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Sky City


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I was watching the Discovery Channel on Saturday, and there was a program about an interesting architectural concept being developed in Japan and China. They've already started construction of basically a vertical city in China. It is supposed to be about a mile high (at least in Japan), with a relatively thin yet stable base, and room for thousands of people. For more information (and some diagrams/pictures/further links), go to [url]www.takenaka.co.jp/takenaka_e/techno/63_sky/63_sky.htm[/url]

:demon: Saiyan Out :demon:
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If this works, and is feasible, it's a fascinating idea. Quite apart from the fact it would solve many problems such as accomodation shortages, it would look really really cool!

The one thing that would worry me, in Japan more than China, is Earthquakes. Japan is on a tectonic hotspot between three plates. Not the ideal place for building mile high buildings.
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Guest butterfly
ohhh yes i have seen a program on this before. it is very fasinating. it would be an amzing thing to see.
earthquarkes, shmurthquakes. china and japan aer the kings in designing buildings which are eartquke resistant. they make the base stronge and structure the building so that it can 'sway' and move during the earthquake. it is an ingenious idea and has worked well, as far as i have seen.
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Guest Imsirion
I've seen that special twice. It would be earthquake proof and windproof. To counter the wind (and swaying caused by earthquakes)the would have these huge spheres that are attatched to cables that swing the opposite way to keep it stable. Also, between each "floor" are spaces that leave it open to the enviroment and the wind can pass through and the building and it would not be pushed around. They talked about other tyhings and I think it would work. And about how wide it would be, I think they said each "floor" would have enough space to fit 23 Disneylands........ or something like that. Anyways, its pretty big.
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I don't believe this...I was about to post this Saturday night but forgot!

Anyway, my friend was telling me all about it at Six Flag Saturday afternoon. Let's see..where do I begin..

The building itself will be about 2/3 of a mile high, which is high above the clouds. Aparently, they plan to finish with it sometime in the mid 2100 century. A long time? Yes, but for what they are planning to do, it's not so bad. Their plan is to create a building where each resident has approximately 25 floors, and it is also full of grocery stores, lakes, and almost anything you can think of. They plan to have elevators that go sideways and diagonal in addition to up and down. Trains are also in the plan to take people from place to place, and floor to floor. The structure is apprently going to be strong as well, protecting against such things as fires and hopefully planes. It is concievable that a person can spend their entire lives in the building without touching the Earth. Imagine that for a second...

My friend also tells me that they are considering making [i]three[/i] of these buildings, creating sort of a triangle, and then have a platform connecting them. And then a good number of people will be able to live [b]on the platform[/b]. Do you have any idea how many people could possibly live in this thing? And people arn't even building these things. You think Japan is far in technology, but can you believe that robots have been programmed to make this entire building all by themselves?

The possibilties with this are endless; I just wish I'd be alive to see it completed.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Hmm, what's next Space Colonies?! It seems that everyday technology takes one giant step for man once again. This idea seems interesting, I actually wouldn't mind living in one of these as long, as the makers of this building complex could garantee my safety. Too bad the first one won't be around during my lifetime...:(
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I have to say I'd be intrigued. I'd have a good look around first, but I would like to live in one. But yes, they need to speed up the building!

It often really annoys me that although we live in an age with technology my great-grandparents would not believe, my descendants will be in an age of technology I wouldn't believe.

I'll be missing out!
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Wow, thats amazing. I hope these people work it out. Ive always drempt of somthing like this. You know, wondering what the future will end up like. This could work out great, after all, the world is becomming surprisingly overpopulated. This is really cool.
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[color=#808080]I imagine that if this building was big enough, it'd have its own automated fire protection systems and stuff like that.

And if you linked three together...maybe that would help to further limit any wind resistance issues.

In any case, this looks very cool. The idea of living a kilometer into the sky...and still having parks/lakes/etc within your living environment is really remarkable.

And this really [i]could[/i] limit effects on the environment. It's a great way of controlling overpopulation, if it works.[/color]
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Japan has alot of things similiar to artificial living environments already int he country. there's a fake beach that has artifical tides and even sunrise and sunset. It's really neat. Japanese technology is so far advanced that I see this as a rather easy task for them.

As far as earthquakes go, we have technology where we can build things made to withstand earthquakes. An by the looks of the design, it seems like it could be one to withstand at least a minor quake.

This is a really neat idea and it does seem to be a solution to make of the problems faced in Japan and Asia at the moment. I'm sure if Japan's economy was a but better, they would have already made this lol.
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Sounds facinating, and I'd love to see it happen one day. I might even visit the place.

But you know what they say..."It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't wanna live there."

Can you imagine the door of new things that would open up? Next thing you know, they'd be talking about the first man(or woman) to try to climb it or something.

Though, at this point in time anyway, the whole thing seems a little unrealistic.

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Acutally Syk3, you might just be able to live in such a building. Aside from the Sky City 1000 Project in Tokyo, a similar building is already undergoing construction in China. I'm not sure on the specifics, but it appears that it may be completed sometime in the next 10-20 years, from what I saw on Discovery. And as for the fire-extinguishing system mentioned by Site Administrator James; Besides the usual fire extinguishing equipment (such as the world's only firefighting helicopter, owned by Japan), it has been scientifically proven that, due to the altitude, the wind itself would blow most of the toxic fumes that result from fire out of the building due to it's design.
Personally, I'd definitely risk the (minute) possibility of the building toppling so I could live in such a structure. Hey, we all gotta die someday. It's just a matter of how and why.

:demon: Saiyan :devil: Out :demon:
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I saw the same special a few nights ago. I was totally captivated by this idea. To have a whole city in the sky, so to say, would be amazing. It would help with house shortages and make more room on the world. Over-crowding could be helped a little. With a scientific advancement like this in the near future, can you imagine what can be done in the years afterward?
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