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Blue Gender

Queen Asuka

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Yes, thank you Molletta for updating me..I had a feeling bout Tony, the first episode that had him in it, I had that feeling....Charlie, you are the goddess..*gets down on knees and throws arms down on ground*We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We suck!(Waynes World)
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Alright--I don't know if I can shoulder all this responsibilty...

this is about the last 2 or 3 ep. worth, let's go...

With all the sleepers "gone" (on missions or presumed dead) the high counsil is ready to take on 2nd Earth. As they are still in the verbal part of the altercation, Tony and Alicia radio in. [spoiler]@nd Earth refuses to dock them, and so the Med station takes them, and Tony arrives with a ship full of Blue, they kill the high counsil, and Tony turns the Med station to ram 2nd Earth.[/spoiler] During this time, Marlene and Yuji are trying to return as well. Yuji has had a breakdown and is no longer under the control of his b-cells. They are instructed to board the med station and stop Tony.

Once there, they meet another soldier named Rick who apparantly has a thing for marlene. That really doesn't factor in except he come along to help, but more to protect her. they fight their way to the main computer room, where an altercation with Tony and lots of Blue is inevitable. Tony tries to convince Yuji that he should help him and Yuji tries to convince Tony to come back. [spoiler]Marlene is injured, Alicia is shot, and eventually Yuji shoots Tony. Marlene and Yuji escape, and then 2nd Earth blows up the Med station, with Tony and Alicia inside. There was a big unrealistic explosion, and then fade to black.[/spoiler]

P.S. if you guys can make it to KS, I've got them on tape, cuz I work nights and watch when I get home. :)
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ya blue gender is a cool show but the first time i saw i was totally freaked out cause i wasnt expecting the giant bugs to be attacking everyone, after a while it kinda set in then its starts to get really crazy and violent but it is a pretty well put together anim
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That's exactly what I thought too! It was crazy, but I wanted to keep watching it..It really surprised me when that blue ate that little girl Yuji swoar to protect. After that I couldnt stop watching, but since school started I havent been watching it*tear, tear*
By the way, I just wanted to say thanx everyone for keepin the thread alive*tear, tear* I'm just so proud of my first thread..excuse me, I will go cry now
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[color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Oh wow...What an most excellent final episode...

It had everything...A really great action scene (between one wicked blue and a buncha incredible looking shrikes) And plenty of drama...

While like most animes it didnt really spell things out as to what it all meant you should be able to pick up on it yourself ;)

While I really need to buy the rest of the volumes because im quite sure CN cut out alot...It was still a great anime for sure :D

But...[spoiler]Who knew such a violent mecha anime was all just about the planet cleansing itself of too much excess to ensure its own survival? puts a new spin on the phrase "Natures a *****" hun? :p [/spoiler][/color][/font][/b]
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[color=green]that hilarious, QA. I don't know why. I liked the first episode, and it was redundant for a while, but I really liked the ending, as I already posted. Everyone loves it off CN because it's something new for them. I hate the animation as well, it does nothing for me, but I found the story interesting, [spoiler]the Earth attacking humans for over-populating[/spoiler]. I think people are crazy about it now because CN is one their few, if not only anime outlet at this time.[/color]
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