[/color]

offgame: Okay, as this is an non-eliminary challenge, I KNOW which formula is right, so it's based on luck. BUT I might change the real one if either of the teams impress me with your posts. So, time to amuse me, once again. ;)
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OOC: I'm choosing the color [color=deeppink]deep pink[/color] for Eiko, okay? If anyone wants to change it, I don't really care, I just thought it fit decently while being different enough from the rest of the Tantalus colors.


[color=orange]"Oh merciful death, come to me!"[/color] Zidane said as he put a hand over his face.
Hearing that, Sephiroth walked up to him and put and hand on his shoulder. [color=purple]"I can arrange that for you,"[/color] he said with a smirk. Zidane jumped and quickly shuffled off back to the rest of the group as Sephiroth let out a small chuckle.
Meanwhile, Cecil and Auron were discussing which combination they would use for the potion.
[color=teal]"Hmm. . . ."[/color] Cecil paced back and forth a few steps before stopping.
[color=crimson]"Think of something?"[/color] Auron asked.
[color=teal]"No, not yet, anyway. I'm just remembering the airship challenge, where there was a clue mixed in with the hints."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Ah, yes, it would probably be best to examine the instructions more carefully this time before running off."[/color]
[color=teal]"The only thing I can think of, though, is that Aquamarines would seem to be related to water, which is related to frogs, which is what Cid has been turned into. That'd lead me to think you'd want more Dead Peppers, so that they'd be stronger than the Aquamarines in the potion."[/color] Cecil shrugged. [color=teal]"It's not much to go off of, but I suppose one guess is as good as the next."[/color]
[color=crimson]"It is a pretty loose link. Does anyone else have any ideas? How about you, Zidane? You had a hand in making the first potion, did you not?"[/color]
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[color=deeppink]"Oh poo,"[/color] Eiko pouted, [color=deeppink]"I think I left the Pinion at home."[/color]
[color=teal]"All the way in Madain Sari?"[/color] Cecil asked.
Eiko nodded, hugging Zidane's arm tightly. [color=deeppink]"Which means we need to go through Conde Petie to get there."[/color]
[color=purple]"What's in Condo Petie?"[/color]
[color=orange]"The dwarf village that--oh [i]no[/i]..."[/color]
[color=deeppink]"What's wrong, pookie?"[/color] Eiko batted her eyelashes at Zidane in, what she though, was an alluring manner.
[color=orange]"I'm not getting married to you, that's what!"[/color]
[color=deeppink]"But monkey butt--!"[/color]
Zidane yanked his arm and Eiko fell over from the unexpected movement. As Zidane stalked off to stand by Sephiroth and Cecil, Eiko pushed herself up and hung her head. She looked like she was about to cry.
[color=deeppink]"Nah, it won't work, Mog..."[/color]
Auron stepped to Eiko. [color=crimson]"Excuse me, Miss...Eiko?"[/color]
Eiko sniffled and looked up; her eyes grew wide and she broke into a grin. [color=deeppink]"Oh, it's you!"[/color]
[color=deeppink]"You're the one that gave me the giant stuffed moogle at Gold Saucer!"[/color]
[color=orange]"You were there?!?"[/color]
Eiko stuck her tongue out at Zidane. [color=deeppink]"Was I talking to you? No, I think not!"[/color]
Zidane gaped and both Sephiroth and Cecil stifled chuckles.
[color=deeppink]"Such a gentleman,"[/color] Eiko said, fluttering her eyelashes at Auron. He gave her an unsteady grin, his mind wondering if this meant he was her new crush. [i]Oh Aeons...[/i] he mentally groaned.
[color=orange]"All right, enough mushy blah blah, let's go to Madain Sari,"[/color] Zidane said loudly.
"Kupo!" Mog fell out of Eiko's pouch, clutching the Phoenix Pinion and gesturing frantically.
[color=orange]"You little LIAR!"[/color] Zidane exploded. [color=orange]I can't believe you'd slow us down just to get your little non-reachable fantasies fulfilled in your mind!"[/color]
Eiko picked up the Pinion remorsefully and gave it to Auron. [color=deeppink]"Does this mean you're mad at me?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"A little disappointed, perhaps, but this does save us time to have it here, Miss Eiko."[/color]
[color=deeppink]"[i]Miss[/i] Eiko?"[/color]
[color=orange]"I mean,"[/color] Zidane spat, [color=orange]"all we have is the Cargo Ship, which is slow enough as it is, and Lru can only carry one, so--"[/color]
It was Eiko's turn to be mad. [color=deeppink]"You expect me to ride in a dinky, squeaky, lousy CARGO SHIP!"[/color] Her tiny body was shaking with fury, and oddly enough, her glare was enough to shut Zidane up. [color=deeppink]"I don't THINK so! MADEEN!"[/color]
Mog waved then was enveloped into a bright white light; a flash revealed a large, wonderous creature in place of the tiny Moogle. Madeen knelt down to pick her mistress up and stretched her great wings. She was easily four times as tall as Zidane and twice as strong.
"Oh," Regent Cid croaked, "did I mention Eiko was a summoner?"
[color=orange]"I sorta forgot that myself..."[/color] a pale Zidane remarked.
[color=teal]"OK, back in MY neck of the woods,"[/color] Cecil interrupted, [color=teal]"which combination?"[/color]
Auron stroked his chin. [color=crimson]"You had a pretty good brainstorm there with the Aquamarines, Cecil, so let's do it your way. All right, everyone, let's figure out who's riding what and to where and we'll go from there!"[/color]
OoC: Does anyone have a pic of Madeen--I have yet to find one, and I've always wanted one.
I've PMed everyone. It should be pointed out that Eiko's not gonna leave Auron alone now, and Zidane will most likely ride Lru wherever he goes. Leaving Cecil and Seph the Cargo Ship.
EDIT--no good pics of Madeen. I'll just have to draw one. =3
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[SIZE=1]Zidane sighed as Eiko kept giving him a cold stare whenever he paced in front of her. Thinking about the Chocobo Paradise, Zidane stumpled as he remembered the troubles involved with finding the Dead Peppers, but he then had a huge grin as he through of flying. This was followed by a day dream of Zidane flying to Garnet's window and them two sailing off. This was until Eiko interrupted and startled the man...

[COLOR=deeppink]''Hey! Monkey Boy! I think we need your opinion here.''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=crimson]''Yes Zidane, we need you to decide if you are going to ride Lru.''[/COLOR]

Zidane had now fumed as he heared Eiko's comment but then, eventually, he replied.

[COLOR=orange]''Eiko! Just shut the [I]summons[/I] up! Ah whatever, yeah I'll ride Lru, I've done this before. So I am going to be getting 5 dead peppers eh? Great!''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=teal]''You seem very enthusiastic there Zidane.''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=orange]''Believe me, that's not enthusiasm, that's sarcasm. Do you realise how hard it is to get dead peppers?''[/COLOR]

Team Tantalus and Eiko stared at Zidane blankly from his comment.

[COLOR=orange]''I suppose not. I suppose I'll be getting Lru then.''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]''That'd be wise. Just remember that arrangement that can occur if you wish.''[/COLOR]

Sephiroth looked at Zidane with a smirk on his face. He then stroked his long, silver hair to smoothen it out.

[COLOR=orange]''Just shut up Sephiroth okay? Just shut up.''[/COLOR]

Zidane began to head towards a station that was headed by a sign stating: [I]This way to the Industrial District, this contains Chocobo stables.[/I]

[COLOR=orange]''This contains stables now eh?''[/COLOR] Zidane thought to himself.[COLOR=orange]''Oh yeah, I'll meet you at the gates of Lindblum one I have got Lru okay?''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=crimson]''Right, and Zidane. Don't mess up.''[/COLOR]

Auron chuckled to himself as he watched Zidane storm off to the Cable Car station.

[CENTER]||10 minutes later||[/CENTER]

For some strange reason, Zidane had forgotten that Lru was still in the Cargo ship. He immediately ran to the group, this was followed by them all bursting out into tears of laughter.

[COLOR=orange]''Wha? Okay, I made a mistake.''[/COLOR]

[COLOR=deeppink]''Stupid Monkey boy! We'll go get Lru together to explain.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[size=1]Hmm...guess we should get started then.[/size]

[b]Team Avalanche had already, swiftly, run back to their ship; the Ragnorok, and were ready to take off.

They had decided to go first to Chocobo Paradise by southern route, then keep flying all the way around to Madain Sari.

Zack sat at the piloting controls, ready to take off whenever the others were.[/b]

[color=indigo]So, I suppose we better head off to chocobo paradise then, shouldn't we?[/color]

[color=blue]Let's get going! I can't wait personally.[/color]

[color=orangered]C'MON ALREADY! Let's just go![/color]

[b]The rest of team Avavalance looked strangely at Zell, then, over towards the front of the ship, ready to get going.[/b]

So are we ready or what?

[color=indigo]I guess so, let's take off![/color]

[b]With that, Zack punched on the boosters, and Ragnorok took off to the southeast, towards Chocobo Paradise.[/b]

[size=1]I know that was short and crappy, but I just thought I would get us started.>>[/size]
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Guest Zeh
[SIZE=1][color=indigo]"Looks like we'll be using the combo with 5 Aquamarines, since Vivi has them, right?"[/color] Cloud asked.
Vivi reached into his pocket, then looked up at Cloud with his bright eyes. [color=green]"They're right here!"[/color] He smiled.
[color=orangered]"How do we get the other items, Vivi?"[/color] Zell wondered
"Doesn't really matter, we're at Chocobo Paradise, but where do we get the dead peppers?"
[color=green]"Well... first you have to..."[/color]
And so, Vivi explained how to get 3 Dead Peppers. [/SIZE]
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OoC: Thankies, Sage. I was hoping that I could get a fuller pic though...heh, see attached. ^_^ Not colored yet, but my next project.
And also, if you have a question about what I'm doing with my character, feel free to PM me. *quiet, evil laughter*
Auron winced as Eiko grabbed his arm again and chortled loudly in his ear.
[color=deeppink]"Gonna go see Hildeee, gonna go see Hildeee!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Yes, I--"[/color]
"AUGH! It's a monster!"
Eiko glared at the inconsiderate guard standing at the castle gate. [color=deeppink]"Madeen is NOT a monster!"[/color] She crossed her arms and gave an enormous sigh of indignation, hoping all the guards were not this stupid. [color=deeppink]"Madeen...?"[/color]
The large Eidolon looked at her then nodded, shrinking back down to her Mog shape. "Kupo!" Mog hopped back into Eiko's pouch, nuzzling the Phoenix Pinion.
"Wha--wha--what do you want?"
[color=crimson]"We need to see Lady Hildegarde, please."[/color]
"I-if I don't, are you gonna sic that m-monster--"
[color=deeppink]"MADEEN!"[/color] Eiko snapped. [color=deeppink]"Her name is MADEEN!"[/color]
The guard almost fainted with fright; in any case, he had fallen over.
[color=deeppink]"Look,"[/color] Eiko said, sitting on the guard's chest, [color=deeppink]"just tell Lady Hildegarde that her neice's favorite sister is here, ok? I'm sure that will explain everything."[/color]
[color=deeppink]"No, if he goes tell her, then you [i]can't[/i] eat him."[/color]
The guard stifled a shriek and bolted, suddenly motivated to go find the Lady.
Eiko winked at Auron. [color=deeppink]"Just gotta have the right motivation, right, Mr. Auron?"[/color]
Auron chuckled. Eiko wasn't so bad after all.
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[SIZE=1]Zidane had finally bought Lru into the main center of Lindblum in which Lru was causing a disturbance to whomever had walked past. Zidane bagan to beco e very annoyed by the 'Warking' and had yanked hardly on the rope that was tied around Lru's collar.

[COLOR=orange]''Lru shut up! I'm not going to lose this challenge this time.''[/COLOR]Zidane stated to reassure his nervousness.

After this comment, Lru hung her head down low enough to have her beak pinned into a crack of the walkway. Zidane and Lru carried on walking through the bustling crowds, but it didn't bother him as he kept repeating to himself the amount of Dead Peppers he was to find.

[COLOR=orange]''Lru okay? I'm sorry I yelled at you, it was my fault. But let's focus now, we've gotta get 5 Dead Peppers, and that's no easy task. But we're going to get throught this right?''[/COLOR] Zidane had stopped at this time and began to stroke Lru's soft neck that seemed to comfort the poor Chocobo.

[B]''WARK!''[/B] Lry lifted her head high in pride.

[COLOR=orange]''Great! Okay, we're going to com to a ledge once we have reached this footpath. I'll tell you about the original Tantalus on the way to the Chocobo Paradise, you'll love it there.''[/COLOR] Zidane happily danced around as he said eccentricly.

After Zidane's comment, from motivation and pride, the duo ran to the edge of the city which was situated next to a supply drop of zone. Immediately Zidane stopped and fell to the ground. The motion was followed by Lru hanging her head down and trying to pull Zidane away from the ground.

[COLOR=orange]''I'm not going! I hate heights!''[/COLOR] Zidane screamed.

[B]''WARK!?''[/B] Lru angrily shouted into Zidane's ear.

[COLOR=orange]''Whatever you say, I'm not going!''[/COLOR] Zidane weeped on the floor from the pressure of Lru.

Now that Lru the Chocobo had learnt what Zidane's fears were, she immediately bit on Zidane's tail hard which was followed by another scream, from this Lru pivoted around in one spot and with all her strength threw Zidane into the air.

[COLOR=orange]''What the--?''[/COLOR] Zidane was cut short as he painfully landed on Lru's back.

[B]''WARRRRK!''[/B] Lru had stepped several paces backwards at this point.

[COLOR=orange]''I guess I have no choice. Go Lru go!''[/COLOR] Zidane shouted in command regretfully.

As a warden wearing a peculiar helmet approached the duo, he was knocked aback as Lru stampeded off the edge. Zidane was screaming hysterically at this point and was beginning to hold on for dear life.

[COLOR=orange]''You better know what you're doing Lru! You haven't learnt to fly yet!''[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[i]Sephiroth stood on the bridge of the Cargo ship with absolutely nothing to do, things just felt totally boring doing nothing.

Just as Cecil came onto the bridge Sephiroth walked out and past him.[/i]

[COLOR=teal]Where are you off to?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Where do you think? I'm off to explore the wilderness of this place okay? I also heard that monsters usually have ore so I'm gonna go get some ore.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=teal]Okay. I'll come with you. Actually, we'll take the ship and go off and go somewhere that has some challenging monsters.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Sounds like a plan.[/COLOR]

[i]The clunky ship started up and exited the hangar with ease, just as they exited Cecil turned the ship towards the area of Alexandria and headed off into the sky.

While the ship was soaring over the area Sephiroth noticed a thick layer of mist hanging over the land, well. The mist was in patches but where it appeared it was very thick. Sephiroth slumped against the outer wall on the main deck and looked over the edge.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Its amazing isn't it?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=teal]I guess, to many mountains.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Bah, its pretty decent if you want my opinion.[/COLOR]

[i]Just then the ship started to descend slowly into a huge patch of fog. As the ship landed Sephiroth could hear the unearthly cries of monsters he'd never heard of. Things could get ugly, he grabbed his Masume's handle and unsheathed it. Things could definetly get ugly quick.[/i]
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OoC: Seeing as how Sage hasn't stopped me yet...^_~
The ornate elevator hummed to itself as Auron, Eiko, and little Mog (still hidden in Eiko's pouch) rode up to the royalty level of the castle. Eiko bounced and quivered with excitement, her decorative wings almost looking as if they were fluttering, about to send her into the air.
[color=crimson]"So you are royalty?"[/color]
Eiko giggled into her long sleeves, and Mog kupoed from her pouch. [color=deeppink]"Garnet's uncle is Regent Cid, who rules over Lindblum. He's royalty, and because Garnet is related to her, and is the Queen of Alexandria now, and since I am related to her, I [i]have[/i] to be royalty!"[/color]
Auron blinked his good eye once behind his shades, unseen by Eiko. [color=crimson]"Self appointed royalty,"[/color] he quietly chuckled to himself.
[color=deeppink]"Sooo--"[/color] Eiko finished, [color=deeppink]"--why are we going to see Hildegarde?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Hmmm."[/color] Auron stroked his chin stubble, grinning. [color=crimson]"Was this before you joined Zidane and his group to save Gaia?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Zidane told me about the last time Regent Cid was in this situation, so I thought if we used the same solution--"[/color]
[color=deeppink]"We [i]aren't[/i] going to use the jewels and peppers and stuff?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"We'll still being doing that but--"[/color]
Auron was interrupted when Mog sneezed. For some odd reason, the tiny Moogle fell out of Eiko's pouch and sprouted back into her Madeen form.
A pair of guards shouted in alarm, and Madeen bellowed back. Before anything could happen, the double doors nearby burst open and Lady Hildegarde herself walked out.
"What is the meaning of this!"
Eiko gulped visibly and hid behind Auron, who looked at her. [color=crimson]"Why are you scared?"[/color]
[color=deeppink]"I just remembered how Regent Cid got to be a oglop the first time around. Madeen, please come here!"[/color]
Madeen shrunk back to Mog and hopped into Eiko's pouch, hugging the Phoneix Pinion.
"Eiko, darling!" Lady Hildegarde waved the anxious guards away and held her arms open. "How [i]are[/i] you? And who's this handsome gentleman?"
Auron pinked slightly. Eiko ran to Hildegarde's embrace and giggled. [color=deeppink]"Hi Auntie Hilde!"[/color]
"To what do I owe the honor?"
Eiko pointed to Auron; Hildegarde smiled. "Whatever happened to that nice tailed child? Oh, right, my dear Garnet. Well, sweetheart, you are going the wrong way to arrive at Conde Petie."
[color=crimson]"Oh no no no,"[/color] Auron quickly replied, [color=crimson]"we are actually here about something else entirely."[/color] And he began to explain the situation to Hildegarde.
[color=deeppink]"So can you help us, Auntie Hilde?"[/color]
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Shutting down the ship's engines, Cecil turned to Sephiroth and said, [color=teal]"Shall we?"[/color]
[color=purple]"After you,"[/color] replied Sephiroth as he motioned Cecil to go ahead of him.
[color=teal]"No, I insist, you first."[/color]
[color=purple]"Why are you making such a fuss over something as simple as getting off the ship?"[/color]
Another scream sounded off in the distance, closer this time. Both of them looked in the direction of the noise, only being able to see a few feet in the thick fog, and then back at each other.
[color=teal]"I've got a better idea,"[/color] Cecil said as he drew his Crystal Sword. [color=teal]"Let's go together."[/color]
[color=purple]"Indeed,"[/color] said Sephiroth, and the two leapt over the side of the airship.
Cecil landed in a kneeling position, left hand on the ground and his sword in the right. Shortly after, Sephiroth landed next to him, feet squarely planted on the ground and his sword at the ready.
Cecil stood up and glanced over at Sephiroth. [color=teal]"How [i]do[/i] you do stuff like that? That was a good twenty foot drop!"[/color]
Sephiroth merely grunted in reply and strode off into the thick mist, Cecil following close behind. Another horrid scream rent the air, this time much, much closer. The two of them stopped, listening, waiting, swords at the ready. After a minute, they heard heavy footsteps approaching.
[color=purple]"Here it comes,"[/color] Sephiroth said as he tightened his grip on the Masamune's hilt.
[color=teal]"Good, I don't like just stand--OH DANG!"[/color] Cecil dove to the side as a large beast leapt out from the mist.


A large claw threw Cecil to the ground as he dove, making yet another scratch on his well-used armor. His eyes grew wide as the beast turned on him, fangs dripping saliva in anticipation of its kill. Rolling to the side, he just managed to dodge another swipe of the beast's claws. Suddenly the beast roared in anguish, turning around. Sephiroth stood on the other side of the monster, the Masamune dripping bright red blood from its tip as Sephiroth smirked at the monster, having cut a deep gash in its side.
Wasting no time, Cecil jumped to his feet as the monster advanced towards Sephiroth. Charging from the back, Cecil took a two-handed grip on his sword and swung with all his strength. The beast screamed as its left arm fell to the ground, flailing the bloody and useless stump around as it charged faster towards Sephiroth.
[color=purple]"Hah."[/color] With a long, sweeping slash of the Masamune, the monster was no more. Its head lay on the ground, decapitated, as its body fell, still writhing and twitching. The two warriors stood for a moment, waiting until the beast stopped moving entirely, before kneeling and wiping their blades on the grass.
[color=teal]"Is this what we're looking for?"[/color] Cecil stood and held up a rough, black stone with a few bits of sparkling crystal embedded in it.
[color=purple]"I believe it is,"[/color] Sephiroth replied. [color=purple]"Now we just need four more."[/color]
[color=teal]"Well, you take it."[/color] Cecil tossed the piece of Ore to Sephiroth. [color=teal]"Black seems to be more your color."[/color] Sephiroth let out a small chuckle as he stowed away the Ore and the two began walking through the mist once more.
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offgame: Ginny, Ginny... No cheating! :smirk: Well, I guess you know what you're doing. Just remember that this isn't the actual FF9-game, so things work quite differently. ;)

Hmm, the challenge has been on for two days, and either of the teams are making no progress what-so-ever... Should I be worried? :therock: Well, hurry up, will you! :)
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OOC: What do you mean, no progress? Tantalus just got their first piece of Ore in my previous post. It's a start. And besides, I like taking things a little slower, with longer, more detailed posts. I mean, who says each challenge can only take a few days? You? . . . Oh, wait, you're running the game. Heheheh. . . . :toothy:

On another note: Whee, someone posted, so I have an excuse to stay up and write another post! :cross:


As Cecil and Sephiroth continued walking, they came upon a large, dense forest. There didn't seem to be as much mist around, being at a slightly higher elevation than the plains, but it was just as dark inside with the tightly packed trees blocking out most of the sun overhead.
[color=teal]"Do we go in, or explore elsewhere?"[/color] Cecil said as they stopped and looked at the outer line of trees.
[color=purple]"Doesn't matter to me."[/color]
[color=teal]"Onward we go, then,"[/color] he said and stepped forward into the forest alongside Sephiroh. The two of them walked a ways, nothing but the faint sound of their footsteps to be heard, until they came to a small clearing. Shafts of light shone down through the canopy of trees, illuminating a large brown boulder in the center of the clearing. It was rounded in a sort of oval shape, and its surface looked to be quite rough.
[color=teal]"What do you make of that?"[/color] Cecil pointed his sword at the odd stone.
[color=purple]"I don't know. Lets stop here for little bit, though, and take a break."[/color]
[color=teal]"Yeah, the sun feels good after being out in that mist and then the forest for a while."[/color] Cecil sheathed his sword and leaned up against the side of the rock, looking up to the sky through the few branches that stretched across the clearing. [color=teal]"This forest seem really peaceful for its appearance."[/color]
[color=purple]"Almost too peaceful,"[/color] Sephiroth agreed as he too leaned against the rock. It had a strange, almost leathery feel to it, though it felt about as hard as any other rock.
[color=teal]"Yeah. You almost get the feeling that something bad is just waiting to happen."[/color] The two of them glanced over at each other, as if they too were waiting for something bad to happen. . . . And then it did.
[color=teal]"Sephiroth . . . did you just feel the rock move?"[/color]
[color=purple]"No. Why?"[/color] The loud screech of a bird was heard not too far away.
[color=teal]"That's why!"[/color] Cecil jumped away from the "rock" and quickly drew his sword. [color=teal]"This thing is an egg!"[/color] Another loud screech was heard, and all of a sudden a huge bird swooped down into the clearing.


[color=purple]"And it looks as though we've upset its mother."[/color]
[color=teal]"So much for a peaceful break."[/color] Screeching yet again, the huge bird lunged forward, pecking at Sephiroth with its large beak. Sephiroth sidestepped, avoiding the beak, but was caught by the bird's right wing as it spread them and launched itself into the air. Staggering back, he quickly regained his balance as the bird circled once and then dove at the pair with its talons extended.
[color=teal]"Slow,"[/color] Cecil said, hand extended palm out at the bird, and it suddenly slowed to half the speed it was going before. Easily dodging the large talons with the extra time, Cecil jumped onto the bird's back as it swooped by. Climbing back up into the air with powerful strokes of its wings, it tried to shake Cecil off. Holding on for dear life with his left hand, he used his right to stab the Crystal Sword deep into the bird's neck. It screeched as its spinal cord was severed, rendering its wings and legs paralyzed as it fell from the sky. Pulling the sword from the bird's neck, he looked down to the fast approaching ground and then jumped. Amazingly, his descent slowed as he neared the ground, eventually stopping about a foot off the ground.
[color=teal]"Well, I can't say I've ever used the Float spell like that before, but it worked."[/color] Cecil grinned at Sephiroth as he hovered above the ground.
[color=purple]"Good. A team member with broken legs wouldn't do us much good."[/color]
[color=teal]"If it hadn't worked, I would have just used Cure 2 a couple of times."[/color]
[color=purple]"Whatever. At least we've got two pieces of Ore now."[/color] Sephiroth held up another piece for Cecil to see.
[color=teal]"Where'd you get that?"[/color]
[color=purple]"Didn't you notice? The bird had it in one of its talons. I just picked it up after the bird landed."[/color]
[color=teal]"That's strange. I can't imagine what a bird would be doing with a piece of Ore."[/color]
[color=purple]"Well, whatever. Lets just leave before this thing hatches."[/color] Sephiroth gestured at the egg, which was now rocking slightly back and forth. It would be hatching soon.
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OoC: I figured you'd at [i]least[/i] give me credit for knowing my stuff and being creative, Sage. ^_^
Methinks we are losing Avalanche again. Maybe you had better turn this into an evicting challenge, to generate interest.
Eiko hadn't taken two steps when she tripped over Regent Cid.
"DARLING!" Hildegarde cried out.
"HILDEGARDE!" Regent Cid quacked.
She reached over to grab him by the ear, but finding none, glared at him. "What did you do this time?!"
"My dear, quack, I--"
Auron and Eiko exchanged glances. Mog picked this moment to sneeze again, and everyone suddenly had less room as Madeen filled all the free space.
In the panic that followed, Regent Cid bounced about, and eventually found himself in a place he did not either anticipate or like--Madeen's massive maw.
[color=deeppink]"Uncle CID!"[/color]
From Madeen: "Mmrrrfff?"
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[i]Sephiroth flicked his hair non-chalantly and his green eyes had a look of total boredom, these monsters were just starting to get plain annoying and un-challenging.

Just as Sephiroth was about to sigh out loud a huge bellowing roar ripped through the forest and out clomped a huge animal that looked like a turtle but in fact was a ShellDragon. Sephiroth turned to Cecil with a grin.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Looks like things are about to get fun now.[/COLOR]

[i]The paladin didn't quite share the amount of enthusiasim.[/i]

[COLOR=teal]Aheheheheh....Yeah, right. WHOA![/COLOR]

[i]The massive dragon shot out a huge ball of fire at the two swordsman. As the fireball zipped by Sephiroth looked at the monster with a look of interest and then his eye was caught, the ore was embeded in the monster's mouth.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Here, let me handle this. ICE3![/COLOR]

[i]A huge blast of freezing fury shot out at the large dragon that reared its ugly maw back but was frozen before it could accomplish anything.

Cecil carefully walked up to the creature and plucked the ore out from its spot in the monster's mouth. After doing so Sephiroth took the opprotunity to slice the monster directly in half with a swipe of his Masume.[/i]

[COLOR=teal]I still don't understand how you do that but hey, you're pretty good.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Let's head back to the ship.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=teal]Why? Something wrong?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]I think there might just be.[/COLOR]

[i]The duo turned and headed back through the mist to the airship.[/i]
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OOC: Okay okay, *puts hands up in surrender* I admit I've not been posting, but I have NO IDEA what's going on in this challenge O_o I don't have the slightest clue about where to find these dead peppers, so I was waiting for someone else to start me off so I could just write a coherent-sounding post after that... But at this rate we're gonna lose through lack of posting, so meh!

After Vivi had explained the best way he knew to find the Dead Peppers, Avalanche all filed out of the Ragnarok, and looked about.
[color=orangered]"So,"[/color] said Zell curiously. [color=orangered]"So, you're telling me that, in Chocobo Paradise, we have to race against some kid who's "[i]at one with the chocobos[/i]?"[/color]
Zell rolled his eyes. [color=orangered]"What is this guy? Some kind of "chocobos must have rights" campaigner?"[/color]
Vivi blinked.
[color=orangered]"Uhh... never mind. So, where is this guy?"[/color]
[color=indigo]"If Vivi says he's here, then we just have to start looking for him."[/color] said Cloud, his gaze scanning the area.
"And if we beat him, he's gonna give us the peppers?" asked Zack, also looking around by now.
Again Vivi nodded.
[color=blue]"Well,"[/color] announced Rinoa, picking a direction and walking in it. [color=blue]"Let's go look for him!"[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Zidane had began to settle into the comfort of Lru's golden back and began to drift off to sleep.

[B]''WARK!''[/B] Lru screeched while flying as fast as she could.

[COLOR=orange]''Huh? What the!?''[/COLOR] Zidane shouted in panic as he saw the sight that was about to encounter them. It was a flying balloon in the shape if a Moogle.

The duo were overtaken by gusts of wind and dust as they reered near the gigantic balloon. All that could be heard was cheering and booming music from a somewhat festival below the duo. From all the children excitedly tugging on the mile long rope as hard as they could, the balloon was out of control.

[COLOR=orange]''Right, I've gotta do something. Lru's going to panic and I hate heights, but it's my only choice...''[/COLOR] Zidane mumbled to himself as he knew what he had to do. [COLOR=orange]''Lru?''[/COLOR] Zidane whispered softly.

[B]''WARK!!!''[/B] Lru screamed back in panic.

[COLOR=orange]''Dive! Dive! Dive!''[/COLOR] Zidane shouted in command of his flying and living airship.

Immediately Lru swooped her wings and began to head vertically towards the gusts of smoke and dust. Zidane clinging on for dear life, couldn't face the height at which he was flying and hid beneath Lru's wings. Upon realising they were under the ballon, Zidane took charge again.

[COLOR=orange]''Lru! Regain height! We're really near to Chocobo Paradise!''[/COLOR] Zidane shouted hysterically crossed with crying and laughter.

[B]''WARRRRK!''[/B] Lru shouted in assurement.

Lru had now started flapping her wings in spazms and they very softly began to become level with the cliff of which the Chocobo Paradise stood on. Once Lru had ended her panic, she then increased her flying speed to be able to break through any obstacles that would obstruct her landing.

[COLOR=orange]''Thank summons I have you Lru!''[/COLOR] Zidane said more calmer but with a nervous tone.

Lru began to cheer up from Zidane's support but had then realised she was about to hit a hut, containing what she didn't know.

[COLOR=orange]''Oh god! There's nothing we can do. Try to avoid the Moogles inside Lru!''[/COLOR] Zidane clasped his thighs around Lru to be able to rest his head in his hand.

[B]''WARK!''[/B] Lru screamed in fear.

The duo were about 5 inches way from the hut before Lru screamed, but immediately they had collided with the hut. The collision gave a huge explosion of wood and dust, while the only cute noise that was about was an odd ''Kupo!'' again and again. So far Zidane's journey had included alot of pain for both Lru and Zidane, we'll just have to await the Dead Pepper search. That is, once both of them regain consciousness.[/SIZE]
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offgame: Braidless, I TOLD where to find the items in the post, and the locations can also be found from the map I posted earlier. Why is this so hard? :(

Okay, I'll have to think about turning this challenge into a evictio..na...ry? one, like Ginny suggested. That ought to insipire you... :devil:

Just have to figure a way to do that... Oh well, just continue the challenge, and I'll let you know when the time comes. :)

*starts to ponder why people are losing interest*
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OoC: I haven't lost interest, my dear Sage. And if you want, you can start providing feedback on the FF:S site as to who you think will be evicted off next, not by your choice, but by "reading" the teams. PM me for more details.
And I noticed you weren't bothered by your predicament, heh. ^_~
"Auron!" Regent Cid screamed from inside Madeen's mouth. "You do realize that if I get eaten, not only do you fail your primary objective, everyone will automatically be evicted because there won't [i]be[/i] a Final Fantasy Survivor once I get digested!"
[color=deeppink]"Spit him out or Aurie loses!"[/color]
[i][color=crimson]Aurie? Oh aeons...[/color][/i]
Madeen obligingly spat Regent Cid out into Hildegarde's waiting arms. "Oh my poor darling!" she said, hugging the sodden Regent to herself.
[color=deeppink]"Auntie Hilde, Auntie Hilde!"[/color] Eiko bounced around, getting the hint from Auron.
"What is it, child?"
[color=deeppink]"Change him back, change him back!"[/color]
"What on earth--?"
Auron cleared his throat, his eartips slightly red from embarrassment. [color=crimson]"Allow me? It was my understanding that the last time Regent Cid was in this position, it was a matter of, ah...your doing, my Lady. While the Regent had sent everyone from Zidane's group to find a potion to transform him the last time, the only [i]true[/i] solution was your own loving hand."[/color]
"Such eloquence..." Lady Hildegarde said.
[color=deeppink]"We're going to Conde Petie for sure after this..."[/color] Eiko murmured dreamily. Mog kupoed from her pouch.
[color=crimson]"As such, it would make sense that using your divine hand again will bestow upon Regent Cid once more the gift of his original form. If it please the Lady?"[/color]
"While your logic is like a perfectly cut diamond, dear Auron," Hildegarde began, "there is one flaw that is invisible because it is easily overlooked."
[color=crimson]"Pray, madam, inform me."[/color]
"I wasn't the cause of his transformation this time."
[color=deeppink]"Could you at least try? Pleeeeeeease?"[/color]
Regent Cid bounced out of Hildegarde's arms and quivered. "Oh Eidolons..."
"I could try...but mixing magics and unknowns is dangerous."
Regent Cid quivered. "OK. Let's try."
Hildegarde waved her arms, then motioned with her fingers. Chanting a few foreign words, she pointed at Regent Cid, and he disappeared in a poof of smoke.
[color=deeppink]"Did it work did it work did it work can we go get married at Conde Petie now Aurie?"[/color]
The smoke cleared away from Regent Cid, only to reveal a Cait Sith like figure tapping its footpaw impatiently. Auron, Eiko, and Hildegarde stared in shock. Mog kupoed sleepily from Eiko's pouch.
Eiko put her long sleeved arms to her mouth. [color=deeppink]"Oopsies..."[/color]
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THIS SETS US BACK! AND FLEAS! DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT FLEAS?!? Oh summons, this has not been my day..." Regent [strike]Cait[/strike] Cid ended up murmuring.
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[SIZE=1] Zidane had woken up to find a Moogle bouncing up and down on his stomach. Lru was for some reason outside of the hut relaxing, while she awaited Zidane's return.

[COLOR=orange]''What the!? Bah, we're alive!''[/color] Zidane jumped up this feet shouting and jumping, while he patted himself down of the debris that had fallen.

[color=coral]''Kupo?''[/color] Muttered a cute moogle that was standing and staring at Zidane.

[color=orange]''Erm, well, sorry. But I've erm got to go, here's one gilder!''[/color] Zidane said softly as he scratched his head in embarrassment. Following this, Zidane reached into his pockets and dropped a coin into the little Moogle's paws.

[color=coral]''Eh? *Kupo*''[/color] The Moogle muttered under an extremely cute tone as it waddled over to a gigantic desk for it's size and began to write a letter.

[B][I][center]Dear Stiltzkin, the funniest thing happened today. I was doing some housework until this guy on a GOLDEN chocobo crashed into my house, and he then gave me a Gilder but then ran off! Maybe I could buy a map from you some time.

Your friend,


Zidane had ran out of the wooden hut and walked over to Lru who seemed to be hiding something.

[color=orange]''Yo Lru, whatcha got there?''[/color] Stated Zidane curiously.

[B]''Warrrrk.''[/B] Lru replied with a soft Chocobo purr. She lifted her head and seemed to be holding something of vegetation. It was of a dark brown colour and was hanging barely on its stem in the shape of a carrot, but more twisted and smaller. It was obviously dead, and it was obviously a pepper. A dead pepper!

[color=orange]''What the!? How did you get that Lru!? You have to dig really hard to get them things!''[/color] Zidane fell aback in astonishment.

[color=coral]''Hehe *Kupo*. It looks like you've found one of my products. *Kupo*''[/color] A cute little voice was heard, it sounded similar to the kupo's of the moogle Zidane encountered in the wooden hut.

[color=orange]''What the!? Ah, there you are.''[/color] Zidane peered down to find a creature of a possible two foot staring at him.[color=orange]''Your products? That means, you own a store?''[/color]

[color=coral]''That is right *Kupo*. And you seem to have found where I hide my stock, so I'll let you have that one for free.''[/color] The moogle had placed its paws on its little hips.

[color=orange]''Hmm? What are you talking about? You have to have a Golden Chocobo to be able to dig in these parts. And still, that is a challenge...''[/color] Zidane stated to the moogle salesman.

[color=coral]''That may be so *Kupo*. But ever since the new year, our Chocobo Paradise's dirt has all been dug up by random people. It seemed like it was a party of four on chocobos *Kupo*.''[/color] The moogle began to pace about inquisitively.

Zidane had begun to realise who the moogle was talking about, so he decided it would be best to play none-the-wiser. [color=orange]''Well that sucks. So your telling me, the only way I'm going to get Dead Peppers is by purchasing them off you?''[/color] Said Zidane anxiously.

[color=coral]''Yup *kupo*.''[/color] The moogle halted its pacing rubbed its bobble. From this, a little tuft of smoke formed revealing a clerk's desk of which the moogle sat on.

[color=orange]''Howd'you do that!? Anyway, we have no choice right Lru?''[/color] Asked Zidane, but there was no reply. Zidane peered down at Lru to find her asleep. [color=orange]''Bah! Well, okay I need four Dead Peppers. How much will that cost?''[/color]

The moogle placed on a Top Hat with a hole for the bobble to peer through.[color=coral]''Well *kupo*, welcome to the Stiltzkin & Co. store. That'll be 9,459 Gilders.''[/color]

[color=orange]''Eh!? That's a rip off! You're lucky I, erm I mean we didn't spend all of that 100,000 Gilders we earned.''[/color] Moaned Zidane as he forked into his pockets. He had to do it, as he recently had dreamed what the results would be if he didnt.

[color=coral]''Pleasure doing *kupo* business with you! Come again.''[/color] The moogle rubbed its bobble again in order for a bag to appear on Zidane's head. After this, another rub was made for which a puff of smoke revealed the moogle to be gone.

[color=orange]''Well that did the trick I guess, eh Lru? Hey! Get up.''[/color] Zidane walked over to Lru as he fastned the satchel containing the five Dead Peppers. This was followed by Zidane kicking Lru.

[B]''WARRRK!''[/B] Screeched Lru in shock as she jumped onto her claws flapping her wings frantically.

[color=orange]''Then dont fall asleep on the job next time! Okay Lru, back to Lindblum.''[/color] Zidane orderly shouted as he jumped onto the back of Lru.

[B]''Wark!''[/B] Lru replied.

The duo began to gain altitude as Zidane stared at the remains of the right side of the hut. Lru made it easily through the canopied forest and began to lean towards the clear and huge city that was their destination. After the increase in speed of Lru's wings, the duo journeyed onward noticing that the damned balloon had gone, but the crowds were still below them as smoke from all the festivities bellowed from beneath them.

[color=orange]''Okay Lru once we reach the castle, I'm going to have to leave you outside so be good okay?''[/color] Zidane shouted orderly.

[B]''War...k''[/B] Lru sleepily replied, making Zidane realise that once they land, she's going to drop to the ground asleep.

[color=orange]''That's fair enough''.[/color] Zidane laughed. As the two neared the huge mechanical gate that notified entrance into the city. Upon arriving, Zidane directed Lru towards the castle as he beckoned at astonished children. Lru began fly higher towards the higher stories of the castle.[color=orange]''Er...erm Lru? Where are we going, we're going to miss the front door to this place and head into... Regent Cid's room! Oh no, we're going to be arrested.''[/color] Zidane nervously shouted, but there was no reply.

Zidane was gobsmacked at the size of the window of which they were going to have their second collision. Noticing Lru was asleep, Zidane hid in Lru's feather's once again for a softer landing. [color=orange]''I hate y.... ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!''[/color]

Lru neared and neared the window, as Zidane cradled his head into the soft, golden feathers of Lru. This was until, a crash of glass and wood was heard ear piercingly into the room. All that remained was a huge gust of dust. Upon regaining of spirit, Lru snored in slumber as Zidane sat in pain against the wall. Upon opening his eyes, he noticed a red blur in the distance. From the collision, Zidane had temporarily lost his sight.

[color=crimson]''Z... Zidane!?''[/color]

[color=darkblue]OOC: Long post, I know ^_^;[/color][/size]
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[size=1]OOC: I'm not losing interest, i just always thought the only way to get Dead Peppers was from the Fat Chocobo, or was it the Chocobo King? You told us where to get them, but not [b]how[/b]. I know they don't grow on tree's, some people wouldn't know that, though... you see what i mean? I know there's another way, i just haven't played FFIX for awhile, so i don't remember...[/size]
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