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OoC: OmGosh, Braidless Baka, I laughed so hard at that I choked on my popcorn. HILARIOUS! :rotflmao:
And I changed Cloud's color to blue in this post, to counteract the darkblue for Auron.
[color=darkblue]"Hello...Cloud, is it?"[/color]
The young blonde nodded his head. [color=blue]"And you're the famous Crimson Warrior."[/color]
Auron's good eye crinkled behind his shades. [color=darkblue]"I don't know about famous, but I've been called the Crimson Warrior, yes."[/color]
"Gentleman!" The Emcee called them to one side. "Let me explain the rules. Basically, the first fighter to drop from absolute exhaustion and life energy loses. Easy enough, right?"
[color=darkblue]"But...?"[/color] Auron glared at the Emcee, sensing some sort of catch.
"Ah, very good, sir. Not only will you be pitted against each other, but three random monsters will also be in the arena with you."
[color=darkblue]"Well, that hardly seems fair."[/color]
[color=blue]"Old man's right--he doesn't want to suffer [i]that[/i] much."[/color]
Auron just [i]looked[/i] at Cloud.
[color=darkblue]"No, what I mean is, what if the fighter victor wins out over the other, only to be defeated by the monsters?"[/color]
[color=blue]"Or what if one of the fighters is doing all the work, and the other is just waiting to pounce on him when he gets done?"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"You think I'm dishonest?"[/color] Glare.
[color=blue]"You saying that [i]I[/i] am?"[/color] Returned glare.
"Gentleman, GENTLEMAN! Save it for the Arena!"
The pair were led down to the Arena gate, grinning at each other.
[color=darkblue]"Nice battle taunts, kid." [/color]
[color=blue]"You ain't so bad yourself, geezer."[/color]
[color=darkblue]"Watch it--I'm only in my 30s."[/color]
[color=blue]"Coulda fooled me."[/color]
A screech from one of the other three gates cut short any more retorts. Cloud and Auron were ushered into the arena, and the gate clanged shut behind them. The other three gates, in agonizing slowness, were pulled open. Auron and Cloud touched sword tips and shared one last grin between friends.
[color=blue]"Show me what you got, Auron."[/color]
[color=darkblue]"Likewise, Cloud."[/color]
With a battle cry, both leapt into the fray.
"Whodaya think'll win?" a young girl worker asked the Emcee. He studied the two fighters below him.
"Well, the younger guy's got speed on his side, but the older fella's got the endurance to last it out. It's a close call on this one, Sheila. Let's just watch and see."
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Guest Zeh
[SIZE=1]OOC: Looks like i'm gonna have to change my writing style for this. I'm sure you know the monsters, Gin. All FFVII
[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/cactuar.jpg[/img] Cactuar
[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/malboro.jpg[/img] Malboro
[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/zuu.jpg[/img] Zuu
Cloud hopped to one side, away from Auron, and into the monsters. He fended one off with the flat of his blade, then gave it a solid whack to repel it. [color=blue]"What the hell? Thats a Cactuar!"[/color]

Auron rushed Cloud, sword held high. With all the skills of a hardened warrior, Cloud swung his sword in an upward arc, hoping to catch Auron off guard. Auron feigned a swing at Cloud, and caught the wing of the Zuu. It collapsed in a heap right over Cloud. Auron dodged out of the way as the Malboro came in, swinging it's tentacles. Cloud managed to get out from under the Zuu, but without time for a breath, he quickly rolled out of the way. Auron's sword nicking his face. Cloud stood up and rubbed a bit of blood from his lower lip. [color=blue]"Pretty nice, for an old guy."[/color] Auron just "hmphed" and hopped out of the way, as the Malboro let off it's bad breath attack.

Cloud jumped onto the back of the Malboro, and drove his sword in deep, Auron was trying to fend off the Cactuar's 1000 needle attack. The Malboro let out an agonizing scream. Cloud jumped off and watched the Cactuar approach Auron slowly. With his battle spirit quickly arising, Cloud ran and completely jumped over Auron, sword facing the Cactuar. Quickly, Auron took a step forward catching Cloud's foot and pulling him down. Cloud sword still impaled the Cactuar, but it pulled itself off. Auron swung once at the cactus-like creature, neatly cleaving it in half. Allowing himself a grim smile of satisfaction Auron stated. [color=darkblue]"Thats how it's done."[/color]

Slowly the gates behind them creeked open. More monsters entered! [color=blue]"Doesn't this just beat all?"[/color] Cloud grinned. [/SIZE]
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Freya and Zack pulled out their weapons.(We do use our weapons right?)
Freya went to one side of the rollercoaster and stretched.
Zack looked over and shook his head.This would be quite interesting.
They put on their headsets and prepared for the targets.
'Zack has a slight advantage since hes from this world.But I will win with skill and power!'Freya thought to herself.
Soon the virtual coaster inside the game started to move.
There were already a few targets visible up ahead.

Do we have our weapons or little virtual guns?
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[i]Sephiroth had to fight with his mind to remain calm, he was stuck in this thing with this wiley kid who was as hyperactive as a cactuar. "Why me???" The silver-haired man mentally groaned.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]One thing to warn you about blondie, make me mad and you'll be in pieces on the floor. That's a promise.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]Tch! Yeah right! I could take you...[/COLOR]

[i]Before the boy could finish his sentence he was on the ground catching his breath. He'd been hit with the flat of Sephiroth's sword which was still just as painful.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Be thankful I didn't aim for anything, I only hit you on the side. Now, let's get this show on the road so I can get out of here and still keep my dignity.[/COLOR]

[i]The director walked out and looked out at the now filled auditorium.[/i]

Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you the tail of two lovers that were never meant to be, the story of Romeo and Juliet!!!

[i]Sephiroth drew a deep breath and walked out onto the stage, almost everyone gasped when they saw him, or more like who he was dressed up as. Then all attention was drawn to Zell. The fool came out in a full length dress and was trying to talk in a high-pitched voice.[/i]

[COLOR=red]Romeo! Romeo! Where for art thou Romeo!? *whispers* Hey! Old man![/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Here! I am here my love! *mentally* Please! Somone! SHOOT ME!!!!!!!! *physically* I must leave though and never return for I have been banished.[/COLOR]
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OoC: *snorts* My gosh, people, too amusing!
Auron shot a look to the gate near him, tensing his sword.
A Touch Me Frog came out. Auron stared in disbelief at the tiny thing.
Cloud was watching the opposite gate, and snorted, letting his sword hang loose.
Another Touch Me Frog bounced out.
[color=blue]"Too easy. Just stand back and let me take care of these monsters, too."[/color]
[color=darkblue]"I'll have you know--"[/color]
A bellow that would have wrenched lesser men's hearts apart tore into the air. The third gate was barely big enough for the Red Dragon as it tore into the arena.
[color=blue]"As Barrett would say, oh [i]#&@*![/i]"[/color]
The serpent head swiveled on the long neck and the dragon spread its wings to their full extent. Or tried to. Both men ducked down beneath the fine leathery wings as they swept past and hit both walls, trapping the Frogs.
[color=darkblue]"That's two less to worry about for the moment."[/color]
The dragon lunged at Cloud and tore into his shoulder. Or would have, had it not been for his shoulder guard. Teeth raked against metal and the dragon pulled back. It tried to turn to slap its tail against the offender, but its spread wings thwarted this, and the unexpectedly ignorant creature could not fold them.
Auron attempted to rush the dragon and slash at the underbelly, but a foreleg knocked him back. The blade did inflict a wound, and the dragon roared in pain as it shook dark green blood from its foreleg. Becoming irritated, it pulled its head back, inhaling deeply.
[color=blue]"Oh #&@*!"[/color]
The crimson head belched out the fires of Hell directly at the pair. But both were intelligent fighters. Natural instinct told them to move away from the flames, and experience told them to move toward the unprotected underbelly again. Which they both did.
The dragon turned to watch them, afraid to flame for hitting itself, and rose a foreleg again. Cloud and Auron both swung their sword to their left (hitting the forelegs), then arched the swing into a turned half circle that impaled both points into the monster.
The dragon reared up, pulling the swords with it, screamed in mortal pain, then collapsed and died.
The swords clattered to the floor in the empty room.
[color=darkblue]"Well, that was fun."[/color]
Cloud merely hmphed in agreement, and Auron laughed.
[color=blue]"You're kidding, right?"[/color]
Now that the Touch Me Frogs were released again, they bounced toward the two. Both men snatched up their swords and leapt at the amphibians.
Auron easily cleaved his in two, but not before the frog had slapped him with its tongue. As it disappeared, Auron twinged. The sword clattered to the floor again, and the echo sounded louder than he would have expected. Then the world was dark.
More than a little mystified, he reached around, and found himself in a pile of rough, flexible material. He climbed up the pile and his head soon popped out. That's when he realized how his sticky palms had helped him scale so quickly. He looked at them. And stared in disbelief.
He was a Frog.
Sitting on top of his own clothes.
[color=darkblue]"Cloud!"[/color] There was no way in Hades he was losing under these circumstances. [color=darkblue]"CLOUD!"[/color]
An answering ribbit came from the floor and Auron peered down. Another frog, with a yellowish green tint, was staring at him.
[color=darkblue]"Well, looks like that won't be a problem."[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Zidane stared at Rinoa's elelgancy as she walked over to the counter. Zidane headed over to an empty counter and booked in Woeby. Zidane stared confidently at the male attendant.

[COLOR=orange]''Hi, erm, I'd like to book in a chocobo.''[/COLOR]

[B]''Of course you would sir. May I say, you have a very nice tail there, so what is the name of this lucky saddle?[/B]

[COLOR=orange]''Erm, right. Please don't make me feel uncomfortable. It's name is Woeby.''[/COLOR]

[B]''Oh, such a cute name there. Suits you as you are [I]very[/I] cute may I say so.''[/B]

Zidane stared at the attendant in disbelief as he started to hide his tail, and play with his fingers on the counter.

[COLOR=orange]''Okay, well I'm going over to wait for my name to be called. And then, I'll leave you completely on your own.''[/COLOR]

[B]''Oh, vicious! I like that in a man. Have a nice day sir.''[/B]

[COLOR=orange]''Just, be quiet, please.''[/COLOR]

Zidane ran over to a bench to await his name being called out. He continuously stared at Rinoa's body over and over again, by this time, his tail had been wagging ferociously. After this, he called over to Rinoa.

[COLOR=orange]''Hey, Rinoa!''[/COLOR]

Rinoa turned around and smiled, as she went to find a chocobo. After this, she walked past the questionable attendant and sat next to Zidane.[/SIZE]
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Zell stared blankly at Sephiroth for a few moments, blinking a few times. [color=orangered]"What? That's not in the play!"[/color] he hissed.
[color=purple]"And you would know?"[/color] snapped Sephiroth, not bothering to whisper and causing a few audience members to glance at one another curiously.
[color=orangered]"Well yeah! That's the balcony scene you moron! I don't even know you're there!"[/color] Hitching up his dress Zell stalked over. [color=orangered]"Your next line was supposed to be: '[i]Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?[/i]'"[/color] Zell's voice rose in outrage at how purely [i]uncultured[/i] Sephiroth was proving to be. [color=orangered]"Why don't you say the line properly you ninny!"[/color]
[color=purple]"What did you call me?!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"I called ya a ninny!"[/color]
[color=purple]"I'm the ninny, but you're the one in a dress?"[/color] asked Sephiroth, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
[color=orangered]"So now [i]you're[/i] calling [i]me[/i] a ninny?!"[/color]
Sephiroth smirked, brushing back his hair with a hand. [color=purple]"Apparently so."[/color]
Hitching up his dress [i]again[/i], Zell rushed over and slapped Sephiroth hard. [color=orangered]"That's for being a NINNY!"[/color] Zell cried in outrage, his voice suddenly becoming suspiciously feminine, his eyes dark beneath random lashing of eyeshadow and mascara.
Sephiroth paused for a moment, his hand to a reddening cheek. Dumbly he looked at Zell, at a loss for a comeback. Quickly he muttered, [color=purple]"Uhh... Sh-shall I hear more, or... umm... shall I speak at... [i]this[/i]...?"[/color]
Zell smiled sweetly, rearranging his dress with a certain female grace. [color=orangered]"Whatever you like, hunny, I'll just go back to my place now."[/color] With that he winked in a flirting manner and hurried back across the stage, his high-heeled shoes clicking against the floor of the stage, and leaving Sephiroth totally gobsmacked.
[color=purple]"Umm... yeah... whatever works..."[/color]
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Guest Zeh
[SIZE=1]:bellylol: Thats awesome, BB.

Wasn't this just great? He was stuck in a frog form, with 3 others in the room. The one standing on Auron's clothes was obviously him, the whole scarred tissue over his eye gave it away. Unused to his new amphibian nature, Cloud tried to speak.
[color=darkblue]"Ribit, ribit."[/color]
Wasn't this just great. Clumsily, Cloud tryed to fit his head into his pocket, but just managed to fall flat down. Auron managed a meager laugh, causing himself to land on his back. The two remaining frogs looked on in confusion. Cloud, with a colossal effort, pulled a Maiden's Kiss from his pocket. He half walked, have hobbled over to Auron and dumped some of the potion on him. Turning his back, he crawled under his own clothes, and poured the rest of the potion over him. It wasn't enough. Cloud looked back at Auron, he was fully human now. Pulling his shirt over his head he attemted to hide from the c
crimson warrior..[/SIZE]
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OOC: Well, I need something to do while the others are busy with the challenge, so I'm going to have some fun in the Battle Square. ^_^


Cecil looked around; it seemed everyone else had gone to their assigned tasks, leaving him alone in the main lobby.
[color=teal][i]The fifth wheel,[/i][/color] he thought to himself. [color=teal][i]Well, the others can handle the challenge, then. . . . I hope, anyway.[/i][/color] He decided to head over to the Battle Square, to see how Auron and Cloud were doing, and jumped into the chute. Upon arriving, he walked up to the counter and looked at the small TV screen showing Cloud and Auron in the battle arena. Both were frogs.
[color=teal]"Looks to be an interesting fight,"[/color] he said to the girl at the counter.
"Yeah, they're both just so strong!" she said. Her eyes were glued to the screen, watching as the two warriors transformed back to their human forms.
[color=teal]"Hm, yeah,"[/color] Cecil replied. [color=teal]"You wouldn't happen to have another arena I could use, would you?"[/color]
For the first time since he arrived, the girl looked up at Cecil. "Wow, you look just as strong as they do!"
Cecil chuckled softly, and grinned at the girl. [color=teal]"Well, I'm not one to brag..."[/color] he trailed off.
"I'm sure you won't have much trouble," the girl said as she typed a few keys on her keyboard and a second door opened up.
[color=teal]"Thanks,"[/color] Cecil said, and walked through the doors into the slightly smaller arena. The doors shut behind him, and the lights flickered to life. The square room consisted of a circular platform set in the middle, with stairs leading down to it from the door, and a shallow pool of water going from the edge of the platform to the walls.
"Whenever you're ready," the girl said through the speaker.
[color=teal]"Bring it on,"[/color] Cecil said and unsheathed his sword, taking a few experimental swings.
"Here we go," said the girl, and a gate across from the entrance opened up. Cecil peered into the darkness beyond, waiting for the monsters to emerge and the battle to begin.
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OoC: I'm assuming that Cloud is still a frog.
[color=darkblue]"Thank you, Cloud."[/color]
The pile of clothes that Cloud the frog was hiding in shrugged nonchalantly. When Auron drew close, however, the pile attempted to back away.
[color=darkblue]"Look, I'm a gentleman. Far be it from me to take advantage of the situation. Especially considering you gave the cure to me first. Not nearly as cold as the others have made you out to be."[/color]
The pile of clothes just sat there.
[color=darkblue]"I'd much rather this be a fair fight, so--"[/color]
Next thing Auron knew, the yellow-green frog was plastered to his face, croaking in what Auron guessed to be a battle cry. Auron rolled his good eye, and walked back to the gate where the female attendant Shelia was.
[color=darkblue]"Excuse me, miss? I wonder if you can--"[/color]
"Do you know you have a frog stuck to your face?"
"No, but if you hum a few bars, I can fake it," the male emcee called.
Cloud croaked loudly in their direction.
[color=darkblue]"I agree,"[/color] Auron groaned.
"Sorry. So, what can I do for you?"
"And why da heck ain'tcha in the arena? The fight's not over!" the emcee hollered.
[color=darkblue]"I would like a fair fight, not a frog squish."[/color]
"Ya big dummy, you shoulda squished him when you had the--urp!" The emcee was staring at an angry Auron, who had him by the collar.
[color=darkblue]"Change. Him. Back."[/color]
The emcee grumbled something darkly and handed Auron a Maiden's Kiss. "Now go finish that fight. And don't come crying to me when he beats you up without a thought for your kindness."
[color=darkblue]"That is incorrect on numerous levels. I hope the brains in management fire you soon for your lack of honor."[/color]
The emcee glared after him.

Back in the arena, Auron administered the potion to Cloud, returning the blonde back to his normal state.
[color=darkblue]"That was interesting when you tried to fight when you were a frog. Stupid, gutsy, but interesting."[/color]
[color=blue]"Shoulda let me fight you like that."[/color]
[color=darkblue]"Wouldn't have been fair. Now, shall we finish this?"[/color]
[color=blue]"We're not allowed to die in here--"[/color] Cloud's words were drowned out by gutteral noises.
From the first gate came an Unknown. The second had the Unknown Two, the third, Unknown Three. Water was seeping in from each gate.
Shelia looked alarmed. "What are you doing?!?"
"The extreme test," the emcee growled.
"You CAN'T!" With that, Shelia ran out of the room to get security. She only hoped she would be in time.
Below, the Unknowns attacked.
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Guest Zeh
[size=1]OOC: yeah, i was still a frog ^^;;

[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/unknown1.jpg[/img] Unknown 1
[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/unknown2.jpg[/img] Unknown 2
[img]http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff7en/unknown3.jpg[/img] Unknown 3
Cloud shook a shocked look from his face. [color=blue]"I hate to say it, but i'll need your help to rid us of them"[/color] Auron nodded.

Unknown 2 rushed at them, releasing it's abnormal breath attack, both warriors instinctively dodged, and rushed it. As they ran, Unknown 3 cast bolt2 on them, knocking them both down. Auron was first to recover, Unknown 1 flew toward him, ready to bite. Clouds sword met with it's teeth, as Auron unleashed Shooting Star, bashing the enemy against the wall, instantly killing it. As he was recovering, U3 approached him and used poison fang, as Cloud was occupied with U2, trying to fend off it's stinging tentacles.

Cloud looked over to see Auron collapse, losing his concentration he was shot down from an attack by U2. Reaching in his belt, he chucked an antidote at Auron. Cloud attempted to stand, but was shot down again by another tentacle. Auron was now up, and battling U3. U2 was getting ready to use it's needle attacks, when Cloud hopped up and drove his sword in to it... ... Climhazzard. U2 lay on the floor cleaved in half.

Auron was poisoned again, but in this world it didn't seem to harm his as much. He shrugged off the effects of it for now. He was concentrating on hitting U3. Cloud came running up, but was repeled by a slap from U3. Auron thwacked it with a solid hit. It fell. Auron and Cloud regrouped, and waited for another onslaught. Auron pulled out one of his own antidotes, and drank it. The crazy emcee announced over the speaker as U3 got back up. "2 on 1? Hahaha! Let's see how you fare against this!" He crashed his hand down on one of the buttons, and a huge, angered snake shot out of the main gate. [color=blue]"Midgar Zolom? Now!!??"[/color] [/size]
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[/b]Zack was confused beyond confusion. Customers? Vehicles? They were in a simulator for heaven's... and why should they have to keep their hands inside? You would think they'd say something about the possible hazards regarding the usage of the laser targetting sniper rifles, but [i]nooo[/i].


Zack lifted the fairly weighty gun and mounted it upon one shoulder. He looked down through the eyepiece, making sure beforehand that his gun was not faulty. Freya seemed to have already had done the same.

The lights dimmed out, and as they flashed back on, the high and steep track ahead could be seen clearly. Everything was a wonderful clashing glory. The voice boomed on a little more.[b]


Zack could hear the whirring of the carriage, as it slowly began to move into the bright neon sky. Or atleast, he could hear through his headpiece the virtual whirring of the virtual rollercoaster carriage as it stood exactly where it was.

The carriage reached the highest point in the first arc, and Zack could see the targets. He steadily aimed at one, and followed its movements slowly, zooming in slowly; all the while waiting for the claxon to go off.

He felt the coaster beginning to dip, and as it began to roll down its tracks ever so slowly at first, Zack began to wonder if any 'begin' alarms would be rung.


The carriage moved fast. Zack tried to shoot. Freya tried to shoot. The carriage moved faster. Zack jerked back. Freya jerked back. Both of them hit the track. And their first easy target had escaped and faded away.


'Is it just me or are we going horribly fast?'

[color=red]'It isn't just you'[/color]

'Well then tell me. Did those targets look like people to you too?'


Maybe Zack should have taken the Event Square, after all...[/size]
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OoC: Um, I wonder for how long we are all supposed to go for. I'll wait till sage tells us to hurry up and wrap it up. ^^;
Or not. Read on.
The arena was knee deep in water now, which was perfect for the Midgar Zolom. It slid through the water and made a perfect circle of its body in the room, with body length to spare. The hideous creature flickered its massive forked tongue rapidly, as if tasting victory.
[color=darkblue]"I heard Sephiroth once slaughtered one of these on his own."[/color]
[color=blue]"Yeah, but I bet we could do the same."[/color]
Auron nodded.
The Zolom lunged forward, sinking its fangs into Cloud's shoulder. Unlike the Red Dragon, the serpent's mouth was large enough to miss the shoulder guard completely and tear deeply into cloth and flesh.
Cloud screamed, whether in horror at the monster's head being so close to his, in pain from the fangs touching together inside of him, or from anger that the monster should get the drop on him...it was uncertain. All he knew was that he had to get it off.
Auron splashed through the water, his Masamune raised over his head. Due to the liquid and his own lack of speed, the Crimson Warrior was not fast enough--the Zolom wrapped its tail about his body and squeezed.
In the viewing room, the crazed emcee was bouncing and yelling in glee. "THAT'S THE LAST TIME YOU FRELL WITH ME, YOU OLD GEEZER!"
With his arms pinned to his side, Auron couldn't use his sword. Below him, Cloud's own left arm was locked in the Zolom's grip, rendering him helpless as well. In an act of desperation, Auron sank his teeth into the scaled tail.
The Midgar Zolom hissed balefully and dropped Cloud, who fell into the ever rising water. Gasping for breath, Cloud quickly set to healing himself; above him, the Zolom was already retightening its squeeze on Auron and prepared to sink its fangs into him.
Cloud's Mako eyes glowed venomously, and in his vengance, he felt the power of OmniSlash burst out of him. Holding his sword out, he leapt at the Zolom, ignoring the shoulder high water that slowed him done.
Halfway through the attack, the Zolom released Auron and reared high, banging its head against the Arena ceiling. It could not avoid Cloud, who sprang high, his sword gleaming in the light, plunging into the serpent's skull.
For a moment, everything froze.
Then the Zolom rammed its head against the ceiling.
[color=blue]"Oh [i]#*%^![/i] he's trying to crush me!"[/color] Cloud shifted himself away from the ceiling only to find himself dangling from his sword, still impaled into the monster's head. Hanging right in front of the Zolom's mouth.
[color=blue]"Again, #*%^."[/color]
The Zolom reached its tongue out and wrapped it around Cloud's ankle. Cloud could feel the hot breath, reeking of death and corpses. The serpent's gaze burned with fire and Cloud knew what was going to happen next.
[color=blue]"AURON! It's gonna cast Beta!"[/color]
Auron had to act fast--Cloud was right in the middle of the target range for the attack. He ran up the sepent's body, the water rising higher and higher behind him, then pulled out his sake bottle.
"HOW CAN YOU DRINK AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" the emcee cried out over the intercom. Behind him, the door creaked open.
Auron held the mouthful of sake on his tongue for a moment, then spat it out onto his blade. The Masamune lit up with a unholy light, and tiny lights glowed as they revolved around it. With a stabbing motion, Auron sent the lights into the Midgar Zolom.
The serpent writhed, trying to shake the lights away. In the process, Cloud and his sword slid out of its skull, and this invoked a death scream from the writhing monster. Both warriors fell into the water with loud splashes, and treaded water.
Upstairs, the emcee was being arrested by security, and Shelia grabbed the microphone.
"Are you guys ok?"
Both waved back in response. The Zolom was dead.
[color=blue]"Does this mean we've won?"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"I do not know. It was supposed to be us against each other till one of us dropped. Somehow, I don't believe this was meant to be a part of the challenge."[/color]
[color=blue]"Cid's got some explaining to do."[/color]
The Battle Arena challenge could still be going on, Tasis. But I thought that was a nice twist.
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Guest Zeh
[SIZE=1]OOC: Well, i think i've got an idea to waste a bit of time. The chocobo race hasn't even started.

[color=blue]"Auron, i honestly wouldn't want to be on you're bad side."[/color]
"Well, our emcee's gone for now, i guess you two are done. You can come out now."
Shelia attended to their wounds, and congratulated them on the job they did. As an added bonus for getting rid of the crazy emcee, she gave them each 50,000 battle points to spend as they wished. Cloud glanced at the other battle going on.
[color=blue]"Isn't that Cecil?"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"I believe it is."[/color]
[color=blue]"We allowed in, too?"[/color]
"Not usually, but i guess i can ignore the rules right now."
She picked up the intercom. "Cecil, you have visitors" She opened the gate.
[color=blue]"You coming?"[/color]
Cecil greeted them as he nonchalantly dispatched of a Bandersnatch. [color=teal]"Hey guys, who won?"[/color]
Cloud just shrugged.
[color=darkblue]"We'll await Cid's decision."[/color]
Cecil just nodded and called out to Shelia [color=teal]"Raise the dificulty three times!"[/color][/SIZE]
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OOC: *Falls over anime style* Seph just got ***** slapped?! ROFLMAO!!!!
[i]Zell was rather lucky Sephiroth didn't have his Masume with him currently. He couldn't believe the psycotic blonde brat had just slapped him like a woman. What a disgrace thought the silver-haired man. Luckily it was intermission and the cast was backstage. Sephiroth had propped himself against his sword, just then Zell came strutting by. The boy looked at him and stuck out his tounge.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Keep that tounge in your mouth or I'll remove it.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]Yeah right I'd like to...aheheheheheh......^^;;;;[/COLOR]

[i]Before Zell could finish his sentence Sephiroth had whipped out his sword and had it pointed directly at Zells neck.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]I have sworn not to kill anyone, but if I'm provoked I will knock the crap out of you. So stop before I become enraged.[/COLOR]

5 MINUTES!!!!!!

[i]Cried out the director.

After getting prepped again and ready the cast got ready, it was the final scene. Sephiroth lay out upon a stone altar and Zell had just taken the poison when Sephiroth came to and saw him laying there. Now, his character was supposed to kiss Juliet, but Sephiroth was sure as hell not about to kiss that psycotic boy. But he had to. He leaned down over the boy and mumbled at Zell.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]If I kiss you and you enjoy it. You'd better watch your back.[/COLOR]
Let your minds do the rest ^^;;;;;;;.....
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OOC:LOL That's so funny!!Way to Go!!*Ahem*
Freya and Zack stared at the strange coaster through the head sets.
[color=red]"Okay that was really wierd...I think this is some customisation by Cid to make it harder!"[/color] concluded Freya.
Zack agreed with the point.It was never like this.Freya and Zack became more alert with the target and the speed of the coaster.
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Shelia gave the thumbs up. "All right, but just know that I'm gonna keep an eye on you guys. LEVEL 3!"
With a dry scrape, a Zombie Dragon slid into the Arena.
[color=blue]"[i]Another dragon?[/i]"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"Better watch your shoulder,"[/color] Auron chuckled.
[color=teal]"Easily fixed. I'll just heal this guy and--"[/color] Cecil froze as he saw that his cure spell had no effect.
"You wanted harder," Shelia called over the intercom.
[color=teal]"Ah, you [i]did[/i] say you were going to keep an eye on us, right?"[/color]
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[color=teal]"Ah, dang. . . . This isn't good. Heal! Haste! Float!"[/color] Nothing. [color=teal]"Life, dangit!"[/color] It appeared that all of his spells were blocked.
[color=indigo]"Time to go at it the old fashioned way, then,"[/color] Cloud said and approached the Zombie Dragon.
[color=teal]"I don't use Materia, though, shouldn't the handicap not work on me?"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"I think there's just a field that blocks all magic,"[/color] Auron said as he slashed at one of the Dragon Zombie's long arms.
[color=teal]"Right then,"[/color] Cecil said, and charged straight at the monster, parrying claw slashes as he went.
At the same time, Cloud rushed the Dragon Zombie from the left and Auron from the right. All three were kept busy as the dragon slashed and stabbed with its eight long arms. Cloud and Auron couldn't get close to the thing's body, while Cecil, going down the center, was getting a little too close. He dodged, parried, and slashed with his sword, fending off the dragon's four front claws. He saw an opening, and stabbed his sword straight up at its head. Before the blade could reach it's target, though, the four claws came together and locked around the blade. With a quick twist of his wrist, Cecil locked the claws together around the blade, leaving the fearsome monster unable to move its four front arms separately.
[color=teal]"Quick, now's your chance!"[/color] Cecil yelled above the dragon's screams of anguish. [color=teal]"I'm holding its four front--woah!"[/color] The Dragon Zombie reared up, lifting its arms high and taking Cecil with them, still holding onto the hilt of his sword. The dragon shook Cecil, trying to dislodge the sword, and he could barely hang on. [color=teal]"Hur--ry--up--be--fore--I--get--thr--own--ac--cros--the--ro--om!"[/color]
Taking advantage of the distraction, Cloud hacked off the dragon's two back-right arms. It let out a horrible, gut-wrenching scream and started trashing about, heedless of anything around it. Both Cloud and Auron were thrown to the outer edge of the room, hitting the wall with a resounding "thud!"
Auron groaned as he sat up, and said, [color=darkblue]"I don't think that's what he had in mind."[/color]
Finally, after much thrashing about, the Dragon Zombie dislodged the sword from its claws. Miraculously, Cecil had managed to hang on. He now found himself hitting the ceiling and falling straight back down toward the dragon's large mouth, having been thrown straight up with his sword.
[color=teal]"Oh CRAP!"[/color] Cecil yelled, and blindly swung his sword as he fell towards the large, fleshless maw of the giant Dragon Zombie. He hit the ground with a loud, high pitched "THTING!" as his crystal armor reverberated from the impact, the sound echoing around the room for a moment. Raising his head, he looked up along the ground just as the head of the Dragon Zombie landed not an inch from him, mouth gaping, eyes staring straight at him. He started to let out a yell, but then the rest of the dragon's dry bones fell over on top of him, pushing the breath from him.
[color=indigo]"That's probably a lot less funny than it looks,"[/color] said Cloud as he got up. [color=indigo]"But I don't care,"[/color] he laughed, as Cecil just glared up at him from his prone position.
[color=teal]"Just get this hideous thing out of my face,"[/color] Cecil growled, waiting for someone to clear away the pile of bones that prevented him from rising.
[color=darkblue]"At least he got the thing,"[/color] Auron said as he kicked aside the carcass of the dead--again--dragon.
[color=teal]"Thanks,"[/color] said Cecil as he rose and retrieved his sword from the pool, where it lay glistening in the water. [color=teal]"So, what's next?"[/color] he asked, and looked towards the gate.
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Just before the Chocobo Race begins, Rinoa's eye is caught by a flash on the large projection screen that shows the races to the fans.
"Hmm, looks like a birthday celebration...I wonder who...?"
OoC: Natch, our very own Mei! Happy birthday! :excited:
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OOC: Ohhh this is sooo funny!! ^_^ Nice Domon, you had me in fits!! *cracks knuckles* Okay, kissing scene... O_o!

Zell blinked once or twice. What did he say? KISSING?! No, no, no, no, no this was NOT FUNNY!! [color=orangered]"What the HELL did you say?!"[/color]
[color=purple]"You heard me,"[/color] growled Sephiroth, leaning in closer still.
[color=orangered]"The things I do for my team,"[/color] wailed Zell quietly, steeling himself for the worst.
Then - suddenly - a sound from the audience appeared.
[color=purple]"Who dost dare disturb my silence?!"[/color] yelled Sephiroth in fury, turning sharply towards the audience. Zell was amazed at Spehiroth's ad-lib, he hadn't missed a beat! Sephiroth glared about the audience while Zell was continuing to play dead. It was some little punk kid at the back, throwing popcorn on those below him.
"I said BOOOOOOO!! Your acting sucks!!"
[color=purple]"My dearest Juliet,"[/color] cooed Sephiroth, sounding almost happy. [color=purple]"I must leave you for a mere moment, but I will be back soon for your extravegant death scene."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Good!"[/color] hissed Zell, feeling himself lowered again, and Sephiroth standing up. [color=orangered]"My acting's too cool to miss!"[/color]
[color=purple]"This is stress relief,"[/color] hissed Sephiroth to Zell, eyeing the kids who seemed to be trying to inch away. [color=purple]"You should be thankful... I don't [i]have[/i] to kill you [i]right[/i] now..."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Hurry back pumpkin,"[/color] teased Zell, listening to one of the kid's friends continue to boo.
[color=purple]"Don't worry... I have team points to claim..."[/color] Spehiroth announced, striding forward towards the boys. They were attempting to escape out of the theatre doors as he cornered them. [color=purple]"Now,"[/color] he said to them pointedly, [color=purple]"Hast thou any comments to make about me or my sweet dear Juliet, who is about to die?"[/color] He paused. [color=purple]"Like you...?"[/color]
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OOC: Plenty of fun to have. Heheheh.....*evil laugh*
[COLOR=purple]My acting stinks does it...Well. Let's see you do it then?[/COLOR]

[i]Sephiroth's voice was dripping with venom as he spoke, the kid obviously realized he'd bitten off more than he could chew and now his butt was going to be handed to you.[/i]

Uhhhhh...That's okay, I'll just be going.

[COLOR=purple]Me thinks not. You're gonna pay. Ya see, dear Juliet has been a total ***** this entire time and I'm not gonna let some snot nosed brat that should be seen and not heard go off on my acting. So I highly sugguest you shut your pie hole before my temper hits the fan. Now either sit down and enjoy the show or get the hell out![/COLOR]

Uhhhhh...Okay...I'll be good.

[i]Sephiroth took the kid by the scruff of his neck and dragged him to his seat and dropped the kid rather rudely into his seat.

Now as he stepped back up onto the stage Zell prepped himself for the worst.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]Now, where were we....[/COLOR]
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OOC:Thankies Ginny!^^ I'm feel so loved! *cries tears of joy*

IC: [b]Rinoa gazed over towards Zidane, then suddenly heard a woman's voice from the counter.[/b]

[color=pink]Hey! The race is startin' soon you two! Your chocos are booked and ready to go![/color]

[color=blue]Hmm, I guess we should go on then![/color]

[b]Rinoa walked off towards the race entrance, ready to see her chocobo and start up the race.[/b]

[color=orange]Heheh..I can't wait...[/color]

[b]Truthfully Zidane wanted to win, but he also thought he would feel bad if he beat her, and he also knew that he would.[/b]

[color=blue]You coming Zidane?[/color]

[b]Rinoa turned around to look at him, then smiled and walked off again.[/b]

[color=orange]Eh...right behind ya![/color]

[b]Zidane put his hand behind his head and smiled, then ran up behind Rinoa.

They reached the starting line, where the chocobo's were lined up ready to go. Rinoa had booked a light blue one, named Sky, who stood next to Zidane's golden chocobo, Woeby.

Suddenly, Rinoa took two slykis greens out of her pocket.[/b]

[color=blue]I'm glad I saved this, they wont' do much good....but at least you'll be happy![/color]

[b]Rinoa patted Sky on the head happily[/b]

[color=orange]Wonder exaclty when we start.[/color]

[color=blue]Who knows....let's hope it's soon.[/color]

[b]So the two waited with their chocobos til the race was to start.[/b]
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offgame: Oh just START the !#¤%# race! :therock: ... *notices everybody looking at him frightened* ...Whoopsie... :bluesweat

Well, anyways, I'm going to announce the winners of Event Square and Battle Square, so people in those districts, you can stop posting now (if you want, that is...)

[color=purple]Sephiroth *dryly*: "Oh my Juliet, thou art gone now! So shall I drink this potion of doom..."
Zell *whispers*: "That's not how the lines went! Concentrate, man!"

Finally the two managed to take the play to its magnificent end - although the audience didn't think so, as there was only one man sitting there when the curtain fell down.

Sephiroth and Zell stepped out of the curtain to hear the single watcher's applauds.

Cid *claps*:"Brilliant boys, well done! You certainly... er, amused me! But unfortunately only one of you can be the winner, and it is all up to me. My choice is our astonishing maiden Juliet: [u]Zell[/u]!
So it is one out of four for Avalanche!"

Zell winks to Sephiroth.
Zell: "I told you to take this more seriously... Now you lost!"
Sephiroth *eyes burning*: "The contest is now over, so nobody will mind if I do you some serious harm now!"
Zell: "Yipes!"

The two men start a comic chasing scene in the stage.

At the Battle Square Auron, Cloud and Cecil were battling few Veterans and Dragons.
Cecil: "Heh, these are piece of cake comparing to the others we fought!"
Cloud: "Yeah, but now we're all in mini size, both our armors AND weapons are broken, and we have dark-, poison-, slow- AND silence-statuses! Oh, and I just ran out of potions! Guys, do you think we ought to stop now?"
Auron: "Silence, youngster! I'm only 100 battle points away from getting that huge stuffed Mog from the top shelf!"

Suddenly the monsters vanished, and lights went on! A screen appeared saying in horse-sized letters: "GAME OVER!"

Auron: "Noo! Goodbye, huge stuffed Mog..."

Door opened, and in stepped the familiar tall figure of Cid.

Cid: "Well well well, boys... Sheila outside told me you were having some extra-curricular fun. But it doesn't matter, because I saw the security-tapes of your battle, and I now have a winner. Sorry Cecil, it wasn't you - mainly because you didn't participate in this challenge. Out of you two, Cloud and Auron, I chose you."

Cid points at Cloud.

Cid: "This means that Avalanche has now gained their second point, as Zell won at the Event Square. But no worry, Tantalus, you can still get into a tie-situation, where the captains solve compete against each other. Well, there's still some time to circulate around this place, since there has been a DELAY in the Chocobo Race. Apparently some drunken tourists had got themselves lost to the track. Well, bye for now!"[/color]

offgame: You might want to hear the explanations for my choices (as I'm trying my damnest to be impartial here ;) )
Zell (Braidless Baka) won because he was the puller of the contest. He made the big twitches, and on top of that he did them in a funny way. Of course you were funny as well, Domon, but I ended up choosing BB...
Cloud (Tasis) I chose also because of his inventions - and I liked the pictures too! ;) Really helped me visualize the scene. And it was good sports when you gave Auron the Maiden's Kiss. Victory for that!

Now we just have to wait for the other two contests to end...
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OOC: ACK! Domon! *fwaps Domon with a fish-on-a-stick* What is with this kissing scene?! Do you [i]WANT[/i] them to kiss?! *cackles in pure amusement* I will have nightmares for the rest of my life!! ^0^
If anyone actually wants to read the play to figure out what the heck I'm talking about, it's here: [url]http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/romeo_juliet/full.html[/url]

OOC2:*cries* Sage! I was just about to post!! *is glad she checked and prances around, happy for victory* Well, I'll change it slightly. ^_^


"WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" yelled the director, running after both of them and grabing them by their collars. "YOU STILL HAVE THE [I]KISSING[/I] SCENE!!"
[color=purple]"Get - off - me - NOW!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Lemme gooooooo!!!"[/color]
However, the director was deaf to their pleas and dumped them back in the middle of the stage. "You'll go to the end of this scene or I'll have Cid evict you both!!"
Both looked to each other with a twinge of fear... They had no choice... And so the acting continued...

[color=purple]"Thus with a kiss I die."[/color]
[color=orangered][i]No! No!! Pretend Damnnit! Pretend!! Don't kiss me!![/i][/color] Desperately, Zell's mind fished for ways out of this horrible predicament. Sephiroth was closing in, puckering up, making Zell feel queasy. [i]He was going to kiss him?![/i] What kind of sick, twisted... Finally Zell understood why Sephiroth was such a [i]brilliant[/i] arch villain.
[color=orangered]"NO!"[/color] Zell blinked a few times, realising that the protesting squeak had been himself. [color=orangered]"Uhh, my dear Romeo!"[/color] Desperately Zell looked to Sephiroth for help, but his "lover" was looking confused too, not quite sure where to go from there. Offstage Frair Lawrence and Balthasar were awaiting their respective cues.
[color=orangered]"Improvise,"[/color] hissed Zell, sitting up. [color=orangered]"I will be damnned if you're kissing me!"[/color]
[color=purple]"The feeling's mutual. Believe me..."[/color]
Zell stood up and, flicking out his dress, stalked around Sephiroth a few times. [color=orangered]"Romeo, my father is an ***!"[/color] Zell declared finally, forcing a squeaky "feminine" voice. [color=orangered]"He doesn't want us to be betrothed, and I don't intend to let him win!"[/color] Zell grinned a little as he got more comfortable in his "improvised" role of Juliet, being reminded vividly of SeeD briefings only a short while earlier. [color=orangered]"My Love!"[/color] cried Zell enthusiastically. [color=orangered]"We are at WAR!"[/color]
Spehiroth's response to which was to blink broadly a few times.[color=purple]"But I am poisoned my love..."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Stop being such a freaking attention seeker!"[/color] cried Zell, waving his arm enthusiastically. [color=orangered]"Everyone knows it was water, so stop being a ham!"[/color]
[color=purple]"A HAM?!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Yes, my dear a ham. Now... You have a knife with you somewhere don't you? And Paris had a sword!"[/color] Zell pushed past the limp figure of the "dead" Paris, the actor of whom was desperately trying to stifle laughter. Triumphantly Zell pulled out a prop sword and waved it about. [color=orangered]"I always knew Paris would come in handy!"[/color]
They both paused for a moment. [color=purple]"What now my love?"[/color]
Zell paused, thoughtful for a moment, before raising his sword dramatically and yelling, [color=orangered]"ONWARD! To the house of Capulet! My father will pay for his insolence!!"[/color]
With that, Zell proceeded to prance offstage happily, pleased at how well they had avoided the kissing scene.


OOC: Heh, don't feel you have to follow this Domon, I just HAD to post it - I had it all written [i]just[/i] as sage posted :(
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Freya and Zack continued to be on their guard.
The coaster swung crazily to the side.Freya and Zack held onto the sides making them miss the target.Freya got angry.She dug her claws into the coaster.The next crazy turn came.Freya eyed the target and shot.The target burst.[color=red]"Alright!Shot!!"[/color]cheered Freya.Zack got the idea and locked his feet in the bottom part of the coaster.For the next target Zack and Freya scored.They cheered happily while trying to keep balance on the turns.Freya and Zack got the targets.Some where a bit harder to shoot because of the turns but sometimes they got it and sometimes they missed.Freya and Zack spotted the UFO that gave them 1000 points.They both aimed.Freya shot and so did Zack.On their headsets it said they both scored the points.It was nearing the end of the crazy ride.Suddenly lots of targets popped out Freya and Zack went on a shooting frenzy.They got lots of points from that homestretch alone.Soon they came to a halt from the crazy coaster and put down the headsets and guns.They shook hands in good sportsmanship and got out.The assistant told them that Cid was waiting for them in the foyer.
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